Found Deceased TX - Thomas Brown, 18, Hemphill County, 23 Nov 2016 #2

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Hemphill County searching for missing teen

According Brown's mother, Penny Brown, he was last seen around 11:30 p.m. Wednesday, Nov. 23. after spending the evening with friends, and has not been seen or heard from since.

According to the Canadian Record, searchers found Brown's SUV around 9:30 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 24 at the municipal wastewater treatment facility parked under some trees with no signs of foul play.

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Ellis County Statesman

Having read his posts on the Moms4Tom and Unfound Podcast Discussion Group Facebook pages, I just had a hunch. So I went to his paper’s Facebook page and found the post above.

Here is a link to a post on the Moms4Tom page in which the admin shared a piece he wrote in the paper:

I am feeling so twisted about all of this. I still feel like Penny is feeding him info - how would they know all that’s been posted so far? And why not use his newspaper for the news drop? As it is, we can’t verify anything that they’ve posted so far. It could all be lied, for all I know.

IMHO this is just going to muddy the water even more unless they become a whole lot more transparent.
I am feeling so twisted about all of this. I still feel like Penny is feeding him info - how would they know all that’s been posted so far? And why not use his newspaper for the news drop? As it is, we can’t verify anything that they’ve posted so far. It could all be lied, for all I know.

IMHO this is just going to muddy the water even more unless they become a whole lot more transparent.
As Vail kindly pointed out previously, the website appears to be run by Barrera Investigations. So I searched the firm and its owner, A.J. Barrera, Jr., and they do appear to be licensed by the Texas DPS Private Security Board. As you can see, Mr. Barrera appears to be very new to this, however:
00B02406-A520-4208-997E-0581848FCC98.jpeg BA3F145C-1A4E-4CA0-A148-898E9A5B5945.jpeg D40D8C8F-FE38-4DCB-AFE7-0BD794F86F2D.jpeg
By the way, here is Klein and his firm’s information:
7A5627D7-8713-45E7-9519-AAB7E56FD6DB.jpeg 6A70AF92-3A43-4B35-8DA3-C4DE0C9EC45D.jpeg 306A2538-F29A-4D40-97BE-9984A7C43286.jpeg FD469D87-29D1-4B02-9540-340D7A3ECFBB.jpeg
TOPS External App

Under the post about the “Thomas Brown Murder” website on November 22nd on Ellis County Statesman’s Facebook page, the page commented, “Penny Brown is aware that an investigation is happening,” but personally, I don’t think she is necessarily feeding him any privileged information. Perhaps after listening to Penny’s interview on Unfound, DW still had questions about her visits to the First United Methodist Church and Dollar General, and decided to send the PI to those places. Also, ABC 7 reported on the controversy surrounding the Dollar General video on November 13th, so maybe that’s what prompted the PI’s visit there:
TCOLE investigation of reveals new information about Thomas Brown case

DW must be doing what he is doing for a reason, and I do think he sincerely wants to help Penny and her family. I just hope it doesn’t interfere with Klein’s or the Attorney General’s investigation.
It appears to me that the Ellis County Statesman has taken up debunking the rumors with facts one at a time.

Maybe they are trying to smoke out someone who is planting evidence in this case.
According to Nicole Caan Facebook page (investigative reporter for KViI) there has been movement on 2 records request re: Tom.
Can’t link the page from my phone so if someone will link it for me, I would appreciate it.
This appears to be the post (see comments): Niccole Caan ABC 7 Amarillo
Post says:
“Y’all, I thought I was done sending out holiday wishes for 2019 to public officials, but I have had my own version of a records request Christmas miracle. I got two phone calls about records that need requesting. Thank you to those wonderful souls from today (and the past) that took time to help me in my quest. Looks like even more “Christmas cards” will be going out through this week.”
Accompanying photo:
(In reply to a comment by someone with a picture of Tom as their profile, “Thank you for all your work❤️,”) NC says, “You're welcome. We'll see if helps us find out anything.”
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This appears to be the post (see comments): Niccole Caan ABC 7 Amarillo
Post says:
“Y’all, I thought I was done sending out holiday wishes for 2019 to public officials, but I have had my own version of a records request Christmas miracle. I got two phone calls about records that need requesting. Thank you to those wonderful souls from today (and the past) that took time to help me in my quest. Looks like even more “Christmas cards” will be going out through this week.”
Accompanying photo:
View attachment 221380
(In reply to a comment by someone with a picture of Tom as their profile, “Thank you for all your work❤️,”) NC says, “You're welcome. We'll see if helps us find out anything.”
Mom for Tom also shared this post, which, I think gives it more certainty that this is about Tom.
2 hrs ago:
“To The Followers Of Tom Browns Case :

Good evening. We wanted to take a moment and update you on the Brown case - which is still moving forward.

We know, at times, there is a frustration for what some see as inaction or no notice to the case. As you all know it has been a very active year for this case and there have been very many twists and turns. We want all of you to know that there is not a day that goes by that we are not working on this case. We, as you are, want the answers. And we will get there.

I want to make this public statement and I want the public to hear this loud and clear - we will not leave this case until the person or persons responsible are prosecuted. We are getting there - and we will get only one shot at a conviction. We are in a weekly conversation with the OAG. You, in Hemphill County, now have a sheriff that is engaged and understands this case. He will bring back to the county what is so desperately needed. Trust, honesty, and the rule of law. This WILL further the case along.

Please do not be frustrated with us if we are silent - that simply means we are working on the case and have nothing to report. When it breaks - we will announce it here.

Your local media has some soul searching to do. Do we believe in them - yes? Did they and do they have some work to do? Yes. The events of the past year show that.

Please pray for Penny and her family. Please pray for Mr. Brown and his family. And please pray for the healing of your community. We understand you are hurting - we will do everything in our power to solve this case.

Merry Christmas - and our love to you and your family.

Philip R. Klein, TLPI-PPO
Help Find Tom Brown's Killer
And another new installment is up on the TB Murder website. Of all the 'updates' so far, this one bothers me the most.
Klein issued a statement:

Statement Regarding The Thomas Brown Case :

1) We understand that a private investigator named Michelle Gomez has made a statement that she is working on the Thomas Brown Case.

2) We, KIC Texas, or any person that has been associated with KIC Texas currently or in the past, has no relationship with Ms. Gomez.

3) KIC Texas is representing the family of Thomas Brown. To our understanding, the family of Thomas Brown is not cooperating or has anything to do with Gomez or the firm she represents.

4) The purpose of this statement is to only clarify the arrangments between the family and any investigation firm that represents the family.

5) We are not responsible for the content of the Thomas Brown web site, nor is the family of Thomas Brown, that is being referenced by legal counsel.

KIC Staff
Help Find Tom Brown's Killer

Interesting comments (!!!) underneath the statement. Tells us more about who is behind the website and their connection.
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Well it looks like we are closer to finding Tom. On the Help Find Tom Brown Facebook page they just posted the following:

To The Students Of Canadian High School : If you were down at lake Marvin the night of Tom's disappearance and you know something - we want to talk to you. We will not use your name.

I find it interesting that back in January of 2017 there was interest by non law enforcement personnel in the area Tom's body would ultimately be found. I know that many of the other school kids made comments along the lines of "knowing he's down there" (at lake Marvin), but why? I don't remember reading anywhere that Tom or his friends had been there that day or that there was any plans to go there anytime soon.

I just don't understand why multiple kids believed Tom/Tom's body to be down there from the beginning. I understand it was a local hangout but if someone goes missing and a search is held and nothing is found what makes these kids so sure his body is down there? Was there some other reason this statement about the lake was released so early on? Seems fishy considering he was found near there and by a deputy on duty in the middle of the night.

As for the rest of the case, what a mess. If local LE is not involved then they are rediculously incompetent and have seemingly done things to make themselves seem involved time and time again out of sheer coincidence.

Why would you assume suicide with no body found, a shell casing in the victims car along with blood and multiple valuable items missing from the vehicle which was just filled up with gas? Why would you not process the car and immediately release the car to the family? Why on Earth would you change your theory to gay/older lover run away? Where did you get one shred of evidence for that?

As far as suicide goes the look up of suicide information in the victims phone is concerning. I don't believe LE planted that info as it would be pointless to plant that small bit of info and erase it if you were going for suicide staging. A much better job could be done than that with minimal effort. That information was leaked in a questionable way but seems to be legit so it's concerning.

Not to mention his ex girlfriend texting to see if he is ok for no reason at all right before he disappears. She also states she sent a follow up text but the subject of that text was never discussed that I have found. I wonder if he was suicidal/made remarks around his friends that evening and perhaps they notified his ex who then started texting to "see if he was ok." Forgive me if I don't believe in psychics or premonitions.

Like I said at the outset, this is a mess and I can only hope KI had more information that may clear this up in the end as it seems any information LE had may have been destroyed like the dollar general tapes. Either way, sorry you went out this way kid..
Moms for Tom is no one on Facebook, per Klein.

From their FB post:
We have received phone calls and requests for information regarding the two Tom Brown sites, being transmitted to the public VIA Facebook.

This past week, our site and the Mom's For Tom site have been attacked by some on Facebook. We thought about keeping the portals up, as they were designed to keep the public active and information flowing.

The case has come to a point now where frustration with some is setting in. We understand that - however - we want to do it right andnot get sidetracked with drama or hurt evidence that will be presented in a criminal trial.

After visiting with the family and after consulting the team I gave the order to have the site shut down. Again, we want evidence to move this case, not drama.

Klein Investigations and Consulting
Information updates on Thomas Brown's case move to new site


Klein said his investigators are building a case now.

"A lot of what we are doing now is going to influence any possible trial or charges that may be brought against somebody” said Klein.

“That sounds like you maybe close to a break in this,” said Niccole Caan, an ABC 7 reporter.

"I wouldn't say that we are close, but I would say we progressed to a point where you see us making legal decisions,” said Klein.

Klein said he wants to be sure any evidence in the case is not compromised before a trial.

"That the evidence stands up and is not thrown out because we announced it to the world before we had all our ducks in a row," said Klein.
Thank you for this update! I thought something was wrong on my end as I was reading through the thread I was unable to look at any of the documentation on the m4t Facebook page. Any idea where that documentation may be backed up? I feel I missed out on a lot.

I dont know where its backed up at...or if it is at all. IF the information is out there, I would expect to find it on this site: Home
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