TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #16

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Regarding the "rage-filled overkill" idea: remember how difficult it was for Arias to kill TA. She stabbed and stabbed and shot and dragged and he still wasn't dead. I don't think it's as easy to kill someone as many think. Really makes me think this was a guy or someone very strong. And since the perp didn't seem that rage filled in the hallway, I think he/she just wanted her dead and over bludgeoned to ensure death. If they ever hated her at any point it seems they put that to the back burner of the feeling that she needed to die. Maybe because she was a threat to them or didn't want them or found out something about them or whatever.
Good point that it is sometimes really difficult to kill someone, and Arias is a good example of that where she had to resort to more weapons and more methods than she apparently planned to use. Arias is not stupid, and her plans reveal some smart moves and some harebrained moves. I tend to think that the killer of MB was efficient in the use of the tools, has experience in military, LE, medical, professional criminal - some field where s/he knew what to damage, had a plan, did it quickly, and left, undetected. "Multiple puncture wounds" remains undefined for us, but a poster last thread thought 3 would be enough, I suppose I would choose 6-12 to be certain of death - but none of it enraged, out of control overkill, just what is needed. That sounds horrible, sorry.
:seeya: Thanks. Well on the Suspect alleged video pic of car. JMHO *assuming the Suspect veh was parked in the rear.

1) prev I was thinking that there were double doors on ea side of the rear (as the ones that were busted near the dumpster). I am changing that to I think the SE corner door is not. I thinking it may be a single exit door...all the way down Dutch door hall to that end of building, going out rear parking near the playground area. * It is possible that the Suspect could have went down Dutch Door hall and out that door... I just dont see it tho JMHO. Video will show the MPD what area, and they have prev stated that they thought Suspect went back out the metal door came in at. Which makes more sense because that side of building has very little outside lighting, and would be much closer from the SW corner of building to go out thru the Metal Kitchen door. Again they have video to piece together movement.

2) it could very well been caught on SWFA video (if camera was pointed that way) It is not as far as it looks on Google. Also the view from the road to the North side of area from Hwy 287 no way could see especially at night and storming. No street lights on that side. Here is a refresher of REAR of CoC and notice the SWFA Outdoor Store... View attachment 94523

this is looking straight down backside of Rear of CoC, from SE to the NE corner of the parking lot. and this is late evening, not in middle of night during a storm . So maybe *If came from the SWFA video, possibly only got that one shot when it skys lit up from lightening?
View attachment 94524

3) or could have been caught from the hallway camera looking towards the back doors that were busted catching a glimps. But that end of the building sits up high would make hard to see the lic plate ?
View attachment 94525 View attachment 94526

Here is my post that Sparky carried over to the Media Thread. Showing from Google, and my showing the street lights in the parking lot and the view from Hwy 287.

JMHO, someone posted a picture a few threads/pages back that is same one that NG used (a Google shot with yellow arrows) and it had that MB went thru the Glass Front enterence WEST SIDE... and that MB body found in the Covered Awning area. I do not think that is correct diagram JMHO. But LEO have stated she was in the SW Corner of building so we do know general area. I have my own opinion lol that I tweek back and forth...

Looking at the Street level you see it in a much different view than from above. JMHO
I know, but it might be a reason why we're having such a difficult time determining the gender of the perp.

Testosterone sports enhancement drugs might be an explanation for how a woman could pull this off. Would give her a lot of strength and aggression.
I remember that white cell phone convo—and I have since found a male related to the case who has a white cell phone. If you still need to find the conversation, I can help search. Just let me know.

Who has a white cell and how do you know? Thanks.
I don't know what to think. But good post. Do you think maybe the walking around and some pacing the hallways was a "calm before the storm"? I can't count how many times in my life I've been so incredibly mad that I've been calm. If that makes sense. JMO.
Hmmm. Maybe that's it - so enraged that they were calm. I know you weren't asking me, but we have a lot of opinions. I don't think they were drugged into calm. My perception has been that they were detached, not from reality but emotionally detached, like a meat butcher or a surgeon, just not involved emotionally in this event.
:seeya: Thanks. Well on the Suspect alleged video pic of car. JMHO *assuming the Suspect veh was parked in the rear.

1) prev I was thinking that there were double doors on ea side of the rear (as the ones that were busted near the dumpster). I am changing that to I think the SE corner door is not. I thinking it may be a single exit door...all the way down Dutch door hall to that end of building, going out rear parking near the playground area. * It is possible that the Suspect could have went down Dutch Door hall and out that door... I just dont see it tho JMHO. Video will show the MPD what area, and they have prev stated that they thought Suspect went back out the metal door came in at. Which makes more sense because that side of building has very little outside lighting, and would be much closer from the SW corner of building to go out thru the Metal Kitchen door. Again they have video to piece together movement.

2) it could very well been caught on SWFA video (if camera was pointed that way) It is not as far as it looks on Google. Also the view from the road to the North side of area from Hwy 287 no way could see especially at night and storming. No street lights on that side. Here is a refresher of REAR of CoC and notice the SWFA Outdoor Store... View attachment 94523

this is looking straight down backside of Rear of CoC, from SE to the NE corner of the parking lot. and this is late evening, not in middle of night during a storm . So maybe *If came from the SWFA video, possibly only got that one shot when it skys lit up from lightening?
View attachment 94524

3) or could have been caught from the hallway camera looking towards the back doors that were busted catching a glimps. But that end of the building sits up high would make hard to see the lic plate ?
View attachment 94525 View attachment 94526

Here is my post that Sparky carried over to the Media Thread. Showing from Google, and my showing the street lights in the parking lot and the view from Hwy 287.

JMHO, someone posted a picture a few threads/pages back that is same one that NG used (a Google shot with yellow arrows) and it had that MB went thru the Glass Front enterence WEST SIDE... and that MB body found in the Covered Awning area. I do not think that is correct diagram JMHO. But LEO have stated she was in the SW Corner of building so we do know general area. I have my own opinion lol that I tweek back and forth...

Looking at the Street level you see it in a much different view than from above. JMHO
New Theory: Imagine that Missy met someone online and only knew him as Mr or Ms X say, got involved then, met in person, now X gives her a totally fake "real name", they continue to meet, then Missy finds out X's real identity and confronts him/her with this. Good reason for murder especially if X is married or has a morality clause in work or athletic contract.
Out of context. Reporter asked if they were looking for just one person or more than one. The asst police chief replied that everything was on the table. So, early in investigation, reporter asks a leading question and LE gives stock answer.

Yes, maybe. LE asked the public for their help to find the person on the video they released. We've all watched the video they provided showing one person in the church.

However when reporters ask for more information about the person on the video, Asst Chief Kevin Johnson replies - "at this point everything is on the table. We simply don't know. All we know is we want to find the killer responsible whether it's one person, two persons, three persons, male or female."

Raw Video - Midlothian PD Press Conference on April 22, 2016
Hmmm.. Like a deadly catfish. Now you're cooking with fire!
My biggest issue with this case right now is that someone who wanted to kill Missy and knew her schedule could have more easily done so outside the church and still made it look like a mugging. Committing the murder inside the church introduced a lot of camera footage, added much more effort, and increased the amount of time necessary to commit the crime. That means if it was a planned, targeted murder, an integral part of the plan was to be being seen on camera in that disguise/uniform. The only reason I can think of for a killer to want to be seen on camera at all is to deflect suspicion on someone else.
Psychopathy is a medical diagnosis. We can't even agree on if what evidence we have access to identifies the perp's gender, much less whether that person fits the specifically defined criteria of psychopathy.

I think we all can agree on the intent of the label, in that the perp is operating outside of society's accepted boundaries. But as there are many diagnosed 'psychopaths' who, by hard work and treatment, are able to operate within normal society, it can be considered demeaning to them to give this person a diagnosis. Murdering someone is possible by completely sane people with no diagnosable mental illness.

ETA: I am not attempting to moderate anyone's discussion, just trying to explain why some might not appreciate using the label.
i agree it is good to be sensitive in regards to stigmatizing/labeling-however, it doesn't appear to me that people are using psychopath to refer to anything other than the video-calm cool planned, and the brutality that accompanied the murder-
If someone met the criteria for a DSM 5 dx of antisocial personality disorder-or what some call "psychopathy," or "sociopathy," the set of criteria is founded primarily ON the deviancy and lack of connection-it's not like saying "I bet they're bipolar," or "schizophrenic." Personally watching the videos and hearing the degree of brutality-unless someone had some sort of behaviors that indicate actual psychosis, antisocial would be the thing that jumps to mind, possible psychosis, but someone experiencing psychosis would have been caught by now, they would be too deteriorated in functioning. Just wanted to drop in my thoughts!
The only reason I can think of for a killer to want to be seen on camera at all is to deflect suspicion on someone else.

No, there are certainly other reasons that one could think of -- such as having a private place to commit the crime. Since the perp was already disguised, the cameras posed less of a threat than someone on the street/parking lot witnessing the crime. And there are certainly other reasons too -- IMO, the 'deflecting suspicion' hypothesis would be way down the list of likely reasons.
Originally Posted by SandyQLS View Post
Good post. The suspect broke in through the kitchen door on the opposite side from where MB entered. The building did not look "obviously broken into" from where MB arrived. In the media thread there is an excellent floorplan developed by poster arkansasmimi that shows all that - where was MB's truck (SW), where were the broken doors (NE). The light inside was very dim, overnight lights, and the surveillance cameras have their own flashbulbs giving the impression of more light than there really was. MB probably never noticed any damage outside or inside. LE has said she entered the building and moved in the direction where the suspect was (was last seen on camera) and then neither one is seen again.

Thanks for the info, I guess I assumed there was some damage in the area of the building where Missy entered, but I guess I was confusing that with the entrance where her vehicle was parked in the videos. So I guess she entered through a relatively dark building and probably didn't realize there was a break-in until it was too late, if at all. That's terrifying. But I still think the perp planned this faked burglary out and waited for her. There is no obvious reason for this perp to even be there. They didn't appear to bother to taking anything on video and we haven't heard of a rash of similar burglaries in the area during that time period. Plus most burglars are not the type to confront or attack, they usually flee at the site/sound of someone. Someone in the church at that hour would have probably heard a vehicle pulling up that close to the church and heard the car door close, not to mention the outside doors opening. I think there are different psychological profiles for people who burglarize, vs armed robbers, carjackers, etc... Burglars usually don't want confrontation and I find it really hard to believe that Missy, in spite of being in good physical condition, would have chased down and cornered a burglar she stumbled upon and tried to physically confront them.

We do not know what damage/or what MB saw when she came thru those doors (JMHO the COVERED AWNING Doors..) at 418am
Respectfully BBM, JMHO the building appeared to have lights on in the hallways of the MPD Video. Forgive me for not remembering which Member stated it threads back. But it was stated that buildings have to have some lights on in case LEO/First Responders arrive the are not going into a pitch black building. I do believe that.
not all lighting as in the rooms but the hallways for sure. I have noticed since then different stores or businesses that are closed at night. None are dark looking in thru windows there are a few lights on .. so that if someone is inside it easier to see. JMHO

JMHO she was ambushed, she had no clue anyone was in the building awaiting her arrival.
Holy cow - you are soooo right about the store being closer than it looks on googlemaps (what I was using)

A million thank yous for this because it's like a lightbulb over my head to see how different things look in real life. It looks like it would be an easy/close jog to the treeline even closer than it looks via satellite.

Wow. Wow. Wow. So many thoughts now whirling through my head as I have to reposition my mental map :thinking:


LOL Believe me my thoughts are revolving ;). I look and look then its like cant see forrest for trees and then some says something and :thinking: I go back to my gazillion notes, and jacked up photos ( I tried to carefully redact each dear innocent soul in these photos. They are from the Public pages of Church where MB was Murdered and other places... ss from News video Google and so forth. I feel pretty confident. When I see something that doesnt feel right I tweek my thoughts. But Def looks different on the ground than from above. Go look here at these street level Google photos. And then think of the few min prior to 350am that first seen on camera. Took time to get out, and get into the metal door. Dark, Storming... Anyone passing would be more concerned on watching the road JMHO See what you think... http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12540805#post12540805

ETA: Here is a SS that I took from the TODAY Show video. And I zoomed in and "think" lol I see security cameras. I have no doubt in my mind they have excellent cameras because of what is sold in their store ;)
Missy bevers today 4 21 gunstore feds normal view .JPG zoomed in Missy bevers today 4 21 gunstore feds 4.jpg JMHO

Missy bevers Today 4 21 gunstore feds article.JPG
Quote Originally Posted by Cannonball3804 View Post
LE had to have probable cause to request CT's phone records. That probable cause had to come from calls or texts from/to CT that were on MB's phone.

IIRC, most of the people on the SW were married couples - AT and CT, RB and VB, and at least one other couple whose initials I can't remember right now. It's possible that when dealing with married people, since they share accounts, they cover their rear ends by putting both people on the warrant so that if they inadvertently see damning communication regarding the other spouse, it doesn't have to be thrown out. It's very possible, IMO, but CT is only on that warrant b/c, since her husband has work ties to MB and LE wants to see HIS phone, they have to subpoena hers, too. Same with the other couples. They probably have no more probable cause to subpoena AT/CT's phone recorsds than they do for RB and VB. IMO

These numbers are AT&T customer numbers. According to the SW AT&T Target Numbers there was contact with each of these numbers and MB iPhone

The following is ordered to be provided, if available, for the time period of 03/01/2016 to
present day 04/24/2016;

Whereas, the Affiant whose signature is affixed to the attached Affidavit & Application For
Evidentiary Search Warrant ("Affidavit") appearing on the document hereof is a Peace Officer
under the laws of Texas and did heretofore this day subscribe and swear to said Affidavit
before me (which said Affidavit is by this reference incorporated herein for all purposes), and
whereas I find that the verified facts, stated by The Affiant show that The Affiant has Probable
Cause for the belief he expresses therein and establishes the existence of proper grounds for
the issuance of this Evidentiary Search Warrant:

NOW THEREFORE, this court hereby orders AT&T to provide historical record information,
facilities, and technical assistance to provide the Midlothian Police Department (herein-after
includes all other persons identified above) with the services and information related to these
identified Mobile Directory Numbers here and after to be referred to as "Target Numbers":

Exhibit A Affidavit for Probable Cause: snip

Throughout the course of this MURDER investigation, evidence has been recovered from
electronic data extractions performed on Brandon Bevers (husband) and Ms. Bevers
personal electronic devices (lphones and an lpad). This extracted information has
provided officers with potential persons of interest "Target Numbers" based on the
nature of the communications (text, messages, and recovered deleted messages)
between Ms. Bevers and the above "Target Numbers".
A portion of these messages (as
well as deleted messages) recovered indicate and confirm statement and tips provided
to officers of an ongoing financial and marital struggle as well as intimate/personal
relationship(s) external to the marriage with identified "Target Numbers". Officers have
also received several tips from citizens with possible suspect leads due to the surveillance
footage being released to the general public. Some of these leads have been very specific
then they should have had a warrant for CW's wifes phone. Did they?

We have no way of knowing this as we only have a handful on SW that have been filed with the Clerk. According to Texas Law. I feel confident they have a search warrant for CW phone as they stated in the LinkedIn SW that they Extracted CW cell phone. They did the same with BB iPhone * looks like 2 because there is a longer redaction by his name with # And we see a SW for BB iPhone. Logic says has one for CW also. * and many others also that they are still going through data I am sure. LOTS of numbers from the Cell Towers Dump to work with and information they have compiled since. JMHO
Different people have different definitions of "fat". I don't see fat anywhere on that person. It's possible there's something underneath the padded protection vest, but legs and ankles and arms that I saw are not anywhere near "fat" to my eyes.


That perp looks like a butterball turkey to me especially in the stomach. Huge is the best way to describe him/her IMO. Of course a bullet proof vest with backpack underneath might explain huge stomach that looks 9 months pregnant, or maybe it's just some really fat person. The legs and butt look bigger than normal, maybe fat, maybe bulky muscle. That's why I wish we knew the makeup of that perps actual body under all of those layers to determine if that's really all them or someone smaller is hidden under there.
Another thought hit me today. LE stated they noticed in CCTV "a car parked in the distance" but were unable to get a license plate. Really? Parked? Missy had barely arrived and may have taken a few steps inside before the attack. That car had to have been there when Missy arrived and if a car was parked, Missy would have seen it. Yet she jumped out of her vehicle and continued as normal? More proof she knew her killer and was not in the slightest concerned. I feel someone was INSIDE that car and may possibly have even waved.

Respectfully BBM. Not necessarily. Depends where the alleged car from the 1 frame was parked and I sure they are saying this because of a time stamp on the video? JMHO. Look at the lighting in that parking lot. If she came in and made an immediate right the around to the Covered Parking area where truck was parked. That other care and 50 more could have been parked on the side and she may not have seen. It was storming and very dark other than the street lights in parking lot and maybe flash of lightning flashes Look at the first photo here http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12540805#post12540805
It was dark and raining, they likely only got footage of a vehicle's lights pulling in and turning off. There's really no where else to park but the church, if you look at googlemaps. Could have been behind the church, or in the northern parking overflow, where it probably could have been hidden by trees from the entrance/Missy's route. Plus it was dark when she arrived.

It makes sense that the perp would park in an overflow lot and not in main church lot. Where did LE say the car they saw on CCTV was parked? Any car there at that hour other than Missy's would be majorly suspect and most likely involved in this crime. LE said they have make and model but don't want to release info to public right? I wonder why. That's really strange, must mean they know who it is but if they do why are they waiting to arrest someone.
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