Found Deceased TX - Michael Chambers, 70, Hunt County, 10 March 2017 *found deceased 2023* #8

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I’ve recently become a Texas resident. And after watching Papaw’s case from Michigan for threes plus years I’m ready to have some real movement on it now that I’m here and my prayers are close. I’ve relocated here because I’m soon to welcome my first grandchild into the world in Dallas. It breaks my heart that Papaw,who loved his grandchildren so well, was tossed away by someone with so little, actually, make that no concern.
I’ve recently become a Texas resident. And after watching Papaw’s case from Michigan for threes plus years I’m ready to have some real movement on it now that I’m here and my prayers are close. I’ve relocated here because I’m soon to welcome my first grandchild into the world in Dallas. It breaks my heart that Papaw,who loved his grandchildren so well, was tossed away by someone with so little, actually, make that no concern.
Welcome to Texas and congratulations on your first grandchild! I just welcomed my first grandchild a month ago in Ft. Worth!
Welcome to Texas and congratulations on your first grandchild! I just welcomed my first grandchild a month ago in Ft. Worth!
Thank you! I have a cousin in Ft. Worth. I’m hoping Covid will go away and I can visit her soon. Moving during a pandemic is tough.... everyone stays inside, hides away.

Let us pray that this year Papaw’s children and grandchildren find out what happened.
I’ve recently become a Texas resident. And after watching Papaw’s case from Michigan for threes plus years I’m ready to have some real movement on it now that I’m here and my prayers are close. I’ve relocated here because I’m soon to welcome my first grandchild into the world in Dallas. It breaks my heart that Papaw,who loved his grandchildren so well, was tossed away by someone with so little, actually, make that no concern.
We don't know for certain what happened to Papaw. It's hard for me to picture him being taken out without a fight. Not only that but it disturbs me to think he was cuckolded by his wife.

I feel like Papaw knew the ugly story about.....everything. And he was no longer going to stand in anyone's way.
I feel less and less that he was murdered....he was too wily. Can't outfox a fox. Why would BC pick her first day back to work as the day to murder her husband? Way too obvious imo.
I've never posted on here before but I have been following a lot of the missing person cases. In watching the Disappeared episode and looking at news articles and the facebook page, I have never seen anything to indicate that Becca's phone and records were searched, investigated, pinged or anything. She had a cell phone. Everyone knew and she admitted to having extra marital affairs, so the probable cause is there. LE just ruled everyone out as a suspect based on a polygraph, including her boyfriend. His phone records weren't checked. But the admitted affair would still meet the burden of probable cause for a warrant to search both of their phones. There is enough of a gap in her day that can't be verified to also provide probable cause.

I do believe the blood was planted by the killers and I do believe it was a hit. The blood only being on the ground in perfect circles without splatter doesn't make sense. There should be cast off and splatter if the garage was the actual crime scene. I think the killers wanted people to believe that the garage was the crime scene or that he had left or left to commit suicide. I think the crime scene is not the garage. Maybe the truck that she won't let be searched. Also, I can't see where the garage was completely forensically analyzed? Maybe luminol? What about the house? I'm sure there were not any forensic searches of the house for blood or anything. Again, with the blood that was found, probable cause would be met for a complete forensic search. They keep searching for his body, but how comprehensive and thorough was the house and other buildings forensically searched. Cadaver dogs aren't always reliable especially if the crime scene was staged or altered.

This dear man and hero was murdered and it was a murder plot conspiracy with his wife in the middle of it. His family needs closure and peace. She never even had a funeral. She just had him declared dead and took the money and ran. Please!!
I've never posted on here before but I have been following a lot of the missing person cases. In watching the Disappeared episode and looking at news articles and the facebook page, I have never seen anything to indicate that Becca's phone and records were searched, investigated, pinged or anything. She had a cell phone. Everyone knew and she admitted to having extra marital affairs, so the probable cause is there. LE just ruled everyone out as a suspect based on a polygraph, including her boyfriend. His phone records weren't checked. But the admitted affair would still meet the burden of probable cause for a warrant to search both of their phones. There is enough of a gap in her day that can't be verified to also provide probable cause.

I do believe the blood was planted by the killers and I do believe it was a hit. The blood only being on the ground in perfect circles without splatter doesn't make sense. There should be cast off and splatter if the garage was the actual crime scene. I think the killers wanted people to believe that the garage was the crime scene or that he had left or left to commit suicide. I think the crime scene is not the garage. Maybe the truck that she won't let be searched. Also, I can't see where the garage was completely forensically analyzed? Maybe luminol? What about the house? I'm sure there were not any forensic searches of the house for blood or anything. Again, with the blood that was found, probable cause would be met for a complete forensic search. They keep searching for his body, but how comprehensive and thorough was the house and other buildings forensically searched. Cadaver dogs aren't always reliable especially if the crime scene was staged or altered.

This dear man and hero was murdered and it was a murder plot conspiracy with his wife in the middle of it. His family needs closure and peace. She never even had a funeral. She just had him declared dead and took the money and ran. Please!!
I agree with all this.She hired someone likely in the area and they did him in between Wal-Mart and home.IMO.
I agree with all this.She hired someone likely in the area and they did him in between Wal-Mart and home.IMO.
I will also add that the bike info and the speed of the bike is also next to impossible. A walk at a brisk pace is 4.2mph. A bike going that speed is next to impossible. When I go walking, people on a bike will pass me going faster than 4.2mph just coasting. I think the person or people that killed him, walked his phone to the 2 mile bridge and tossed it in the water. It wasn't MC. Another point to mention is a phone pinging a cell tower to give a location doesn't indicate the speed that it is traveling, just it's location. If his phone pinging a tower at one time and another tower at another time, does not determine the manner the phone traveled or where it was in between or if it stopped and started.

Also, I suspect his body may have been burned. It may be the wife found it symbolic considering his lifetime of heroic service as a firefighter.
I will also add that the bike info and the speed of the bike is also next to impossible. A walk at a brisk pace is 4.2mph. A bike going that speed is next to impossible. When I go walking, people on a bike will pass me going faster than 4.2mph just coasting. I think the person or people that killed him, walked his phone to the 2 mile bridge and tossed it in the water. It wasn't MC. Another point to mention is a phone pinging a cell tower to give a location doesn't indicate the speed that it is traveling, just it's location. If his phone pinging a tower at one time and another tower at another time, does not determine the manner the phone traveled or where it was in between or if it stopped and started.

Also, I suspect his body may have been burned. It may be the wife found it symbolic considering his lifetime of heroic service as a firefighter.
His phone could have took a boat ride.He very well could have been cremated.
I will also add that the bike info and the speed of the bike is also next to impossible. A walk at a brisk pace is 4.2mph. A bike going that speed is next to impossible. When I go walking, people on a bike will pass me going faster than 4.2mph just coasting. I think the person or people that killed him, walked his phone to the 2 mile bridge and tossed it in the water. It wasn't MC. Another point to mention is a phone pinging a cell tower to give a location doesn't indicate the speed that it is traveling, just it's location. If his phone pinging a tower at one time and another tower at another time, does not determine the manner the phone traveled or where it was in between or if it stopped and started.

Also, I suspect his body may have been burned. It may be the wife found it symbolic considering his lifetime of heroic service as a firefighter.

As soon as the news about Mr. Chambers disappearing and the circumstances of the search for him was released by the media I saw a clip of either an official press conference or possibly an interview by the affiliates local news reporter. Randy Meeks had me going
" Hummmph that's a major conflict of interest " when he spoke into the microphone and told the audience what a good or close ICRR friend (!!) Michael Chambers was to the sheriff of the Texas County he was gone in. Randy Meeks either was a good friend to MC and vice versa like he initially said.
he meant that they attended the same church as one another and shook hands on Sunday mornings during worship services beginning or ending.

All I can say is with
" friends " like that who needs any enemies? Brotherhood is supposed to come naturally between our first responders like LEO's EMT's FF's and even VFFD's.
As soon as the news about Mr. Chambers disappearing and the circumstances of the search for him was released by the media I saw a clip of either an official press conference or possibly an interview by the affiliates local news reporter. Randy Meeks had me going
" Hummmph that's a major conflict of interest " when he spoke into the microphone and told the audience what a good or close ICRR friend (!!) Michael Chambers was to the sheriff of the Texas County he was gone in. Randy Meeks either was a good friend to MC and vice versa like he initially said.
he meant that they attended the same church as one another and shook hands on Sunday mornings during worship services beginning or ending.

All I can say is with
" friends " like that who needs any enemies? Brotherhood is supposed to come naturally between our first responders like LEO's EMT's FF's and even VFFD's.
I can tell you that Meek's really exaggerated their friendship according to the family.The conflict of interest that really ticks me off is she was having an affair with a constable who was great friends with the sheriff.
I'm just here to say - every year at Girl Scout cookie time, I think about Papaw and donate a case of Do-Si-Dos to our local fire department in his honor. I think about him every week when I'm prepping for the next interview about mental health, because this insane thing that happened inspired me to become a mental health advocate and talk show host. I think every time I "see" him on the street, in stores, while driving, and do double takes and feel my heart flutter. I get the memories popping up on fb with pictures of him and my kids and the rest of my family and smile even while my heart hurts. It's brutal, but I'd rather remember than forget.

I have had mixed feelings for years about this site, going through all the posts and seeing accusations and rumors, but what has me posting here today are the moderators. Hours of cleaning up trash comments to keep the good is something I could never do myself (and the rumors and drama are why I left the fb page as well). What you do is not unnoticed, and I appreciate you.

Thank you all for keeping Papaw in mind, even now. Knowing that y'all are still thinking about him makes me feel a little less alone.
I'm just here to say - every year at Girl Scout cookie time, I think about Papaw and donate a case of Do-Si-Dos to our local fire department in his honor. I think about him every week when I'm prepping for the next interview about mental health, because this insane thing that happened inspired me to become a mental health advocate and talk show host. I think every time I "see" him on the street, in stores, while driving, and do double takes and feel my heart flutter. I get the memories popping up on fb with pictures of him and my kids and the rest of my family and smile even while my heart hurts. It's brutal, but I'd rather remember than forget.

I have had mixed feelings for years about this site, going through all the posts and seeing accusations and rumors, but what has me posting here today are the moderators. Hours of cleaning up trash comments to keep the good is something I could never do myself (and the rumors and drama are why I left the fb page as well). What you do is not unnoticed, and I appreciate you.

Thank you all for keeping Papaw in mind, even now. Knowing that y'all are still thinking about him makes me feel a little less alone.
There are still many of us here who are very loyal to Papaw and want to find him and/or find out what happened.
Welcome back, if only for a bit.

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