TX - Nichol Olsen, 37, & 2 daughters, found shot dead inside mansion, Bexar County, 10 Jan 2019 #2

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Yes, there are likely high end security cameras on each property but they would be focused on that property and not on CW's. I live on an acreage and our security cameras do NOT capture our neighbor-across-the-street's front door because our camera is angled down to capture our front door/porch and the neighbor's is too far away. Only a small portion of the street is captured by our camera so it would be useless in an investigation such as this one.


I think the point is if he truly left and went anywhere there would be video. Whether at a gate, passing a gas station, etc. I recently (and still am) followed a case that was in the country and were no one of any name like some millionaire, but they found camera footage from deer cams, gas stations miles away, etc. If his alibi has been verified beyond a doubt, I am surprised they would not come out and say so. What is the point of a gated community if not to be sure who can get in and out? Are there not logs and videos? I may be losing it but that seems pretty logical to me having been in a few.
I don't have any problem with the family raising questions. But, it's now been several weeks and the ME hasn't changed his conclusion. The Sheriff does not have the jurisdiction to change the ME's conclusion.

The ME is a trained physician and his gender is irrelevant. Just because the Sheriff says he has info the ME doesn't have doesn't mean the ME does not have ALL the info the ME needs to form a conclusion.

That's his job, not the Sheriff's job. Any decision to file charges will be up to the DA, not the Sheriff.

Please cite one case involving multiple fatalities where an ME got the determination of suicide wrong.

You know the minute I said that I thought I had better go back and edit it. I was talking suicide in general but I can sure probably find cases of more than that. The recent Closs case the responding officers thought it was a suicide. Child missing, other parent murdered. Or murder suicide. Just for one example. It does happen.

And as far as man, am I on a political forum? I guess I meant they are only human but the ME happens to be a man. Is the word human allowed if a gender is not?

No offense but reading this entire thread, it is heated.

I have said repeatedly I am 50/50.

One would think one would be okay with that at least...

Meant all in lightness, I get your points and allow others' their opinions.
The friends apparently didn't spend a lot of time around Nicole when she was with her children. Thus, no photos.

She had a huge extended family. Wouldn’t someone in the family have a photo with mom/child? Her brother? Her son? Her aunt?

<modsnip - discussing SM post>

I wouldn’t expect any of my friends to have photos of me with my kids (although they do), but in our family, we have TONS of photos of each other with the kids. If I dropped dead tomorrow, any family member of mine or my husband’s would have lots: beach, school plays, birthdays, baby pictures, you name it.

They’re not posted to SM but they’d be available for a memorial service and we have tons of framed photos at home.

Maybe not all familes the same.
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I’m perplexed why so many refuse to see this as a M/S at the hands of NO.

If not, it would mean she was distraught upon finding her kids murdered & turned a gun to her head. Or, CW/stranger found NO dead & decided to kill the kids. Totally Preposterous, imo.
I think it’s the mother angle. Although it has happened many times before, per this site referencing those occasions, it’s still hard as a mother, to believe one would shoot their children in the ****. Moo as to why people are questioning it.
I think it’s the mother angle. Although it has happened many times before, per this site referencing those occasions, it’s still hard as a mother, to believe one would shoot their children in the ****. Moo as to why people are questioning it.

I guess......
Because, if LE had any indication CW murdered the girls, his butt would be in jail, money or not, imo.
She had a huge extended family. Wouldn’t someone in the family have a photo with mom/child? Her brother? Her son? Her aunt?

<modsnip - discussing SM post >

I wouldn’t expect any of my friends to have photos of me with my kids (although they do), but in our family, we have TONS of photos of each other with the kids. If I dropped dead tomorrow, any family member of mine or my husband’s would have lots: beach, school plays, birthdays, baby pictures, you name it.

They’re not posted to SM but they’d be available for a memorial service and we have tons of framed photos at home.

Maybe not all familes the same.
I was thinking same thing, but then again. They would have to be accessed from the home. Pictures in frames around house, albums, hard drive. Non of that was accessible for memorial correct?
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I was thinking same thing, but then again. They would have to be accessed from the home. Pictures in frames around house, albums, hard drive. Non of that was accessible for memorial correct?

A memorial is so personal. Not everyone celebrates life the same. Jmo
The gun/gsr on NO IMO, is a no-brainer.
Not to mention things we know nothing about, things that went on in the relationship, house, etc.
then, there’s the body/weapon placement, splatter & search results. Jmo, we can all believe how we like.
I’m a realist....things are what they are, they can’t be any other way.
I didn’t think we had any of that information confirmed, just gun placement “near”
From the announcement of this tragic murder-suicide, a few people began an internet campaign to make CW guilty. Imo, they were motivated by money.

Funny then that they are not selling things to Radar, Daily Mail, etc. in the meantime. An arrest would result in no further donations imo. The three deceased do not need an attorney if they have enough to arrest. And a civil case would be taken on a percentage. There maybe be trolls and bad people doing some of it that have no connection to anything, that is always part of every case. I see no reason the fathers or others would though. jmo.

I would add that if we are to trust that the ME is right, then we should also trust that no internet campaign can convince LE to find CW guilty without evidence.

again jmo.
Hypothetically speaking, If CW murdered NO and her girls, it seems obvious why he would want it to look like a murder suicide instead of straight up murder of all 3 where he would be the obvious prime person of interest given this all happened in his house, he’s the last to see them all alive, and the one to find their dead bodies.

Short answer? To get away with murder. IMO.
But why? Why murder them all in the first place? Your saying CW murdered them just “to get away with murder”. That makes no sense to me. IMO
Yes, there are likely high end security cameras on each property but they would be focused on that property and not on CW's. I live on an acreage and our security cameras do NOT capture our neighbor-across-the-street's front door because our camera is angled down to capture our front door/porch and the neighbor's is too far away. Only a small portion of the street is captured by our camera so it would be useless in an investigation such as this one.


If the security camera shows any part of a street where a vehicle traveled, it could be useful IMHO.
Obviously you’re free to believe what you wish, but murder scenes have been staged as suicides before and that is fact. LE and ME’s being corrupt/bribed also happens, though thankfully I don’t think it happens often.

I’m thankful I’ve never needed the BCSO to investigate any crime for me or anyone I know, so I don’t have a horse in this race, so to speak. I do live here though, among upper middle class residents who also to my knowledge have never needed them to investigate a crime personally. The general consensus is we hope we never do because of the things we see and hear and read about. It’s... unsettling, to say the least, to live in a place where this is the general feeling among well educated, tax-paying, suburban citizens. It’s unfortunate. I don’t know what the solution is, or if perhaps this is just how it is across the country.

What’s the beef with local LE? Can you share some links to the corruption you speak of, to help non locals understand?
Funny then that they are not selling things to Radar, Daily Mail, etc. in the meantime. An arrest would result in no further donations imo. The three deceased do not need an attorney if they have enough to arrest. And a civil case would be taken on a percentage. There maybe be trolls and bad people doing some of it that have no connection to anything, that is always part of every case. I see no reason the fathers or others would though. jmo.

I would add that if we are to trust that the ME is right, then we should also trust that no internet campaign can convince LE to find CW guilty without evidence.

again jmo.
It wasn't the fathers who started the aggressive internet campaign to make CW guilty. I doubt they'll see a dime of that money.
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But why? Why murder them all in the first place? Your saying CW murdered them just “to get away with murder”. That makes no sense to me. IMO

Oh, no, I was suggesting that IF he murdered all 3 of them, that would certainly be reason enough to want it to look like a murder suicide because it would obviously take the heat off of him.

Why would he murder them? My first guess would be he murdered NO in a fit of rage during their argument (the argument that has been confirmed in MSM). Perhaps she was finally going to leave him and he was furious at the thought of this.

Then, in a panic, he murdered the girls because he didn’t want to leave witnesses. I don’t really think any other scenario is likely if he did indeed murder all of them. I don’t even know that I believe he murdered them... we haven’t seen anywhere near enough evidence to say either way IMO.

I also think, and this is just my opinion, there are reasons that he was involved with a woman significantly older than himself, with 3 children from 3 fathers, and from an entirely different social and racial class. He should be, in theory, quite the catch amongst socialites from his own social class without all of the obvious baggage that NO carried into the relationship.
I think the point is if he truly left and went anywhere there would be video. Whether at a gate, passing a gas station, etc. I recently (and still am) followed a case that was in the country and were no one of any name like some millionaire, but they found camera footage from deer cams, gas stations miles away, etc. If his alibi has been verified beyond a doubt, I am surprised they would not come out and say so. What is the point of a gated community if not to be sure who can get in and out? Are there not logs and videos? I may be losing it but that seems pretty logical to me having been in a few.
BBM. The issue isn't if CW left, according to the sheriff, the issue being verified is where CW was located during the time frame listed. Cell phone data will do that.

I'm confident the Sheriff will provide more information now that the funerals have concluded.

Yes, let's see the recent corruption problems, not problems that existed decades ago.

Bexar County Sheriff's deputies being arrested at prolific rate

Here’s one example of what goes on in the BCSO... that we know about. It’s from just a few months ago.

“Among the BCSO arrests this year, eight have been for DWI, three for assaulting inmates and two each for sexual assault of a child and intent to distribute meth. The remaining arrests were for assault and fraud charges.”

Hopefully just this one brief snippet of an article might help some understand the concerns about the credibility and professionalism of those sworn to uphold the law here in Bexar County. It’s embarrassing.
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