TX- State vs. Nelson, Mona Yvette

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I sent an e-mail to the Chronicle's city desk and they said Cindy Horswell would be covering it and will 'update for the web as warranted'.

As warranted??? We want a word for word - every word is warranted.

Oh... TX media is not nearly as interested in this case as we are, I'm afraid. :(

I wonder why? :(

Oh... TX media is not nearly as interested in this case as we are, I'm afraid.

Not to be ghoulish or wanting to offend at all but a kid is abducted and murdered Christmas Eve, by a woman?

Maybe if Jonathan had been a girl? :(

I'm not American so don't want to make assumptions about race or socio-economic status but...

You know?
Accused killer takes stand

By Cindy Horswell | August 13, 2013 | Updated: August 13, 2013 12:18pm

Houston Chronicle - Houston, TX

Mona Nelson, the accused killer of a 12-year-old boy, testified Tuesday that she never felt free to leave when officers brought her in for hours of questioning at Houston police headquarters.

"They would say you are free to go if you want to," Nelson said, adding that when she moved toward the door investigators would say "hold on, just give us a few more minutes." This happened before she was officially arrested in the Christmas eve 2010 disappearance and death of Jonathan Foster.

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Trial begins in 12-year-old Houston boy's death

Associated Press
Posted on August 13, 2013 at 4:32 PM

KHOU (CBS) - Houston, TX

HOUSTON (AP) — Attorneys for a woman on trial this week in the capital murder case of a 12-year-old Houston boy who disappeared Christmas Eve 2010 are fighting to have statements she made to investigators suppressed, claiming they were coerced.

Mona Nelson, 47, has pleaded not guilty in the death of Jonathan Foster, a Houston fifth grader. His badly burned body was found stuffed into a culvert.

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:bow: to Admin for including Jonathan in the banner. He deserves our full attention.
"They would say you are free to go if you want to," Nelson said, adding that when she moved toward the door investigators would say "hold on, just give us a few more minutes."

A snip from the media. Well I guess that takes care of that...thanks for your honesty Mona.

As to why this trial isnt being covered well-I have thought a lot about it. I wonder if it is just too heinous. Shaniyah Davis barely received any coverage either-her death was also remarkably brutal.

But I dont know if we have ever seen anything to compare to how this boy likely died. I feel for this judge. I feel for these attorneys. Most of all I feel for Jonathan and the people who love him.

I think she is proud of her crime. I think she is proud that she went to their house and watched them dying slowly wondering where Jonathan was. I think she gave little thought as to where she dumped him because she wanted him found. But then again, maybe she WAS drunk when she dumped him.

There are no words to use for her that keep me within TOS, but I wonder if this is simply too ugly and people want to turn away instead. :(
Sorry guys-I looked all day for tweets and found none

I agree with Believe-this was just to ugly and horrible for some people-there are no words for evil people like MN

I can't even think about what that poor boy went through
Unfortunately, I need to know what happened to him. I want to know everything.
Justice for Jonathan. :(










http://s296.photobucket.com/user/crankycrankerson/library/Jonathan Foster -TX-


Mona Nelson, the accused killer of a 12-year-old boy testified Tuesday that she never felt free to leave when officers brought her in for hours of questioning at Houston police headquarters.

&#8220;They would say you are free to go if you want to, &#8220; Nelson said, adding that when she moved toward s the door, investigators would say, &#8220;hold on, just give us for a few more minutes.&#8221; This happened before she was officially arrested on Christmas Eve 2010 for the disappearance and death of Jonathan Foster.

At issue in the court case is whether five statements given by Nelson were made voluntarily to police or whether she was forcibly detained and coerced into giving them.
The prosecutors, however, got Nelson to admit that she eventually agreed to provide police with most of the statements. Nelson said she did it because she wanted to get home and go to a doctor.

She also asked several times for a polygraph exam but was not given one.

Judge approves use of most evidence in kidnapping, murder trial

August 13, 2013
Updated at 06:37 PM today

by Deborah Wrigley
KTRK (ABC) - Houston, TX

The trial is now ready to begin, and late Tuesday, a judge ruled most of what the suspect told investigators can be used in the trial.


Late Tuesday, JUDGE JANNINE BARR allowed nearly all the statements to stand, except for those given after Nelson asked for a lawyer. The defense was not pleased with the ruling, but it's what KTRK legal analyst Joel Androphy expected.

"This is a foregone conclusion that she's gonna lose this suppression, and if she goes to trial before the judge, she's gonna lose and get the max amount of punishment, which is life," Androphy said.

If Nelson is convicted, she could face a life sentence.

Opening statements are set to begin Wednesday.

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Trial testimony in Mona Nelson's trial is set to start on Wednesday, 8/14/13.

I think all of the mainstream news media in Houston will cover this trial. In my opinion, we should see articles and/or local (Houston) newscasts detailing or hi-liting each day's testimony.

Keep in mind that the TV folks will probably do a 2 to 3 minute story on local newscasts. Let's hope videos of newscasts pertaining to the trial will be posted on the homepages.

Just my opinion.
Judge approves use of most evidence in kidnapping, murder trial

August 13, 2013
Updated at 06:37 PM today

by Deborah Wrigley
KTRK (ABC) - Houston, TX

The trial is now ready to begin, and late Tuesday, a judge ruled most of what the suspect told investigators can be used in the trial.


Late Tuesday, JUDGE JANNINE BARR allowed nearly all the statements to stand, except for those given after Nelson asked for a lawyer. The defense was not pleased with the ruling, but it's what KTRK legal analyst Joel Androphy expected.

"This is a foregone conclusion that she's gonna lose this suppression, and if she goes to trial before the judge, she's gonna lose and get the max amount of punishment, which is life," Androphy said.

If Nelson is convicted, she could face a life sentence.

Opening statements are set to begin Wednesday.

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Ann-Tx, thank you for finding this!

Oh please, for all that is good in man, and mankind, let this be TRUE!!![/B]
Hey guys, it's Jonathan's Aunt. I just wanted you all to know that I'm still around, I don't get updates from the family as we don't talk to them. I am pretty much following the same things you all are to get my updates. I don't really post alot as most of the things I read on FB or news just aggravates me. My momma said if I don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. I just get tired of hearing the pitty party, Jonathan's mom and grandmother weren't the only family who suffered. We don't here about his sister who if Jonathan's mom was the stand up mom she is apparently made out to be she would have custody of Jonathan's sister. There are his cousins that he lived with that were like his brothers and sister. Our oldest son submitted a poem he wrote to Jonathan and will be published. The little things that happen all the time as to say "here I am". I am blessed for the time I had, blessed that God chose us to give him a good childhood while he was with us. I'm very angered at the fact that they aren't seeking the dealth penalty, I don't have a clue as to why not. Jonathan didn't ask to be murdered and quite frankly I don't ever want to hear her name or know that she still got to live for such a heneous thing she did. I still have alot of bitterness towards Jonathan's mom and grandmother. Sorry for ranting, I just don't have anyone to really rant to. This has torn the whole family apart.
Hey guys, it's Jonathan's Aunt. I just wanted you all to know that I'm still around, I don't get updates from the family as we don't talk to them. I am pretty much following the same things you all are to get my updates. I don't really post alot as most of the things I read on FB or news just aggravates me. My momma said if I don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all. I just get tired of hearing the pitty party, Jonathan's mom and grandmother weren't the only family who suffered. We don't here about his sister who if Jonathan's mom was the stand up mom she is apparently made out to be she would have custody of Jonathan's sister. There are his cousins that he lived with that were like his brothers and sister. Our oldest son submitted a poem he wrote to Jonathan and will be published. The little things that happen all the time as to say "here I am". I am blessed for the time I had, blessed that God chose us to give him a good childhood while he was with us. I'm very angered at the fact that they aren't seeking the dealth penalty, I don't have a clue as to why not. Jonathan didn't ask to be murdered and quite frankly I don't ever want to hear her name or know that she still got to live for such a heneous thing she did. I still have alot of bitterness towards Jonathan's mom and grandmother. Sorry for ranting, I just don't have anyone to really rant to. This has torn the whole family apart.

I'm here, Renee. I hear you. Justice for Jonathan.
And at the very least, justice for the people that loved him.
I hope you understand what I'm trying to say. There will never be clarity or sense made of this horror.
I hope your heart can mend around the big ripped-out hole that is there now.

Just my feelings.
Renee, know that the love you and your family, your husband and children have for Jonathan will not be forgotten.

I wish more than anything he could be with you, but all I can offer is my support and thoughts for you. We might not see the justice we think Jonathan deserves, but I truly believe justice will be dealt one day.


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