Identified! TX - Midland, living Male, 13-17, can't communicate his name, found near Ward & Shandon, 30 Jan 2023 - Cordarius Lashun Pegues

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With the age range, I wonder if he could be just turned 18 and turned out onto the street by his caregiver.

If he caregiver had a medical emergency and he left the home, why wouldn't teachers or neighbors recognize him by now.

Hope the news conference shows a fruitful resolution.

It really is strange no one seems to have come forward and recognized him. Even other young people, a neighbor, someone--i.e. "He looks like he boy who lived a couple doors down, I think he was in so and so's class, looks like the kid we would see shopping with his grandmother sometimes." Anything, something? Even where he appears to be non-verbal, I think other kids would know who he is? We always knew the other kids. My kids know who the kids around us are. It's so weird and sad.... :(

This is why I personally lean towards him being someone who has been missing for awhile, or at least not from the area.

Edited to add: I would think at 18, being non-verbal etc he would probably qualify for disability and services, so it would be odd for a caregiver to throw him out on the streets? I think generally speaking, he would be able to attend public school until 21, and would likely qualify for financial support and other services.

The time frame is small but this guy looks like him. Just throwing out ideas.

Well that page is not found.

This did not open already last night (~20h ago) for me. So I'm not too hopeful that's the case.
The link was working for me yesterday.
I did quite a bit of digging in an effort to learn more about OB. I sort of abandoned the idea that OB could be the subject of this thread when the “Cordarius” news broke.

Hopefully the broken link means OB is back where he belongs today.
The link was working for me yesterday.
I did quite a bit of digging in an effort to learn more about OB. I sort of abandoned the idea that OB could be the subject of this thread when the “Cordarius” news broke.

Hopefully the broken link means OB is back where he belongs today.
I’m not sure if I missed it, but was OB reported to be non-verbal? I think it may be a coincidence and OB has found his way home, but is not our unidentified young man.
I’m not sure if I missed it, but was OB reported to be non-verbal? I think it may be a coincidence and OB has found his way home, but is not our unidentified young man.
I don't think it's OB. OB doesn't look like he has special needs, and I don't think a non-verbal person would have an alias.
I’m not sure if I missed it, but was OB reported to be non-verbal? I think it may be a coincidence and OB has found his way home, but is not our unidentified young man.
My sleuthing of him was mostly not productive. I found nothing about him being nonverbal or otherwise disabled.
I did see something that suggested he had previously been considered “endangered missing”, but couldn’t find details as to why. Found some awfully rough looking mugshots of someone older than OB with the same name, but in a different state. I figure this is getting OT, though. imo

Looking forward to the press conference this afternoon. Hoping for a good outcome.

The Midland Police Department is expected to give the community an update on a case involving an unidentified special needs boy found last weekend. Detectives plan to speak at a news conference at 2:00 p.m. Thursday, weather permitting.
Oh, I'm hopeful. It doesn't matter to me who this child is, just that THEY know who he is, and that he's either going home or going to a longterm care situation that suits him. Got my fingers crossed for you, kiddo. terms of not knowing how long he was out on the seems he would have been picked up on security footage at some point if he was wandering around, right? I'm not familiar with the area where he was found, but in these times it seems there are cameras almost everywhere--businesses, homes, etc.
PC live coverage
I thought she handled that really well. Some of the reporter questions I couldn't hear, because my speakers are garbage, but what I could hear seemed very smoothly answered and delivered.

So, the items like the balls and helmet he was found with, but they think he picked them up as he wandered, rather than bringing them from his home.

I thought it interesting that she deflected from the question about using devices etc. to communicate with him. It was the only moment I felt she really stonewalled and refused to answer. I would imagine they are trying to use both devices and sign language. Those are the things most commonly used with nonspeaking people for two-way communication. He may not have responded to either, or his responses may not have been any use in helping to determine identity. For example, his commuication may be limited to requests for food, tv, drink, toilet, and communicating pain, discomfort, tiredness, etc. So much of what language is taught to nonspeaking people is purely about base-level needs. He wouldn't necessarily know or know how to communicate his location, his family structure, etc. That's a different kind of information. If you don't know how to express it, it can be impossible to communicate it to another person.

Good to know they're doing the DNA comparison with the missing boy from Florida thoroughly, even though they don't think it's Adji. Sad the weather is holding the testing up, but you can't argue with weather. Not fair to expect the DNA techs to come to work if it's unsafe. Hopefully the snow clears up a bit, soon.
I was curious, so pulled up on Google maps. Seems he was found fairly near an elementary school and a college, as well as several restaurant chains, etc. Unless someone dropped him off, I would think he would have been on camera somewhere nearby, at some point? I hope they know more. Poor kid.
She seems caring.
Yeah, I think she was a good choice for the 'face' of the investigation for this PC. She seems calm, competent, but also deeply empathetic with this young man and the situation he's found himself in. I think it's an unusual situation - I think she said herself she couldn't think of another like it - and it's probably nice to work a case with a living Doe. He's very vulnerable. I'm sure she'd be the first to acknowledge that it wouldn't have taken much for this boy to be killed, probably by a vehicle, or to die of exposure before he was found by police. It's very, very fortunate that that didn't happen. So at this point, it's a mystery, but not a tragedy. A puzzle, with a young man with a sweet face in the middle of it.

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