TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #16

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CG site: Unlimited Sessions - Attend any and all locations for four weeks at any location. So, I as understand it, you are joining CG not just one specific group lead by one specific trainer.
I've followed every one of these threads through thread 14 and then I started skipping several pages here and there as it seemed a repeat and nothing new was discussed. So, forgive me if this has been explored in the past 2 threads: have we talked about the significance of Missy not attending her regular gym for the weeks prior to her death? Is it possible she wanted to avoid someone at the gym? For now, I'm leaning towards this being a male...maybe a love interest that was not reciprocated or an affair that was ended by one party when the other wanted to continue, or possibly Missy came in contact with some knowledge she shouldn't have (connected with the 2 bad cops arrested)? Possibly somehow some link somewhere in this case is tied to LE or former LE. I have no person in mind and for the record I think CT is innocent....just wanted to put that out there since a few weeks ago I did not think this.
This was discussed some following this NG show:


Marc Garcia (gym owner, NG guest) is the one who reported that MB had not been herself lately. NG producers or reporters related that she had not really been to the gym the last two weeks of her life, a gym she went to for 3 years. Here's the thing - if a woman had been going to a gym consistently for 3 years, and even made money there as a personal trainer, and is chummy with the owner, wouldn't she report it if there was a creepy man or woman bothering her? Wouldn't she be very vocal about a stalker, a stranger? The change in MB's participation would seem to have some other source that MB did not wish to discuss with Marc Garcia - as you say dangerous trouble like drug dealing she observed, or crooked LE, or it was something just too personal like the marital and financial problems.
I wonder if LE should be concerned that if the killer knows that LE knows...the killer may resort to suicide. (I keep thinking that LE DOES know, but maybe not). Just seems like if the killer has fled, there would be an APB out for them. Just thinking.....JMO

I have thought about this possibility. Unsettling to think about.

Is The Inquisitr considered MSM? TIA
CG site: Unlimited Sessions - Attend any and all locations for four weeks at any location. So, I as understand it, you are joining CG not just one specific group lead by one specific trainer.

That almost sounds like a trainer is paid a flat amount per session, then. So they don't make more $$$ if they have 15 campers as opposed to 5. No money incentive there. How does the pay work? Are the trainers contractors with CG ??? JMO
In one of the press conferences that BB gave he mentioned that no other vehicles were in the church parking lot when his wife arrived that morning. How would he know that?
Also, has it been confirmed that RB was out of town at the time of the murder? Does he have a solid alibi?
What was the name of the gym she went to?

This was discussed some following this NG show:


Marc Garcia (gym owner, NG guest) is the one who reported that MB had not been herself lately. NG producers or reporters related that she had not really been to the gym the last two weeks of her life, a gym she went to for 3 years. Here's the thing - if a woman had been going to a gym consistently for 3 years, and even made money there as a personal trainer, and is chummy with the owner, wouldn't she report it if there was a creepy man or woman bothering her? Wouldn't she be very vocal about a stalker, a stranger? The change in MB's participation would seem to have some other source that MB did not wish to discuss with Marc Garcia - as you say dangerous trouble like drug dealing she observed, or crooked LE, or it was something just too personal like the marital and financial problems.
Has someone taken over the CG group Missy had, did the members move to a new group or disband?
Missy's members have joined AJ's Midlothian camp, from what I understand. It sounds like his camp attendance has been low in the past couple of weeks, however.
I am wondering if four weeks ago today at this time Swatperp was preparing for the attack. Did Swatperp do a dry run, or case the church? I am hoping that LE has been able to establish a trail - either previous video from the church showing Swatperp in the clear maybe at an event or service, or cell phone data showing Swatperp in the area on another day. It seems in the days prior to the killing Swatperp had to be getting ready. I still cannot figure out what Swatperp might have done with the gear and that there must be evidence left behind in Swatperp's vehicle. Sorry I am rambling but this whole thing makes me ill and I am really hoping for an arrest soon and that justice is swiftly served. What a sick human being.
It is no secret M & B were having marital problems. Perhaps spending more time at home, instead of the gym, was something she needed to do.


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Also, I mentioned after Tricia's first interview if WS had ever been fed the wrong information, intentionally. I didn't get any response. I'm going to throw that question out there again. I'm not saying her sources are aware they are giving the wrong information, but rather that the people feeding her sources information are intentionally not putting the right info out there or they simply aren't "in the know" and very, very few people are actually "in the know" and they aren't divulging a thing to media, colleagues, family, etc. MOO. LE is controlling the dialogue and it is working in their favor, IMO, to have the public runaway with discussion on the wrong (IMO) Swatperp.

North coast, I had thought about this, as well. I think it could have been intentional.

I would also like to know if CT was at AT's boot camp that morning.
Maybe Missy ended a relationship but still was being pursued by this person. She would probably hesitate to report it or tell anyone since she may have felt guilt over the relationship to begin with....

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This information is on the CG website:
Trainers sign a contract.
Camp Gladiator has opportunities to become a Primary Trainer or an Hourly Trainer. The Primary Trainer positions are considered full-time and have the most earning potential. Hourly Trainer positions are part-time and used on an as needed basis at the direction of Primary Trainers.

Please delete if not allowed to post info from the CG website.
People can feel sorry for what some of the families are going through and that's alright & good. I really empathize with BB. He lost his wife & was devastated by his wifes possible intimate relationship with another man. How do you handle that news. You question everything. Were there more? How does he find peace? A couple of years ago there was a story on DateLine or 48 hrs. A lawyer & his wife in their 50's brought a young lawyer into their firm. After winning a big case, the three of them had a celebration party with the couples grown children, a daughter & adopted son. Shortly after the party ended, someone broke into the house, shot the wife dead & severely injured the husband which permanently blinded him. The perp, the adopted son. During the investigation it was discovered the wife was having an affair with the young attorney. The lawyer was left blind, his son in jail & dealing with his wifes betrayal. How do you cope with that?
CG site: Unlimited Sessions - Attend any and all locations for four weeks at any location. So, I as understand it, you are joining CG not just one specific group lead by one specific trainer.

Interesting. So then it would NOT make sense for any trainer to kill her just to capture her clients, in order to make money.
I am wondering if four weeks ago today at this time Swatperp was preparing for the attack. Did Swatperp do a dry run, or case the church? I am hoping that LE has been able to establish a trail - either previous video from the church showing Swatperp in the clear maybe at an event or service, or cell phone data showing Swatperp in the area on another day. It seems in the days prior to the killing Swatperp had to be getting ready. I still cannot figure out what Swatperp might have done with the gear and that there must be evidence left behind in Swatperp's vehicle. Sorry I am rambling but this whole thing makes me ill and I am really hoping for an arrest soon and that justice is swiftly served. What a sick human being.

4 weeks ago today the church was open to anyone as they were holding a blood drive. I do wonder if someone took the opportunity to "case the joint" and even perhaps tamper with cameras.

I'm behind again so have only read the last couple of pages. Someone shout if anything big has happened!
What was the name of the gym she went to?

Per Cady:

Does anyone know if Missy had a regular time that she went to Anytime Fitness? Did she go daily? We know that she used that gym for her personal trainer sessions with clients....Just wondering if she may have been avoiding a former client, or if maybe she had chosen another gym to work out in and also train clients. What gym would that be, if so? JMO
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