Found Deceased TX - Sherin Mathews, 3, Richardson, 7 Oct 2017 #6 *Arrest*

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Part of CPR is knowing that you have to call 911 asap, esp with children... Even if he had performed CPR he didn't follow through with dialling 911 or shouting for help...

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Isn't it call first and then start CPR? If I remember correctly. It's been awhile for me.
One of my closest friends was a long time foster parent. She adopted 5 children over the years and fostered about 100, for various lengths of time.

I don't think people understand how intense it can be to try and care for a child that has been neglected/abused/terrified/traumatized, and try and give them a normal life experience. It is so difficult and my heart goes out to the entire family. They truly do God's work. :candle:

The eldest brother, of the two......smh, we had made such progress with!!! This has been about 5 years ago. We never fostered again. It honestly broke my family apart. We found out 6 months later that he was being adopted. The youngest brother, last I heard, had went to an institution, and to my knowledge is still there. The abuse that those babies suffered, prior to becoming a huge part of our family is horrid!!!!! No child deserves to be harmed!!!! Ever!!!!!

Full tears now, as this case really hits close to "home" for me.

I have two grandchildren, one of which isn't even a month old. I do not see either of them, divorce... my current living arrangement.... my ex is very bitter. Even tho our kids are adults, two of them live with him. His rule is, they can't visit me.... because of who I'm with.... if they do, they have to move out.

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The eldest brother, of the two......smh, we had made such progress with!!! This has been about 5 years ago. We never fostered again. It honestly broke my family apart. We found out 6 months later that he was being adopted. The youngest brother, last I heard, had went to an institution, and to my knowledge is still there. The abuse that those babies suffered, prior to becoming a huge part of our family is horrid!!!!! No child deserves to be harmed!!!! Ever!!!!!

Full tears now, as this case really hits close to "home" for me.

I have two grandchildren, one of which isn't even a month old. I do not see either of them, divorce... my current living arrangement.... my ex is very bitter. Even tho our kids are adults, two of them live with him. His rule is, they can't visit me.... because of who I'm with.... if they do, they have to move out.

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I'm sorry.
LOL! No prob. I’ve learned a lot too, and my new goal is to get our little sniffer, the Admiral, to let me know where I should be tossing my crab traps. He’s our first hound, and I’m amazed at how different he is from any dog we’ve had. I can see how he would have been suited to being trained for this. I had no idea how incredibly powerful their noses are. They are incredibly stubborn dogs, so my hat’s off to those handlers. Big time.
My Boston Terrier is a McNugget Scent dog. She managed to find a lost McNugget down in the backseat of my car. It was the most expensive McNugget ever. It cost me an entire backseat. She gives new meaning to the saying "she has the tenacity of a Bulldog". [emoji13]

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Yep, that's what I was thinking too. Maybe Sherin just didn't like the taste of Ensure or the high protein drinks? They can be kinda awful tasting.
At daycare or church, she got to eat/drink chocolate milk or juice and cookies just like all the other kids.

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I cannot stand the taste of any flavor Gatorade. It's nasty. I've never tasted Ensure or Pedialyte but it could have just been something she couldn't stand. Th y pack those things were nutrients, vitamins and minerals that doesn't go down easily.
Caregiver of Indian girl found dead in Texas wants answers

The child was already eating solid food and drinking milk from a cup when she left the orphanage, Kumari remembers. She said Sherin squinted in one eye, but otherwise had nothing wrong with her when Mathews and his wife Sini Mathews adopted her in June 2016.

"Why did they have to make her eat or drink anything at that hour? Why was he forcing her?" Kumari asked. "If someone is forcing a drink into the mouth of someone who is crying and sobbing, then even an adult can choke."

Sherin was doing more than squinting. Her left eye was crossed. Which can be a neurological issue.
My Boston Terrier is a McNugget Scent dog. She managed to find a lost McNugget down in the backseat of my car. It was the most expensive McNugget ever. It cost me an entire backseat. She gives new meaning to the saying "she has the tenacity of a Bulldog". [emoji13]

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Needed that laugh! Thank you!!!

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I cannot stand the taste of any flavor Gatorade. It's nasty. I've never tasted Ensure or Pedialyte but it could have just been something she couldn't stand. Th y pack those things were nutrients, vitamins and minerals that doesn't go down easily.
I never fed nor gave anything to my children, without tasting it. As I stated previously, I'm picky, as are my children. The rule in our house was, try a taste... if you don't like it, you don't have to consume it.

My niece is 6, she refuses to eat anything for her parents, besides "chicken nuggets and fries". She will eat anything that I offer her. Even if it is only a bite. Mostly, she eats it all. Just with me....I don't make her eat anything, I just ask her to try it.

Kids being kids......

They are our future!!!! We need to respect their choices!!!

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Needed that laugh! Thank you!!!

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My Boston Terrier, literally 13 years old, blind ( as of late ) never actually tore anything up! However, he does not like strangers!!! He is small, but mighty!!!! The thought of strangers, allow me to rephrase that...... there are "certain" people that he doesn't like and he will bite!!!! My GS isn't as aggressive as the BT. Both have been trained, obedience as well as academy, also have a Jack Russell, trained the same..... she's just stupid though [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] she's scared of her own shadow. Yes, off topic. I just needed to get away, without getting away, from this case.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
My Boston Terrier, literally 13 years old, blind ( as of late ) never actually tore anything up! However, he does not like strangers!!! He is small, but mighty!!!! The thought of strangers, allow me to rephrase that...... there are "certain" people that he doesn't like and he will bite!!!! My GS isn't as aggressive as the BT. Both have been trained, obedience as well as academy, also have a Jack Russell, trained the same..... she's just stupid though [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23] she's scared of her own shadow. Yes, off topic. I just needed to get away, without getting away, from this case.

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I hear ya. I can only water the veggies so many times. I'm finding that the last few days I've been baking a lot of bread. For some reason I am having NOOOOO problems getting into the kneading part of it.
So are ya'll done discussing if India is part of Asia? :tomato:


Dont know if this was posted..

"From now on, passports for adopted children will need Child Development Ministry clearance-The order of the External Affairs Ministry comes in light of the death of Sherin Mathews, the three-year-old adopted from India who died in Texas."

Is is a sad state of affairs that the actions of 1 man (that we know at this time) could potentially negatively impact the possibility of other children having the opportunity to find a good loving forever home outside the country. The domino effect could be chilling before this is over.

I would hate to think that this could end up dooming more children to frowning up in orphanages. While I know we need to do all we can to prevent this from happening to more little Sherin’s it is also the exception not the rule for adoptions.

Most adoptive parents are amazing loving people who would move heaven and earth for thief children. There are always bad apples in everything. The statistics are much worse for bio children being harmed by a parent than adoptive. There is also a nasty anti adoptive current running through society that paints adoptive parents with a broad ugly brush. Not everyone should have children regardless of how they get them.

I received my children lots of ways. I have birth, married into, fostered and adopted. None of that matters they are “ALL” my children. The old ones the young on, the good ones the not so good one, the autistic one, the single ones the married ones, the ones that snore and the ones that don’t. They are my children. Not step, adoptive and bio. My 2 oldest daughters were born 1 day apart to different mothers and different fathers in different states. They convinced everyone on their world that they were not only twins but identical. I never thought they look that much alike but they convinced a high school teacher that they were conjoined twins that had been separated but they still had to sit together to do their work. They said it was that they shared part of a their brain. LOL

Children are a blessing, a gift and darn hard work and worth every bit of effort required. A lot of parenting isn’t easy but one thing is sure, they are easy to love. ❤️

The eldest brother, of the two......smh, we had made such progress with!!! This has been about 5 years ago. We never fostered again. It honestly broke my family apart. We found out 6 months later that he was being adopted. The youngest brother, last I heard, had went to an institution, and to my knowledge is still there. The abuse that those babies suffered, prior to becoming a huge part of our family is horrid!!!!! No child deserves to be harmed!!!! Ever!!!!!

Full tears now, as this case really hits close to "home" for me.

I have two grandchildren, one of which isn't even a month old. I do not see either of them, divorce... my current living arrangement.... my ex is very bitter. Even tho our kids are adults, two of them live with him. His rule is, they can't visit me.... because of who I'm with.... if they do, they have to move out.

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I'm so sorry. Bless you.

Something I was thinking about the other day, we should all be kind to each other because we never know what someone else who posts here is going through. Some of us use this place as an escape from sad realities of our lives and just want to help others because we can't help ourselves. I am one of those too.

And sometimes these cases bring out feelings in us because we can relate, have had experiences with things brought up here.

I am truly sorry for the way things turned out when you were trying to open your heart and your life to abandoned, abused children. Big group hugs to you.
Welcome to Websleuths Angorwat, however I must comment in relation to your criticism of a local religious leader. Cow patties are best left with the water buffalo in India, IMO.
Didn't realize that cow patties are against the TOS. But as other posters have noted he has been a consistent source of information that has been proven total BS , IMO. This petition circus only reinforces that conclusion.
I agree with everyone here who thinks Sherin looked malnourished at the time of adoption and looked well filled out in later pictures. One possible stress on WM that occurred to me was that maybe those visits from CPS involved feeding. Perhaps before she went to the preschool, she was not eating at home.

If that was the case, ensuring she would eat at home might have created a stress around eating that was overwhelming for WM and SM. I cannot imagine how SM might feel, as a nurse, to have CPS involved in the home - it would be very embarrassing.

Thus WM might have gotten angry when Sherin would not eat.

I don't know how I feel about the petition to take control of the body. I'm leaning on the side of it being weird and jumping the gun.

The body is still under control of the ME. Who is to say the family isn't already trying to make arrangements?

I could only see this happening if no one in the family is stepping up to memorialize this precious girl.

To petition to take that right from them is just wrong. IMO

Thry can have a memorial of their own without a body. I don't know how the Indian culture handles burials, if a body need to be present or not, but right now they have no legal claim (which I know the petition is trying to gain) but they also don't have a moral claim.

I agree. Seriously? The "community" wants control over Sherin's body? I can't even. This seems like a new kind of vengeance by petition in order to punish people instead of letting LE do their job. Like leaving milk cartons on the Mathews' porch. What's the purpose other than making strangers feel better?

"I think there's something very suspicious going on," says local, Haley, "and the truth isn't all the way out yet, and we still have more to find out in the future."
"Please allow us to conduct the memorial and burial of our (community baby)," says Community Leader, Father Thomas Ambalavelil, reading from his petition. He believes the Mathews family should NOT get their daughter's body back. "We have more than 5000 electronic signatures and I got that black and white 300."
"She is not the mother of Sherin," says Father Thomas, "she doesn't have pain and you notice when she was in court she had no feeling at all."

Father Thomas needs to shut up. No matter how I personally feel about SM, the fact is that she is Sherin's mother until information to the contrary is released. For him to reduce an adopted child and her parents to the level of "ain't momma unless the child popped out of her belly" mentality (note - he didn't say that, I'm just translating what his quote in the article sounded like to me) diminishes the role of loving, caring adoptive parents. Is that what he really meant?

Anyway, I looked at the petition. Note who actually filed it - another person trying to insert himself into Sherin's case. Please folks, let LE do their work. MOO.
One of my closest friends was a long time foster parent. She adopted 5 children over the years and fostered about 100, for various lengths of time.

I don't think people understand how intense it can be to try and care for a child that has been neglected/abused/terrified/traumatized, and try and give them a normal life experience. It is so difficult and my heart goes out to the entire family. They truly do God's work. :candle:

Something else I am hooked on (besides this case) is the show This Is Us. This season one of the character families has become foster family to an older child. Interesting story line in which the girl was not washing/combing her hair. When Mom finally decided to step in, it turns out the girl had a condition (that had a name I cannot recall) that caused hair to fall out in patches, exacerbated by stress. Warm feelings, acceptance, Mom fixed her hair in braids like the bio kids. Looking like success! Next scene the child is in the bathroom lopping off those braids and coming down to breakfast with her hair sticking every which way. I really laughed, because it fit so well with the experience of many in real life as compared to television. In real life problems aren't resolved in the space of an hour. And when kids have been hurt it takes waaaaay more than a caring heart to heart talk for them to heal, or even open up.

A local adoption group shared a number of families' life experiences, calling their book "Wasn't Love Supposed to Be Enough?" This whole thing we call family is way more complex than most of us realize, until we try to build a new one for someone coming from a family that was truly hurtful. Really tough stuff.
My Boston Terrier is a McNugget Scent dog. She managed to find a lost McNugget down in the backseat of my car. It was the most expensive McNugget ever. It cost me an entire backseat. She gives new meaning to the saying "she has the tenacity of a Bulldog". [emoji13]

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This gave me a good chuckle. Thanks for the levity, lol!
Something else I am hooked on (besides this case) is the show This Is Us. This season one of the character families has become foster family to an older child. Interesting story line in which the girl was not washing/combing her hair. When Mom finally decided to step in, it turns out the girl had a condition (that had a name I cannot recall) that caused hair to fall out in patches, exacerbated by stress. Warm feelings, acceptance, Mom fixed her hair in braids like the bio kids. Looking like success! Next scene the child is in the bathroom lopping off those braids and coming down to breakfast with her hair sticking every which way. I really laughed, because it fit so well with the experience of many in real life as compared to television. In real life problems aren't resolved in the space of an hour. And when kids have been hurt it takes waaaaay more than a caring heart to heart talk for them to heal, or even open up.

A local adoption group shared a number of families' life experiences, calling their book "Wasn't Love Supposed to Be Enough?" This whole thing we call family is way more complex than most of us realize, until we try to build a new one for someone coming from a family that was truly hurtful. Really tough stuff.
Truth!!!!! [emoji173]

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I hear ya. I can only water the veggies so many times. I'm finding that the last few days I've been baking a lot of bread. For some reason I am having NOOOOO problems getting into the kneading part of it.
Thank you, for going off topic with me! Gotcha!

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