TX TX - Sarah Kinslow, 14, Greenville, 1 May 2001

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I'll update her casefile on my website. I hope they find her soon. Runaways are so vulnerable, especially the girls, to getting mixed up in things no one should be doing. Sarah probably has no idea how much her family loves and misses her.
Please pray for the Kinslow family and for Sarah as her parents travel to NYC today to tape a missing person's segment for the Montel Williams Show this Wednesday. Let's pray that it brings Sarah home!

I'll let you know when this show will air.

The Kinslow family received word today that they will appear on a missing persons episode of the Montel Williams Show on Tuesday, April 19. Please check your local listings for the time and channel.

Let's pray this brings answers about Sarah for this family!

Please don't forget to watch for Sarah's story on the Montel Show tomorrow. Times and stations will vary, so check your local listings.

Also, VERY important, everyone needs to go to the Montel Show Site afterwards and enter in feedback thanking them for doing the show and letting them know how important this is!

Here's the link to do this:


Even if you do not watch the show, do it anyway so they will continue to give oportunities for our families to get national attention for their cases, and hopefully answers.

Thank you!

Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
I'm assuming her computer was checked out..or any of her online profiles/usernames/computers at her high school, etc.
....seems to me like she met someone online and met up with them, especially since she has been spotted many times... Good thing is, she's alive...bad thing is, she dosen't seem to to want to be found for some reason :\

someone posted on her website in her guestbook:

Sarah is in the Beaverton, OR area or so I've heard that from numerous students at GHS. A few even said they've heard from her within the past year and a half or 2 years.

The person didn't leave a name or email...they signed it "GHS student". Perhaps Sarah got in touch with a few select friends and made them promise not to tell where she was? I don't know any other reason why this person wouldn't want to help find her. Maybe an IP search can be run on this guestbook entry?
found some new information...someone posted this in her guestbook. This explains why none of her classmates have come forward...maybe they're helping keep her secret?

Hey this may be strange but I knew her a little. I know when she left that she was ok. She was friends with some people i knew and its said she left because she was pregnant with a black guys baby and didnt want her family to disown her. I dont know who she left with and thats all I know. but a little piece of mind I dont think anything bad has happened to her.

Obviously, she left in 2001, so either she has a new life (possibly a new husband and baby) and is just happy the way she is, or something has happened. I find it hard to believe even if this is true, that she would not at least call her parents to let them know she's OK.

May is Missing Children Month
10:46 AM CDT on Monday, May 2, 2005

From 11 News Staff Reports

Sarah Elizabeth Kinslow has been missing for four years . She disappeared from her Dallas-area school.

There are stories all the time of missing children never being found.

The Laura Recovery Center hopes to raise awareness of those missing children during the month of May.

Yesterday it released a photo of Sarah Elizabeth Kinslow. The girl, now 19 years old, has been missing for four years.

She disappeared from her middle school in Greenville, near Dallas.

May 25th is Missing Children Awareness Day. Every day until then, the Laura Recovery Center will post a flyer of a child who hasn't made it home.
You'd think that if she just wanted to disappear and is really okay she'd at least call her family and tell them so. To leave them wondering about her is cruel.
A bump with blessings for Sarah and her family. I pray that she contacts someone soon to let her family know that she is ok. She is such a beautiful young lady! Please keep Sarah and her family in your thoughts and prayers.
OMG my heart just dropped when i saw the image you posted. She looks just like her!!!
Did you get that from a google search?!

I am going to forward this to her parents.
jodierenee said:
OMG my heart just dropped when i saw the image you posted. She looks just like her!!!
Did you get that from a google search?!

I am going to forward this to her parents.
Yes, I got it from doing a web search. The young lady in the picture also goes by the name Sarah Kinslow according to the webpage that I got the image from.
I don't think it's her - they do look similar, though.

I think it's always nice to forward photos that seem like close matches, though, because you never know.

The Missing Sarah never shows her front teeth - her smile completely obscures them, and the description states her front teeth overlap. It seems like her smile is hiding not perfect teeth.

The Sarah in the Van health picture has perfect teeth, and she shows them in her smile.

Prayers she is found.
Docwho - that's really interesting, the same name.

I wonder what the possibilities are that a girl who ran away from home could manage to get braces - they cost so much - but I guess that's certainly possible.

It sure would be nice if it was her.

On another note, if her friends do know what happened to her, maybe as they mature and have children of their own they'll realize what a horrible thing it is to keep this secret.
EDIT: Although this girl really looks like her, I doubt it's her. If you look at the page the image came from


You can see that there is also a Lisa Kinslow that is the office manager. This girl is probably her daughter. What a weird coincidence though!

Good point about the teeth too.
jodierenee said:
EDIT: Although this girl really looks like her, I doubt it's her. If you look at the page the image came from


You can see that there is also a Lisa Kinslow that is the office manager. This girl is probably her daughter. What a weird coincidence though!

Good point about the teeth too.
Sometimes when people run away they go stay with an aunt or other relative. I did not know if the lisa was such a relative or not & so decided to let those who know her sort that out & so I posted the possibility anyway. As to the teeth: Enough time has passed to allow for them to have been fixed. Again, I decided to let others decide if that is her or a close coincidence.
Louise Kinslow, mother of missing Sarah Kinslow, shares her story about how psychics preyed upon their family.

This post is a part of a series entitled "Psychics and Missing People", the goal of which is to help families of the missing understand techniques used by psychics, and that use of psychics in missing persons cases not only doesn't net results, but causes great pain, potential loss of hope, and wasted resources.

You can read her story here:


The series starts with this link, if you would like to read it from the beginning:


Kelly Jolkowski, Mother of Missing Jason Jolkowski
President and Founder,
Project Jason
Read our Voice for the Missing Blog
That's GOT to be the same girl! It could be a coincidence with the other woman in the office having the same last name. Check out the description in the missing case file. It says she had a chicken pox scar on her left temple. The girl in the pic at the health center has the same scar. Also, it looks as if her right tooth overlaps the left just slightly in the front. After watching the videos, I'm almost certain it's the same girl.

docwho3 said:

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