Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #5 *Arrest*

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Where I am in Canada the options include "Middle Eastern" as race, our forms (in my area) tend to list Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Native/Metis/Indigenous, Middle Eastern and Asian. Some forms I have seen even include Inuit.

I suppose this is why I was surprised that the options on the website were so limited as in my region we tend to consider "Asian" people to be Philippine, Chinese, Japanese and so on. Hence my confusion as to why he was listed as Asian, I thought he would have been listed as "unknown" as "Middle Eastern" was not an option.

India is not in the Mid East. It's in Asia.
What he admitted to was sufficient for substantial charge. He was present for the choking,sought no assistance,offered no aid and having determined that his daughter was deceased moved her body out of the house, concealed information about her whereabouts and how she got there from the police for days.

Is there a lot of missing and possibly misleading information? Oh, yeah. But in no way is he getting off the hook, or even easy, based on what he has admitted so far.

Agree. He already has the charges of child endangerment from what he admitted initially and if C.O.D. can't be determined then i guess it will go to a child endangerment causing death charge because he failed to get help for Sherin with his second story about her choking.
Also interference with a body charge too. All IMO
Where I am in Canada the options include "Middle Eastern" as race, our forms (in my area) tend to list Caucasian, Black, Hispanic, Native/Metis/Indigenous, Middle Eastern and Asian. Some forms I have seen even include Inuit.

I suppose this is why I was surprised that the options on the website were so limited as in my region we tend to consider "Asian" people to be Philippine, Chinese, Japanese and so on. Hence my confusion as to why he was listed as Asian, I thought he would have been listed as "unknown" as "Middle Eastern" was not an option.

Middle Eastern is not an option, because it's not a race. He would not be listed as unknown, because he is Asian. I'm not sue why there is confusion. (I don't mean specifically you, I am talking in general) since he is literally Asian. India is Asia. People not picturing an Asian person being Indian, does not change the fact that his race is Asian
I guess WM and SM were raised in India? Because I believe I saw something in an article that WM was born in Qatar and SM in UAE.
I cannot recall if it was Maria Guerrero or if it was the new lawyer who said it, but I know I heard someone say that she has had weekly visits that she has been attending, and that was I believe on the day of the hearing around the time WM's rearrest came about, which is why i can't recall who said it... :( but when I heard it i thought "oh okay that explains why people saw her leave the house a couple of times in those two weeks" before she left the house and didn't return... Not sure if she is back yet but i think she has been gone since the day Maria Guerrero showed the Lexus pull into the garage...

My brain hurts...

ETA I tried to google it but everything is coming up with things about WM and Sherin, but i am 99.9999% sure that it said she had weekly visits which she had been attending.

Yeah, I kinda remember not being sure what was being said. It seems like the kind of thing that might have to be approved by a judge, but I'm not sure.
I guess WM and SM were raised in India? Because I believe I saw something in an article that WM was born in Qatar and SM in UAE.

Their race would still be Asian. (Apologies if this is not what you meant. I am operating on sick kiddo sleep deprivation lol.)
I can't help but think if these force-feeding's were a routine thing, well they would be messy. And if they routinely involved milk, well spilt milk smells terrible after a while. You don't want that smell in the house right? So maybe that's why they were in garage.

And spilt milk would require clean up, especially in this cover-up. So I wonder if any towels or rags were washed during that mysterious load of laundry.

as a point of clarification, The "milk" was a protein shake type of drink. I think it has been easiest for all the MSM to just say milk, but LE did clarify at the beginning that it wasn't actual milk, but the family called it her "milk." I don't know how those protein drinks smell when they spill though. And it would have spilled, so good call on the clean up.
Middle Eastern is not an option, because it's not a race. He would not be listed as unknown, because he is Asian. I'm not sue why there is confusion. (I don't mean specifically you, I am talking in general) since he is literally Asian. India is Asia. People not picturing an Asian person being Indian, does not change the fact that his race is Asian

I have no clue why this is making me laugh (could be the migraine or the slightly lighter topic or the time of day)... It's just killing me that where I live in Canada (and i know other areas, even within the same province are different because their demographic is different), has so many options on the forms!! It's like they don't even care about the race they just care about what region of earth you are from... Gotta love filling out random documents, especially the medical ones... oooh maybe its different on medical ones because region is important as far as regional diseases and such? This one is frying my brain. If this case is still active next time I get an insane form I will take a pic! LOL!!!

For real though, when we refer to India people because of the word "Indian" being thrown around so much regarding Natives, we often clarify by saying "India-Indian" I feel like our "inclusiveness" has made us verbally racist now - insert all the emojis - I really didn't mean to offend anyone with this topic and I truly hope I haven't!
Indians in Qatar......
25% of the population in Qatar are from India.
"Indians constitute by far the biggest single nationality in Qatar, numbering at around 650,000 at the end of 2016. The community witnessed a massive increase between 2004 and 2008 when it jumped from 170,000 to around 400,000. While the growth has slowed down since then, it is still formidable and Indians are most likely to stay the biggest national group in the country for the foreseeable future." and "Traditionally Kerala was sending the most people to Qatar, however according to the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Uttar Pradesh has taken that title away since at least 2011. This seems to be part of the general trend in which the northern states are emerging as the leading areas of Indian emigration to Qatar. Between 2011 and 2014 the main sending states of Indian labour to Qatar were as follows in decreasing order: Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh.
This shift has been occurring across the Gulf, but somewhat varies in its prominence from country to country – Kuwait for example still receives noticeably more Indian nationals from the Southern States, especially Andhra Pradesh."
And Indians in UAE//United Arab Emirates
17% of the population is from India. "Indians in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) constitute the largest part of population of the country. Over 2 million Indian migrants (mostly from the Kerala and other south Indian states) are estimated to be living in the UAE.[1] who form over 17 percent of the total population of the UAE.[2] A majority of Indians live in the three largest cities of the UAE — Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Sharjah. Indian contact with the emirates that now constitute the UAE dates back several centuries, as a result of trade and commerce between the emirates and India. More recently, the UAE has experienced a tremendous increase in the population of Indians who, having migrated to the country as a result of opportunities in petroleum, finance and other industries. While most Indian migrants support the financial, manufacturing, and transport industries, a sizeable minority of migrants are involved in professional services and entrepreneurship. Relations between India and the UAE have traditionally been friendly.[3]"
Their race would still be Asian. (Apologies if this is not what you meant. I am operating on sick kiddo sleep deprecation lol.)
No problem. I was just curious. I remember those days, my kiddos are all grown up now. :)
If this baby choked to death, he could have put her in her bed, with a bottle of whatever he was forcing down her throat and said that he found her dead in the morning. "She choked on her bottle in bed." So, there must be injuries inconsistent with a simple choking death.
I LOVE that pretty much daily since Sherin had been missing, that we have had a bit of a lighter O/T topic to sort of allow our brains to refocus! You guys are all awesome! It's truly amazing how a 3 year old that to my knowledge none of us ever met, has brought us together for most of our waking hours everyday and it really has been nice to have a few moments that are more humorous or light.

Justice for Sherin (and everyone on WS) is not going to be easy, but putting our heads together, throwing our theories out there, and even laughing together, will help bring her justice, even if it's not inside of a court room and it is in the fact that her name causes change!

What do you guys think about the community having a petition to have her released to them so that they can have a burial and memorial etc rather than her family or India taking custody of her? I struggle a lot with this one. Part of me thinks that even IF her parents both had something to do with it, that the rest of her family like grandparents, aunts, uncles etc should be the ones to advocate on her behalf if her parents can't... and part of me feels like she really has become a child that we all love and I can understand why having a funeral service for her put on by the people who came together during this time would be a lovely thing to do...
That's a tough one. Like you I can see valid reasons for both. Could they do both? Funeral service and memorial here and burial in the country she was born in?
I LOVE that pretty much daily since Sherin had been missing, that we have had a bit of a lighter O/T topic to sort of allow our brains to refocus! You guys are all awesome! It's truly amazing how a 3 year old that to my knowledge none of us ever met, has brought us together for most of our waking hours everyday and it really has been nice to have a few moments that are more humorous or light.

Justice for Sherin (and everyone on WS) is not going to be easy, but putting our heads together, throwing our theories out there, and even laughing together, will help bring her justice, even if it's not inside of a court room and it is in the fact that her name causes change!

What do you guys think about the community having a petition to have her released to them so that they can have a burial and memorial etc rather than her family or India taking custody of her? I struggle a lot with this one. Part of me thinks that even IF her parents both had something to do with it, that the rest of her family like grandparents, aunts, uncles etc should be the ones to advocate on her behalf if her parents can't... and part of me feels like she really has become a child that we all love and I can understand why having a funeral service for her put on by the people who came together during this time would be a lovely thing to do...

I don't know how it works, but woudn't Sherin's remains be released to the mother? She has not yet been charged with a crime, and I don't see how a petition could block that.

I think a city wide memorial or life celebration service would be lovely. That can obviously be done without a burial. But I just don't think any random people can have her body released to them for burial. I could be wrong and maybe someone knows more than I.
I'm Indian and know the culture quite well. Co sleeping is definitely a common practice. In saying that, it's only common because many households in India only have a single bedroom. Considering they lived in the US, Sherin could have had her own bedroom and slept there.

It is definitely not the husband's duty to cover for his wife. If anything, he would leave her in a heartbeat and be married the next month to another woman.

Having a good family reputation is however quite a big deal. I personally feel Sini is not saying anything because she doesn't want to give herself or her family a bad reputation. Because of what is happening to the Mathews, the extended family will all have a bad reputation due to them and will be avoided by the Indian society.

Sini saying anything bad about Wesley goes against all cultural norms no matter what the situation is.

Please note I am only speculating as I come from the same culture and am saying what my family would do in a similar situation.

Sherin would have learned Hindi(language spoken in Bihar) when in the orphanage. When she moved to the US, she would have been exposed to Malayalam (language parents spoke) and English (language spoken outside the home). Any child would have speech delays in this situation.

Your perspective is really helpful; thanks for sharing.

I always like your posts.:loveyou:

Thx, Gigglingtoes--what a kind thing to say.
I think LE would of known by searching in the Mathews home if the two little girls had separate bedrooms to their parents.

Our kids had separate bedrooms, but still slept 'family bed style' until they were 4 or 5. They took naps in their rooms, played with toys, got dressed in there, had friends over to play with etc. But at night they usually all slept with us in our extra King size bed. :baby:
A possible third reason comes to mind...that he has a very strong need to protect another involved party for whatever reason (remember, LE was saying there might be another arrest or arrests). That reason might be because the accomplice might be someone he's close to, OR, (less likely but also possible) an accomplice might be threatening him to take the fall for the entire thing or harm will come to people he cares about.

WM's quickness to implicate himself (twice now) with a story that is as heinous as it is ludicrous is unusual IMO. It is one of the main reasons why I think he did not act alone, in fact. His actions and statements, while illogical, also seem calculated and diversionary to me.

That's why I tried the Google search to see if anything like that might turn up. I only looked through two pages of results so there might be other reasons hidden in there that only happen 1 time in 100 that someone behaves in a certain way and so it isn't a prominent result, and what you're suggesting can't be a very frequent occurrence.

I can sort of imagine that it could happen. I can imagine a very protective partner, probably the male or maybe a mother of an older child who's of criminally culpable age, coming upon a scene which is a total aberration of behavior, a broken person who is upset and traumatized over what they've done and who the partner/parent doesn't think will cope well in prison. Add on responsibilities like a child to care for and enough trust that this was aberrant behavior and not something that would put the person's child at risk and I can imagine that someone might try to take the blame and sit in prison for 25 to life in the belief this is the best way to protect their loved ones. There might also be huge guilt in the person who takes the blame that they didn't prevent this happening, not just to the victim but to the person who did the crime...."why didn't I watch over *both* of them better?" But I can't imagine that it's very common, especially not in this day and age.

I think if my mum had done something accidental that had bad consequences (not murder, because that is too incomprehensible to think about with my parents!) that my dad would have taken the blame to protect her. Families can conspire to cover things to protect a person in the family, and sometimes they do that in the wrong circumstances. Women protect their abusers, men who are sexual predators can be protected by family. But does it ever happen with a crime of this severity? I think it can't happen very often, but I am curious as to whether it's ever been determined by evidence that someone has been willing to do this for someone they loved.
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