TX TX - Trung Ngo, 23, Katy, 15 January 2013

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Is TES doing any searches for you? Sorry if this has been answered already, just trying to think here.

Not all. Please don't apologize. I appreciate your suggestions. Please keep them coming.

If by TES...you mean Texas Equusearch? They helped us conduct several searches during the first week after he went missing. I unfortunately am not on the ground in Texas, and therefore do not know how involved the organization is with the family's search efforts. According to the website they created for updates on the search for my cousin, Trung, they have suspended the search efforts until further notice. Even still, our search continues. My uncles and cousins, along with friends and volunteers, are literally going through Houston marshes with machetes.

Since I cannot help with the search efforts, I am involved in the media coverage and internet updates management. Whatever advice you could provide in helping us get broader media coverage would be much appreciated.
FindTrungNgo - Have you looked into buying an ad in the Houston Chronical? That way you could reach a large audience and won't need to rely on a reporter's interest. Also, some billboard companies might donate space, especially electronic ones. Local businesses with electronic signs may agree to post messages for you. As you are aware, the more exposure and pressure the better. Also, maybe holding a vigil or something might get media attention.

Hi Moxie Vi - thank you for that suggestion. You have a good point. I am not sure if my aunt has looked into that. I will check with her and get on that right away. I suppose it is silly to think that a random reporter would care as much about finding our loved one, as we do.

As for the billboard companies, what do you mean? Billboard on highways? I will also suggest to my family in Texas to ask local business owners for assistance if they haven't already.

The vigil idea is great! I will pass that suggestion along as well. I was at one point considering a flash mob but was afraid that would draw the wrong type of attention.

Please keep the suggestions coming. My family and I appreciate them very much!
re: questions about where Trung Ngo's cell phone was found

On Tuesday, January 15th, a high school student found Trung Ngo's discarded cell phone along Fry Road in Katy, Texas while on his way home from school. The phone was found in the grass directly outside of the Farmington Apartments by the fence. The address of the apartment complex is 2013 Fry Road, Katy, Texas. The vehicle was likely traveling towards I-10, however this has not been confirmed.
If you have any suggestions on the best places to post/hand out flyers to get the word out, then please let me know. I can pass that information along to my family members in Texas, as the family actually lives in other parts of Houston and do not know the Katy area as well. Thank you.

I presume that Trung Ngo is Vietnamese? When I went to the map linked above (thanks Coldpizza) I noticed that there was a doctor's office right in that area. The doctor's name is Dr. Tran. That sounds Vietnamese to me too. Are there a lot of vietnamese in this area of Katy? If not is it possible he went to see this doctor for a particular medical reason?

My thoughts are with Trung's loved ones. How terrible to not know what may have happened to him or where he may be. May he come home safe!
From the map that you provided FindTrungNgo there are many small businesses around that intersection. I'm sure you asked some of them if you could post flyers. I noticed a Karaoke Bar, pawn shop, gas stations and some empty lots. I would suggest hitting that area again and perhaps you could get some of his friends to do car washes in that area with the sole purpose of passing out flyers and bringing awareness.

Someone had to see something.

Shared on my Facebook page. I grew up in Katy and still have a lot of friends and family there. I hope it helps some.
Shared on my Facebook page. I grew up in Katy and still have a lot of friends and family there. I hope it helps some.

Can you give us a feel what Katy is like? :seeya:
Can you give us a feel what Katy is like? :seeya:

It's grown up a bunch since I left there. When I moved there, Mason and Fry roads were single 2 lane roads and Mason ended at fence for a rice field (now it goes through to Westheimer). LOL. It would characterize it as typical suburbia now. Subdivisions (some really fancy and some just your typical 3 bedroom 80s ranch), restaurants, fast food places, grocery stores, movie theater, an outlet mall a little further down I-10 from Fry.
I presume that Trung Ngo is Vietnamese? When I went to the map linked above (thanks Coldpizza) I noticed that there was a doctor's office right in that area. The doctor's name is Dr. Tran. That sounds Vietnamese to me too. Are there a lot of vietnamese in this area of Katy? If not is it possible he went to see this doctor for a particular medical reason?

My thoughts are with Trung's loved ones. How terrible to not know what may have happened to him or where he may be. May he come home safe!

Thank you for keeping our family and friends in your thoughts, Snoopster. Thank you also for your suggestion.

You are correct. Trung Ngo is Vietnamese. Trung lives in Stafford, TX which is about 30 minutes away from Katy, TX. And yes, that doctor is likely Vietnamese as well based on the surname. There is actually a decently large Vietnamese population in the Greater Houston area. I am not sure if he has any connections with the doctor in that plaza. I will suggest that to the family. Thank you.
From the map that you provided FindTrungNgo there are many small businesses around that intersection. I'm sure you asked some of them if you could post flyers. I noticed a Karaoke Bar, pawn shop, gas stations and some empty lots. I would suggest hitting that area again and perhaps you could get some of his friends to do car washes in that area with the sole purpose of passing out flyers and bringing awareness.

Someone had to see something.


I agree. Someone had to have seen SOMETHING.

I believe part of the flyering efforts took place near/around the HEB on Fry Road. Per a previous post on this wall, I have suggested the family approach businesses directly, asking each business owner to post the flyer for an agreed upon period of time. I will suggest these businesses in particular.

I will suggest the car wash idea as well. Thank you.
I have lots of questions:

When (exactly) was the last time he was seen by family and where? What time did the student find the phone? That would at least provide the window of time during which Trung disappeared.

What was Trung's normal daily routine? January 15 was a Tuesday. did he have any appointments, work or social engagements scheduled for the 15th?

Who did he normally spend his time with? Does he have a girlfriend or other very close friend? Does he live with his extended family in Stafford? Does he have any regular 'haunts' that he frequents? Any hobbies or interests or belong to any clubs or groups?

I'm just trying to get more information about who Trung is and what his habits are.
I live about 15 mins from fry and I-10 and this is the first time I have heard of this disappearance. Another suggestion is to go on our local news Facebook and twitter sites and send them the info about him missing. Even news anchors and reporters have public Facebook accounts that they frequently post from so I am sure they would see it.
Sorry for the delayed response, Snoopster, and thank you for your interest in uncovering what happened to Trung. The authorities have been in communication with Trung's family, roommate, as well as close friends and his girlfriend. I believe we have answered and exhausted questions regarding Trung's habits and "haunts". However, I will forward your questions to the family because I think they are good ones. Just to make sure they didn't overlook anything.

We are entering the 22nd day since Trung was last seen or spoken to....it seems to me that the most important thing right now is to spread the word and make as many people aware as possible. He could have been in an accident or some sort of altercation that someone saw or heard.

Trung's story should have been in the news by now. At the very least, Katy residents should be informed of the possible abduction that happened in their own hometown. However, although the case was assigned to a Stafford PD PIO several weeks ago, the officer has been "out of office" for at least the last week of January unbeknownst to the lead detective on the case. Imagine our surprise...!!! :tantrum:

We need to get the PD to be more invested and the media to cover the story. Thanks ALL again for suggestions posted in the last week. I have forwarded all of them to my family. They are hitting the pavement every day, posting/handing out flyers and spreading the word.
I live about 15 mins from fry and I-10 and this is the first time I have heard of this disappearance. Another suggestion is to go on our local news Facebook and twitter sites and send them the info about him missing. Even news anchors and reporters have public Facebook accounts that they frequently post from so I am sure they would see it.

Thank you for the suggestion AND the feedback. It is helpful to know that you have not even caught wind of this news until now. I will let the family know this as well. BTW - such a small world that you live that close to there! Maybe someone you know may have inadvertently heard or seen something?
I shared on my FB page. I am so sorry your family is going through this! I am hoping if enough of us share your cousin's poster, you and your family will find your loved one. I live far away but at least I can share the poster and hope to do more!

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