TX - Terri 'Missy' Bevers,45, murdered in church/person in SWAT gear,18 Apr 2016 #26

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LE (who has seen ALL the video there is, and in better form and with more ability to examine than we have) has said explicitly there is only one person seen in all of that video. (Did I recall correctly that they even swore to that, under oath, in writing? I'm thinking so. But I am certain they made it clear to the media they only see one perp person on video in the church.)

I don't remember them swearing to it, but it was made very clear in one of the press conferences that they believe it is one person.
Okay guys trying to figure out something and I need a collective effort here since we all have been watching this from different angles.

What has changed in the last three weeks?

My question is more why would there have been police presence at a work out camp here three weeks ago that abruptly stops but then pick up again today?

What are we missing?

What happened three weeks ago to change the presence and then cause it to randomly start back up today?

This is only me trying to figure out what is different. No local tumors just picking apart some

Eta : I am reporting my own message in case it needs to be deleted or snipped.

Okay I can't report myself please someone click report for me. Lol

:bump: this is post 625 being referred to above
I have looked at MB pictures 100s of times and today is the 1st time I have noticed the guy in this picture, covering his face. I hope this is allowed, I included the link below. That is odd. Maybe just doesn't like his picture taken? :thinking: IMO


ETA this is picture that previous poster mentioned LE at the workout. There is a police car in the background:

Okay Web Sleuths, help me out here. Are my eyes just deceiving me or in the picture with the police car, next to the building behind the electrical box, is that a person or a bush?
You are correct it would be NDtx Dallas division.

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So would the Grand Jury be Federal or county? Murder would be a state charge, but if LE finds evidence of stolen guns or drugs involved as a motive would it then go to a Federal Grand Jury? I suspect that LE would want to throw everything in the book, including the kitchen sink at SP. JMO
I don't think C1 is SP, if SP blended in with the campers in my mind they would have tried to blend in after the first few people discovered the body or they were among the first few people but I don't think that C1 is SP. To add to my list of reasons why, remember a camper called BB to inform him about MB before LE did. That is even more reason for them not to be on the radar after the alibi putting them at the location, knowing the victim and her schedule as well as most likely knowing BB was out of town and most likely she would arrive alone. I don't think the cars were searched b/c IMO at the time, LE didn't think it was anything other than a robbery gone wrong. I also recall (IMO, no link) a camper who arrived late and commented on the FB post about LE being there and her not being sure if she was at the right location b/c of the chaos. I don't think LE made everyone stay and I think if they needed a SW to go through MB truck (and file the belongings as evidence) they would need one for the cars of the campers as well.

I'm just speculating but I don't think it's the worst idea ever. IMO

Respectfully BBM, Agree. I sorry I misunderstood. I was meaning I don't think the first camper was involved. I said a long while back, with so many people having cell phones an recording everything imaginable. I just can't believe that there are no photos or video or whatever about that first flurry of activity. First of anything I can find is the Helicopter video. Sun rise was 655am iirc, lots dark time still during initial investigation. So just wondering how long it was before reporters started showing up? Or when did the Ellis County Crime Scene arrive?

Thinking out loud.... How many LE were dispatched initially? How long til the scene was secured and did any Campers leave? What if they didn't make them stay or take a statement other than the group (or ever how many went in initially). Some may have been outside and not gone in. So LE sent them on their way. But if the Suspect hung around, how would they know that their veh wouldn't be searched? Whether was in group that went in or possibly "showed up later"

Once MPD searched the building they knew there was evidence of someone breaking into the building and damage done. It was considered a Murder. Even if it was a burglary gone bad. So many questions.

Chaos would be good time to get away. That's why JMHO, Suspect had until LE showed up to leave. Not just until the first camper. It was very dark. Even if the Suspect parked in the parking lot, this was early Monday morning. After a Sunday night church service. And parked on the North side where it is dark, it wouldn't be like someone parking in the area where MB was parked noticeable.
Ummmm... Then I am not going crazy! I believe the first two videos that LE initially released were altered maybe a day or two after they were released. I have stated before and am stating it again, that something was missing from what we were originally allowed to see. Having said that, I certainly could be mistaken but I recall the exact same thing and the only videos I have watched were either on TV when MSM reported them or off the MPD page so I know it wasn't some hoaxer trying to mess with us. Thank you for posting and WELCOME!

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I have thought two different people since the beginning. When they gave the wide range in height that sealed the deal for me. Definitely two people - why they don't want the public to know that has me extremely confused! JMO
Glammie, I have a question if you feel comfortable sharing. When locals discuss the murder do you get the sense many are leaning towards a common perp or are the opinions there as varied as they are here?

Honestly, I don't discuss this case outside of my home as I was advised by a LE officer. I have a small group 4 friends whom I trust implicitly and we discuss this case. We have done a lot of research and vetted several people while keeping an open mind. I will say my observation of locals I know SM accounts seem to be as varied as ours here, but I believe we have kept a much more open mind here. There are clusters of locals who believe they know exactly who did it but from what I have gathered it seems their basing those upon rampant rumors.


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ATOH didn't specify a particular camper as being the SP.

Are you saying that you have a source that knows it's not a particular person? Who are you talking about?

It is possible they didn't think to search due to the looks of it being a bungled robbery (although with a dead body I would think you would still search for other possible weapons or stolen items). They don't need a search warrant, but would need either "probable cause" or permission from the vehicle owners. I am not sure if being at the scene of a crime is enough for probable cause, but I would think so.

Okay Web Sleuths, help me out here. Are my eyes just deceiving me or in the picture with the police car, next to the building behind the electrical box, is that a person or a bush?

It appears to be a Midlothian LE car.
Respectfully BBM, Agree. I sorry I misunderstood. I was meaning I don't think the first camper was involved. I said a long while back, with so many people having cell phones an recording everything imaginable. I just can't believe that there are no photos or video or whatever about that first flurry of activity. First of anything I can find is the Helicopter video. Sun rise was 655am iirc, lots dark time still during initial investigation. So just wondering how long it was before reporters started showing up? Or when did the Ellis County Crime Scene arrive?

Thinking out loud.... How many LE were dispatched initially? How long til the scene was secured and did any Campers leave? What if they didn't make them stay or take a statement other than the group (or ever how many went in initially). Some may have been outside and not gone in. So LE sent them on their way. But if the Suspect hung around, how would they know that their veh wouldn't be searched? Whether was in group that went in or possibly "showed up later"

Once MPD searched the building they knew there was evidence of someone breaking into the building and damage done. It was considered a Murder. Even if it was a burglary gone bad. So many questions.

Chaos would be good time to get away. That's why JMHO, Suspect had until LE showed up to leave. Not just until the first camper. It was very dark. Even if the Suspect parked in the parking lot, this was early Monday morning. After a Sunday night church service. And parked on the North side where it is dark, it wouldn't be like someone parking in the area where MB was parked noticeable.

My thought on a camper leaving, I would notice that. That chaos that first few minutes had to be crazy but I would still think everyone who arrived would be trying to talk to C1 or C2 to see what was going on. If someone then took off, either right before or right after LE arrived, I would think that would stick in my head. Officers had to ask what the normal roster was, who campers saw there that day, who was missing, etc. Now, that doesn't do much good other than cast a bit of suspicion on the person that left. Once they are gone, the damage is done. The evidence is gone. So still a possibility, just a very risk plan. I would think if you killed her at 4:20ish, you just get the heck out of there. With all the thought they put in to it, that seems so much safer than hanging out, changing clothes (hoping no trace evidence comes off in the process), then blending in. All while never being seen on any camera.

Has anyone heard how many campers were in MBs class normally vs there that day? I have 2 friends in separate CG classes in different DFW areas. They have both been going for several months. They said it is common to have campers arrive as much as 30 min early and sit in their car. The norm is everyone kind of hangs out in their cars and then they start getting out and heading to their spot in the parking lot 5 min before class starts. If C1 found MB close to the 5:00am mark, I would think most of the class had to be there already.
Respectfully BBM, Agree. I sorry I misunderstood. I was meaning I don't think the first camper was involved. I said a long while back, with so many people having cell phones an recording everything imaginable. I just can't believe that there are no photos or video or whatever about that first flurry of activity. First of anything I can find is the Helicopter video. Sun rise was 655am iirc, lots dark time still during initial investigation. So just wondering how long it was before reporters started showing up? Or when did the Ellis County Crime Scene arrive?

Thinking out loud.... How many LE were dispatched initially? How long til the scene was secured and did any Campers leave? What if they didn't make them stay or take a statement other than the group (or ever how many went in initially). Some may have been outside and not gone in. So LE sent them on their way. But if the Suspect hung around, how would they know that their veh wouldn't be searched? Whether was in group that went in or possibly "showed up later"

Once MPD searched the building they knew there was evidence of someone breaking into the building and damage done. It was considered a Murder. Even if it was a burglary gone bad. So many questions.

Chaos would be good time to get away. That's why JMHO, Suspect had until LE showed up to leave. Not just until the first camper. It was very dark. Even if the Suspect parked in the parking lot, this was early Monday morning. After a Sunday night church service. And parked on the North side where it is dark, it wouldn't be like someone parking in the area where MB was parked noticeable.

I think a lot of people are having a hard time with the timeline. It doesn't seem like a lot of time, to do the deed, clean up , and get out before anyone sees you. It is more time than most realize. Turn everything off. TV, laptop, etc. Now watch your clock for 5 minutes. Try doing somthing mundane that we don't pay a lot of attention to how long it normally takes, and I think most would realize that this suspect had plenty of time to murder MB, attempt to clean the scent, and get out before anyone arrived. Probably with a few minutes to spare.
Well, I have been all over the web trying to find the answer to this. It depends on which GJ would be reviewing the evidence.
There is Ellis County http://www.co.ellis.tx.us/index.aspx?nid=83
Tarrant County http://access.tarrantcounty.com/en/criminal-district-attorney/criminal-division/grand-jury.html
and the Federal Grand Jury http://coop.txnd.uscourts.gov/faq/jury.html
I think the Dallas division covers Midlothian http://www.txnd.uscourts.gov/court-jurisdiction

I don't see a schedule for GJ listed on any of the sites but TBH I didn't dig very far past the court calendar for the week. I thought about calling and asking but I'm not sure they would tell me since IIRC most GJ meet in secret. JMO

A long time ago I knew a guy out of Midlothian that serve on the GJ, they met in Ennis and it was something like every 3 months maybe unless they had a big case. i want to say his service was for like 2 years but that was only 4 or 5 meetings. oops maybe it was Waxahachie they met at and he ad a lot of cases out of Ennis
I think a lot of people are having a hard time with the timeline. It doesn't seem like a lot of time, to do the deed, clean up , and get out before anyone sees you. It is more time than most realize. Turn everything off. TV, laptop, etc. Now watch your clock for 5 minutes. Try doing somthing mundane that we don't pay a lot of attention to how long it normally takes, and I think most would realize that this suspect had plenty of time to murder MB, attempt to clean the scent, and get out before anyone arrived. Probably with a few minutes to spare.

Better yet, try waiting on a hot pocket to be ready in the microwave. It feels like you could go wash our car and come back and still be waiting. JMO, but I work in a time sensative enviornment and can tell you first hand that when your in a rush time seems like it is flying, but really just 5 minutes is a lot of time, especially if you are focused on what you are doing.
Okay according to the clerk for usdcndtx

I was advised the GJ normally meets M, W and Friday every week. It's normally a half day meeting however, it is not uncommon for them to meet outside those hours or on different days if there are extenuating circumstances. So to answer Sparkys question they are always in session, year round.

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wow they must have a lot more cases than they did in 88 when my friend served
The logistics is what makes it difficult for me as well. We still don't know what areas (in or out) that LE has camera footage from, but my guess is more than we have scene. I think it would be hard to leave the murder area to go somewhere else to clean up, then leave the building and then come back in, with nothing caught on camera or looking odd to others at the scene.

The 4:35 arrival time of C1. Was that timestamped from some video or just what time C1 told LE they arrived?

I see your point but I thought of it a bit differently. Rather than SP leave the area or building to clean up, why not go back to the kitchen where SP
left a gym bag. Remove all outer wear and gear and take it out to the trunk of the parked car there no one noticed and wait a bit out of sight...its
still dark out there remember..wait for campers to find Missy & call LE. LE shows up and while all attention is on Missy, SP walks back in w/o gym
bag ...don't need it cause "whats going on?"...as if he/she just showed up.

Just a theory. I know we don't know what is on camera...just trying to figure if there IS even a plausible theory as to SP being a camper.
**And Not** one of the campers that actually found Missy and called LE but rather the 1st or 2nd to arrive right after she was found.
All speculation, JMO and all that jazz~
Don't really know but can only theorize (if it's connected). From what I've read, I think the investigation has been underway, and continues to be underway. One deputy was arrested right before her murder, one after. Can't really know if Missy had anything to do with those arrests, but since Texas Rangers are still investigating the ECSO cases, there could conceivably be more arrests coming.

My own theory is that Missy knew something, but that 'something' was likely more peripheral than direct - and maybe she was killed for the investigative chain reaction it would set off, not so much for the seriousness of that one tidbit of information.

For example, what if she were wrestling with knowledge of illegal drug sales at the gym, or perhaps was concerned about discovering illegal drug use by someone she knew...and maybe she had personal reasons for not initially reporting it, but then had decided to override those? Following that hypothetical scenario, say she were to decide to report that discovery...and the investigation grew from that one user to his suppliers and the people that worked for or protected them? What repercussions might there be for area businesses, churches, or schools in Missy's circles (depending on where the abuse occurred and where the investigation led)? How many people and families and careers might end up being affected if that one discovery she made dominoes into a larger a web of crime that covers a whole county?

Are you saying she may have been working undercover as an informant ?
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