TX TX - San Antonio, WhtFem 18-26, 70UFTX, floral blouse & red shorts, "Cantu" written on cuff, Nov'90

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I was in Henderson Nevada earlier this week visiting the office of Canyouidentifyme.org. Their forensic art instructor was showing me the book Forensic Art and Illustration by Karen Taylor. There were several PM photos in the book, one of which was for this jane doe. Her cause of death is not mentioned anywhere, but she had an apparent blunt force injury to her left side of her eye and cheekbone

So I was able to do a reconstruction for this Jane Doe. She looks a bit more Hispanic than is depicted in the official recon, though she is probably Caucasian/Hispanic mixed. She looked more like this:


Not only does she look a little more Hispanic, she looks older. The TX Department of Safety sketch makes her look like a teenager. Also, if you look at the sketch, the artist seemed to make her face fuller than it really was, especially her nose and lips.

I think this sketch is probably much closer to what she looked like in real life. I also find it interesting that her blouse appears to have been a slight off-the-shoulder style (popular in the late 80s and early 90s) with what looks like either bra straps or tank top sticking out, yet no mention of a bra or tank top among the clothing.
I almost wonder if this Jane Doe's case could be related to Walker County Jane Doe's, since they were both found on the same day under similar circumstances, since the killer may have intended on murdering his victims around the same day (as I feel that Orange Socks and WCJD were killed by the same person, a year and a day apart).
Not only does she look a little more Hispanic, she looks older. The TX Department of Safety sketch makes her look like a teenager. Also, if you look at the sketch, the artist seemed to make her face fuller than it really was, especially her nose and lips.

I think this sketch is probably much closer to what she looked like in real life. I also find it interesting that her blouse appears to have been a slight off-the-shoulder style (popular in the late 80s and early 90s) with what looks like either bra straps or tank top sticking out, yet no mention of a bra or tank top among the clothing.
The straps could be part of the top. That's what I assumed, I had a few in the late 90's like that.

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The straps could be part of the top. That's what I assumed, I had a few in the late 90's like that.

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Yes, I think that the straps are part of the top.
This is a fascinating case. I have family in San Antonio and even now as a "big" town it's surrounded by a whole lot of ranches and rural areas.

Hopefully when my computer gets fixed I can take a better look. I'm friends with a lot of hispanic people and even up North there is a large distrust of police and unwillingness to come forward. I've heard it's a lot worse in the more Southern states where, according to a friend, everyone with tan skin and an accent is considered to be an illegal. I hope that's not the case with this girl's family.
NamUs lists her body condition as having "traumatic injuries" even though DoeNet lists the cause of death as "unknown." I'll bet she was either a homicide victim or died from a car accident. I wish law enforcement made this sort of information available. We as the public have the right to know.
NamUs lists her body condition as having "traumatic injuries" even though DoeNet lists the cause of death as "unknown." I'll bet she was either a homicide victim or died from a car accident. I wish law enforcement made this sort of information available. We as the public have the right to know.

There is an obvious blunt force trauma to the left side of her left eye socket. She was probably struck by a blunt object swung by a right-handed assailant.
After obtaining a copy of KTT's book for my own hopes to create recons, I definitely agree after seeing her PM. It's surprising how NamUs list traumatic injuries when it didn't seem too terribly graphic. But anyway, there's no way she died naturally. Probably the lack of explanation is due to police withholding details in efforts to solve the case if someone ends up stating facts only the killer knew.
I bought a copy of Karen T. Taylor's book Forensic Art and Illustration, which contains the PM of this Jane Doe. And now, I have a much clearer image of the PM. My previous copy was a photograph of that page taken on my iPhone. One thing I noticed from the clearer image is that her left canine tooth (#11) protrudes forward a little bit and overlaps the adjacent upper left lateral incisor (#10). There is a noticeable tilt in her #11 canine that I had not noticed before.

With the clearer image, I revised the recon a little more.

After obtaining a copy of KTT's book for my own hopes to create recons, I definitely agree after seeing her PM. It's surprising how NamUs list traumatic injuries when it didn't seem too terribly graphic. But anyway, there's no way she died naturally. Probably the lack of explanation is due to police withholding details in efforts to solve the case if someone ends up stating facts only the killer knew.

Perhaps the blow to the head isn't the trauma that killed her.

And head wounds that appear fairly minor on the surface can cause bleeding in the brain and subsequent death.
Perhaps the blow to the head isn't the trauma that killed her.

And head wounds that appear fairly minor on the surface can cause bleeding in the brain and subsequent death.

I was also looking a little closer at the injury by her left eye, and realize that it might have been caused by a fist. Just above the large circular injury next to her eye there are 3 parallel horizontal abrasions that are about the exact size and spacing of the index, middle, and ring fingers on a closed fist.
I wonder if somebody hit her in the face, and caused the back of her head to smash into something hard like a brick wall or concrete floor. That can cause extensive brain damage without a lot of visible injury.

Seriously sounds like "domestic" violence (to include other intimate violence such as pimp, etc.)
Maybe Cantu wasn't her last name, but a friend or boyfriends'? Although it would be very odd, obviously, to have that written on her pant leg unless it was hers. Makes me think of the UID who had "Julie" or "Julep" written on her bra. Maybe either/both of them had been homeless and didn't want their clothes getting mixed up with the others, so they labeled them.

I think it seems like domestic abuse, too. I could be completely off, but it just seems to have the markings of it to me. And it would account for lack of MP report; SO brushes it off as "she just ran off", family tries to take it to LE, LE says she is adult and has right to run away.

Off topic, but there are around 40,000 unidentified decedents in America currently, and domestic abuse is such a huge issue, I'm sure quite a few are victims of that. It is a under represented issue, I believe, but it is a huge one nonetheless.
I shares clothes w friends all the time as a teen and I was a teen at the same time as this Jane. It totally could be borrowed clothes.
[h=1]California artist recreates image of unidentified woman found dead in East Side ditch in 1990[/h]
Nearly 27 years later, the woman has still not been identified, but an artist from California is hoping his artistic rendering of her face will help someone recognize her.
Carl Koppelman, a 54-year-old from El Segundo, California, first came across "Cantu," as he calls the unidentified woman, in a book by another artist who creates facial reconstructions.
"It's probably pretty close to what she actually looked like," Koppelman said of his reconstruction. "Maybe if it gets shared around the San Antonio area or maybe nationwide someone will recognize her, but I kind of suspect she's a local woman."

According to The Doe Network International Center for Unidentified and Missing Persons, "Cantu" was found dumped in a ditch in the 1600 block of Cornerway Boulevard.
She's was about 5 feet 2 inches tall and weighed about 120 pounds. She had brown eyes and hair, and a scar on her abdomen from a Cesarean section birth. She had undergone a surgical removal of her fallopian tube and ovary, even though she was estimated to be somewhere between 18- and 26-years-old.

Based on her injuries, Koppelman suspects she was a victim of domestic violence. San Antonio police could not immediately comment on the "Cantu" case.

Congrats on the new article Carl! :loveyou: I hope Cantu will be identified soon and given her name back.
California artist recreates image of unidentified woman found dead in East Side ditch in 1990


Congrats on the new article Carl! :loveyou: I hope Cantu will be identified soon and given her name back.

Nicely done!

Photo: Carl Koppelman
According to The Doe Network International Center for Unidentified and Missing Persons, "Cantu" died sometime on Nov. 1, 1990, and was later dumped in a ditch in the 1600 block of Cornerway Boulevard


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Here's a few girls who fit the criteria and are NOT ruled out, all of them have an abdominal scar. Heidi Zampell seems to be the closest match by far, but the timing isn't as good.
Heidi Zampell, 62-63inches tall and 110-120lbs. She was last seen in Florida on June 18, 1987 - interestingly her clothing hits extremely close to Jane Doe's "A maroon, flower print top and skirt " and "Scar on her lower abdomen 8 inches long"


Lora McIntire, 62-64 inches and 106-120lbs. Went missing on March 08, 1990 from Oklahoma, scars on "abdomen and
right arm"



Linda Grimm 62inches and 105lbs, went to the store and never came back. Disappeared on March 31, 1986
"Mole on nose by left eye, Cesarean Section scar on abdomen. Scar between eyes"


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