TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers, 45, killed in church/suspect in SWAT gear, 18 Apr 2016 #42

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Looking at the perp video again. Here's my take. (I'm gonna pretend I'm in the perp's head). After being a little tired, yet excited from successfully breaking in, s/he leans towards, and puts his/her hand along the wall to balance her/himself (as shown on police video).
Now THIS video begins. S/he opens a door. What's in here? Goes in. Not much to see. Goes back out. LEAVES THE DOOR OPEN!!!
S/he attempts to pry open the next door a little bit. Nah! Not gonna happen. Strolling down the lit hallway IN FRONT OF THE OUTSIDE DOUBLE DOORS s/he is thinking that this is kinda exciting. Then s/he slows slightly as s/he goes around the corner. Now sauntering like s/he's feeling like cool stuff. Feels a bit tipsy, though. Opens the dutch door. Oh, hmm, it's separated. Again, leaves that door OPEN. This is going 'well' s/he thinks. Sauntering some more... down the hall now. Nothing much to see there, either. Back s/he comes. Sees the door across from the dutch door. Going in..... It kinda feels like an expedition. Never been in a church before. Ok, heading out. Ahh, ANOTHER door. This place sure has the doors!! Nothing much is going on now so s/he pulls out her/his hammer....addin' a bit of excitement. Breaks the glass. Satisfied... great tools...these are well worth the money s/he spent on them. Wait!! What?!
Light?! Car?! Who is it? A woman. I can take her.

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Reminder, we only know when 1 section of the video was (it was orig released to media with a time stamp on it 3:58 a.m. iirc) then it was removed and more video added to the "updated". Public does not know the exact movements of the Suspect in the church but MPD does, or timestamps from various cameras. They are showing video from various cameras, and they are spliced. Showing only what the MPD wanted the public to see and hopefully someone know the person (gait & mannerisms). In between the splices, we have no idea what was going on or how long. We are told by MPD at the time, that the rest of the video they have is same (paraphrasing) At the end of the 2min+ video, it is clearly zoomed in. MPD wanted to see if people may recognize the Suspect.
JMHO :blushing:
Looking at the perp video again. Here's my take. (I'm gonna pretend I'm in the perp's head). After being a little tired, yet excited from successfully breaking in, s/he leans towards, and puts his/her hand along the wall to balance her/himself (as shown on police video).
Now THIS video begins. S/he opens a door. What's in here? Goes in. Not much to see. Goes back out. LEAVES THE DOOR OPEN!!!
S/he attempts to pry open the next door a little bit. Nah! Not gonna happen. Strolling down the lit hallway IN FRONT OF THE OUTSIDE DOUBLE DOORS s/he is thinking that this is kinda exciting. Then s/he slows slightly as s/he goes around the corner. Now sauntering like s/he's feeling like cool stuff. Feels a bit tipsy, though. Opens the dutch door. Oh, hmm, it's separated. Again, leaves that door OPEN. This is going 'well' s/he thinks. Sauntering some more... down the hall now. Nothing much to see there, either. Back s/he comes. Sees the door across from the dutch door. Going in..... It kinda feels like an expedition. Never been in a church before. Ok, heading out. Ahh, ANOTHER door. This place sure has the doors!! Nothing much is going on now so s/he pulls out her/his hammer....addin' a bit of excitement. Breaks the glass. Satisfied... great tools...these are well worth the money s/he spent on them. Wait!! What?!
Light?! Car?! Who is it? A woman. I can take her.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk

The 1st time I saw this video I thought he/she was drunk and maybe needed the booze to work up the confidence to commit the act and wondered if leaving each door open after inspection was to remind the killer that he had already searched that room. Perhaps he was concerned someone else might have been dropped off earlier than Missy for the class. Maybe trying to make up his mind which room would be best for the crime? Just don't know so many unanswered questions.
thank you ! that is exactly what I wanted to hear at least another person perspective on his statements. Like I said wish I had taken those courses, and I want to add I didnt want to attack him because who knows how one would act in that situation. I guess there is no right or wrong way to act when somethng like this happens. I will pray for their family and I have been thinking about Missy and her family. My mom use to say ' But By The Grace Of God, There Go I". she was very smart and I miss her deeply.

Depression, hummm.. well if he was depressed before i bet it is 10 fold now. I get what you are saying for sure...

:loveyou: Your Mother is Special! My mom said similar, such as, This too shall pass. The early bird gets the worm.

Copied from x_files
"I would rather this social media stuff aimed at you (Myself) go away, than have mom’s murder solved.” I quickly had to make sure she understood the significance of her statement, but also came to realize how I allowed all of this to impact me, and how this false reality trickled into the lives of my children through no fault of their own.

There hasn't been any SM stuff lately, to my knowledge, so BB must be referring to the time soon after the murder and those painful weeks that followed. So, why the need to tell us about that conversation when it was probably said a year ago? Sympathy? Woe is Me? Cry Me a River!
Wandering the halls of a church waiting is not what I would do. That's why the boldness of that part of the act baffles me. I also know business who have cams set up and they check on them from home in real time after hours. That's my point about parading around in front of cams. Either they knew the set up or they are very brazen to spend time on cam before she arrived. Granted the odds are low that anyone is keeping a live-time eye on church cams, but if I were the perp, I personally would never assume anything.

As far as getting the feel of the place, that could easily have been done ahead of time. And yes, again, I do see this as targeted and personal.

Jumping off my own post here, it occurred to me that maybe the reason the perp made quite a production of walking those halls is because they DID know the cams would capture it. The exaggerated walk with the foot turned outward. Seems to be attempting to mimic RB in an effort to cast suspicion on him (?)

Disclaimer-I haven't been on this thread from the very beginning so I'm guessing this was already suspected long ago.
I know we've all gone back and fourth as to whether SP is a man or woman, I definitely think it's a woman. They have some really feminine mannerisms. But just watching the video again now, I noticed after sp leaves those double doors and carries on to the next door trying to get into it, that sp foot is half raised with their heel in the air. To me that is extremely feminine.
:loveyou: Your Mother is Special! My mom said similar, such as, This too shall pass. The early bird gets the worm.

Copied from x_files
"I would rather this social media stuff aimed at you (Myself) go away, than have mom’s murder solved.” I quickly had to make sure she understood the significance of her statement, but also came to realize how I allowed all of this to impact me, and how this false reality trickled into the lives of my children through no fault of their own.

There hasn't been any SM stuff lately, to my knowledge, so BB must be referring to the time soon after the murder and those painful weeks that followed. So, why the need to tell us about that conversation when it was probably said a year ago? Sympathy? Woe is Me? Cry Me a River!

I don't like his going on and on and I never would like him to be my husband, OMG.
I think that Altima dropped the killer off and then drove around with a walkie talkie and kept the killer informed on traffic then picked him up after the crime. Dunno why I now feel its an old pot bellied drunk male I just do for some reason
Going solely but PERP'S BODY LANGUAGE
He's strolling around, nonchalantly looking in rooms, leaving doors open, going slowly down a lit hallway that is visible to outsiders by way of the glass entranceway, breaking glass, which has got to be very noisy, and he appears to be somewhat unstable. IMO it's not a hit. So we could at least consider that as a possibility, and cut BB a break. I'm not a big supporter of bf's or husbands usually, but in this case I see something different.

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This may have been mentioned before... (I haven't been following for long.)

When the perp opens the bottom half of the dutch door (at about 1:02 in the video) it looks to me like they do an exaggerated "Ha!" while throwing their head back.

That strikes me as really odd.

I mean... I think the seam between the two halves would have been visible from their angle. So why was it a surprise that the door would split like that when opened?

I wonder if the perp might be very familiar with the church surroundings, and is pretending that they don't know the place very well. Like they're playing the role of a brash killer who isn't familiar with that kind of door, who might find it slightly amusing?

If you had drunk something nice you would find a lot being amusing perhaps and always would be staring a little too many seconds at something like a dutch door or a surveillance camera or ....
First, I apologize if my question has been answered before as I've not been following this until just recently. Did the police ever say where in the building the victim was killed? I've read the recent posts about wondering what the perp was doing wandering the halls/opening doors etc. Since the victim taught a class there, isn't it possible the perp was trying to find what room that class was going to be held in so they could be lying in wait in the classroom when she came in? I don't know any other reason to go around opening doors if I'm there for the sole purpose of killing a class instructor. Some may ask why try to find the specific room? My response would be that the perp would have his victim "cornered" and wouldn't have to chase her around the whole building if she got away from him/her.
First, I apologize if my question has been answered before as I've not been following this until just recently. Did the police ever say where in the building the victim was killed? I've read the recent posts about wondering what the perp was doing wandering the halls/opening doors etc. Since the victim taught a class there, isn't it possible the perp was trying to find what room that class was going to be held in so they could be lying in wait in the classroom when she came in? I don't know any other reason to go around opening doors if I'm there for the sole purpose of killing a class instructor. Some may ask why try to find the specific room? My response would be that the perp would have his victim "cornered" and wouldn't have to chase her around the whole building if she got away from him/her.

For some reason I think I saw a floorplan and it was suggested the front far right room was where it took place. Dont quote me but that seems to be my memory. I do not know if that was speculaton or fact too and what a good observation that may be exactly what he was doing perhaps looking for work out equipment?

I wouldnt be surprised if there is more video than the police released due to the graphic nature. I wondered how he approached her, did he yell out he was a cop and lay down? Did he lurk quitely in one of the rooms and waited till she entered? I had many questions and early on someone close to the case told me he may have had a go pro on and videoed the crime himself, how sick is that? This if true was one reason I thought it was a hit, the client requested for his own sick satisfaction.

I pray they catch this creep, I want to see him locked up in an 8X8 cell for eternity ! ( with no A/C in the Texas heat ) and Bubba waiting to welcome him
First, I apologize if my question has been answered before as I've not been following this until just recently. Did the police ever say where in the building the victim was killed? I've read the recent posts about wondering what the perp was doing wandering the halls/opening doors etc. Since the victim taught a class there, isn't it possible the perp was trying to find what room that class was going to be held in so they could be lying in wait in the classroom when she came in? I don't know any other reason to go around opening doors if I'm there for the sole purpose of killing a class instructor. Some may ask why try to find the specific room? My response would be that the perp would have his victim "cornered" and wouldn't have to chase her around the whole building if she got away from him/her.

Respectfully bbm, No they have not released exactly where MB was located, other than what was in the iPhone & iPad SW on pg 6/8 it states:

At approximately 0418 hours, the victim Terri Bevers is observed entering the building
through the main door under the awning area. The video shows Terri Bevers walking
toward where the suspects location. Neither the suspect nor victim, were seen again on
video. The victim was later found deceased at the south west corner of the interior of the
*Can be found in the No Discussion Media threads, link on first page of each thread*

We know from MPD directly from asking, that MB entered the doors that were right next to where she was parked. Those doors can be seen in the released video from MPD.

If you do the church in 1/4ths (SW front corner where MB entered) SE (Rear same side MB entered) NE (Rear where back door glasses were busted) NW the corner of building MB would be walking towards if she walked in and straight to opposite side of church)

MB classes inside were held in the open area in hallway where we see *At least in posts from Jan 3 2016, photos 1/11/16 and another in that time frame. She was ill and it was very cold out. Suspect open the classroom door. If you go to MB personal Facebook page that has been memorialized, and look in January posts and photos... you will see where she spoke of it a few times. And photos with mats on floor and group photo. Right in front of the Worship Center doors (auditorium and Holy Grounds which has the accordion doors seen in the MPD released video).

**This, the looking in rooms, is one thing that still has me conflicted. Anyone who wanted to stalk her or whatever could have done exactly what we have done. Look at her FB pages. Plus go through the church fb and/or to the church itself and figure out where stuff was. The video is clearly spliced. The SW states "The video shows Terri Bevers walking toward where the suspects location". SW is not all the facts know, but just enough for probable cause to get the SW. There are or were various opinions as to where in the south west corner of the interior MB was located here on these threads. In on photo from media, to me it looked as if you can see LEO in an area through the glass doors at very front of building. Possibly crime scene little numbered cones? It my opinion still she was in that main hallway area. Somewhere between the door suspect opened and the Come As You Are area. It is my opinion that the Suspect was in that area awaiting MB. Per the SW, MPD knew vicinity and time stamp where Suspect was at that time. And "The video shows Terri Bevers walking toward where the suspects location"

I also do not believe that the Suspect actually went into the Worship Center from the hallway across from Dutch doors. Those doors all have locks on them. Push release from inside. Unless Suspect had went in somehow and propped open, or took the time to pry open that wooden door. But jmho that would have taken a bit of time, more than I think we have to spare.

I think only logical thing from information we have from MPD, is someone was staging it to look like a burglary. But they didn't take anything.
For some reason I think I saw a floorplan and it was suggested the front far right room was where it took place. Dont quote me but that seems to be my memory. I do not know if that was speculaton or fact too and what a good observation that may be exactly what he was doing perhaps looking for work out equipment?

I wouldnt be surprised if there is more video than the police released due to the graphic nature. I wondered how he approached her, did he yell out he was a cop and lay down? Did he lurk quitely in one of the rooms and waited till she entered? I had many questions and early on someone close to the case told me he may have had a go pro on and videoed the crime himself, how sick is that? This if true was one reason I thought it was a hit, the client requested for his own sick satisfaction.

I pray they catch this creep, I want to see him locked up in an 8X8 cell for eternity ! ( with no A/C in the Texas heat ) and Bubba waiting to welcome him

RBBM. I not sure of your source, but I do know that when the ATT Target Numbers SW was released, media and lots of people took the language from the SW to get that opinion. Also some think it appears the Suspect had a light of some sort on helmet. After viewing is gazillion times, it jmho it the reflection from the lights bouncing from the shiny helmet /grainy video.

SW they put as much stuff to cover what they find so it doesn't get tossed out.

Page 9/9 of ATT Target Numbers SW - for dates of "03/01/2016 to present day 04/24/2016" so this shows was completed on Sunday 4/24/16 but was not signed until Monday night 4/25/16

Based upon the facts and circumstances surrounding this crime of murder as presently
known by the Affiant, and in conjunction with the Affiants training and experiences in law
enforcement, crimes against persons, and criminal activity, Affiant believes and charges
that at the time of the commission of the offense of murder that the unknown suspect was
in possession of a cell phone and had been in contact in some manner with "Target
Numbers" identified above for the following purposes, without limitation: (i) confirming
through public social media sites and/or applications the updated workout times and
locations as posted by Ms. Bevers; (ii) communicating in the nature of calls, messages,
texting, emails, data, push-to-talk, and walky-talky; (iii) using smart phone capabilities to
photograph, record, and/or video the victim and the murderous act; and (iv) using
functional applications and tools such as map locator applications, clock or timing
capabilities, GPS locating applications, and flashlight.
RBBM. I not sure of your source, but I do know that when the ATT Target Numbers SW was released, media and lots of people took the language from the SW to get that opinion. Also some think it appears the Suspect had a light of some sort on helmet. After viewing is gazillion times, it jmho it the reflection from the lights bouncing from the shiny helmet /grainy video.

SW they put as much stuff to cover what they find so it doesn't get tossed out.

Page 9/9 of ATT Target Numbers SW - for dates of "03/01/2016 to present day 04/24/2016" so this shows was completed on Sunday 4/24/16 but was not signed until Monday night 4/25/16

Based upon the facts and circumstances surrounding this crime of murder as presently
known by the Affiant, and in conjunction with the Affiants training and experiences in law
enforcement, crimes against persons, and criminal activity, Affiant believes and charges
that at the time of the commission of the offense of murder that the unknown suspect was
in possession of a cell phone and had been in contact in some manner with "Target
Numbers" identified above for the following purposes, without limitation: (i) confirming
through public social media sites and/or applications the updated workout times and
locations as posted by Ms. Bevers; (ii) communicating in the nature of calls, messages,
texting, emails, data, push-to-talk, and walky-talky; (iii) using smart phone capabilities to
photograph, record, and/or video the victim and the murderous act; and (iv) using
functional applications and tools such as map locator applications, clock or timing
capabilities, GPS locating applications, and flashlight.

so she was found in one of the front rooms on the left or right side?
The first time I saw this murder on the national news, I said to myself....that killer is female. But, sometimes, I wonder if the killer is male.

The first time I heard about this murder I wondered if the killer turned off some of the cameras the night before. (I know it has been said the cameras sometimes didn't work.) Also, I wondered if Killer knew what area the cameras were aimed at, so he/she could avoid being seen.

(I am just wondering...just my thoughts/opinions)
RBBM. I not sure of your source, but I do know that when the ATT Target Numbers SW was released, media and lots of people took the language from the SW to get that opinion. Also some think it appears the Suspect had a light of some sort on helmet. After viewing is gazillion times, it jmho it the reflection from the lights bouncing from the shiny helmet /grainy video.

SW they put as much stuff to cover what they find so it doesn't get tossed out.

Page 9/9 of ATT Target Numbers SW - for dates of "03/01/2016 to present day 04/24/2016" so this shows was completed on Sunday 4/24/16 but was not signed until Monday night 4/25/16

Based upon the facts and circumstances surrounding this crime of murder as presently
known by the Affiant, and in conjunction with the Affiants training and experiences in law
enforcement, crimes against persons, and criminal activity, Affiant believes and charges
that at the time of the commission of the offense of murder that the unknown suspect was
in possession of a cell phone and had been in contact in some manner with "Target
Numbers" identified above for the following purposes, without limitation: (i) confirming
through public social media sites and/or applications the updated workout times and
locations as posted by Ms. Bevers; (ii) communicating in the nature of calls, messages,
texting, emails, data, push-to-talk, and walky-talky; (iii) using smart phone capabilities to
photograph, record, and/or video the victim and the murderous act; and (iv) using
functional applications and tools such as map locator applications, clock or timing
capabilities, GPS locating applications, and flashlight.

about the light coming from the helmet area - according to screen captures from the surveillance video taken at 1.48 I do believe it actually is a go-pro or helmet light. You can see it here and see the light coming from it.

1.48b showing go-pro.jpg
My nagging questions....
1. Where is the car (the alleged Altima)?
2. How did the SP or SPs get out without being noticed by arriving CG participants?
3. Where was the SWAT gear disposed?
4. Was it 1 SP or 2 SP? I feel LE knows but is testing the public?
Many of us have commented about the lack of "outrage".... why is that? what is going on?

I have been away for a while. I cannot believe we have not seen any new developments in this case.
Where is the newspaper interview that BB said the Strickland family (Missy's family of origin) was going to give? Was he mistaken, giving baloney info, trying to scuttle the interview? Or maybe it's coming soon
The first time I saw this murder on the national news, I said to myself....that killer is female. But, sometimes, I wonder if the killer is male.

The first time I heard about this murder I wondered if the killer turned off some of the cameras the night before. (I know it has been said the cameras sometimes didn't work.) Also, I wondered if Killer knew what area the cameras were aimed at, so he/she could avoid being seen.

(I am just wondering...just my thoughts/opinions)

I don't think they cared about the cameras at all. They were completely covered head to toe.
My nagging questions....
1. Where is the car (the alleged Altima)?
2. How did the SP or SPs get out without being noticed by arriving CG participants?
3. Where was the SWAT gear disposed?
4. Was it 1 SP or 2 SP? I feel LE knows but is testing the public?
Many of us have commented about the lack of "outrage".... why is that? what is going on?

I have been away for a while. I cannot believe we have not seen any new developments in this case.

I have wondered if the killer went up into the attic somehow and actually remained there the whole time the police were there. Somehow it just seems like something this very confident person would do. Stepping back and looking at all of the killer's actions, it is clear they were not worried about getting caught in the least.
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