TX - Multiple Dallas Police Officers shot during downtown protest, 7/7/16 #2

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Gee...if only there was a way to change this. Sandy Hook and Orlando, no response. Maybe this episode will make the difference. IMO

Not going to happen, sadly. What happens instead after every single gun massacre in America is that more Americans run out and buy more guns. Go figure.
How about these neighborhoods and these Leaders adopting a zero tolerance for the gang culture, the violence, and the excessive force that have made parts of our cities unsafe for any of us...of any race. You can correct the police but if you continue to do nothing about the violence that is the major killer of Black Youth...you are condemning more to die.

How many Black youth died last week at the hands of other Blacks? Compare that with police killings....no contest. So what do you achieve? God help the poor who must live among this BLack on Black violence...do they love their kids say less? Do they grieve any less? Are there ******** making all of them rich?

The problem is...it's easy to point fingers at the Police. But it's HARD to figure out how to save the children in these neighborhoods. Black mayors, Black police Chiefs, Black judges, Black DAs...money spent for generations...but, even together, we can't solve it

So we turn away. And we focus on the police.We turn our anger at our impotence on the ones that are there trying to save those lives.

There is a huge difference between those two sets of people. Cops are public servants, we pay their salaries, we pay them to do their sworn duty of protecting ALL of us. Cops don't have "leaders," they have an explicitly stated chain of command, and each rung of that command can and should be held socially, politically, and legally accountable.

ZERO tolerance for abusing that duty and trust. I can't imagine how anyone can disagree with that. That zero tolerance stands alone, shouldn't be contingent upon who is being policed.

As far as "leaders" in poverty-stricken, violent, urban black areas adopting a zero tolerance policy, etc. There is no shortage of people who have tried and who are still trying to reduce black on black violence, in every major city in America.

That it continues is a reality every urban cop knows all too well. If some cops can't deal with that reality without using excessive force, then maybe they should consider relocating or finding another profession altogether.
Maybe they need to widen their focus instead of being narrow minded, Over 90% of black lives are killed in black on black crime, that is a true statistic.

Why? They have their focus. Most groups have a focus. Say a rugby club, for instance, doesn't do football.
Micah Johnson is very likely an injustice collector/grudge holder, more like a dangerous vicarious injustice collector as he wants to get revenge against police who kill Blacks.

Examples Of Vicarious Injustice Collectors
Osama bin Laden
9/11 Terrorists
Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi
Abubakar Shekau
Omar Mateen
Tamerlan and Dzhokar Tsarnaev
Abdelhamid Abaaoud
Anders Breivik
Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols
Dylann Roof
Ted Kaczynski
Gertrude Baniszewski
Lori Drew
Adam Lanza?

On Wound Collectors

Psychology of Terrorism - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

The Dangerous Injustice Collector: Behaviors of Someone Who Never Forgets, Never Forgives, Never Lets Go, and Strikes Back!

Identifying The Next Mass Murderer—Before It’s Too Late

On June 17, 2015, according to authorities, Dylann Storm Roof (link is external) walked into the Emanuel
African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, sat down, and after an hour or so allegedly shot three men and six women, attending a bible study class. Immediately people began to take sides, and not just about the gun debate. Was this an act of terror? Was this a hate crime? Was this a “lone wolf?” Was this a conspiracy? On and on. What is interesting as well as frustrating is that none of these terms serve a useful purpose.

Four years ago, on July 22, 2011, Anders Behring Breivik set off a bomb near the government headquarters of the Labor Party in Oslo, Norway; after which he proceeded to the secluded island of Utøya, where he methodically killed, with a high powered rifle, 65 plus children attending a youth event. Does it matter if we call Anders Behring Breivik a terrorist, mass murderer, or a lone wolf? Not really, only one thing matters: how did he become this way, and were there signs that could have prevented this horrendous tragedy?

Once again we face a mass murder (FBI defined as 4 or more) and we need to get past the debate over the nomenclature (terrorist, extremist, mass murderer, lone wolf, genocide, etc.)—that serves no prophylactic purpose. When it comes to Dylann Storm Roof, Anders Behring Breivik, the Boston Marathon Bombers, or the likes of Theodore John "Ted" Kaczynski known as the UNABOMBER, and Timothy McVeigh, it’s not what we call them, the issue is: could we have prevented their acts? The answer is yes. And yet, we seem to be incapacitated when we hear the term “lone wolf” or “solo terrorist” as if we were describing a demon beyond our capability to identify and stop.

From the article.
Narcissistic Traits
Paranoid Ideation
Passionate Hatred
Wound Collectors
Violence as Magic
The Lethal Cocktail
Acting Out

Micah Johnson showed all that, especially paranoid ideation, passionate hatred, wound collectors, isolation, and acting out. Johnson felt the world screwed him over and needed a scapegoat, which are Whites. It is intensified greatly by Blacks being killed by White police officers. Johnson likely harbored grudges and his resentment dates back to his childhood, not being discharged from the military. His discharge from the military is a major point in his life, which is an injustice to him. He was a recluse and mostly a loner as many people remember. The acting out was he killed five Dallas police officers on July 7, 2016.

It is very likely that Johnson would of ranted against White people prior the crime. He was probably a constant complainer, who complained nonstop. People who knew mass shooters and terrorists described them as constant complainers. They would always complain and were unpleasant to be around. Injustice collectors always feel marginalized.

Websleuth Radio Interview Of Tina Meier describing Lori Drew

It is at the 20:40 mark from September 2013. Tina Meier is describing Lori Drew as a very talkative person who complained nonstop. She is described as unhappy and resentful at society, not at Megan Meier, which is the turning point for Drew. If one was not paying attention, Tina Meier is describing Micah Johnson. Meier's description of Drew describes Omar Mateen, Mohamed Atta, Christy Sheats, Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, and Jodi Arias.

Injustice collectors are very unhappy and resentful as they are extremely envious of others. It is always about them as they are not pleasant people to be around. They are professional victims that rage at the world. They are perpetual victims and feel like society marginalizes them. They blame everyone else, but themselves. Micah Johnson was that.

WEB OF LIES: Deadly Cyberbullying Case of Missouri Teen Unravelled Tonight on ID (Video Preview)

In Web Of Lies, Tina Meier said that Lori Drew had trouble fitting along with her daughter. Lori Drew would mould Sarah to be happy. That would suggest that Drew is very compensatory, which is another topic on its own. Meier's description of Drew is something you hear often with terrorists and rampage killers. This suggests injustice collectors have trouble fitting in. Micah Johnson has no known issues of fitting in so far going back to his school days. It is probable later in life he did. Anyways, that has been said about Omar Mateen, Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, James Huberty, Kouachi Brothers, 9/11 Terrorists, Elliot Rodger, Adam Lanza, and Seung-Hui Cho.
Snipped and BBM:

I was telling my son the other day on how to handle being pulled over and that starts with having your license ready to give to the officer, one has more than ample time to do this before the officer arrives at car. I would think PC would have been prepared for this with all of his incidents. But how many start out with "Why are you pulling me over" I use to, a little smarter now and do not get confrontational.

I respectfully disagree with that advice. From what I've been told, you wait with your hands visible on the wheel while the officer approaches your car and instructs you to get your license. You do NOT reach for your license before that time. You do not start moving around in the car, even to pull out your license, before the officer arrives at your car. The officer has no way of knowing what you are reaching for - you could be grabbing or hiding a weapon, hiding drugs, etc. Do not give the officer any reason to suspect your actions. Sit still, with hands visible, until you talk to the officer.

Working on opening this thread in the morning with helpful rules that should make things run a bit more smoothly. Hopefully.

Before noon Monday Central time this thread will be open.

Thank you for your patience.

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