Found Deceased TX - Thomas Brown, 18, Hemphill County, 23 Nov 2016 #2

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OutWest...I agree wholeheartedly. I think there is a very good chance there is an individual here AND an incident here that is not known except maybe between that individual and Thomas. I think it has been kept a secret and only a very select few know what happened. The sheriff, a deputy, a friend, an acquaintance? I really do not know and hope we find out soon. Did he commit suicide? No! Did family hide what happened? Ludicrous! Did the sheriff have motive? Yes, I believe. Did the sheriff investigate this properly? No......that is what leads me back to NL every time. I love LE and hope I am wrong, but I do not like the red flags he throws up and expects us to believe!
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With that in mind, a most confounding part of this case the absence of a motive that makes sense. IMO, whatever the motive is, it must be related to some "social circumstance" that would appear relatively minor to average people.

Who murders, or covers up the death of the favorite son of a small Texas town?

The only person in that town that seemed to have an issue TB was Nathan Lewis: he insisted TB was still alive, and ran away with his gay older lover. Because that makes complete sense.. TB won’t need a car, clothes, and doesn’t care to say bye to his family or even send them am I’m ok text, and never talked about liking men to anyone.

And then, he puts the diaper bit on blast. Ok, well, let’s assume for a moment that someone killed TB because they found the diaper thing weird.. Lewis basically just destroyed that piece of evidence: a little known detail that someone could incriminate themselves with by admitting to knowing about it. Nothing is accomplished by Lewis revealing this; it only serves to publicly humiliate a dead teenage.

I’m willing to excuse small town law enforcement being baffled by who kills a small towns favorite son and indulges in some theories.. but his entire behavior is not just unprofessional, it’s malicious.

My intuition on this makes me thing that the AG investigators found something that pointed to the sheriffs office. Because I think it was not just Nathan Lewis that was fired but a few others as well. And he was fired for what, falsified continuing training or whatever it was? It just feels like a very bureaucratic way to get rid of someone.. like you went looking for a reason. Maybe you don’t know who did it, but you have to get these people out of the loop to start and build a case against them.
Who murders, or covers up the death of the favorite son of a small Texas town?

The only person in that town that seemed to have an issue TB was Nathan Lewis: he insisted TB was still alive, and ran away with his gay older lover. Because that makes complete sense.. TB won’t need a car, clothes, and doesn’t care to say bye to his family or even send them am I’m ok text, and never talked about liking men to anyone.

And then, he puts the diaper bit on blast. Ok, well, let’s assume for a moment that someone killed TB because they found the diaper thing weird.. Lewis basically just destroyed that piece of evidence: a little known detail that someone could incriminate themselves with by admitting to knowing about it. Nothing is accomplished by Lewis revealing this; it only serves to publicly humiliate a dead teenage.

I’m willing to excuse small town law enforcement being baffled by who kills a small towns favorite son and indulges in some theories.. but his entire behavior is not just unprofessional, it’s malicious.

My intuition on this makes me thing that the AG investigators found something that pointed to the sheriffs office. Because I think it was not just Nathan Lewis that was fired but a few others as well. And he was fired for what, falsified continuing training or whatever it was? It just feels like a very bureaucratic way to get rid of someone.. like you went looking for a reason. Maybe you don’t know who did it, but you have to get these people out of the loop to start and build a case against them.

Nehalem20, great insight and points. On 8/21/2019 two groups of law enforcement officials from the State of Texas visited Canadian, obviously simultaneously scheduled. TCOLE conducted interviews with HCSO personnel (including the sheriff) regarding falsification of training records and investigators from the AG office conducted the meeting with family members to announce that the investigation had been "suspended". I think it was not coincidence that these meetings occurred on the same day. By scheduling the meetings on the same day they were able to produce a significant "shock factor" and stir things up a bit. Such would allow investigators the opportunity to observe the behavior and reactions of different parties or individuals during the following weeks and months. I never truly believed (and still don't) that the case was ever actually "suspended"; but that it just entered a wait & watch mode.

I cannot stress enough how suspicious the HCSO "theories" have been. Contrary to existing evidence and circumstances, the local law enforcement continued to press theories that Tom ran away, then with a gay man that he met online, then he was known to be living/hiding in Denver with the help of a friend of a friend. NEVER any indication that they were considering that foul play was involved. Then once the remains were found on 1/9/2019, their "ran away" theories embarrassingly fell apart. So now, in order to continue to divert attention away from homicide, a new suicide theory had to be invented. One that would explain the 12 mile distance between the Durango and the remains as well as the sudden appearance of the mysterious pristine phone. So, along with the help from a few media organizations and a handful of internet antagonists, the "suicide theory" at that point became that Tom's family is attempting to cover up an "embarrassing" suicide by hiding the body of their loved one in brush at a remote location, planting the phone, and all the while conducting a four year public campaign to frame (former) Sheriff Nathan Lewis. How suspiciously bizarre and ridiculous is that theory? Hell, Stephen King couldn't think that one up!
Once again ….. I know that I frequently refer to the strange theories that came from the early stage local law enforcement “investigators”, then were later embellished by their small vocal army of supporters. But these changing theories are actually very telling. It’s kind of like when little Johnny told the teacher, “I completed the assignment but the dog ate my homework”. In other words, “I did everything correctly but it was somebody else that caused your problem, again”.

In any situation there is only one reason that a person will lie or be deceptive. That reason is nearly always because they know that they (or someone they are protecting) did something they should not have done, or failed to do something they should have done, or made some decision that they should not have made. As they attempt to cover their tracks, they dig their hole deeper. Maybe just covering for incompetence; or maybe more. Eventually they may attempt to divert attention and place blame toward some other person or party. If their deception is further challenged, their story changes more in an effort to try to explain any disparity. As they get backed closer to the “corner” a bit of panic sets in and they become more defensive and their story usually becomes more and more bizarre.

It is very confounding to note how those “theories” have transpired and changed over time while consciously and cautiously steering clear of any mention of homicide. Given the whole of the evidence and circumstances, one would think that the possibility of homicide would, at the very least, receive genuine consideration as a possibility. But no. Instead, the theories, with the assistance of others, became more radically bizarre while continuing to divert attention away from homicide.

I believe that AG investigators were able to take note of this unusual behavior shortly after taking over the case. Large investigative agencies do not show their true cards during an investigation. Understandably so. I believe that they are too smart to fall for any juvenile ruse. I certainly hope so. They are the last remaining hope for the family of Tom Brown to learn the true facts.
Well - since we seem to be on the subject of theories - and ugh, I have been pretty hesitant to post these thoughts because there is no evidence to support it - ergo, this is all disclaimed as "gain of salt", speculative and unsubstantiated.

My theory - I think what happened that night is that a man was interacting with TB at or shortly after the time TB filled up in SUV with gas - and I think they made a pass at him.

In consideration of the events that led up to that night - TB quits the football team, he breaks up with his GF, and decides to focus on theater.. small town, word gets around quickly, and someone got the impression that TB was gay. Personally, I don't think TB was gay, and I say that being gay myself, I just don't see it.. and frankly too much time has been spent asking Penny about her not-gay son being gay. TB confided with girls about what excited him sexually (the diapers).. gay men usually do not do this, or at the very least, exclusively.

So back to that night - Thomas rebuffs this individual. The motive: IMO most likely to protect the killers public identity as straight, also perhaps anger at being turned down as well - results in TB being killed.

Again - this is all just (probably bad, but who knows) intuition and trying to find a motive that fits.
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Well - since we seem to be on the subject of theories - and ugh, I have been pretty hesitant to post these thoughts because there is no evidence to support it - ergo, this is all disclaimed as "gain of salt", speculative and unsubstantiated.

My theory - I think what happened that night is that a man was interacting with TB at or shortly after the time TB filled up in SUV with gas - and I think they made a pass at him.

In consideration of the events that led up to that night - TB quits the football team, he breaks up with his GF, and decides to focus on theater.. small town, word gets around quickly, and someone got the impression that TB was gay. Personally, I don't think TB was gay, and I say that being gay myself, I just don't see it.. and frankly too much time has been spent asking Penny about her not-gay son being gay. TB confided with girls about what excited him sexually (the diapers).. gay men usually do not do this, or at the very least, exclusively.

So back to that night - Thomas rebuffs this individual. The motive: IMO most likely to protect the killers public identity as straight, also perhaps anger at being turned down as well - results in TB being killed.

Again - this is all just (probably bad, but who knows) intuition and trying to find a motive that fits.

But, under that scenario who would take a picture of Tom while he was pump gas and why would they do that. Then, how did the photo get into the hands of The Honorable Nathan Lewis? IMO, the wildly diversionary "gay, run-away, and family assisted suicide" theories presented by HCSO and their cohorts are simply designed with the intent of leading the public opinion away from the true facts.
Thanks for bringing up that the AG's office may have more evidence and have been playing a sort of cat & mouse game. After listening to the recording and hearing how dismissive they were of Penny (and her friends in attendance) I tended to take it at face value. It was awful to think they were just short of declaring it a cold case and instead declared it as "suspended". Was the dismissive nature from the AG's office and the DA's office a planned tactic?
Had it been the Sheriff, why put TB's body where it would eventually be found? If he/they knew it was there, I would think they'd load up the remains and deposit them somewhere else.

Imo, the sheriff found the phone in the Durango as he asked for the passcode. My feeling is, this very poor excuse of a Sheriff was desperate to get this solved. Desperate in that he'd screwed up already on many occasions and he was grasping for straws.

I've also wondered if TB may have been hanged and after many months, the rope came apart and his body fell to the ground.
Thanks for bringing up that the AG's office may have more evidence and have been playing a sort of cat & mouse game. After listening to the recording and hearing how dismissive they were of Penny (and her friends in attendance) I tended to take it at face value. It was awful to think they were just short of declaring it a cold case and instead declared it as "suspended". Was the dismissive nature from the AG's office and the DA's office a planned tactic?

We know that AG has had much more evidence and information than we, the public, are aware of. However, it's my thoughts that AG may have actually been at a stalemate of sorts in the case but I don't believe the case was suspended to the extent that they indicated. I do think that the meeting was intended to stir things up a bit. It seems a bit unusual for a normally discrete agency to arrange a meeting with so many people present. I think it was intentional that the two meetings (AG & TCOLE) were scheduled for the same day. Two blockbuster developments on the same day! And they absolutely DID get things stirred up. Some "fracture" was revealed within the HCSO; somebody ignored the meeting guidelines and secretly recorded the AG meeting (and we can guess who that was with a fair degree of accuracy) then allowed it to be released to selected news outlets; additional controversy ensued within the public sector. Shake things up a bit then watch and listen. I don't think that is how any investigative agency prefers to work but this is not a typical case. Keep in mind that the AG was assigned the case long after crucial evidence had been lost, destroyed, or not obtained. They were at a disadvantage from the beginning and needed to create some activity in the hope that important information may come to light.
Who murders, or covers up the death of the favorite son of a small Texas town?

The only person in that town that seemed to have an issue TB was Nathan Lewis: he insisted TB was still alive, and ran away with his gay older lover. Because that makes complete sense.. TB won’t need a car, clothes, and doesn’t care to say bye to his family or even send them am I’m ok text, and never talked about liking men to anyone.

And then, he puts the diaper bit on blast. Ok, well, let’s assume for a moment that someone killed TB because they found the diaper thing weird.. Lewis basically just destroyed that piece of evidence: a little known detail that someone could incriminate themselves with by admitting to knowing about it. Nothing is accomplished by Lewis revealing this; it only serves to publicly humiliate a dead teenage.

I’m willing to excuse small town law enforcement being baffled by who kills a small towns favorite son and indulges in some theories.. but his entire behavior is not just unprofessional, it’s malicious.

My intuition on this makes me thing that the AG investigators found something that pointed to the sheriffs office. Because I think it was not just Nathan Lewis that was fired but a few others as well. And he was fired for what, falsified continuing training or whatever it was? It just feels like a very bureaucratic way to get rid of someone.. like you went looking for a reason. Maybe you don’t know who did it, but you have to get these people out of the loop to start and build a case against them.

Good points and I also agree.

The one point that niggles at me is the echoes from the beginning of the case that students alluded to Tom Brown being found at Lake Marvin which was ultimately found to be true. There were almost no whispers from the school claiming suicide or running away... that confounds me. Could it have been that a couple people were involved? Or there were witnesses as kids hang out at Lake Marvin? If I saw a kid at odds with the Sheriff, I’d probably keep my mouth shut.

NL does appear to me as malicious not just incompetent and on so many occasions his indifference is palpable.

The body was found not far from a car path, as was the bag and the phone, and someone took the car almost all the way back to Toms home at 5am (as seen on Alexander Delis cameras) and then finally parked it just outside (but within easy walking distance ) of town, then urinates just next to the car. This smacks to me of someone brazen, arrogant, and not panicked at all.

The phone being tossed is odd, anyone could have easily hidden it like the gun, wallet, keys but instead wanted it to be found. Why? Cuz it had the google search that Tom called the Suicide Hotline. Hmmmm. I find it funny how all the “coincidences” are just “off” - like Pyne Gregory finding his remains, like Fronks gas stations cameras not working that night, and press saying they were dummy cameras, then not dummy cameras, then not working ? The picture of Tom pumping gas that went missing and the author of the article was “wrong”.... even tho Penny saw it. All the outlandish excuses! So many things that just make you go hmmmm.

The fact that out of all the teens in Canadian, the one that went missing is the one with whom the Sheriff had a bone to pick... Interesting that NL had just recently become Sheriff to boot.

The previous sheriff has been very articulate about his dislike for NL’s dismissal of the law and process and his outrage at the way this case was handled.

At the end of the day, it’s pretty damming that NL had illegally detained Tom a and berated him while off duty and working in another jurisdiction. It showed extreme disregard for the police process and he certainly wasn’t apologetic about it, but rather insisted on his actions being virtuous. That’s a narcissistic way to view the law. So his disregard for the law has been proven.

His disregard for the victim is apparent in so many ways.

Theres a video on YouTube from Unfound showing where the Durango was finally parked and how easy it was to walk back into town. We all know the car wasn’t processed but what about that area? Obviously, any suspect would have climbed over the fence. Funny how processing that area became a point of zero discussion and the car, well, that was “too dirty.”
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Well my theories regarding the photo at the gas station and the phone - ‘people are really smart until they are not’. We tend to look at the facts of a case in hindsight, with the bias that surely the murderer wouldn’t do something this stupid, particularly when there are a lot of unknowns in the case. But people who commit these crimes don’t have the benefit of knowing the future and can do things that might seem like a good idea at the time.

The Missing Gas Station Photo - I believe the purpose of the photo shown to Penny was to create illusion of “last sighting”. But when the photo became more of a problem that was creating too many questions, the photo became something that never existed.

The Pristine iPhone - in the mind of the killer, if there was a search party going up and down lake Marvin road, sooner rather than later, the body was going to be discovered. I think the iPhone was dropped where it was dropped to lay the groundwork for a suicide theory. There was a limited amount of time between when they found out about the search and their opportunity to make the drop, and in the heat of the moment, failed to realize that the iPhone was basically in perfect condition and would not look like something that had been exposed to the elements for almost a year.
Balloon light ..... all of your points are absolutely "on target" in my opinion. Just as you have done, when we back up and look at the situation in overall totality, there are many strange nuances that become suspiciously apparent that there have been some very questionable things that have happened behind the scenes. Far too many coincidences. One strange coincidence that I keep thinking about is ...... after the Durango was not captured on video for a ~4 hour interval, it suddenly reappeared on video at precisely the time that PG and Tucker abandoned their search and headed back to Tucker's house.
- ‘people are really smart until they are not’. ...... But people who commit these crimes don’t have the benefit of knowing the future and can do things that might seem like a good idea at the time.

The Missing Gas Station Photo - I believe the purpose of the photo shown to Penny was to create illusion of “last sighting”. But when the photo became more of a problem that was creating too many questions, the photo became something that never existed.

Yes, somebody did not think very far ahead and may have backed themselves into a corner with the gas station photo. Once they would realize this, their only option would be for the photo to "vanish" forever. However, in today's world of high tech forensic capabilities, there is always the potential that digital data could "un-vanish".
Balloon light ..... all of your points are absolutely "on target" in my opinion. Just as you have done, when we back up and look at the situation in overall totality, there are many strange nuances that become suspiciously apparent that there have been some very questionable things that have happened behind the scenes. Far too many coincidences. One strange coincidence that I keep thinking about is ...... after the Durango was not captured on video for a ~4 hour interval, it suddenly reappeared on video at precisely the time that PG and Tucker abandoned their search and headed back to Tucker's house.

Outwest !! Yes !!

Its one of those odd “coincidences” that Pyne Gregory stops his search claiming he has to leave at 6am when the Durango was spotted near Thomas’s home at 5:20 and 5:22 am.

The car was dumped at 5:56 -6 ish am. Ironic how Pyne Gregory kept Tucker busy to almost the exact time the car was dumped.

The Magic of Pyne Gregory - He was with Tucker who noticed that the water treatment facility was open and told Tucker that he couldn’t investigate that area. He found Thomas’s remains. He is also in the unfound video from abrahams in the police car right near Fronks at the time Tom was filling gas for the last time. He somehow is tied at all three very important locations at pivotal times coincidentally.... Hmmmm ...
Yes, somebody did not think very far ahead and may have backed themselves into a corner with the gas station photo. Once they would realize this, their only option would be for the photo to "vanish" forever. However, in today's world of high tech forensic capabilities, there is always the potential that digital data could "un-vanish".

It’s interesting that the Chron article is just deemed “wrong” about the picture, but the Chron got their info directly from HCSO and the photos of Tom on that article are credited. Just doesn’t make sense that it’s described so perfectly yet “gone” ... Ex Sheriff Pearson had once described protocol on pics and they do get deleted at some point and that picture has most likely been destroyed as was the dollar general footage.

A likely problem with this case is the sheer lack of evidence because of all the mishandling and poor documentation. NLs report on the Thomas Brown case has been reported to be only 2 pages long. SMH.
The Magic of Pyne Gregory - He was with Tucker who noticed that the water treatment facility was open and told Tucker that he couldn’t investigate that area. He found Thomas’s remains. He is also in the unfound video from abrahams in the police car right near Fronks at the time Tom was filling gas for the last time. He somehow is tied at all three very important locations at pivotal times coincidentally.... Hmmmm ...

I am not sure what other people here feel about Pine Gregory, but my impression and intuition tells me he has nothing to do with the murder or coverup. I think he is lazy, not the prep.
I am not sure what other people here feel about Pine Gregory, but my impression and intuition tells me he has nothing to do with the murder or coverup. I think he is lazy, not the prep.

I feel the same way, Nehalem20. I am not convinced he’s the perp, rather I question his timely whereabouts in the case and its locations. He’s a strange one.

Searching for deer scat and antlers while on duty seems just “off”.... His finding the remains is certainly strange.

What I know about the case is that a homicide scenario fits the pieces of the puzzle much easier than a suicide narrative.

What I think about is how having NL handle the case did little to help the investigation and more likely harmed it.

For the sake of argument, if NL is convinced it it was not a crime and Tom ran away or committed suicide, then why wasn’t he helpful to the Brown/Meek family in any way? How has he offered support? With a series of unfounded and outlandish scenarios he offered the grieving parents? His two page write up on the case? His continual deflection and misinformation? His mishandling of physical evidence? In turn, Sheriff Lewis’s consistent and relentless demonising of the victim and his mother have been all too unpalatable.

Regardless of the new podcast and other sources that seem be more biased towards a suicide and the integrity of NL’s reputation, the Sheriff was instrumental in making himself seem suspect. Not Kline, or Moms4Tom, or even Penny herself. His oddball statements and his unhelpful behaviour simply doesn’t befit what is considered ineptitude - it goes way beyond that.
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