Found Deceased TX - PFC Vanessa Guillen, 20, Fort Hood military base, items left behind, 22 Apr 2020 #2 *arrests*

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Search continues for missing Fort Hood soldier

Days after searching a local river, Texas EquuSearch continued their efforts in the search for Vanessa Guillen.

Tim Miller and volunteers with Texas EquuSearch spent the day searching a neighborhood near 439 and Sparta Road in Bell County. They also passed out missing persons posters to homeowners.

“We use horses, ATVs, we use drone airplanes, sonars and foot searchers. Whatever is needed,” said founder Tim Miller.


“I think we found some things and they’re doing some testing on some things. If it has anything to do with it our not, I don’t know. We were all pretty optimistic on it. We won’t know for sure until results come back from the lab,” Miller said.

As far as the search on Wednesday, he says there was “nothing new.”

“Yes, there is a reason we have been every place we have been,” he added.
MOO it's about impossible for a ranking individual with no business, such as an inspection or a meeting to get into a male or female barracks without notice.

Would the ranking person in question be an officer or a senior NCO?

My impression is that visits by officers of any rank to barracks are rare and almost always occur, as you stated, as part of formal inspections, investigations etc. Ranking NCOs, however, could be a different matter and they may have far more discretionary access to barracks.

Though I imagine that the more senior the NCO, the less un announced visits occur, the unannounced presence of a very senior NCO might not be unheard of. In addition, relatively senior NCOs might be assigned to man a barracks phone / desk as a means to keep discipline.

I wish I had first hand knowledge of military life to be able to give clearer information...
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The tunnels on Fort Hood had not been used since the 80's, but after the start of the war in Iraq, they were gutted due to asbestos and are now used for underground training. Because they have limited ventilation, they fall under Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) regulations. They are restricted areas and are kept secure 24/7 except when opened for scheduled training. Only a very small number of people are certified to operate them and only those personnel have access. Unlike other training areas, not only are the tunnels kept locked behind huge blast doors, the land area around the tunnels is also secured by locked fences patrolled by military police so you cannot even access the land area around the tunnels.

Anyone who enters the tunnels must sign in and out and can only enter under the supervision of the few competent MSHA certified personnel. There is no way anyone else can access these tunnels.

Unlike a cave, these tunnels are fully enclosed concrete structures that are nearly barren. The tunnels are inspected for safety reasons each time they are opened. All rooms are inspected for air flow and hazardous gases. All walls are inspected for cracks, spalling and water leaks. Even if someone did put something in them and they can't, nothing could remain hidden inside.
I don’t think there are any female sergeants at fort hood? Unless I’m looking at the fort hood webpage incorrectly. I only see men and we know Vanessa told her mom it was a sergeant harassing her.
There are probably a good number of them. But, the majority of the units at Fort Hood are combat units. As a result, they are probably going to have a fewer number of female soldiers, and a correspondingly fewer number of female sergeants.
Would the ranking person in question be an officer or a senior NCO?

My impression is that visits by officers of any rank to barracks are rare and almost always occur, as you stated, as part of formal inspections, investigations etc. Ranking NCOs, however, could be a different matter and they may have far more discretionary access to barracks.

Though I imagine that the more senior the NCO, the less un announced visits occur, the unannounced presence of a very senior NCO might not be unheard of. In addition, relatively senior NCOs might be assigned to man a barracks phone / desk as a means to keep discipline.

I wish I had first hand knowledge of military life to be able to give clearer information...

ETA: clarity
Later today my husband will come on and give some information on the finer points of your post (and possibly a few others). He's a SNCO who was stationed at Hood for about 11 years. I can help with some, but his inside info (NOT regarding this case, but the Army in general) will be more accurate then mine. We have not been at Hood for 3 years, so he has no personal knowledge of this case.
That would be great. The breadth of knowledge and experience on this forum is amazing.

It truly is. I first found this page when searching for info on a different case and I love the differing opinions, and knowledge from people of different backgrounds. The no nonsense, no rumor mill approach is what really sucked me in.
Searchers check Central Texas fields and woods, looking for signs of missing GI


3of10 Members of the Texas EquuSearch Mounted Search and Recovery Team looks for clues Wednesday in eastern Bell County in the
disappearnce of Pfc. Vanessa Guillen, who was last seen April 22 on Fort Hood. Photo: William Luther /Staff

LITTLE RIVER-ACADEMY — Donald “Smokey” Mather and Billy Collins guided their all-terrain vehicles down a sleepy two-lane road, looking for things out of place — a break in a barbed-wire fence, disturbed earth or spots where someone could gain access to a thicket of trees.

Both were volunteers from Deer Park in the Houston area, searching for Pfc. Vanessa Guillén, 20, a GI who disappeared two months ago from Fort Hood. Hopes for her safe return — and fears of her death — have made her a social media symbol for sexual misconduct in the U.S. military, even as the Army has said very little about its investigation of what happened to her.

When Collins, 67, and Mather, 73, saw something 3 miles north of the tiny town of Little River-Academy around noon Wednesday, the two dismounted the four-wheeler, inspecting culverts on both sides of the road using a spotlight.

Moments later, Collins entered a trail on foot and vanished into the shadowy brush, the kind of area great for kids wanting to play far from the prying eyes of their parents, or for a killer looking to get rid of a body. A person even 20 yards into the thicket wouldn’t be noticed by passing motorists.
Spanish to English Translation

***I did (not) do the translation but had an aquaintance complete the translation. The person is (not) affiliated with KHOU 11 in (any) manner and I can (not) guarantee the translation provided. I feel it's very important for all to hear the words of Vanessa's Mother....Gloria Guillen.***

All voices are accompanied by a number or name to designate the order of appearance in the recording.

Gloria Guillén
[UI] Unintelligible
[CS] Crosstalking
[SIC] Literal Word containing probable error

Peoplo around Gloria Guillén

Sylvia García

Audio file: Mother of missing soldier Vanessa Guillen 'I want my daughter alive!'

Audio duration: 00:10:17


Gloria: First of all, good afternoon to all…

Companion: [UI]

Gloria: I must first of all thank God that he lifted me of my bed to be able to come, because I could not come as I did not feel well at all. The Coronel invited me and I thank him, he invited me to come but I couldn’t, I couldn’t because yesterday when I found out that they were looking in that river I felt very bad because I know that my daughter is not there, because they took a long time to look for my daughter.


Gloria: I begged them from the beginning to look for my daughter, to close that base and to get more than 30,000 soldiers to look for my daughter and they didn’t. I begged them to shut down that base and investigate room by room, barracks by barracks, building by building, they never did, why are they doing that show now to look for my daughter? Why so long now?
I demand justice, I demand respect and respect for my daughter as a soldier, she joined the army for her country, for her country, to defend all of us. Since she was very young, since she was 10 years old she said that she was going to enroll, and I didn’t believe it, I thought it was a girl’s game, but no, she reached adolescence, entered high school and enrolled. I cried a lot because I didn’t want her to sign up, because my mother’s heart was already afraid I was going to suffer this.

Gloria: She signed up for her country and to defend us and now that she needs us, we must support her and look for her, and catch the wretch who I don’t know which one is. That is why I demand justice and I demand that all the sergeants who were in charge of my daughter, all those in her unit, be imprisoned, that their homes, their ranches be searched, that their cell phones be removed until they tell me where my daughter is. Because everyone, from the sergeant major and as it was his responsibility, the sergeant’s creed, to take care of his soldiers, to protect them, he didn’t do it with my daughter. They lured her down to the gun room to kidnap her, I don’t know how they got her out of there, all I know is that it was a white van where they took her, a white van, who of them has got a white van?


Gloria: Let it be investigated and the truth told, let it not be hidden from the base, the Coronels, do not hide them because everything is going to be known in the name of Jesus everything will be known because so my Father God wants it.
I need my daughter and I want her alive. From the beginning when I spoke in the other post I said: "I want my daughter alive, because my daughter came in alive", because, if God forbid, my daughter appears dead, I will close this base, I’ll move sky and sea and earth and this base closes because it is a basic rot, because it says there: “The best place” but what for? To kidnap, rape, kill.
It’s not fair, that’s why I demand it. Because of them I am ill, because I need my daughter with me, that girl is my life, she is my worship, so I am fighting with tooth and nail until they give her to me and the guilty ones pay.


Gloria: I demand that all sergeants from the lowest rank to the highest rank be imprisoned, and that their homes, their ranches, their rooms, their cell phones be investigated. Why haven’t you done that from the beginning? I told you four weeks ago the name of a wretch, why didn’t you do everything from the beginning? Why are they doing that show now looking for my baby girl? I need my child and I want her alive in my arms, next to me, because if not, I don’t know what would become of me, I need my precious with me. I can no longer deal with the lies of those miserable people, because they are miserable. Let it come to the truth, that’s why I don’t ask to talk to those people, I ask to talk to the really good, I ask to talk to the boss, the one in the Congress, the Senate, not them. They’re nobody, they’re just disappearing people. I ask to talk to the good guy, to the boss, not to those people, those people to me are nobody, they are people who try to disappear young girls and kidnap them.


Gloria: Let justice be done, for God’s sake, let my voice be heard. Because more than 200 mothers are coming to me, "my son won’t sign," "he’s out of high school and he won’t sign", "I’m going to take my son out so there’s reprisals," "I’d rather have my son alive than have him gone". That’s why the President hears, that for this cause, that if you don’t clean this base of corruption and don’t give me my daughter, there will be no more young people who sign up. Who will go to war if there is war? Who will defend the country? No one, out of fear. "I’m going to disappear, why am I signing up? I’d rather work in a shop, in a supermarket for a living, than go to that filthy base, or whatever.” That’s why I ask you to cleanse yourself from the bottom and deliver my daughter alive, I want her alive, for God’s sake, alive.


Gloria: And that all those responsible be investigated and brought down, whether they be a coronel, whether they be a sergeant, I don’t care, that they be investigated from the lowest rank to the highest rank. Because everyone is responsible, everyone, because they covered up the whole investigation, because that day was not worked, and I was lied to by the CID that they had worked, never worked and my daughter never came back with the report, they told me that she had come back and my daughter never came back, what did they think? That I will not know? Someone very important told me, so I knew, What did you think? That God was not with me? God is with me, that’s why I’m coming to the truth. May the truth be reached and my daughter be delivered to me. I’m asking the President to help me investigate because I don’t believe in them, I don’t believe them. Let the truth come to me and give me my child, for after this there will not be a child who will join the Army and be sure of it… I have here all the messages of the mothers, "my son is not going to register ma'am, so that they will disappear him?"


Gloria: This is not a lie, they must reach the truth, who defends us? Who will defend us? Each other? No, truth. That is why soldiers register for their country, for their homeland. That’s why we have to have conscience, you maniacs, you have to come out into the open, you have to be locked up, and you have to give up the full weight of the law, and you have to give me my daughter alive, because I’m surviving at pill point, I have to be taking pills so I can be here.
I love my daughter because that girl is my life, she is my Heaven, she is my everything, because my six children are the only thing for me, and it is what I want the most: that justice be done, and that justice be done to my little girl who I love so much, to my queen. She is exemplary, in all schools, all trophies, in four football teams, excellent, "Mrs., your girl is excellent". She doesn’t deserve a bunch of lowlifes like this to ruin a young girl’s life, so I’m asking that all these people be investigated, no matter who they are, that they be investigated and that the full weight of the law be dropped, that they give me my baby is what I’m asking for, And I thank you with all my heart that you have come, I can not come in because right now I woke up trembling from my bed and came to testify and say what I know.

Gloria: Give me my baby girl. I thank the lawyer and the congresswoman, but that support me to go to the Senate, to the presidency, not here, the President and the Governor, that it is investigated and that they give me my girl, and that they pay all those miserable what they have done. For God’s sake, help me, help me in all this.

Congresswoman: We’re going to help you, you know, we’re going to help you. We’re going to go up, we’re going to go up.


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I don't know if I can post this, but I am hosting a raffle for the family that ends tomorrow(6/26/20 at 7 pm). DM me for info. I am posting on my IG, and have already sent her sister(Mayra) donation money from yesterday.

Praying for Vanessa as always. This family needs our support.
Spanish to English Translation

***I did (not) do the translation but had an aquaintance complete the translation. The person is (not) affiliated with KHOU 11 in (any) manner and I can (not) guarantee the translation provided. I feel it's very important for all to hear the words of Vanessa's Mother....Gloria Guillen.***

All voices are accompanied by a number or name to designate the order of appearance in the recording.

Gloria Guillén
[UI] Unintelligible
[CS] Crosstalking
[SIC] Literal Word containing probable error

Peoplo around Gloria Guillén

Sylvia García

Audio file: Mother of missing soldier Vanessa Guillen 'I want my daughter alive!'

Audio duration: 00:10:17


Gloria: First of all, good afternoon to all…

Companion: [UI]

Gloria: I must first of all thank God that he lifted me of my bed to be able to come, because I could not come as I did not feel well at all. The Coronel invited me and I thank him, he invited me to come but I couldn’t, I couldn’t because yesterday when I found out that they were looking in that river I felt very bad because I know that my daughter is not there, because they took a long time to look for my daughter.


Gloria: I begged them from the beginning to look for my daughter, to close that base and to get more than 30,000 soldiers to look for my daughter and they didn’t. I begged them to shut down that base and investigate room by room, barracks by barracks, building by building, they never did, why are they doing that show now to look for my daughter? Why so long now?
I demand justice, I demand respect and respect for my daughter as a soldier, she joined the army for her country, for her country, to defend all of us. Since she was very young, since she was 10 years old she said that she was going to enroll, and I didn’t believe it, I thought it was a girl’s game, but no, she reached adolescence, entered high school and enrolled. I cried a lot because I didn’t want her to sign up, because my mother’s heart was already afraid I was going to suffer this.

Gloria: She signed up for her country and to defend us and now that she needs us, we must support her and look for her, and catch the wretch who I don’t know which one is. That is why I demand justice and I demand that all the sergeants who were in charge of my daughter, all those in her unit, be imprisoned, that their homes, their ranches be searched, that their cell phones be removed until they tell me where my daughter is. Because everyone, from the sergeant major and as it was his responsibility, the sergeant’s creed, to take care of his soldiers, to protect them, he didn’t do it with my daughter. They lured her down to the gun room to kidnap her, I don’t know how they got her out of there, all I know is that it was a white van where they took her, a white van, who of them has got a white van?


Gloria: Let it be investigated and the truth told, let it not be hidden from the base, the Coronels, do not hide them because everything is going to be known in the name of Jesus everything will be known because so my Father God wants it.
I need my daughter and I want her alive. From the beginning when I spoke in the other post I said: "I want my daughter alive, because my daughter came in alive", because, if God forbid, my daughter appears dead, I will close this base, I’ll move sky and sea and earth and this base closes because it is a basic rot, because it says there: “The best place” but what for? To kidnap, rape, kill.
It’s not fair, that’s why I demand it. Because of them I am ill, because I need my daughter with me, that girl is my life, she is my worship, so I am fighting with tooth and nail until they give her to me and the guilty ones pay.


Gloria: I demand that all sergeants from the lowest rank to the highest rank be imprisoned, and that their homes, their ranches, their rooms, their cell phones be investigated. Why haven’t you done that from the beginning? I told you four weeks ago the name of a wretch, why didn’t you do everything from the beginning? Why are they doing that show now looking for my baby girl? I need my child and I want her alive in my arms, next to me, because if not, I don’t know what would become of me, I need my precious with me. I can no longer deal with the lies of those miserable people, because they are miserable. Let it come to the truth, that’s why I don’t ask to talk to those people, I ask to talk to the really good, I ask to talk to the boss, the one in the Congress, the Senate, not them. They’re nobody, they’re just disappearing people. I ask to talk to the good guy, to the boss, not to those people, those people to me are nobody, they are people who try to disappear young girls and kidnap them.


Gloria: Let justice be done, for God’s sake, let my voice be heard. Because more than 200 mothers are coming to me, "my son won’t sign," "he’s out of high school and he won’t sign", "I’m going to take my son out so there’s reprisals," "I’d rather have my son alive than have him gone". That’s why the President hears, that for this cause, that if you don’t clean this base of corruption and don’t give me my daughter, there will be no more young people who sign up. Who will go to war if there is war? Who will defend the country? No one, out of fear. "I’m going to disappear, why am I signing up? I’d rather work in a shop, in a supermarket for a living, than go to that filthy base, or whatever.” That’s why I ask you to cleanse yourself from the bottom and deliver my daughter alive, I want her alive, for God’s sake, alive.


Gloria: And that all those responsible be investigated and brought down, whether they be a coronel, whether they be a sergeant, I don’t care, that they be investigated from the lowest rank to the highest rank. Because everyone is responsible, everyone, because they covered up the whole investigation, because that day was not worked, and I was lied to by the CID that they had worked, never worked and my daughter never came back with the report, they told me that she had come back and my daughter never came back, what did they think? That I will not know? Someone very important told me, so I knew, What did you think? That God was not with me? God is with me, that’s why I’m coming to the truth. May the truth be reached and my daughter be delivered to me. I’m asking the President to help me investigate because I don’t believe in them, I don’t believe them. Let the truth come to me and give me my child, for after this there will not be a child who will join the Army and be sure of it… I have here all the messages of the mothers, "my son is not going to register ma'am, so that they will disappear him?"


Gloria: This is not a lie, they must reach the truth, who defends us? Who will defend us? Each other? No, truth. That is why soldiers register for their country, for their homeland. That’s why we have to have conscience, you ******* maniacs, you have to come out into the open, you have to be locked up, and you have to give up the full weight of the law, and you have to give me my daughter alive, because I’m surviving at pill point, I have to be taking pills so I can be here.
I love my daughter because that girl is my life, she is my Heaven, she is my everything, because my six children are the only thing for me, and it is what I want the most: that justice be done, and that justice be done to my little girl who I love so much, to my queen. She is exemplary, in all schools, all trophies, in four football teams, excellent, "Mrs., your girl is excellent". She doesn’t deserve a bunch of lowlifes like this to ruin a young girl’s life, so I’m asking that all these people be investigated, no matter who they are, that they be investigated and that the full weight of the law be dropped, that they give me my baby is what I’m asking for, And I thank you with all my heart that you have come, I can not come in because right now I woke up trembling from my bed and came to testify and say what I know.

Gloria: Give me my baby girl. I thank the lawyer and the congresswoman, but that support me to go to the Senate, to the presidency, not here, the President and the Governor, that it is investigated and that they give me my girl, and that they pay all those miserable what they have done. For God’s sake, help me, help me in all this.

Congresswoman: We’re going to help you, you know, we’re going to help you. We’re going to go up, we’re going to go up.


A white van!!?? Who is giving her this information?
Missing Fort Hood soldier case rises to the Army secretary’s level as family pushes for more transparency

Early this week, Khawam contacted the office of Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy to push for more transparency in the case, she told Army Times.

“We’ve called the secretary of the Army’s office and I’ve contacted the Senate and House Armed Services committees for a congressional investigation,” said Khawam, who added that she’s heading to Washington, D.C., this week to meet with lawmakers’ staffers. “The secretary of the Army did contact the general for the base, because [the general] told us that he got a call from them to look into this matter and make sure we were being provided information that we’re requesting.”

On Tuesday, Fort Hood deputy commander Maj. Gen. Scott Efflandt and 3rd Cavalry Regiment commander Col. Ralph Overland updated the Guillen family on the most recent searches and the status of the investigation.

The two commanders also showed the family Guillen’s work area and the parking lot where she was last seen outside 3rd Cavalry Regiment’s engineer squadron headquarters. She was working in the armory there before disappearing on April 22.
I don't know if I can post this, but I am hosting a raffle for the family that ends tomorrow(6/26/20 at 7 pm). DM me for info. I am posting on my IG, and have already sent her sister(Mayra) donation money from yesterday.

Praying for Vanessa as always. This family needs our support.
please send me a message so I can see your IG.
A search for missing Army Pfc. Vanessa Guillen along the Leon River was suspended on Thursday, Texas EquuSearch Director of Operations David White said.

“We were given a certain area by law enforcement and we have searched it about as thoroughly as we can,” White told the Telegram. “We suspended our search this morning.”

White said Texas EquuSearch will now be on standby. The search along the Leon River began on Sunday when about 30 volunteers, Texas Department of Public Safety troopers and Texas Department of Parks and Wildlife stationed themselves off FM 436 near Wilson Valley Road in Bell County.

“We’re on standby but we will be back … when further developments give us somewhere to go look,” White said. “Right now, we’re as far as we can go. The investigation is ongoing and they will be calling us if something develops.”

Leon River search for missing soldier suspended
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