TX - Patrick Knight executed for '91 murders of Walter & Mary Ann Werner

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Not fighting/arguing here SCM, but WHY are you glad a convicted murderer would be "offered" such a thing? What if this man killed 3 of your family members? Would you still hope he'd be "offered" this with all the starving people out there who DON'T get 3 meals a day, maybe not even one and their only crime is being too poor to afford food?

Anything that makes me kinder than the calculated killer I am about to become by my State's choice to execute this man is appealing to me, White Rain. If I can distinguish my killing from his by offering him a last meal, I'll take it.

It's also the "do unto" rule that guides me. If I knew I was going to die at noon tomorrow, I'd like someone to offer me a last meal of my choice. Just because THIS man didn't choose to offer that nicety to his victims, doesn't make me stop following the "do unto" rule. Like it or not, he is still my brother and I am still going to kill him.

I think killing other people is wrong. If this man killed 3 members of my family, I would be in great pain, but it still wouldn't make killing right. And I still wouldn't want to kill him. I've yet to experience a situation where more killing made anything better.

I'm not an "eye-for-an-eye" girl. I'm "love thy neighbor as thyself" sort of girl - regardless of what my neighbor does to me.

We have the ability to end world hunger, but we don't make it our priority. Until we do, people will continue to go hungry.

If somehow NOT giving a deathrow inmate a $25 last meal and instead giving him a $5 (or whatever they spend on average for a meal for a prisoner) last meal would have any impact at all on the starving people in this world, I would be all for it. But it won't.

Are you really mad over the $25 meal and the starving people or are you really mad that people on death row get any kind of considerations ever? I understand if that latter is your issue - plenty of others feel that way - I'm just not one of them.

But I don't think this is truly about ending world hunger. That's not going to start on death row. That's going to start with a global leader who cares enough to make it a reality.
I know this question wasn't directed at me, but I'd like to chime in here. As the sister of a murder victim, I can tell you that however the monster has to get to the death chamber, GET THEM THERE. I don't care if it costs a $25.00 meal. They need to die and if we need to give them a bite before we execute them, the families that they destroyed want that. So, if the states feel better sending these guys off with a full stomach, so be it. Consider all the meals they won't be getting three times a day and a empty bed for the next murderer if that makes you feel better, but dead is dead. Anyway they need to get there is fine with me.

I agree in a way...I think it takes death row inmates TOO long to be put to death, especially the ones who WANT to be put to death.
Anything that makes me kinder than the calculated killer I am about to become by my State's choice to execute this man is appealing to me, White Rain. If I can distinguish my killing from his by offering him a last meal, I'll take it.

It's also the "do unto" rule that guides me. If I knew I was going to die at noon tomorrow, I'd like someone to offer me a last meal of my choice. Just because THIS man didn't choose to offer that nicety to his victims, doesn't make me stop following the "do unto" rule. Like it or not, he is still my brother and I am still going to kill him.

I think killing other people is wrong. If this man killed 3 members of my family, I would be in great pain, but it still wouldn't make killing right. And I still wouldn't want to kill him. I've yet to experience a situation where more killing made anything better.

I'm not an "eye-for-an-eye" girl. I'm "love thy neighbor as thyself" sort of girl - regardless of what my neighbor does to me.

We have the ability to end world hunger, but we don't make it our priority. Until we do, people will continue to go hungry.

If somehow NOT giving a deathrow inmate a $25 last meal and instead giving him a $5 (or whatever they spend on average for a meal for a prisoner) last meal would have any impact at all on the starving people in this world, I would be all for it. But it won't.

Are you really mad over the $25 meal and the starving people or are you really mad that people on death row get any kind of considerations ever? I understand if that latter is your issue - plenty of others feel that way - I'm just not one of them.

But I don't think this is truly about ending world hunger. That's not going to start on death row. That's going to start with a global leader who cares enough to make it a reality.

I'm mad about both I think. I don't think they should get any consideration.
But at the same time, do you know how much $25 American dollars is in alot of foreign countries? It could probably feed a family of four in some countries for a month.
I watched a documentary about the starving kids in Korea not too long ago. It was heart-breaking. These kids were left to fend for their own, and seek out their own food. One child (a boy around 6 or 7) was swaying from hunger (almost passing out) directly in front of a group of four men who were sitting there chowing down right in front of him. They were oblivious to him, never even acknowledged him.
Another girl, of around four or five, was seen picking up very small (I couldn't even see them actually) scraps of food...she was in front of one woman's food stall and was picking up the scraps, and the woman screamed at her to get out of there, get out from in front of her stall!
I was so sick after seeing those two I couldn't watch anymore.
I would like to help these kids and others like them myself, unfortunately I have heard too many horror stories about these charities and how they take money/food/supplies for themselves and the stuff never gets to where it's supposed to be going.
Geez, the guys going to die - just think of all the money that could be saved if we didn't feed all scheduled death row inmates for the last week before they are executed. Besides that, I understand you poop yourself when you die, so there would be much less of a mess to clean up. JMO.
Well here in CA we would save a ton of money if we didn't put anyone on death row at all. So talk about a waste of money. The extra money spent on deathrow inmates in general as compared to LWOP inmates would feed a country.
Yes, we are Americans and offering a last meal is fine, but why waste food knowing it won't be eaten?

In that case, maybe people should be complaining about restaurants and buffets in the US instead of one man's last meal. A lot more food gets wasted there than on death row. Just MHO if anyone wants to be talking about wasting food.
Well here in CA we would save a ton of money if we didn't put anyone on death row at all. So talk about a waste of money. The extra money spent on deathrow inmates in general as compared to LWOP inmates would feed a country.
--yes but you're ignoring the wishes of the victim's relatives, and their wishes you just can't put a price on
--yes but you're ignoring the wishes of the victim's relatives, and their wishes you just can't put a price on
You mean to put them to death Peter?
I should clarify that I do not support the death penalty at all. But from a purely economic standpoint, it costs far more to "put them to death" or in our case to put them on death row, than it does to give them LWOP. So while we are debating a small price tag for a meal, there is a bigger issue going on here in my state. Millions wasted on DP, when we could keep all that money AND have them off the street forever.
In that case, maybe people should be complaining about restaurants and buffets in the US instead of one man's last meal. A lot more food gets wasted there than on death row. Just MHO if anyone wants to be talking about wasting food.

That was kinda my point too.

The "people going hungry in this world" is one thing. NOT giving a man on death row a $25 last meal isn't going to change that.

It's kind of like if I say to my kids, "I can't believe you're not eating all that steak dinner that we spent our hard-earned money on - people around the world are starving." I might be angry that they don't deserve a nice meal, but even if I just fed them PBJ, none of the starving people in the wrold are going to get less hungry.

I better understand the idea that some people just don't want those DRers to have anything enjoyable and are enraged that they get to have something nice when they took someone else's ability to have something nice away from them.
I know this question wasn't directed at me, but I'd like to chime in here. As the sister of a murder victim, I can tell you that however the monster has to get to the death chamber, GET THEM THERE. I don't care if it costs a $25.00 meal. They need to die and if we need to give them a bite before we execute them, the families that they destroyed want that. So, if the states feel better sending these guys off with a full stomach, so be it. Consider all the meals they won't be getting three times a day and a empty bed for the next murderer if that makes you feel better, but dead is dead. Anyway they need to get there is fine with me.

I chuckle that we are on the same side of the street regarding last meals, though different ones regarding the death penalty! Sweet unity at last!:)
I am with Jeana on this one... if it means he is closer to his fate, then feed him and then lead him on to his deserved sentence.

re the cost of being higher to house and keep inmates on death row: sometimes, it's worth the extra money to make sure evil scumbags like Ted Bundy and the such, are not allowed to breathe another breath. While I know a lot of people think that a life sentence is more of a punishment than ending an inmates life, I only have to look at the actions of Eric Rudolph from behind bars to know that a life sentence doesn't always mean the person is getting their just dues. Rudolph bargained his way out of a death sentence and he is now sitting behind bars taunting his victims. He writes taunting essays and mails them to a group that runs a website, where they post the essays for him. The man is obviously not suffering his crimes... if anything, he is still relishing in them and doing what he can to make sure he still inflicts more pain. Yes, prison officials can screen what he mails out, but it is obvious officials are letting him send the stuff out... and the Attorney General has said that prisoners do not lose their freedom of speech.
I am with Jeana on this one... if it means he is closer to his fate, then feed him and then lead him on to his deserved sentence.

re the cost of being higher to house and keep inmates on death row: sometimes, it's worth the extra money to make sure evil scumbags like Ted Bundy and the such, are not allowed to breathe another breath. While I know a lot of people think that a life sentence is more of a punishment than ending an inmates life, I only have to look at the actions of Eric Rudolph from behind bars to know that a life sentence doesn't always mean the person is getting their just dues. Rudolph bargained his way out of a death sentence and he is now sitting behind bars taunting his victims. He writes taunting essays and mails them to a group that runs a website, where they post the essays for him. The man is obviously not suffering his crimes... if anything, he is still relishing in them and doing what he can to make sure he still inflicts more pain. Yes, prison officials can screen what he mails out, but it is obvious officials are letting him send the stuff out... and the Attorney General has said that prisoners do not lose their freedom of speech.
Putting my anti-dp stance aside for a moment...
if LWOP was worse than DP, then all the LWOP inmates would be fighting to get on death row. but to my knowledge, not many are.
That says a lot.
Good gawd, what was this man thinking? All that nasty fat and grease, eating a meal like that can certainly shorten one's life!!

I don't have a problem with a death row prisoner having a "last meal" I doubt that they are ever enjoyed much, if I knew I was about to be executed even eating a wonderful gourmet meal IMO would end up being pretty tastless and if I did manage to over stuff myself with a lot of nasty fatty food, I would spend my last moments feeling bloated and even more miserable than if I'd eaten nothing at all.

Good gawd, what was this man thinking? All that nasty fat and grease, eating a meal like that can certainly shorten one's life!!

I don't have a problem with a death row prisoner having a "last meal" I doubt that they are ever enjoyed much, if I knew I was about to be executed even eating a wonderful gourmet meal IMO would end up being pretty tastless and if I did manage to over stuff myself with a lot of nasty fatty food, I would spend my last moments feeling bloated and even more miserable than if I'd eaten nothing at all.


As long as they end up dead, it's fine with me.... Give em their last meal , poison it...with their regrets, they finally get something they want but cannot enjoy. I say it's the eternal slap in the face. Bet they would give anything to NOT have that LAST MEAL, but...too late buddy. Eat it and weep. /s
So many others made my point - - what is the big deal about a $25 last meal. No starving person in a 3rd world country will eat better (or at all) by denying a last meal to a condemned man.

And why am I GLAD we give the rituals of a last meal and last visit and a religious counselor to walk to the end with them? Because we enforce the death penalty, that's why. The ultimate price...vengeance - death - forever - so if we do it, sentence it, where's is our vaunted humanity? In that last meal, the offer of a religious counselor, the lethal injection instead of barbaric methods, that's where. All an indication that were are just, humane and "better" than the condemned person, who took a life also. Just because they took life cruelly - without reason, without cause and without justification, doesn't mean WE (as a society) should lower ourselves to their level. It's acceptable to kill only because we do so only in the interest of justice and as punishment - not simply out of hate, sadism or prejudice. A jury of peers, a humane death, a proper ritual of dignity, society respecting that it is a human being, and a LIFE, no matter what they did.

I believe in the death penalty - but only if guilt and intent can be proven without a sliver of doubt. We should not use it as a threat, only as a punishment for taking another life without cause. It should make us feel that justice was served, but sad that it required that a person be killed. Yes, a death sentence was served, a debt paid, but I rather think taking a life for a life is still something we should not celebrate, but mourn - mourn as in the idea of taking a human life as punishment, not as in mourn for the person who was executed for his/her crimes.

Even if I wanted it and felt it was right and just, I would never be happy or rejoice in the execution. And I certainly wouldn't begrudge a condemned person a final meal of their choice that cost less than my manicure. Must our hate and vengeance and cruelty extend to such petty concerns in the last hours of a person paying the ultimate price?

My opinion
Prisons have a price limit on the "last meal" and it must be things that the prison cafeteria can cook or that can be brought in sealed (like ice-cream). It isn't a free-for-all, it's just a large meal of favorite foods, which, BTW, hardly any of them are able to eat. They are about to be executed, paying the ultimate price for their crimes, I think we can afford to give them a generous last meal within reason. None of the items on the list were expensive or even unusual - as prison food goes, probably less than $25. in value.

We are America, and we are humane and decent, even when we enforce the death penalty. I would hope that never changes.

My Opinion, Really

You are much more generous than myself. I say if they deserve to be on death row, then they do not deserve any type of priviledges, heck I wouldn't even bother to give them a last meal.
I wonder if they would let my mama come in and cook a nice homemade Italian dinner for me. That would be worth more than any other dinner I could think of.
No compassion here for a murderer. Let him eat what everyone else ate in prison that day. What makes them so special?
Not to deflect on his crimes or the loss of life of his victims, but I think they are given a special menu. It's not fair, their victims didn't get a choice on life let alone food. But I guess this is where my compassion is suppose to kick in.....IF ONLY I COULD FIND IT!!:waitasec:
I agree with you Julia. I can't find it in my heart to give a hoot about these ANIMALS who kill others. I have always said I wanted the criminal killed in the same manner that they killed their victims....thus no "special meal" or pain killers need apply.

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