TX - Patrick Knight executed for '91 murders of Walter & Mary Ann Werner

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White Rain

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Jan 3, 2007
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This man was executed today, he killed three people in a drug rage...Ok, so I know he could have asked for steak, lobster, many other high priced meals, but the amount of food this inmate was allowed to order was insane! He couldn't even eat it all!
There are starving people all over this world, millions here in America alone, and we are giving murderers free reign to any kind and/or amount of food they want?

His last meal consisted of four fried pork chops, collard greens with boiled okra, fried corn, fried fatback, fried green tomatoes, corn bread, lemonade, a pint of strawberry ice cream and three glazed donuts. Prison officials said he ate about half of it.
(whole article at link)
I don't know why they are given the luxury of enjoying whatever they want for a last meal.

Has the guy who wants to tell a joke as his last statement been executed yet? :loser:
Prisons have a price limit on the "last meal" and it must be things that the prison cafeteria can cook or that can be brought in sealed (like ice-cream). It isn't a free-for-all, it's just a large meal of favorite foods, which, BTW, hardly any of them are able to eat. They are about to be executed, paying the ultimate price for their crimes, I think we can afford to give them a generous last meal within reason. None of the items on the list were expensive or even unusual - as prison food goes, probably less than $25. in value.

We are America, and we are humane and decent, even when we enforce the death penalty. I would hope that never changes.

My Opinion, Really
Not to deflect on his crimes or the loss of life of his victims, but I think they are given a special menu. It's not fair, their victims didn't get a choice on life let alone food. But I guess this is where my compassion is suppose to kick in.....IF ONLY I COULD FIND IT!!:waitasec:
Prisons have a price limit on the "last meal" and it must be things that the prison cafeteria can cook or that can be brought in sealed (like ice-cream). It isn't a free-for-all, it's just a large meal of favorite foods, which, BTW, hardly any of them are able to eat. They are about to be executed, paying the ultimate price for their crimes, I think we can afford to give them a generous last meal within reason. None of the items on the list were expensive or even unusual - as prison food goes, probably less than $25. in value.

We are America, and we are humane and decent, even when we enforce the death penalty. I would hope that never changes.

My Opinion, Really

I'm with you, FlowerChild. I didn't find his last meal request exhorbitant and I'm glad that we offer such a thing within reason.
Yes, we are Americans and offering a last meal is fine, but why waste food knowing it won't be eaten? If the guy can actually eat it, fine, but why not start him w/ two fried pork chops and smaller portions of the others? If he can still fit desert, a bowl of ice cream and a donut should suffice. I'm sure this guy knew he couldn't eat this much, just wanted to give the kitchen extra work and possibly delay the inevitable. At least he got a last meal, something his victims didn't.
Not to deflect on his crimes or the loss of life of his victims, but I think they are given a special menu. It's not fair, their victims didn't get a choice on life let alone food. But I guess this is where my compassion is suppose to kick in.....IF ONLY I COULD FIND IT!!:waitasec:
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Never have I heard of a murderer offering his victim food before they are killed, much less allowing them to decide what they will eat. Sorry, I can't find my compassion either-guess it was all used up on the families of the victims.
Yes, we are Americans and offering a last meal is fine, but why waste food knowing it won't be eaten? If the guy can actually eat it, fine, but why not start him w/ two fried pork chops and smaller portions of the others? If he can still fit desert, a bowl of ice cream and a donut should suffice. I'm sure this guy knew he couldn't eat this much, just wanted to give the kitchen extra work and possibly delay the inevitable. At least he got a last meal, something his victims didn't.

Seriously, I don't know why this thread even exists.

I guess because he's an inmate on death row we can especially scrutinize the food he supposedly wastes, but we'll gladly turn a blind eye to the waste the rest of this country produces on a daily basis.

I worked at a supermarket in my teens, and every night when I would close up my department I saw people from other departments throwing out perfectly good loaves of bread, deli foods, etc. Instead of donating these food items to a shelter or the food bank, the store's rationale is that if they gave the food away to employees or charity, that the employees in charge of making these food items would intentionally make more on purpose (aka they are stealing and thus hurting the company's bottom line). It didn't make much sense to me at the time, and it still doesn't, considering they end up throwing out food anyway.
who cares? that meal doesn't sound that extravagant to me. i hear sometimes of death row inmates having a steak or lobster dinner, and that sounds like it would be worse.
Seriously, I don't know why this thread even exists.

I guess because he's an inmate on death row we can especially scrutinize the food he supposedly wastes, but we'll gladly turn a blind eye to the waste the rest of this country produces on a daily basis.

I worked at a supermarket in my teens, and every night when I would close up my department I saw people from other departments throwing out perfectly good loaves of bread, deli foods, etc. Instead of donating these food items to a shelter or the food bank, the store's rationale is that if they gave the food away to employees or charity, that the employees in charge of making these food items would intentionally make more on purpose (aka they are stealing and thus hurting the company's bottom line). It didn't make much sense to me at the time, and it still doesn't, considering they end up throwing out food anyway.

My thoughts exactly. We waste TONS of food in this country every day and we're making a case about too many pork chops? :rolleyes:

I think lots of people want people on death row to suffer to the last until we kill them and they get indignant that Death Rowers have any rights or the "luxury" of a last meal.
My thoughts exactly. We waste TONS of food in this country every day and we're making a case about too many pork chops? :rolleyes:

I think lots of people want people on death row to suffer to the last until we kill them and they get indignant that Death Rowers have any rights or the "luxury" of a last meal.

There's actually a website somewhere (there has been a thread about last meals here on WS already) that will list the last meals of death row inmates. This guy's meal isn't above and beyond, and most prisons have a limit on what you can ask for.
Seriously, I don't know why this thread even exists.

I guess because he's an inmate on death row we can especially scrutinize the food he supposedly wastes, but we'll gladly turn a blind eye to the waste the rest of this country produces on a daily basis.

I worked at a supermarket in my teens, and every night when I would close up my department I saw people from other departments throwing out perfectly good loaves of bread, deli foods, etc. Instead of donating these food items to a shelter or the food bank, the store's rationale is that if they gave the food away to employees or charity, that the employees in charge of making these food items would intentionally make more on purpose (aka they are stealing and thus hurting the company's bottom line). It didn't make much sense to me at the time, and it still doesn't, considering they end up throwing out food anyway.

I was just commenting on wasted food here because we were talking about this prisoner on death row. While I understand he gets his last meal, I can't find alot of compassion for him. I'm not for wasting food period! I find it a sin the way we Americans do waste so much food when others are starving.
...It's not fair, their victims didn't get a choice on life let alone food...
I agree with you. Unfortunately, some of these horrendous crimes are committed by people who are crazed out on drugs and alcohol. They may not have committed the crimes otherwise. That's where the sadness comes in for me. So many lives are ruined and/or lost as a result of poor decisions.
This man was executed today, he killed three people in a drug rage...Ok, so I know he could have asked for steak, lobster, many other high priced meals, but the amount of food this inmate was allowed to order was insane! He couldn't even eat it all!
There are starving people all over this world, millions here in America alone, and we are giving murderers free reign to any kind and/or amount of food they want?

His last meal consisted of four fried pork chops, collard greens with boiled okra, fried corn, fried fatback, fried green tomatoes, corn bread, lemonade, a pint of strawberry ice cream and three glazed donuts. Prison officials said he ate about half of it.
(whole article at link)

I'd be happy to buy dinner for all of them if they'd just get it done!~!!!
Prisons have a price limit on the "last meal" and it must be things that the prison cafeteria can cook or that can be brought in sealed (like ice-cream). It isn't a free-for-all, it's just a large meal of favorite foods, which, BTW, hardly any of them are able to eat. They are about to be executed, paying the ultimate price for their crimes, I think we can afford to give them a generous last meal within reason. None of the items on the list were expensive or even unusual - as prison food goes, probably less than $25. in value.

We are America, and we are humane and decent, even when we enforce the death penalty. I would hope that never changes.

My Opinion, Really

That $25 could go a long way in feeding an innocent child who never killed anyone. And if these people didn't commit the crimes they did they could enjoy that kinda of food everyday. They don't deserve anything special just cause it's their last day on earth. Were their victims offered a choice of what their last meal would be?
I'm with you, FlowerChild. I didn't find his last meal request exhorbitant and I'm glad that we offer such a thing within reason.

Not fighting/arguing here SCM, but WHY are you glad a convicted murderer would be "offered" such a thing? What if this man killed 3 of your family members? Would you still hope he'd be "offered" this with all the starving people out there who DON'T get 3 meals a day, maybe not even one and their only crime is being too poor to afford food?
Not fighting/arguing here SCM, but WHY are you glad a convicted murderer would be "offered" such a thing? What if this man killed 3 of your family members? Would you still hope he'd be "offered" this with all the starving people out there who DON'T get 3 meals a day, maybe not even one and their only crime is being too poor to afford food?

I know this question wasn't directed at me, but I'd like to chime in here. As the sister of a murder victim, I can tell you that however the monster has to get to the death chamber, GET THEM THERE. I don't care if it costs a $25.00 meal. They need to die and if we need to give them a bite before we execute them, the families that they destroyed want that. So, if the states feel better sending these guys off with a full stomach, so be it. Consider all the meals they won't be getting three times a day and a empty bed for the next murderer if that makes you feel better, but dead is dead. Anyway they need to get there is fine with me.

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