GUILTY TX - Police stage murders to catch couple who hired hitman - Feb 2017

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My first husband was a huge jackass. YUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE -lol- but that doesn't mean I am going to have him murdered, wth. And mind you, I don't consider myself a particularly lovely person. This woman effed up, and then, like any coward, offed herself instead of being an adult and facing the music. Good riddance.

As for loverboy, I can't wait to see him in orange jumpsuit when he goes to trial.
Im holding off on judging this woman on the hit man deal, the news has not said exactly how this came about other than they went to the Olive Grden to plan the deal. It sounded about as corny as the Texas Cheerleader case, I did read it WAS the boyfriend who wanted to have this hit man hold down his ex girlfriend so he could inject her with potassium, which having been to med school he learned that will cause what would appear to be a heart attack. I do not know how much of this plan was her idea or his doing. I read she wouldnt look at the pic the cop tried to show her of her dead ex. The entire thing just sounds like something the boyfriend would do, she was a big fool for choosing to hang with him and possibly select the same type for a husband.

There was a custody battle but they didnt say who won, just that he was given 2 million or so in assets.

Dahlia Dipilito was a hooker/gold digger LOL
I posted her divorce petition, its all there what happened to her

What happened to her? I skimmed over the divorce petition and I didn't see anything egregious. Adultery is a tale as old as time and certainly no reason for murder.

Sure she had to hand over some money and a house (they owned more than one). She got to keep a house and her business (physical property) that they owned together. Without knowing every detail I don't think anyone here can say the settlement was unfair and again no justification for murder.
Frankly, I'm appalled at the implication that, just because this woman was treated poorly in a divorce, and had the poor judgement to get involved with criminal, her involvement in a plot to have her husband killed was a "mistake" that is not her responsibility. There are plenty of people who, even under more extreme duress, know that they do not have the right to take the life of their tormentor. They have the strength of character and moral compass to resist such a suggestion, let alone participate in a plot to kill the father of their child or anyone else.

She was willing to deprive her daughter of her father and her husband's family of their loved one. She was willing for her ex to suffer at the hands of carjackers. In other words, she was putting her comfort and desire for revenge above the life of another person and the happiness of others. That feeling of superiority and entitlement does not suddenly emerge under stress. It may lurk hidden from everyone, but a humble person of strong character could not be manipulated into violating another's right to live under any circumstances. They would rather die than commit murder. And no, she was not "mental." If she was struggling with mental issues, getting help is the appropriate response, not murder followed by suicide to avoid responsibility.*

We need to be very careful about justifying murder (or plots to commit murder) on the basis that the victim was a horrible person. This has nothing to do with "walking a mile in their moccasins." It is fundamental to the law of our society. I argued this point long and hard when WS members were convinced that Gypsy Rose Blanchard(e) had "no choice" but to kill her extremely abusive mother (in her sleep) in order to escape. Our sympathy for the killer's situation (which I felt deeply) should never twist our thinking so that we justify cold-blooded murder. If we go down that path, we are undermining the law and giving ourselves the individual right to pass life or death judgement on anyone who treats us badly. Play that scenario out in your minds. Is that the kind of uncivilized society we want? We are already headed in that direction. Websleuths is full of murder cases that sicken us and this is another one that should sicken us even though it didn't happen. No excuses. Please.

*I've been on enough "suicide threads" here to have an understanding that ongoing long term depression can cause a decent, loving, normally unselfish person to want to end their unremitting suffering and to think that others would be better off without them. I dont agree with the action, but I understand. That kind of suicide is quite different from using it to escape consequences of wrong actions IMO.

I am not justifying her actions in this matter I simply have compassion for what her life must have been like that would lead her to follow along with such a stupid crime. Surely she had to be smarter than to fall for such nonsense this is what intriques me about this case. How does a popular likable woman with a great career choose men like Jacob and then actually think this hit man was a good idea or that it would even work out had it been a real hit man? Something went terribly wrong with her thought process or maybe being so traumatized played some part, we just dont know yet. I hope we get to find out as I bet this loverboy will not go down w/o a fight and I can hear it now " it was all her idea" since she is dead and cant defend herself.

I have zero compassion for Dahlia she was a gold digger looking for a big pay out. This woman I think was the total opposite.
Im holding off on judging this woman on the hit man deal, the news has not said exactly how this came about other than they went to the Olive Grden to plan the deal. It sounded about as corny as the Texas Cheerleader case, I did read it WAS the boyfriend who wanted to have this hit man hold down his ex girlfriend so he could inject her with potassium, which having been to med school he learned that will cause what would appear to be a heart attack. I do not know how much of this plan was her idea or his doing. I read she wouldnt look at the pic the cop tried to show her of her dead ex. The entire thing just sounds like something the boyfriend would do, she was a big fool for choosing to hang with him and possibly select the same type for a husband.

There was a custody battle but they didnt say who won, just that he was given 2 million or so in assets.

Dahlia Dipilito was a hooker/gold digger LOL

National Post Article

“She is not a victim,” Moss said. “She was brought to the meeting and discussed with the officer exactly how she wanted her ex-husband killed. In no way is she a victim.”

“They didn’t want to look at the pictures,” Harris County Assistant District Attorney Nathan Moss said Monday in court. “They said, ‘Oh, we don’t want to see them, but here’s the money we owe you.’

As I read the divorce claims, she claimed he had an affair and then asked the judge to restrict certain behaviors (like destroying joint assets). Implying that he had done that but not accusing. And this is only her side of the case, what did his claims say? The ex may have been a jerk but we don't know that.
I just cannot find any compassion for this woman. And I am a bit shocked anyone else can. I am just sad for her family....especially her daughter.

I suppose if one has compassion for her and how she ended up in this situation, they should probably have compassion for the boyfriend and how he ended up in the state of mind to want his ex-girlfriend dead.
I am not justifying her actions in this matter I simply have compassion for what her life must have been like that would lead her to follow along with such a stupid crime. Surely she had to be smarter than to fall for such nonsense this is what intriques me about this case. How does a popular likable woman with a great career choose men like Jacob and then actually think this hit man was a good idea or that it would even work out had it been a real hit man? Something went terribly wrong with her thought process or maybe being so traumatized played some part, we just dont know yet. I hope we get to find out as I bet this loverboy will not go down w/o a fight and I can hear it now " it was all her idea" since she is dead and cant defend herself.

I have zero compassion for Dahlia she was a gold digger looking for a big pay out. This woman I think was the total opposite.

Assuming that "what was going on in her life" led her to follow her boyfriend in this plot is the same as making excuses and justifying what she did. Assuming that "something went terribly wrong with her thought process or maybe being so traumatized played some part" is the same as making excuses and justifying her behavior with totally hypothetical possibilities that have no bearing on what she did. At this point, all the information we have about her life or possible trauma is a one-sided petition for divorce not unlike millions of similar petitions. What you are talking about are points that are used in mitigation before sentencing, not in deciding her guilt or innocence.

When being "intrigued" by what caused her to do this evil deed crosses over into "compassion" and made-up excuses for her behavior, it becomes a serious problem on a true crime forum IMO. We may be "intrigued" by what makes killers tick, but we side with the victim here. We don't turn the murderer into a victim without much more information than we have in this case. Gypsy Rose Blanchard (mentioned above) was, in fact, both a tragic victim and a murderer. But there was no justification for taking her sleeping mother's life as some on WS maintained. It is that attitude of justification for cold-blooded murder for any reason that I will continue to protest.

There are plenty of smart, popular women who get involved with people like Jacob for many reasons. I expect that low self esteem plays a part, but they don't plot to murder their ex. We have absolutely no evidence that he coerced or forced her to plot to kill her husband. According to the undercover cop, she was a willing and active participant in the meeting at the Olive Garden. There is a huge difference between killing someone in self-defense or even in the heat of the moment vs plotting a hit and describing how you want it done and paying a hit man to do it. I'm falling to understand why this difference is unclear and why she deserves justification and compassion.

I will save my compassion for the potential victims...her ex, her daughter and his family as well as her family and friends.

Here is her divorce petition where she says he cheated and a host of other BS that would drive most people to the brink and then she was ordered to give him 1.7 million plus a house on Tiki Island and many more things, all probably earned by her. I feel really horrible for her, like I said earlier we do not know who said what in the hit man/cop deal but I smell a rat there and said rat was probably the one who instigated the murder for hire,this lady sure knows how to pick a partner lol : McDaniel Divorce 9_9189780_ver1.0.pdf
Well, she accuses him of adultery and fraud. Not sure how someone can commit fraud against a community estate that they are half owner in (Texas is a community property state, I believe) and there is no detail or explanation backing up that accusation.

All of the rest of the items listed as part of the restraining order request are not actually things she is accusing him of, I presume these are a standard laundry list used by her lawyer to head off any possible incivility.

And, really, when it comes to divorces, I would generally presume there's at least some skewing of the truth... not like no one ever lied or made false accusations during a divorce.

And, you know, given that whole murder thing, it wouldn't surprise me if she lied.

After all, we have zero evidence that any of her accusations against her husband are true. There's plenty of evidence that she plotted his murder.

Shades of Terri Harmon... imo.

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I saw the bond hearing and unless I heard wrong the cops failed to record this meeting at the Olive Garden. Hated to hear that now unless other evidence is uncovered we have to go by the cops word on what went down and who said what. Some other news site said something about Jacob having a meeting with the cop and then after their chat about his ex he told him he wanted to discuss another job, so at least at this point it was loverboy doing all the talking. I gathered Valerie was not at this meeting.

Valerie has paid the ultimate price for her foolish participation. That gives me a hint at how overwhelmed she must have felt.
I saw the bond hearing and unless I heard wrong the cops failed to record this meeting at the Olive Garden. Hated to hear that now unless other evidence is uncovered we have to go by the cops word on what went down and who said what. Some other news site said something about Jacob having a meeting with the cop and then after their chat about his ex he told him he wanted to discuss another job, so at least at this point it was loverboy doing all the talking. I gathered Valerie was not at this meeting.

Valerie has paid the ultimate price for her foolish participation. That gives me a hint at how overwhelmed she must have felt.

Links to bond hearing information please. Otherwise it's rumor. Thanks.

ETA: Since posting, I have watched every video and read every article I could find about the bond hearing, and there is no mention of the cop failing to record the Olive Garden conversation. We need a link.

I can't get this one to play. Perhaps someone else can give it a listen.

See also videos I posted about the city councilman.
A city councilman is the one who tipped off the police about Jacob.

In the latest twist to a case that has made international headlines, an investigator said Wednesday that Houston City Councilman Michael Kubosh - a professional bail bondsman - alerted police to an alleged murder-for-hire plot involving a prominent Montrose veterinarian and her boyfriend scheming to kill their exes.
Kubosh, who supplied the bail bond on a stalking charge for Leon Phillip Jacob, told police in February that he was troubled by Jacob's comments about the case, Harris County district attorney investigator Jimmy Turpin said in court.

The councilman said after the hearing that he believed Jacob was asking for help in a covert plan to eliminate the witness against him.
"He told me that he paid somebody quite a bit of money to take care of this matter," Kubosh said. "I felt like he was trying to implicate me in something."
Kubosh, who has been a councilman since 2013, became alarmed and contacted Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo.
a sociopath would never kill themself especially in such a tragic way. They are known for being manipulators, her boyfriend is quite the sociopath and will never choose to end his own life, yours? you betcha but never his own, they are always about themselves.

I don't know if McDaniel is a sociopath but I think she cultivated an image that appeared perfect and was proven to be false. If she thought her ex was harmful to her daughter, why leave her to him by exiting the scene permanently? Everything she threw at her ex is nothing compared to what he had on her, how humiliating.

The shame and embarrassment must have been unbearable. First, the perfect marriage is ruined by her ex cheating on her, then he's awarded half or thereabouts of the money/assets in the divorce and finally, loser boyfriend talks her into making their 'annoyances' disappear.

Jacobs and McDaniel are control freaks imo. McD chose to end her own life instead of taking responsibility for her actions and beg forgiveness from her daughter while serving out her sentence. Killing herself doesn't exonerate her.

I don't feel compassion for her, afaik, the bond between the pair was never about love and companionship but built on seeking revenge and reclaiming what's theirs. :no: JMO
Murder-for-hire suspect to stay in jail, trial date set for December - July 12th

A suspect in a high profile murder-for-hire case has been denied bond, again. While Leon Jacob remains behind bars, his trial date has now been set for December 1.

Man accused in murder for hire plot talks to KHOU's Len Cannon

Jacob said he never intended to hire someone to harm or kill his ex. He said he thought he and Valerie were meeting with a private investigator. He said they wanted to check on their exes, not kill them.

"So you called someone to negotiate...what?" Cannon asked.

"I can't talk about that because of the pending trial. I have to be careful here. I'm fighting for my life. My lawyers have told me not to talk about certain circumstances." Jacob said.

Leon Jacob, accused of trying to hire a hitman to kill his ex, claims entrapment - July 12th

Motion for judge's recusal in Leon Jacob's murder-for-hire case denied - June 8th

City councilman speaks about tipping off police in murder-for-hire plot - April 5th
'I didn't want to hurt him,' Valerie McDaniel says in message she shared - April 4th

It's clear from the recording that after her arrest, McDaniel felt the world collapse around her, but she clung to two things in particular: Her love for her daughter and her love for her co-defendant.

"I fell deeply in love with Leon during the the whole incident at the end of my marriage," she said.

"One thing I hope people know and that comes out: At one point, when I was talking to the officer I said can't you just change him and make him be nice to me, and he cut me off real quickly and said, 'No. No. No. No.'" McDaniel said on the recording left for Channel 2.

At no point during the nearly two-hour recording does McDaniel ever flatly admit to wanting her ex-husband killed.

Instead, she repeatedly stated that she would not have wanted the father of her child to be hurt.

After learning she was the subject of a police sting, she appears to depict the scene at the Olive Garden as entrapment.

Veterinarian's friends left to ponder why after suicide - April 8th

Regardless of the details of the foiled plot, or the extent of McDaniel's involvement, the simple fact that her name was connected to it stunned everyone who knew her. On the worst days of her marriage, her tendency was to turn the other cheek. One friend said the most demonstrative reaction she ever saw was McDaniel throwing her husband's cellphone into the bay after getting some particularly maddening news. So why now?

"She wasn't even talking about him anymore," said Whitley, a friend for almost three decades. "She kept the practice and had her daughter, and that was all that mattered. Yeah, she had to pay him some money. So what? He was paid off. She didn't care about that."

While she did complain that contact with her ex remained an ongoing problem, none of her friends who spoke to the Chronicle said McDaniel appeared unduly burdened by it. As she herself said in her lengthy iPad summary, she mostly just wanted him to be nicer to her.
Thanks for the updates JusticeWillBeServed!
Here's the episode about the case from last night


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