Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #5 *Arrest*

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Does it happen often for someone to go to the police station and turn themselves in for something like this?

What would you surmise it might mean, what someone would be thinking, to go to the police rather than wait for the police to gather more evidence and come for them?

I agree and have been wondering about that too. I have been trying to think of anyone in any of the cases i have followed that committed a heinous crime against a child and fessed up straight off the bat to LE, and i couldn't think of any? Maybe other posters might know of some other case like that? The guy just gave himself a life sentence if he gets max penalty at Trial.
Does it happen often for someone to go to the police station and turn themselves in for something like this?

What would you surmise it might mean, what someone would be thinking, to go to the police rather than wait for the police to gather more evidence and come for them?

It shows remorse, which come trial could help with the sympathy vote on avoiding the death penalty if it becomes a death penalty case... also,can you imagine how much unrest you would be if you committed a crime and were laying in wait with a GPS monitor on never knowing if the sound you hear is going to be the end of your freedom... this way he maintained control of the situation, he decided to go in, knew what he was going to be wearing and so on. It would definitely help one eliminate some of those unknowns and feel in control in an otherwise helpless situation. He knew the second Sherin's body was ID'd that he would be hauled in...
I also was going to say that I think it's quite common in the homes of people who come from India to wear flip-flops (thongs) in the way a lot of Westerners wear slippers for indoor shoes, it doesn't imply that someone is going outside. I know the family of a friend I had growing up were from India and they all wore flip-flops at home but changed into outdoor sandals or shoes when going out of the home.
According to this report/ interview from Indian media:
Wesley's grandparents (Sam & Rachel who also goes by Valsamma) lived there/ or visited for awhile.
Some posts on social media with linked photos, showed that there are two driving licenses issued for Sam & Rachel with the same address as WM. Not sure about its credibility.

my husbands family is from another country and when they DO come visit they stay for like 6 months. It costs a lot and you dont see them often so they stay for longer periods than if it was just another state. I could see if they got mail there, medical stuff, I could see them being listed online as living there if they visit for long periods.

It shows remorse, which come trial could help with the sympathy vote on avoiding the death penalty if it becomes a death penalty case... also,can you imagine how much unrest you would be if you committed a crime and were laying in wait with a GPS monitor on never knowing if the sound you hear is going to be the end of your freedom... this way he maintained control of the situation, he decided to go in, knew what he was going to be wearing and so on. It would definitely help one eliminate some of those unknowns and feel in control in an otherwise helpless situation. He knew the second Sherin's body was ID'd that he would be hauled in...

That could be but most parents of a missing/murdered child end up on LE's radar and go in for questioning, because in most of those type of cases one or both of the parents are usually the guilty ones as it turns out.
And as we have seen some of these seemingly guilty perpetrators are actually acquitted at Trial.
That word------'eventually'. Bad bad bad.

I've never heard of a layperson monitoring a pulse before.

I do have to say that when my son had a seizure for the first time a few weeks ago, I did put my finger on his neck when he turned blue to see if I could find a pulse. I've never done that before - never had a reason to. He is 100% fine now!
Maybe it’s because I’m a nurse, but everyone in my little family (hubby, 12 and 16 year old) is cpr certified and renew every two years right along with me...they even take the one for healthcare providers since it’s the one I’m required to take LOL.

That said I think *some people might be inclined to check a pulse even if they aren’t a medical professional- but probably not the norm.

Just a PSA that parents should get certified...I know a lot do when pregnant, but like most things cpr has changed and likely will change again.

Sadly I don’t think cpr would have made a difference in this case— obviously since dad didn’t wake the parent that obviously knew it [emoji20] (or call 911- saving her wasn’t on his mind)

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A minor correction: the garage wasn't mentioned until after Sherin's body was found. But that reminded me - someone posted a link to video of SM and a relative arriving home and driving into the garage. Maybe it was Maria Guerrero?

Hang on... yes! Here it is:

Does that look like a typical place to feed a child milk at 3am? It sure doesn't to me!

I think we can all agree, there was nothing typical about giving milk in the garage.

But that then raises the question of why they were in the garage. My first thought was that there might be an out of use high chair stored in the garage and the angry/frustrated WM took her there to restrain her in the chair until she drank the formula/milk. But, I don't see a chair there, or even any space for really anything other than cars. My mind then went along the same lines thinking that he was using the car seat in the same way (as a restraint)--leading up to forcing the formula on her. And then there are the other suggestions, the least objectionable of which involves taking her to the garage for corporal punishment, so as not to wake the rest of the household. And that's about as far as I can conjecture.
Weren't WM & SM separated very soon after WM's first arrest and to have no contact with each other just after Sherin was alerted to be missing when he told LE his story about leaving Sherin out by the tree? So i don't think they were a couple anymore and that she was supporting him very shortly after that, and then the removal of the other child by CPS too.

Him not being in the same house does not mean they are not together anymore..
That last just struck me ... her charming baby talk ? Makes me wonder if she simply had speech delays due to learning a new language ? Or if she even did ? Would sure love to know how her pediatrician saw her developmentally ? My grandson was speech delayed until he was 3 1/2 . The only person that could communicate with him was me . And every single day my name that he referred to me by was different .
I know I am part of a huge crowd waiting for more information . Sweet little Sherin deserves this more than anyone else .
How many of us would sleep through washing machines and dryers running? And the sound of car engines at 4:am?

I absolutely would sleep through that!! I live in a very small house, my son sleeps in my room, and sometimes his crying doesn't even wake me up. I sleep through everything in my house so I could imagine sleeping through ANYTHING in a large home like Sherin's. Jmo
I absolutely would sleep through that!! I live in a very small house, my son sleeps in my room, and sometimes his crying doesn't even wake me up. I sleep through everything in my house so I could imagine sleeping through ANYTHING in a large home like Sherin's. Jmo

Agree. I'm not a heavy sleeper, but if someone started the washing machine in the middle of the night, I highly doubt I'd hear it. And if your bedroom is on the opposite side of the garage, you would not hear the door going up and car turning on. Add possibly sleeping with a fan/white noise? Totally believable that she heard nothing at all.
I think we can all agree, there was nothing typical about giving milk in the garage.

But that then raises the question of why they were in the garage. My first thought was that there might be an out of use high chair stored in the garage and the angry/frustrated WM took her there to restrain her in the chair until she drank the formula/milk. But, I don't see a chair there, or even any space for really anything other than cars. My mind then went along the same lines thinking that he was using the car seat in the same way (as a restraint)--leading up to forcing the formula on her. And then there are the other suggestions, the least objectionable of which involves taking her to the garage for corporal punishment, so as not to wake the rest of the household. And that's about as far as I can conjecture.

There isn't much typical about watching your child die from choking on a protein shake OR disposing of your child's body in a culvert, either. I struggle to find anything typical about this case.
I do think feeding her in the car may have been a strategy they tried, which would explain many of the things LE took out of the vehicles (as per search warrants released).
Just thought I would note, since a lot of things get lost in translation as it is, that the terms co-sleeping and bed-sharing are often confused as meaning the same thing.
Bed sharing is when the child sleeps in your bed
Co-sleeping (often mistaken as meaning bed-sharing) is a child sleeping in close proximity to the parents/in the same room.
So for example, a newborn baby in a bassinet in a parents' bedroom would be co-sleeping.

Or, to phrase it another way, bed-sharing is co-sleeping, but co-sleeping isn't always bed-sharing. Which definition news outlets or anyone in general means when THEY use the term can be easily misunderstood.

Many parents who practice either (or both) co sleeping and/or bed-sharing still have separate bedrooms for their child with their own bed/crib etc.

So, a home that has a separate room fully furnished is not necessarily an indicator that the child always sleeps alone in that room.

Also, for children who are still young enough to take naps during the day, that can often take place in their own room/own bed, even if they are bed-sharing or co-sleeping with their parents at night.

I think its exactly the same jmo
Are there any cases where one person admitted guilt and took the punishment in order to protect another guilty party? I keep seeing this thrown out as a theory, but in my limited knowledge I have never heard of someone actually going to prison to protect someone else? Outside of maybe gang-related things.
Just to note, I am not supportive of this theory, and think that WM will be found guilty guilty guilty for the murder of his daughter. Just curios about the precedent for people "taking the heat" for a crime they didn't commit, or sheltering an accomplice.
CPS will be taking all of SM's actions, or lack of, into consideration when making their decision about the custody of the biological child. CPS, in the New England state I reside in, expects parents to fully cooperate/comply with LE investigations and or requests.

While CPS can’t outright make her speaking to LE a condition of custody they do have the ability to set the bar of requirements to an unattainable level if she doesn’t. If she doesn’t give the perception of doing everything humanly possible to cooperate with LE in a way that could/would clear herself of legal responsibility she will have little to no chance of regaining custody and may find her parental rights terminated.

Federal law now requires a path to permanency in 1 year for children in social services custody. So at or near the 1 year of custody mark there will be a permenancy hearing to make the determination as to final disposition of the case. Final disposition could be giving full physical and legal custody to family or foster parents. It could also be termination of parental rights and adoption. There are several possible routes but one thing is sure if they feel the parent(s) are not fullfiling the expectations spelled out for them by CPS/DSS/DFACS/DHS it will be the end of their participation. She needs to do any and every thing she can not to impede or slow down LE or the prosecution because that clock is ticking.

I am sure that cooperation seems a frightening choice but in the end it is probably the only chance she has of getting the other daughter back. LE didn’t take her daughter but they certainly can be a path to getting her back.

She has not answered any questions since Sherin was found deceased. I'm sure there are other questions she could answer that would help the police in their investigation. Why not speak with her attorney present.? I'm sure he could advise her on what or what not to answer. A lot has changed since she was questioned last. Her child went from missing to dead. Someone should be the voice of Sherin, and it should be the person that she called "Mommy"
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