TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #17

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Jul 22, 2008
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"A fitness trainer and mother of three was murdered in a Dallas-area church Monday morning by a man wearing SWAT gear, police said."

"Boot camp-style exercise class participants who showed up at the Creekside Church of Christ in Midlothian, Tex., around 5 a.m. found their instructor Terri “Missy” Bevers, 45, dead, according to the Midlothian Police Department."

"Fitness trainer Terri (Missy) Bevers, 45, was killed early Monday just before her boot-camp style class, police said. Participants in the Camp Gladiator class found her dead when they arrived to a Midlothian, Tex., church for the workout."

"Police Chief Carl Smith said a man wearing what looked like a tactical helmet, gloves and a heavy vest with "POLICE" written on it could be seen in security camera footage from the E. U.S. Highway 287 church just before Bevers arrived. The department released the 4 a.m. footage Monday afternoon, though Smith said no cameras captured the attack."



Missy Bevers husband said “I believe she was targeted, that’s my opinion"

Fitness trainer, 45, 'murdered at church by suspect wearing police SWAT gear after she walked in on an attempted burglary'

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz46EVdAgSd

LE Update/Presser on April 22, 2016

Questions have swirled around the suspect's identity, but Kristi Stout does not believe her sister-in-law died because she was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

'A lot of us, including myself, think she was targeted,' Stout told NBC DFW.


Link to Midlothian Police Department facebook page. Images (still and video) from the church featuring the perp can be seen here.

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Dear Websleuths members,

Again we find ourselves trying to moderate based on rules set up for other cases.

Once in a while, our rules do not fit with certain cases and therefore changes need to be made.

We will try and make this as easy as possible.

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*Please no personal chatter back and forth. Welcoming someone back or making jokes at other member’s expense is not going to be allowed. The case is about Missy Bevers. Please do not make the thread about you.

*If Missy’s husband posts pictures and posts on his personal public facebook page it can be discussed and you can speculate.

*if you do speculate please do not make comments on their personal appearance. That’s just rude. You can speculate on their behavior but if you want to post something unkind about their looks please don’t.

*Speculation is allowed if it involves someone who has been named in the mainstream media and you can logically put this person at the scene of the crime or can suggest they were somehow involved. Speculation has to be based on some semblance of fact. In other words, you can’t speculate that the dry cleaning people killed Missy. The police have confirmed they believe Missy was targeted. That’s a good place to start.

*Speculation does not mean you can sleuth any of these people. Their lives have been turned upside down and the last thing they want to see is something personal and embarrassing posted on websleuths for the world to see. No sleuthing aka no digging into their backgrounds and posting what you find.

* Here is a hypothetical for you: Say you were face to face with the person you are getting ready to post about. This person also knows your real name. Would you say what you are getting ready to post to this person’s face? Please think before you post.

*We have an unfair advantage. We are anonymous. Your words are very powerful and they will be on the internet forever. You will own those words when the truth is found out about Missy's murder.

To review:

*yes you can speculate as long as it is logical and done in a mature manner.

*yes you can discuss the pictures Missy's husband posted on his personal and public Facebook page. You cannot discuss any comments unless they are from Missy's husband personally.

*yes you can discuss all pictures/ videos as long as you can source them to a legitimate source . Do not post or discuss the twitter picture that showed the face blown up. This looks like some sort of photo-shopped picture and it can’t be sourced

i am completely responsible for any confusion that has gone on in this thread. Sparky is doing a great job and she was doing what i taught her to do. I want to publicly thank sparky for her hard work and dedication.

Ok newbies and old time Websleuths members, go forth and discuss!

Tricia Griffith
ps. Please forgive spelling and grammatical errors. I am half asleep as i write.

Search Warrants

dry cleaner warrant - redacted
LinkedIn warrant 5-5-16
AT&T Tower warrant 5-5-16
Search warrant
Hey Folks,

Let's all remember this thread is for Missy.

WS is victim friendly and this includes the family.

All children are off limits. Your posts will be deleted.

Bashing the Bevers family and extended family is off limits.

Discussing BB's employment off limits.

Sleuthing The Bevers/Tucker (BB's mother and siblings) Family and Missy's Side of the family off limits.

You may discuss what they've said in the media, but to sleuth them and bring it here is against TOS.

Don't bash LE, our Military or our Vets.

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We have lots of new members, if they need help, please try and help them or direct them. There's no need to tell them it's already been discussed.

There has been NO POI/Suspect named Until LE names someone or ones.....there is not one.

Thank you!

We only discuss information that is given to us either through mainstream media, the police, or people who are considered insiders.
Even then we do our best to discuss by using initials only.

When a murder is committed most often the ripples of the crime go far and wide. Meaning, the murder affects so many people connected to the victim and the perp.

We do our best to allow a lively discussion within reason.
Let me remind you what I wrote a few days ago:

Here is a hypothetical for you: Say you were face to face with the person you are getting ready to post about. This person also knows your real name. Would you say what you are getting ready to post to this person’s face? Please think before you post.

*We have an unfair advantage. We are anonymous. Your words are very powerful and they will be on the internet forever. You will own those words when the truth is found out about Missy's murder.

Before you start posting about anyone you need to be sure what you post is something you will stand behind when the truth finally comes out.

As far as my guest on my radio show or any guest I interview you have to right to believe or not to believe what the person is saying. End of story.

We have heard from two different media sources that the police are looking closely at a woman and that an arrest is coming soon.

Do you believe it or not? Up to you.

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There is a reason their names have been brought up. It's because the police or mainstream media brought the names to our attention. That doesn't mean every single name we can sleuth their whole life and put it on the Internet. Not at all.

What if the name brought up is someone who's only connection is they found the body? The last thing you want to do is post their life story on the Internet.

Then again, what if a name brought up can be connected to the victim? We need to allow discussions that include theories and speculation within reason.

Let me stress again, the rules are mostly fluid. We can change them depending on what is best for the situation. What works for one discussion does not work for others.

Please. be respectful of other people's opinions.

Don't hesitate to alert on a post you feel violates our rules.

Finally, if you do speculate that someone is a killer you do have to be ready to take responsibility for your post. Whether you are right or wrong. If you are wrong you can assume the person you posted about knows what you said about them. Your words about them will stay on the Internet forever. Even though we do use initials you words are very powerful. Powerful enough people.

Please be careful when you post.

Bringing this from the last thread:

Is there any signage to indicate it is law enforced (issues tickets?) because I think those only activate if someone runs a red light. Hoping it's the other kind!

The kind of camera shown on the traffic light is for monitoring traffic, not issuing tickets. The ones that are used to issue tickets are much larger and have various attachments other than a lone camera.

Sent from my Nexus 6 using Tapatalk
JMO, but I think that CW is a barbarian **** for participating in this violence... <modsnip>

Yeah, I get base human nature and the female wanting protection from the alpha male, but we should be past that by now. Physical fitness, even body building, I can understand as being attractive to some, but violence, NO!

Agree. The bills are due every month and hubby is risking big injuries which would leave him unable to work a regular job to help with bills every time fight injuries occur. It's not like CW is a mainstream fighter on the circuit. His fighting venues seem more like smaller events with major risks.

So it seems like more of a hobby for this guy with kids instead of anything else. So why is he risking breaking bones at this stage in his life. Jmo

Now if he is supporting his family via the mma fights then okay. But if he only makes $1000 a fight and only have 3 actual fights a year. Then it's not worth the risk of breaking your neck arm or leg while you have a family to support.
You know what I think is a tad "creepy"?
Answer: the two surnames that have been popping up throughout this case (& they are presumably no blood relation). Tuck*r & Garc*a.

Yeah, I know....they are common last names and all.

But.....I just don't like coinky-dinkies. They never sit well with me.

Just moo
I missed about a week here, and I'm utterly confused. The names, initials, innuendo, suggestion, yet nothing is clear enough, I can't get caught up and I'm frustrated. I don't know who anyone is anymore except the victim and her husband and husband's father. I think I need a nap.

Wasn't CW on linkedin as a VP of some "health product" company? Not about MMA? JMO
Bringing this over from last thread

Church Layout

I have a question regarding the church layout (nicely done!) posted by "Arkansasmimi" in the Timeline/Media thread:


According to the plan, where would this double glass door be located? In other words, is this supposed to be the entry (covered driveway/porch) next to the "dutch doors" - nursery- ?


If so, according to the posted layout, that would be the SW corner of the building and the area, where MB was found by the CG participants. However, that SW corner entry with the covered driveway/porch looks entirely different in this pic here, no vertical bars in the side windows:


Perhaps I am just confused, but I have a problem lining up the video with the layout. Any clarification would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks, Nin​
That's not the same door I don't think, the sides of it are different.

Wasn't CW on linkedin as a VP of some "health product" company? Not about MMA? JMO

I think he was a multitasker in the fitness arena. Which means he may have been involved with different things pertaining to health and fitness. But I'm not sure where his actual bread and butter come from. Usually some people will have a 9to5 while involved with other ventures or hobbies. Or some just have rich parents or spouses that will help support while you figure things out. Idk.
I missed about a week here, and I'm utterly confused. The names, initials, innuendo, suggestion, yet nothing is clear enough, I can't get caught up and I'm frustrated. I don't know who anyone is anymore except the victim and her husband and husband's father. I think I need a nap.

My sympathy. We are sort of braving a mine field here...........I guess just read between the lines. Initials are people from the Search Warrants......those are linked at the top of this page. Happy hiking! JMO..........4 of those are not sleuthable because they are family members and are considered to be victims. So, really only a few to look at. JMO
What we know as fact:

  • Missy Bevers was murdered on 18th April between 4:16 and 5am, at Creekside Church, Midlothian.
  • She died from puncture wounds to the head and chest and there were signs of a struggle.
  • A person was seen on CCTV dressed in police/SWAT gear at the time Missy was killed.
  • Missy was found by Camp Gladiator campers when they arrived for class.
  • One of them called her husband, who was apparently in Mississippi, he drove home arriving at 3pm.
  • Missy and BB had financial and relationship issues.
  • Missy had been in Austin for a few days the previous week at a CG event. She returned home on Sunday 17th
  • Missy had been exchanging flirtatious and familiar messages on LinkedIn with CW, since January.
  • Missy received a "creepy" message 3 days before her death, also on LinkedIn, which she showed a friend.
  • The police served a warrant on LinkedIn and also on AT&T, several names were released: Missy, her husband BB, her father-in-law RB, his wife VB (BB's stepmom), a fitness colleague who had been in Austin AT, his wife CT, an acquaintance KC, his wife MC, and WH.
  • None of those people have been arrested, named a suspect or cleared as a POI.

I'm sure I missed bits out, just trying to stick to the facts as reported in MSM and from LE.
In reply to Nin:

I think the SP is shown walking in the NW end of the building with one of the the roll-up doors to the kitchen in the background.

Wasn't CW on linkedin as a VP of some "health product" company? Not about MMA? JMO

He apparently has been a healthcare consultant, though the website does not give much info on exactly what they do. Elevate Healthcare Consultants is also on FB. You need to click on the employee's photo to read a short bio:
Why did the perp look directly at teh camera?

This has been puzzling to me since the case started. Maybe the perp was trying to figure out how to disable the cameras or trying to determine if the cameras were even functioning. I don't know, but it seems like a potentially big mistake to me.
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