TX - pregnant wife unresponsive on life support, husband hopes to fulfill her wishes

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If I am remembering correctly, they were both EMT's. She would have known that she should have a signed "Do Not Resucitate Order" and the law regarding pregnant women. Why didn't she sign one? Granted it wouldn't change the law ....
If I am remembering correctly, they were both EMT's. She would have known that she should have a signed "Do Not Resucitate Order" and the law regarding pregnant women. Why didn't she sign one? Granted it wouldn't change the law ....

She was young and like many young people likely though she had a lot of time before any such order is needed.
And it wouldn't make a difference anyway.
The husband will probably end up with huge amounts of medical bills and there is probably a high likelyhood the fetus was affected by lack of oxygen.
I did not see in the article how long the wife was "down" meaning without oxygen and blood flow. It obviously was long enough to result in her brain death. The chances of this baby having severe mental retardation and other medical problems are IMO probably very high. I can't think of one couple who gets pregnant with the hope that their child isn't perfect. Fortunately, with the technology available today, they can do high level ultrasounds to see if fetal development is normal. The neurological issues may not be able to be determined until the baby is born. IMO this father is probably overwhelmed at the thought of trying to raise a possible special needs baby. While he may wish to honor his wife's wishes, nothing was stated in the article that she didn't want this baby. So in a way he is honoring her wishes by welcoming this baby into the world despite the challenges that may face him in the future. I hope for his sake, the baby is born healthy and will live a full and productive life. JMV

But weren't you saying on the 13-year old who's brain dead that her body will just deteriorate if kept on life support? Do you really think that this woman will make it 26 weeks without totally shutting down?
There is discussion to MAYBE take the baby at 24 weeks. Right now the child is 18 weeks. Uh, that's only 6 weeks away. There is also talk of going full-term.

I guess I'm taking the side of the State of Texas on this one. The mother did not have a written wish - only said she did not wish to be on life-support. I doubt there is any legal challenge the father can make.

IMO the father is concerned the child will not be mentally normal. Indeed, it would be a challenge for a single father, but I would think he would want the child. Prayers that the child will bring him much happiness.

24-weeks? :what: That's the barely survivable range! I can't even...
If I am remembering correctly, they were both EMT's. She would have known that she should have a signed "Do Not Resucitate Order" and the law regarding pregnant women. Why didn't she sign one? Granted it wouldn't change the law ....

Well it wouldn't have changed the law BUT it would have prevented this situation. The EMTs and Doctors that followed the DNR order may not have found out she was pregnant until later i.e. after she had been dead a while.
But weren't you saying on the 13-year old who's brain dead that her body will just deteriorate if kept on life support? Do you really think that this woman will make it 26 weeks without totally shutting down?

Truthfully, I don't know if she will.
Studies have estimated that the number of fetuses with down syndrome that are aborted range from 85-97% (Yet 85-97% of the country is not pro-choice....Interesting). Considering that in this case, the baby is likely to have a much more severe disability, I don't think it's that "outrageous" if the husband doesn't want the pregnancy to go through. And I feel like he's being made up to be some bad person because he doesn't want to raise a severely disabled child. What about the enormous medical bills? Heck, what about the bill right now? Who's paying for that? It's one thing to disagree about aborting a pregnancy where the child will be special needs, but to act like it's confusing that the husband wants to end the pregnancy, because why wouldn't anyone want their child, doesn't really make sense. If 85-97% of fetuses with down syndrome, where the baby could still likely be high-functioning, are aborted, what % are aborted with a more severe disability (or would've been aborted if they had known)?
Well it wouldn't have changed the law BUT it would have prevented this situation. The EMTs and Doctors that followed the DNR order may not have found out she was pregnant until later i.e. after she had been dead a while.

DNR is different from not wanting to be on life support. One can be resuscitated and not require life support aftewards. She was a young apparently healthy woman. I am not sure why she would want to not be resuscitated. My understanding DNR is usually for older sick patients.
Studies have estimated that the number of fetuses with down syndrome that are aborted range from 85-97% (Yet 85-97% of the country is not pro-choice....Interesting). Considering that in this case, the baby is likely to have a much more severe disability, I don't think it's that "outrageous" if the husband doesn't want the pregnancy to go through. And I feel like he's being made up to be some bad person because he doesn't want to raise a severely disabled child. What about the enormous medical bills? Heck, what about the bill right now? Who's paying for that? It's one thing to disagree about aborting a pregnancy where the child will be special needs, but to act like it's confusing that the husband wants to end the pregnancy, because why wouldn't anyone want their child, doesn't really make sense. If 85-97% of fetuses with down syndrome, where the baby could still likely be high-functioning, are aborted, what % are aborted with a more severe disability (or would've been aborted if they had known)?

Who is to say the child will not be normal? This is an unknown.
Who is to say the child will not be normal? This is an unknown.

If they have to remove the fetus while its premature there is a high chance it won't be.
And that's assuming the fetus didn't suffer irreversible damage while mother was deprived of oxygen. And whatever meds they used trying to resuscitate the mother.
I am guessing the odds are not very good that the fetus is developing normally.
By the way her parents say the same thing-she didn't want to be on life support. Very sad for them. They lost their son several years ago and now their daughter is brain dead.

"It's very frustrating because we know what our daughter wanted, and we're not about to honor that because of this law," Machado said. "The grieving process as a whole for me and my husband and Erick won't happen until she's off life support.""

I have a legal question. After all this is said and done (and seeing as how we have a news report of a baby born to a brain dead woman who died after 6 weeks, I'm guessing this baby will have numerous problems throughout it's life if it even lives), can the husband sue the hospital and/or state?

Like, this law is the only thing keeping her alive, she explicitly stated to her husband and to her family that she NEVER wanted to be on life support, and the family and the husband are the ones who are going to have to pay the bills for the life support that no one but the state of Texas wants. The husband is an EMT, that's honestly not a very high paying job, even with medical insurance those hospital bills are going to be outrageous.
I have a legal question. After all this is said and done (and seeing as how we have a news report of a baby born to a brain dead woman who died after 6 weeks, I'm guessing this baby will have numerous problems throughout it's life if it even lives), can the husband sue the hospital and/or state?

Like, this law is the only thing keeping her alive, she explicitly stated to her husband and to her family that she NEVER wanted to be on life support, and the family and the husband are the ones who are going to have to pay the bills for the life support that no one but the state of Texas wants. The husband is an EMT, that's honestly not a very high paying job, even with medical insurance those hospital bills are going to be outrageous.

The family isn't blaiming the hospital. They know doctors have no choice. And I don't think one can sue a state for a law.
How many moms on here have said to their SO, husband, boyfriend, while pregnant, "If anything happens, make sure you save the baby"? How many moms on here would lay down their lives for their babies/children?

I bet every single mom on here would.

Yes, the thought of raising a special needs child is daunting, however there are so many state and federal agencies that assist and have varying programs. IMO this guy sounds concerned. For his wishes, not hers. JMV

I :heartbeat: this quote.
Awesomely stated!
I :heartbeat: this quote.
Awesomely stated!

I actually do not agree. None of us is privy tonthe husband's thoughts and assuming he wants the pregnancy terminated because he doesn't want to raise a disabled child is pure speculation. Who are we to judge? We are not the ones going through this terrible situation, we are but spectators, neither of us would have to deal with the emotional and economic challenge of raising a severe disabled child
Who is to say the child will not be normal? This is an unknown.

If mom has been brain dead since week 14 and fetus was deprived of oxygen during hours before the EMTs figured out the lady was pregnant, chances are damages are severe - I am surprised there is still in utero development. Then again I am not a medical doctor, so I am just being a wild guesser.

I agree with the husband's decision. I would do the same.

p.s. I also disagree with the Texas law - won't say more about that or I will get kicked out.
I actually do not agree. None of us is privy tonthe husband's thoughts and assuming he wants the pregnancy terminated because he doesn't want to raise a disabled child is pure speculation. Who are we to judge? We are not the ones going through this terrible situation, we are but spectators, neither of us would have to deal with the emotional and economic challenge of raising a severe disabled child

I agree completely. I personally would never expect my husband to raise a child alone with significant special needs. It's simply not what I would want for him, nor for a child, and if that is his rationale, I could never vilify him for that. And I have a child with special needs. I would lay down my life for my child now, but that is a very different scenario than a fetus which has been likely deprived of oxygen and has little chance of quality of life. Especially when a segment of society cares more for the fetus than they do for a sentient child. He is simply trying to honor his wife's wishes. This law is a travesty, and if anything positive can come out of this situation it may be that this law is ultimately challenged.

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