Found Deceased TX - Thomas Brown, 18, Hemphill County, 23 Nov 2016 #3

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Just listening to the latest episode by Skip Hollingsworth.
  • My main question relates to the multiple statements by CJ. Couldn't both of the ones mentioned by him as related in the podcast by RC be true? Meaning, the gambling ring could have been connected to the cartel and the story of the chair was in both. Why wouldn't seeing Tom there with a gun pointed at him motivate CJ to "win" the game? Couldn't the statement have been construed as sarcastic? Did I miss more detail about this somewhere? Moreso, what is the motivation for CJ to tell anything? Was a deal offered? Someone else putting him up to these statements? Just his "personality"?
I by no means am stating I believe this to be true, but I am saying I can see how both of those statements could actually be related.

More questions.
  • Has anyone ever heard of a suicide victim being moved by their family?
  • I don't remember the explanation for PB failing the part of the lie detector test in regards to where Tom's body was. How did Klein explain that? I wonder if the question truly was "Do you know where Tom's body is?".
‎Tom Brown's Body on Apple Podcasts
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Just listening to the latest episode by Skip Hollingsworth.
  • My main question relates to the multiple statements by CJ. Couldn't both of the ones mentioned by him as related in the podcast by RC be true? Meaning, the gambling ring could have been connected to the cartel and the story of the chair was in both. Why wouldn't seeing Tom there with a gun pointed at him motivate CJ to "win" the game? Couldn't the statement have been construed as sarcastic? Did I miss more detail about this somewhere? Moreso, what is the motivation for CJ to tell anything? Was a deal offered? Someone else putting him up to these statements? Just his "personality"?
I by no means am stating I believe this to be true, but I am saying I can see how both of those statements could actually be related.

More questions.
  • Has anyone ever heard of a suicide victim being moved by their family?
  • I don't remember the explanation for PB failing the part of the lie detector test in regards to where Tom's body was. How did Klein explain that? I wonder if the question truly was "Do you know where Tom's body is?"

It seems that CJ was just wildly throwing unbelievably bizarre stuff out there. IMO, for him to think that anybody would actually believe his various stories provides some insight into his cognizant level. Yes, the "chair/gun/gambling" parts are common within the two tales .... but the important common point is that his stories entail bizarre examples that point guilt toward others .... even to the point of naming NL and PG.

Some food for thought ..... why would CJ, a classmate and teammate of Tom's, voice such peculiarly bizarre stories in the first place?
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Could/would a polygraph of CJ confirm/refute his story? I find it bizarre and far from the truth, but what does CJ have to gain?
According to information that OAG has released, there were 9 persons who submitted to a polygraph; we only know who 4 of those persons are. But, polygraph exam results provide some "indicators" that sometimes reveal truths but sometimes they do not. They are only an investigative tool that relies heavily on subjective interpretation and therefore are not admissible as evidence in court.
According to information that OAG has released, there were 9 persons who submitted to a polygraph; we only know who 4 of those persons are. But, polygraph exam results provide some "indicators" that sometimes reveal truths but sometimes they do not. They are only an investigative tool that relies heavily on subjective interpretation and therefore are not admissible as evidence in court.

I wonder who the other were and why they haven't released their names and outcomes.
Mom and Dad, Phil K, Nathan L, friends of the deceased who were with him that night, the ex girlfriend, (that brings it to 8).

Both KK and CW underwent very intense “interviews” on at least one occasion each. According to KK’s audio statement to Skip Hollandsworth (w/TM), KK indicated that he became frustrated during an “interview” and offered to take a polygraph but LE declined. IMO, CW was not offered a polygraph exam because LE became satisfied during her lengthy “interview” at OSU that she had no involvement.

IMO, it would be a logical assumption that former deputy PG was one who was offered a polygraph. Of course, we don’t know if he actually agreed to do so.
Mom and Dad, Phil K, Nathan L, friends of the deceased who were with him that night, the ex girlfriend, (that brings it to 8).

But we dont know KK or CW were actually polygraphed. I dont think they were. I also do not think Sadie was - they questioned her at the university in Canyon.

I do think MC & PG was polygraphed, but I dont have proof of that.I wonder why their results weren't released? It would be real easy for LE to add them to the list of pass or failed. So why leave their results out?
But we dont know KK or CW were actually polygraphed. I dont think they were. I also do not think Sadie was - they questioned her at the university in Canyon.

I do think MC & PG was polygraphed, but I dont have proof of that.I wonder why their results weren't released? It would be real easy for LE to add them to the list of pass or failed. So why leave their results out?

Just my thoughts ...... OAG had specific reasons for their limited information release on 10/19/2021. When they uncharacteristically released a portion of their case information it was only a small portion of information that they actually have. The information was obviously carefully selected in an effort to preempt Klein's meeting, otherwise none of that info would have ever been released. IMO, one of OAG's primary reasons was to provide information that would discredit Klein's luminol claims (i.e. incorrect use of luminol, failure to follow-up with confirmatory tests, lack of communication with LE regarding the tests, etc.). Another of their reasons was, in view of Klein's publicized "tell-all townhall meeting", to demonstrate to the public that OAG has expended significant effort on the case.
To me, this just case just re-emphasizes how critical the initial response is to an investigation. How much is left to "he said, she said" when evidence is lost. How much time is wasted following up on small-town rumors and conjecture when the truth lies within grasp. Then even more detrimental to a case is the corruption that clouds this truth. It is sad that this appears to happen in smaller jurisdictions where experience is limited and resources are few.
Public Statement Regarding the Thomas Brown Case:
This morning, in his morning radio show, Chris Samples made this following statement: “Program note, tomorrow morning, during the final hour of the program, you will be introduced to a former state investigator, who has been over the last many weeks, doing his own investigation in the Tom Brown case. And a man who says he has come to the same conclusion, basically, that state investigators have come to. And that is there is only one scenario. That makes sense. He will explain as he sees it, right here…”

Over the past few years, Samples and his station have pushed a suicide scenario. This is far from the truth, and as the ONLY team of investigators that have been in the case since day four of the disappearance and subsequent finding of Toms body, there is no scenario that shows suicide as a plausible truth. This scenario as pushed by the former sheriff.

We do not know who this “former state investigator” is. However, we want to remind all of you that the law in Texas changed in regards to the “anti-impersonation” bill, which clearly states that anyone that is acting as a private investigator or investigating without a license can and will be charged with a criminal offense.

Please note: “The anti-impersonation bill was sponsored by Senator Paul Bettencourt and gained traction when co-author Representative Briscoe Cain signed on in March 2021, with joint authors Representatives Tony Tinderholt, Leo Pacheco, and Alex Dominguez signing on in April and early May. At each stage, the bill passed unanimously. The bill was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbot on June 15, 2021, and finally went into effect on September 1, 2021.” This law has the same authorities as the Impersonation of a police officer and is strictly enforced by the Texas Department of Public Safety and all law enforcement agencies. This law is meant to stop people like the “former state investigator” who touts that he has investigated for a few weeks and concludes what the OAG concluded, when the OAG has concluded nothing and has sent the case, again, to the cold case division. A point that nobody seems to want to understand.

We have visited with the family of Thomas Brown this morning, and they are in the process of hiring legal counsel and depending on what Samples airs and who this subject is, a possible civil suit and criminal complaint request may be issued.

(this is from Klein's FB page. The rest is over there as well, but this was the main part.)
Public Statement Regarding the Thomas Brown Case:
This morning, in his morning radio show, Chris Samples made this following statement: “Program note, tomorrow morning, during the final hour of the program, you will be introduced to a former state investigator, who has been over the last many weeks, doing his own investigation in the Tom Brown case. And a man who says he has come to the same conclusion, basically, that state investigators have come to. And that is there is only one scenario. That makes sense. He will explain as he sees it, right here…”

Over the past few years, Samples and his station have pushed a suicide scenario. This is far from the truth, and as the ONLY team of investigators that have been in the case since day four of the disappearance and subsequent finding of Toms body, there is no scenario that shows suicide as a plausible truth. This scenario as pushed by the former sheriff.

We do not know who this “former state investigator” is. However, we want to remind all of you that the law in Texas changed in regards to the “anti-impersonation” bill, which clearly states that anyone that is acting as a private investigator or investigating without a license can and will be charged with a criminal offense.

Please note: “The anti-impersonation bill was sponsored by Senator Paul Bettencourt and gained traction when co-author Representative Briscoe Cain signed on in March 2021, with joint authors Representatives Tony Tinderholt, Leo Pacheco, and Alex Dominguez signing on in April and early May. At each stage, the bill passed unanimously. The bill was signed into law by Governor Greg Abbot on June 15, 2021, and finally went into effect on September 1, 2021.” This law has the same authorities as the Impersonation of a police officer and is strictly enforced by the Texas Department of Public Safety and all law enforcement agencies. This law is meant to stop people like the “former state investigator” who touts that he has investigated for a few weeks and concludes what the OAG concluded, when the OAG has concluded nothing and has sent the case, again, to the cold case division. A point that nobody seems to want to understand.

We have visited with the family of Thomas Brown this morning, and they are in the process of hiring legal counsel and depending on what Samples airs and who this subject is, a possible civil suit and criminal complaint request may be issued.

(this is from Klein's FB page. The rest is over there as well, but this was the main part.)
I came here to post something else but saw this and need to respond.

What was the one likely scenario the SA's office came up with?! I don't think they were able to say because they couldn't determine how TB died and there wasn't enough evidence to indict anyone for murder.
It will be interesting to learn what Chris Samples’ guest has to say regarding his “conclusion”. If his “conclusion” is that of suicide, then he must provide a logical explanation for the 10-mile distance between the Durango and the remains. He must logically explain how a person with a mortal injury could/would abandon a functioning vehicle to walk 10 miles in the opposite direction of town over rough terrain on a 37 degree morning. There must also be explanations for the mysterious appearance of the pristine condition phone, the gun case, the .25 caliber spent casing, and the facial bone fractures.

If he includes the “family involved” theory in his “conclusion”, then he must additionally provide logical explanations regarding how such a complex feat could be orchestrated on the spur of the moment then seamlessly executed in the presence of (and proximity of) a number of witnesses ….. all the while being under the severe emotional duress associated with the sudden and tragic loss of a son/brother.

Regardless of what theory is put forth, if a person cannot logically fit all of the pieces of the puzzle together, then there is no viable “conclusion”.
I've been thinking about this since I first saw the FB post. I am angry that Chris Samples is going out of his way to include someone not official on his radio show. Its like he wants to muddy the water even more than it already is. The reality is whoever goes on that show has not had all the evidence available to him/her. Just like we haven't. So I am not sure how anyone can conclusively say what happened. Its just not possible. And to come to a conclusion in a few weeks? .

This is nothing more than a shot at trying to get the Radio programs ratings up.
I've been thinking about this since I first saw the FB post. I am angry that Chris Samples is going out of his way to include someone not official on his radio show. Its like he wants to muddy the water even more than it already is. The reality is whoever goes on that show has not had all the evidence available to him/her. Just like we haven't. So I am not sure how anyone can conclusively say what happened. Its just not possible. And to come to a conclusion in a few weeks?

This is nothing more than a shot at trying to get the Radio programs ratings up.
I have to agree with you. But I also realize the whole town probably would like to believe that there is no underlying "criminal element" in their town.

Will be interesting to see who this "guest" will be and what kind of experience he brings to the table.
The interview is posted on

The KXDJ interview was interesting and, as expected, covered many of the same points regarding the theory of suicide and family involvement in a cover-up. IMO, there are definitely some questions that arise from alleged family statements and actions (as has been pointed out in numerous posts, etc.). By the same token, one could point out that there are definitely some statements and actions on the part of “non-family” persons who are associated with the case that need further explanation as well.

Samples’ guest did spend some effort laying out some timelines and “filling gaps” with his theory regarding what he believes may have taken place, much of which appears plausible. Is it likely? I don’t know. It seems pretty bizarre to me. It is very difficult for me to believe that any family would jointly go to such extraordinary lengths to simply cover a suicide.

Samples’ guest did not offer any theory regarding the 25 caliber casing, gun case, or presence of facial fractures found on Tom’s skull …. all of which are potentially indicators that some level of violence took place whether it be self-inflicted or otherwise. IMO, significant facial bone fracture injuries seem to most likely point toward third party involvement.

In closing the interview, Samples mentioned that a high-ranking investigator told him that the information released by OAG in October 2021 was “only the tip of the iceberg”. IMO, based on the amount of investigative work done by OAG they absolutely do have much more evidence than is known publicly. I hope they interpret that evidence correctly.
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