TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #22

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Bur Respectfully, LE isn't who is putting up the money. It has been private businesses. Not sure exactly how it works but LE hasn't put any $ in the reward.

Actually they have, via CrimeStoppers. Johnson mentioned it in the Friday press conference.
I respectfully disagree Kaboom, as a paramedic we would never ever enter a scene like this without police clearing for safety. I can not save someone's life if I'm dead. It is absolutely procedure in every district in tbe US. The only time this may change is in a mass casualty.

With all due respect, do you have a link outlining your procedure for that? You would seriously not treat a victim because the police have not arrived yet? :eek: That sounds like gross negligence to me. It’s sad if you have a procedure like that.

Crime Scene
A crime scene is the area of response that involves the commission of the crime. The crime scene includes any area that leads to or from the scene. Any area that involves physical evidence such as a weapon or blood becomes part of the crime scene.
Many times the ambulance or rescue crews arrive prior to the police. The arriving crews must first determine that the scene is safe to enter. If it is not, the crew should secure the scene and await police response. If the scene is safe to enter, the EMTs should do so carefully. Whenever possible, attempt not to disturb any physical evidence. Remember that patient care comes first. Do not become so involved with the scene that the patient suffers.

The Crime Scene and the EMT

Again, there was no known safety issues when first responders arrived.
LOL No, I grabbed my purse with my other hand and waited outside the front door so no one would see what a mess my house was!!! Haha. Didn't pass out, yes, bloody, blood pressure hit the roof. I'm ok. JMO

You're tough! Don't mess with cady!

I would think the first campers would have touched Missy. Maybe the early one knew something was more serious since they were in their vehicle so long and didn't see any activity with Missy coming out and unloading the truck.

ETA: See ArkansasMimi's post at #846. I think there was urgency because everyone knew this had to have just happened. You would want to make every effort to revive her. Well, maybe longer than I am thinking, closer to 45 minutes.
Thanks. Ok so maybe I imagined the "light" part. How lit up is that parking lot at night and I wonder which parking lot. The one further out? How easy would it be to see a dark car in the dark (possible rain) and in a far corner of the frame? I still think the Altima plays a bigger role in this. I'm sure that is not the only vehicle that was near that area that night. Why that car? Just because it pulled over? What are your thoughts on the Altima?

Totally don't know lol. I don't want to needlessly go down a rabbit hole. ;) I trust LE on this one. For whatever reason they gave out the info. I believe everything they do is for a calculated reason, I just not privy to what it is.
ATF cleared it that morning, FBI and Texas Rangers were on board. They may have asked the church to go ahead and have a service, because sometimes the Suspect returns to the scene of the crime. And they were there watching.
4/21 report of 4/20 Kerry Sanders http://www.today.com/video/feds-joi...-bevers-texas-fitness-instructor-670661699846

You are correct, does not state ATF cleared the building. They just took the dog through and around the grounds. But this was on Wed. that was my point. Sorry if I confused anyone.

No worries, just wanted to help us all stay on the same page regarding the timeline and which news report shows what.

Your input on this case is much appreciated.
No worries, just wanted to help us all stay on the same page regarding the timeline and which news report shows what.

Your input on this case is much appreciated

I second that!!
You have the links at your fingertips
OOPS yes you are correct. I misstated that. Do they have a say if they money is increased or not?

Re increasing a reward ....

LE generally advises family on this matter. The general rule of thumb is that they advise to try to increase the reward when they need the public's help or vigilance in some way, and need to bring attention back to the case. The increase in reward usually provides an excuse for a media update too. Or if they have reason to think someone knows something and might talk. But just randomly throwing more money at it, isn't usually considered a good allocation of resources.
With all due respect, do you have a link outlining your procedure for that? You would seriously not treat a victim because the police have not arrived yet? :eek: That sounds like gross negligence to me. It’s sad if you have a procedure like that.

The Crime Scene and the EMT

Again, there was no known safety issues when first responders arrived.

I completely agree with what KTRCA is saying and yes I too am familiar with the operating standard procedure that is "supposed" to be followed. I don't think we need to attack our member for her/his opinions regarding the faith she has placed that this procedure was followed.
What bothers me, is IF the timeline is right and the search warrant is right, what does that say? I mean we are talking about something that may have not been followed procedure wise, OR was and the SW and timeline is off.
It does matter in my opinion!
You're tough! Don't mess with cady!

I would think the first campers would have touched Missy. Maybe the early one knew something was more serious since they were in their vehicle so long and didn't see any activity with Missy coming out and unloading the truck.

We don't know what condition she was in. Sadly, her head may have been cracked open.............it may have been so obvious that she was dead to the two who found her that they knew she had been assaulted. The call was reporting unresponsive JMO but EMS declared her deceased. YUCK. Sorry for the campers...........very traumatic. JMO
With all due respect, do you have a link outlining your procedure for that? You would seriously not treat a victim because the police have not arrived yet? :eek: That sounds like gross negligence to me. It’s sad if you have a procedure like that.

The Crime Scene and the EMT

Again, there was no known safety issues when first responders arrived.

If course there were safety issues! Someone bludgeoned to death with instruments around them and glass. We don't even enter medical scenes without PD. I have many stories of medical calls not trauma where the scene was not safe. Call came in from girlfriend that BF was having stomach pain and short of breath, we got there, GF fled the scene BF on the ground with a GS wound to the stomach. Of course he had stomach pain and shortness of breath. We don't take anytbing for granted. 911 calls usually result in 1\3 of the info you need. Tnis is standard practice. I will put the proof on you. Show me a document that states otherwise. I'm not trying to be argumenative, but I've been doing this a long time.
Re increasing a reward ....

LE generally advises family on this matter. The general rule of thumb is that they advise to try to increase the reward when they need the public's help or vigilance in some way, and need to bring attention back to the case. The increase in reward usually provides an excuse for a media update too. Or if they have reason to think someone knows something and might talk. But just randomly throwing more money at it, isn't usually considered a good allocation of resources.

Thank you! :)
I was wondering what I would think if the reward was increased...SP known/suspected or no clue?
Definitely a LE strategy - not random by any means! :)
I am a graphics person too, and I agree with you! The outside of the car is the easy part - going to 287. I know LE has special programs that are not even available to the public ... so if the sleuths can enhance the image like Sandy did above (great job BTW!), I can only assume LE can do even better. I tried to do a lot with the photo and came to a dead end.
Thanks. I might have more eye/brain work experience at recognizing patterns in the dark. I did nothing to enhance the photo or lighten it - I just downloaded and zoomed. I even went to the MPD FB page and they have two very dark versions of the Altima. In the 5/20 presser, LE said they would email it to media, and I think the lighter version photo probably originates from their email to media. I tried to google the lighter version at one computer/ISP and it doesn't come up in the first 100 photos; at another computer/different ISP, it was the very first photo, all within one hour - I don't know how that happens either. But yes, LE/FBI have great computer enhancing skills. Either they don't know who/what about that Altima, or they know exactly who/what about that Altima and LE knows there is something wrong about that person out at 2AM in that car. 5/20 presser:

"Male Reporter: Chief, the images of that car you're referencing, is that
something that your team plans to release?

Chief Kevin Johnson: Sure. Yeah, we can email that out. I'll follow up with
the media release on that. "
With all do Respect. According to the report read by Chief Smith at the April 18 Press conference and posted on the MPD FB page, Medics were on scene and attending to the unresponsive female as Police Officers entered the church http://www.websleuths.com/forums/sh...eline-*NO-DISCUSSION*&p=12523272#post12523272

Very brave of them, and they clearly put their job ahead of their own safety, and they should be commended for trying. I don't think we're necessarily saying they didn't do that, just that it's standard training not to enter a situation of potential danger without LE. I've always been taught to try not to disturb a crime scene, if possible, but also not to allow anything to interfere with treatment of the patient. It sounds to me as though the campers who found MB either did not know it was a crime scene, or did not convey enough information to the dispatch for the arriving EMTs to be cautious.
This is another time-stamped photo of the SwatPerp. This is photo of an FPS officer in full tactical gear right from Wikipedia. There are many interesting features like the helmet with visor and ammo pouches on front of vest. JMO what is strapped to the left leg is a gas mask. The bottom of the pant legs are bloused (not tucked).

SandyQLS, it's interesting that you bring up FPS. I have now heard FPS mentioned twice this month, after not even knowing of their existence before this month.

The first time I became aware of them was early this month when there were multiple shootings in Maryland in which the shooter was an FPS officer. You can Google his name - Eulalio Tordil.

He is not a light-skinned person, and I doubt he was in Texas.

It's an interesting case. He was on administrative leave from his FPS job because of a protective order filed against him by his estranged wife. He shot her in a school parking lot where she was picking up the kids. Later, he shot two other people during attempted carjackings before being arrested. There is also a reference to - wait for it - a rental car.

I know I'm chasing rabbits and there won't be any correlation to the MB case, but your FPS reference did get me thinking. Wishful thinking. If this world were more perfect, we would find out that Eulalio Tordil, after being put on leave from his job, traveled to Texas where he made a rash decision to break into a church and it just so happened that MB showed up.

That would put a nice big bow on it, wouldn't it?
Someone posted that the paramedics without regard would rush in, and due to the timeline of them arriving, people assumed they saw the victim first. I want to dispel this myth, that is why it got started. It also goes to future possible discussion of the Paramedicts compromising the scene. It is important for many reasons. Why is the Altima important? Because it may be evidence or it may not. Transfer DNA on Missy may become important in the future.

For an EMT, preserving the crime scene should be a secondary concern to patient care.

If course there were safety issues! Someone bludgeoned to death with instruments around them and glass. We don't even enter medical scenes without PD. I have many stories of medical calls not trauma where the scene was not safe. Call came in from girlfriend that BF was having stomach pain and short of breath, we got there, GF fled the scene BF on the ground with a GS wound to the stomach. Of course he had stomach pain and shortness of breath. We don't take anytbing for granted. 911 calls usually result in 1\3 of the info you need. Tnis is standard practice. I will put the proof on you. Show me a document that states otherwise. I'm not trying to be argumenative, but I've been doing this a long time.

Here you go. I’ll get you more if you want them.

 The goal of performing EMS at crime scenes is to provide high-quality patient care while preserving evidence.
 NEVER jeopardize patient care for the sake of evidence. However, do not perform patient care with disregard for the criminal investigation that will follow.
 Be aware you may have to justify your actions to Law Enforcement and the District Attorney after the fact.

Crime Scene and the EMS Professional

Arrival at the Scene
When arriving at a potential crime scene do not forget that patient care comes first.
This of course follows your
personal safety. If the scene is safe and you enter, take a moment to look at the scene and form a general
impression of the scene and the patient. Look at the scene for items such as a weapon, spent shells, odors, and body
fluids. Make a mental note for future documentation and briefing.

Working in the Crime Scene
Thank you! :)
I was wondering what I would think if the reward was increased...SP known/suspected or no clue?
Definitely a LE strategy - not random by any means! :)

Those same factors, btw, are what prompted the presser last Friday. It wasn't really about releasing some sort of earth-shattering news.

But - they used the one month later milestone, in combo with some minor pieces of info, to get another round of news coverage on the local channels. (Here's a snippet from the video analysis. Here's a car whose driver we'd like to talk to. Here's who we have ruled out, essentially.) The Altima wasn't a biggie to the case, but more of a side note to them, but it's something to keep the minions interested, and adds some mystery and comes with a new picture.

In another 2-3 months perhaps, if they haven't made an arrest, they will need another excuse to bring it to the forefront, perhaps. The time frame is arbitrary, but the methodology is fairly consistent.
Very brave of them, and they clearly put their job ahead of their own safety, and they should be commended for trying. I don't think we're necessarily saying they didn't do that, just that it's standard training not to enter a situation of potential danger without LE. I've always been taught to try not to disturb a crime scene, if possible, but also not to allow anything to interfere with treatment of the patient. It sounds to me as though the campers who found MB either did not know it was a crime scene, or did not convey enough information to the dispatch for the arriving EMTs to be cautious.

^^^ Yes IMO
Thanks. Ok so maybe I imagined the "light" part. How lit up is that parking lot at night and I wonder which parking lot. The one further out? How easy would it be to see a dark car in the dark (possible rain) and in a far corner of the frame? I still think the Altima plays a bigger role in this. I'm sure that is not the only vehicle that was near that area that night. Why that car? Just because it pulled over? What are your thoughts on the Altima?
Of all the various possibilities, I think the Altima was involved somehow.
No worries, just wanted to help us all stay on the same page regarding the timeline and which news report shows what.

Your input on this case is much appreciated.

:yeahthat:Thank you, as do I. That's why I keep trying to correct as we go with links. People have read so much all over that they get stuff twisted without realizing it. I definitely don't know it all but do remember what I have links to LE saying. I wasn't able to edit or delete so thank you for the correction!!
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