GUILTY TX - Megan Holden, 19, Tyler, 20 Jan 2005

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DNA Solves
This is absolutely horrible. This young girl died because a company as big as Wal-Mart doesn't have the foresight to have their employees escorted to their cars. My 19 year old daughter worked for Wal-Mart for a total of 3 weeks. When I found out she had to walk to her car alone after dark, in a parking lot at the back of the store, I made her quit. The managers "simply couldn't understand why I was so concerned". Those are THEIR words, not mine! :mad: That infuriated me! And this was just a few months ago.....not years. I won't even shop there anymore.

My prayers go out to this family. God, what has our country come to?
Anne - I read a statistic many years back, when I worked in a mall, that female employees were MORE LIKELY to be assaulted if they were escorted to their cars by security guards, than if they were to walk alone.

Because private security guards have the highest probability, of any profession there is, of committing assault.

It's an eye popper of a stat, isn't it? What you think you're doing to make yourself more secure is actually putting you right square in the crosshairs of danger. From the person you are expecting to help you.
Although I knew about this story, today, I came across a news report about this case while researching another case.

It was a year ago this month..... so sad

In memory of megan

Megan Leann Holden
So strange about walmart not being concerned with their employee's safety in the parking lot at night. I used to work for a small mom and pop store, and we had to park about one block away. I couldn't leave without being escorted to my car after it got dark, even if it was by the 85 yr old clerk. Otherwise the store manager would walk out in the alley and watch me until I got safely in my car. The boss's wife even provided the female employees with pepper spray. When I was younger I felt that that they were just being paranoid, but now that I am older, I feel uncomfortable walking in the private parking garage at night.

I've also noticed the surveilance signs saying that you are being recorded for your safety at walmart. Not much help in preventing an abduction.
And to think after the recent suits that Walmart lost over lunch breaks they wouldn't be a little more accomodating to their employees. It has made me think about their business practices even more than I did before.
I agree, alot of places don't care about there employees saftey. I just took a part time job at krogers at night after my hubby comes home and I don't get off till 1:30 and I have to walk out to my car alone and it is scary. I always try to look around and keep my eyes open but it could happen so quick. But they don't have anyone walk me out or even watch from the store. I think all stores or places that have people working should have someone watch them or walk them out.
The same company here in Australia is called the Coles Myer Group they own KMART, Target , Myers and the list is endless I work there and over Xmas we were not even allowed to park there instead we were forced to park at a skate park in a rough area and be dropped off and picked up by bus, this was because I work for Target and KMart are taking up half the carpark to build their new shop so there was no parking for customers.........
If you had a midnight finsih like I did and lots of young girls no security at all in the carpark and we had to exit out through the back door down a long tunnel,and then into a building site area before the carpark! HOW DANGEROUS! I work as security at times on the door ,we only check persons not going through the register but I agree they secure stock not workers.
Its all safety trainings but very little is implemented in the real workplace.
I dont really think they care if they get sued they make big money and probably think not that many of us actually get abducted so they take the risk to save a few dollars

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