Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 #1

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Thanks for answering.

I am sorry for being so nitpicky, and yes, I understand what you mean.

So as you understand and according to HCSO, was the other side of the street (PaPaw's side) completely outside the view of the camera? I am asking this question because it seems to me -as a layperson- even if it's just a blob -thus no specific identifying into-, so long as the vehicle is within the camera's view, you would be able to tell whether it's just passing by or turning. I would expect this to be true especially if the turning vehicle is on the neighbor's side of the street, as opposed to making a right turn into PaPaw's driveway. I'm sorry if I am not making much sense.

Or was the information from HCSO more general, like "We couldn't really get anything pertinent to the case from the video"?

It was more general, and honestly they didn't tell me where the camera was (which property). They did explain that it was grainy/blurry and they couldn't make out anything of use, but I didn't actually see the video.
Thank you so very much for explaining the process to us, even when you didn't have to. As our minds are geared to try to understand every little thing, process, reason something might happen, etc. it is valuable for us to learn things as we go, to perhaps understand things in future cases as well as to digest what did/didn't happen with Papaw.

It's also good that this is made clear so, as you said, people don't stop looking for him alive. Now all can know that circulating flyers, sharing posts, watching for him out in public anywhere in the world, etc. is still very worthwhile and continue to do so instead of perhaps moving onto other cases that need that kind of help.

I am supremely relieved to know that this is truly 'just a piece of paper' and we can all continue to hope that he is found alive and well. Hugs.

I truly hope you are being sincere here, and will take your post as though you are, although the last part of your 2nd paragraph seems a little sarcastic or snarky.

We have no proof that Papaw is not alive still. We do hold on to hope that Papaw is still out there somewhere alive. We are also aware that the likelihood of that has long since passed its prime and diminishes every day. But that will not stop us from searching, posting, keeping him in the minds and hearts of others.
I truly hope you are being sincere here, and will take your post as though you are, although the last part of your 2nd paragraph seems a little sarcastic or snarky.

We have no proof that Papaw is not alive still. We do hold on to hope that Papaw is still out there somewhere alive. We are also aware that the likelihood of that has long since passed its prime and diminishes every day. But that will not stop us from searching, posting, keeping him in the minds and hearts of others.

I am absolutely being sincere. Here is another (less gentle, and I am sorry for that) way to put it, to clarify what I meant.
If Papaw were in fact deceased, he would not look like he does on his flyers nor would he be walking around a Wal-Mart, at a restaurant, etc. It's pretty much a given that a person finding human remains would alert LE no matter if they knew who it was or not.
Many people spend money out of their pockets to print flyers to hang in their areas, out of the goodness of their hearts.
Some on small incomes. If we live many states away, it is pretty much all we can do to help locate someone. Many people also follow more than one missing persons case. It can get costly. If a person is known to be deceased, some will focus the printing, flyer sharing, etc. on other missing persons that have a chance of being seen in public. If we know someone is deceased, we know there is no way someone is going to recognize them from a flyer hung in our town. I know that to you, this is the only case that is important right now, and I get that. But for us here, there are MANY that need our help in that way.
I hope that makes sense to you, and clears up the thought of any snark in my previous post.
Update on some things that are being said about Papaw (Michael Chambers) today...

As a family member posted on FB (can I link that post here??), the information given by the DFD pension board about Papaw is based on legal & accounting advice. The certificate received is one that allows BC to be the legal executor of the estate - Letters of Testamentary (not a flat out death certificate, and yes, there is a BIG difference in how things are handled with that - especially financially), HOWEVER - we have NO proof that Papaw is dead. THERE IS NOT EVIDENCE THAT HE IS DEAD, read on to understand that a bit better. And yes, this DEFINITELY upsets many family members, but having consulted a lawyer on the options to be able to make various decisions on Papaw's behalf, the decision was made that this was what needed to happen. Not everyone agrees with this route, but the other route was divorce, which BC was 1,000% opposed to for emotional/sentimental reasons. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT MEAN THAT IT IS "TOO LATE" TO PUSH FOR FUTHER INVESTIGATION. It's different.

As our family has repeatedly stated, we are working in every way possible to find Papaw still. We don't believe that he is dead, not by suicide, and we hope not by any other means. Nor does almost anyone, not anyone who knows him, anyway. We will not stop, we will not give up. We need answers, but our family also needs to be able to take action when necessary. THIS PIECE OF PAPER (again, not a normal death certificate) DOES NOT CHANGE THE FACT THAT WE ARE TRYING TO FIND PAPAW OR WANT THIS TO BE DECLARED A CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION! That is why the sheriff's department continues to investigate, assumedly to the best of their abilities. That is why we continue to answer questions here and on FB. That is why we have not had a funeral or ceremony, for Christ's sake. Because we still hope for answers, and we still wait for those who's job it is to find Papaw to do exactly that. And we hope beyond measure that HCSO will do everything in their power - including enlisting resources beyond their own department - to find out the truth.


The questions you all are asking here are welcome. I don't care if others in our family find them hurtful or not (sorry to other family members who might be reading these boards, but I really don't care if it helps find Papaw), if something you ask has any chance to pry something loose in the investigation, then keep on asking.

I really appreciate what you said in your last paragraph. And thanks again for coming back.

I'm sorry if you find any of my questions -especially the ones below- offensive. I just want to understand.

Obviously, I do not know BC personally, and -thankfully- I have never been in the situation she is in now.

I can understand perfectly why a person wouldn't want to have to divorce his/her missing spouse for "emotional/sentimental reasons." What I don't understand is the sale of the car, which as I understand, your PaPaw restored for BC and gave her as a gift, and the timing of the sale in particular. I think the "emotional/sentimental" part of me would do everything possible to hang on to it, hoping to at least keep it in the family and pass it on to another female member of the family eventually.

At first, I assumed the title was in her name while everything else was either in PaPaw's name or both of them, thus making the car the only thing she could sell at this point. Now, we know that was not the case. Still, I was surprised that she'd decided to sell it barely four months after PaPaw went missing. And I was shocked to see that she posted about it on FB.

Maybe I'm just not understanding because -fortunately- I've never been in her shoes.

Also, has HCSO explained to anyone in the family why they haven't declared this a criminal investigation? Or have they said if and why they believe there was no foul play involved. And what about PaPaw's location? Do they have any theories? And finally, have they shared with anyone in the family any theory as to what might have happened to PaPaw?
I am absolutely being sincere. Here is another (less gentle, and I am sorry for that) way to put it, to clarify what I meant.
If Papaw were in fact deceased, he would not look like he does on his flyers nor would he be walking around a Wal-Mart, at a restaurant, etc. It's pretty much a given that a person finding human remains would alert LE no matter if they knew who it was or not.
Many people spend money out of their pockets to print flyers to hang in their areas, out of the goodness of their hearts.
Some on small incomes. If we live many states away, it is pretty much all we can do to help locate someone. Many people also follow more than one missing persons case. It can get costly. If a person is known to be deceased, some will focus the printing, flyer sharing, etc. on other missing persons that have a chance of being seen in public. If we know someone is deceased, we know there is no way someone is going to recognize them from a flyer hung in our town. I know that to you, this is the only case that is important right now, and I get that. But for us here, there are MANY that need our help in that way.
I hope that makes sense to you, and clears up the thought of any snark in my previous post.

I think maybe I'm just on edge today. Sorry for mis-reading your post. <3

I MUCH appreciate those who are able to post flyers, keep alert, share the story! We continue to do so every chance we get, and are so thankful for those who don't even know us and never met Papaw who do the same.
Talking with a friend today triggered a few ideas..and I don't remember reading anything about this in past posts (forgive me if it is way back buried in early posts but my internet is slow and it's a lot of reading)..
Is Papaw a hunter? If so, does he have a deer lease? Share it with anyone? Have a dispute over a deer lease in the past? Have issues with poachers?
I know it's a little off left field but you never know what might trigger something.
From the June 16th edition of "The Quinlan-Tawakoni News" (page 10 in the "Public Notices" section):


Notice is hereby given that original
Letters of Administration for the Estate of
Michael Glenn Chambers, Deceased, were
issued on June 7, 2017, in Cause No. 18188,
pending in the County Court-at-Law No. 2
of Hunt County, Texas, to: Rebecca Lynn
Chambers, Executrix.
Claims may be presented in care of the attorney
of the Estate addressed as follows:
Rebecca Lynn Chambers
o/o Joe Weis
Attorney at Law
P.O. Box 765
Greenville, Texas 75403
All persons having claims against this
Estate which is currently being administered
are required to present them within the time
and in the manner prescribed by law.
DATED the 7th day of June, 2017.
By: Joe Weis
Attorney for the Estate
State Bar No.: 21102600"

First and foremost, Pmerle00, thank you so much for your diligence with fielding all the questions. I am so sorry for all of the sadness and distress that your family is going through. My heart goes out to you.

Now, I must comment on inmyhumbleopinions post....... I am a paralegal. I have several attorneys with several different practices, but one of those practices is Probate, which is what this notice is part of. I am in a different state, but most of these rules are the same.

In order to "open" an estate, there is a Petition to Open the Estate filed along with Letters Testamentary (someone who dies without a will is considered to have passed intestate). In this case, there is obviously a will because BC is listed as the Executrix. If there were no will, she would have been appointed as an Administratrix. The Last Will and Testament is entered as its own document. In order for a Will to be entered and probated, there has to be a death certificate verifying that there is a Decedent that is attached as an Exhibit to the Petition to Open the Estate.

I'm sorry, but there is something very wrong here, in my opinion. My prayer is that LE has something else in the works in the background, but this does not look good for the Estate of a "Missing" not confirmed "Deceased" person to be opened. The Last Will and Testament CANNOT take effect until the person is deceased. That is why it is a will........

If this were the case, do you know how many people would fake their deaths to get life insurance money, etc...

I hope I am wrong, but something does not sit well with me about this. I'm not an attorney, but I sincerely hope that other family members have also sought counsel. I may be wrong, but I do believe a concerned family member can file something with the court to dispute this with grounds. I do not know Texas law, and I hope maybe a Texas attorney can weigh in.

Pmerle00, I wish you the best of luck with finding your PaPaw.

This is all JMO, too. I cannot give legal advice. I am only telling what my experience with Wills and Estates has been.

Much love-
Still very curious as to what else, other than the mascara, PaPaw bought at Wal-Mart.

I do believe PaPaw is a victim of crime. I also believe the crime was very carefully planned. The perp's motive was to take PaPaw out, not robbery, IMO. The perp(s) specifically chose PaPaw's shop as the place to carry out their plan and the time and day for a reason. The perp(s) also would have wanted to make absolutely sure PaPaw was going to be at home during a certain period of time that day.

Going back to the "mystery item," one possibility I've considered is some sort of sexual-wellness-type item, like K-Y brand products, for example. Perfectly normal for a 70-year-old man or woman.

What better way to make sure someone will be waiting for you at home than to suggest you and he have an afternoon rendezvous maybe on your lunch break? Just so he knows you are completely serious, ask him to pick up something like K-Y.

Just a thought and speculation. I should also add that based on what I've read so far, the mascara is the only item BC asked PaPaw to pick up that Friday.
Pmerle00, thank you for clarifying. There's a huge difference in a death certificate, and a Letter of Testamentary. I think the term "death certificate" really infuriated a lot of people. Thank you for explaining this to us.

I am hoping that you know that none of us here are being malicious with the questions that we ask. We sincerely do want your Papaw found.

I will be honest in saying that something doesn't seem right with this whole situation. I hope there's a break in the case very soon.

*All statements are of my own opinion unless otherwise specified.*
First and foremost, Pmerle00, thank you so much for your diligence with fielding all the questions. I am so sorry for all of the sadness and distress that your family is going through. My heart goes out to you.

-RSBM for space-

Pmerle00, I wish you the best of luck with finding your PaPaw.

This is all JMO, too. I cannot give legal advice. I am only telling what my experience with Wills and Estates has been.

Much love-

Thank you so much, Batman (love him!), for this extremely helpful post. Very easy to understand also.
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