UID Victim: Toddler's Mother, Peaches, found Hempstead Lake State Park June 1997 #4

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l to r: 2 inch peach/heart tattoo on left breast; Rubbermaid container held torso of black female; floral pillowcase and red towel also found inside container

Hempstead Lake State Pk, Lakeview
Nassau County, NY

28 June 1997

West side of Lakeside Drive, 200 yards north of Peninsula Boulevard, Hempstead Lake State Park. -- Black female torso. Arms, head, and legs below the knee severed, found in green Rubbermaid container, with red towel and floral pillow sham, 16-30 years old.

She had an abdominal scar from a cesarean section and a tattoo of a peach in the shape of a heart with a bite taken out of it and two drips falling from its core on her left breast.

Dead up to three days.

"With no leads to the woman’s identity, the police published a picture of the approximately two-inch wide tattoo in a national tattoo magazine, in the hopes of finding the artist who did the work. They received a call from a man in Connecticut who claimed he remembered giving the tattoo to a woman.

The artist said he remembered the customer as a young black woman, about 18 or 19 years old, who was accompanied by two women, an aunt and a cousin. During the session, he also claimed she told him she was from either the Bronx or Long Island and that she was in Connecticut because having trouble with her boyfriend at the time. It is possible the woman had other tattoos on her arms or lower legs that the killer did not want found." (Doe Network)
“'They call her Peaches,'” Nassau County Medical Examiner Eric Smith says of his law enforcement colleagues, as he thumbs through photographs of unidentified bodies in the back room of the county morgue—some battered, swollen faces, others clay reproductions with glass eyes.

Her official name is U-037859772."

"A scar on the woman’s lower abdomen showed she had given birth by Cesarean."

"An autopsy revealed she had been dead no more than three days when she was found." (LI Press)

Doe Network 151UFNY

Shadowraith's Map
No sketch available
Not in Namus

Jones Beach State Park
Near Zach's Bay, east of Jones Beach Tower
Nassau County, NY

11 April, 2011

Found in a plastic bag less than 40 feet from Ocean Parkway -- 1.5 miles east of the Jones Beach tower.

"Police have confirmed that the latest set of bones found Monday morning at Jones Beach State Park are human remains.

Those remains, potentially those of a 9th victim, were discovered near Zach’s Bay at the park, which is about a mile and a half east of the Jones Beach water tower." (CBS New York)

"The blanketed body of the youngest victim, a girl no older than 32 months, has been connected to another of the victims: a woman whose partial remains were found seven miles to the west near Ocean Parkway on April 11, Suffolk County police officials said Tuesday.

They added that it was quite likely that the woman was the toddler’s mother." (NY Times)

"Both mother and daughter had on inexpensive jewelry." (NY Post)

"Her mother was found with two bracelets: one with X and O charms and the other with stones made to look like diamonds." (NY Post)

Newsday Map

Shadowraith's Map

Does anyone else get a Terrence Rasmussen vibe from the fact that she and her daughter were both murdered by a presumed serial killer?

I think that out of all of the LISK victims, the killer probably had the strongest connection to Peaches and her daughter. If the lead from the tattoo artist in Connecticut is credible, perhaps the boyfriend who was "giving Peaches problems" is the LISK, and the "problems" were the fact that he may have killed others and threatened to do the same to Peaches if she ever found out or told anybody.

I first learned about Peaches many years ago, and when I read that she was trying to get away from her boyfriend, my first thought was, "I guess he found her." I don't know, it's just my opinion and my impression of this case.

Also, going on the theory that Peaches was a sex worker and this "boyfriend" was actually her pimp, it's probable that Peaches witnessed other acts of violence against other girls who worked alongside her. Going out on an even longer limb, if the killer is this pimp and the father of Peaches's child (which, although there is no concrete evidence suggesting so, is a significant possibility, in my opinion), this suggests to me that perhaps he was closer to Peaches than he was to his other girls, as he let her keep the child. I don't know much about prostitution, but I'd guess that a pregnant sex worker isn't as marketable as one who is not, and it doesn't seem to be characteristic of a pimp to let one of his girls keep a child and possibly interfere with his earnings, even a child that belongs to him. In her time with her pimp, Peaches could have seen or heard too much in regards to other violent acts or she may have refused to work any longer so that she could take care of her child.

This is obviously all baseless speculation, and it's possible that there's no connection between Peaches, her child, and her killer.
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Could Peaches and Baby Doe be this missing mother and daughter, 18 year old Melissa Collins and 9 month old Jasmine Collins? Ages, time frame and race match. Although they disappeared in Ohio, it is believed their alleged kidnapper/killer Raymond Smith, took them either dead or alive to the New York area. Explained in this podcast under their names.

Listen to Ohio Mysteries on TuneIn
Stephen Cullen, the Bristol, CT artist who tattooed Peaches, said Peaches was from NY and came to his CT shop with a friend. Per Cullen, the friend was possibly a Bristol local and the women were planning to visit friends in the Hartford area following the tattoo session.

Now, I haven’t been to CT in about 16 years but if I recall correctly, Bristol wasn’t/isn’t a big place and in that regard, I wonder how much media coverage the Peaches story has gotten in CT over the past decade.

If Bristol is as small as I recall, surely someone knows Peaches’ friend or maybe the friend is still in the area. Further, maybe someone in Hartford remembers meeting the women; perhaps Peaches showed off her new tattoo and someone just needs their memory jogged about an encounter with her.

It’s time for the Hartford and Bristol area media outlets to do refresher stories on Peaches. Perhaps showings Cullen’s tattoo shop, the surrounding area, and photos of the peach tattoo will trigger someone’s memory.

If you watched the bonus clips from The Killing Season, you’ll recall that Cullen received a call from someone claiming to be the mother of Peaches. Per Cullen, the called said her then teenage grandson wanted a peach tattoo in memory of his mother.

I don’t believe that the caller was really Peaches’ mother and that presents a whole other piece to the puzzle: who is the woman who called and what is her connection to the entire LISK case? The layers of this case are absolutely maddening but identifying Peaches and learning about her life could yield valuable clues in unveiling LISK..
Stephen Cullen, the Bristol, CT artist who tattooed Peaches, said Peaches was from NY and came to his CT shop with a friend. Per Cullen, the friend was possibly a Bristol local and the women were planning to visit friends in the Hartford area following the tattoo session.

Now, I haven’t been to CT in about 16 years but if I recall correctly, Bristol wasn’t/isn’t a big place and in that regard, I wonder how much media coverage the Peaches story has gotten in CT over the past decade.

If Bristol is as small as I recall, surely someone knows Peaches’ friend or maybe the friend is still in the area. Further, maybe someone in Hartford remembers meeting the women; perhaps Peaches showed off her new tattoo and someone just needs their memory jogged about an encounter with her.

It’s time for the Hartford and Bristol area media outlets to do refresher stories on Peaches. Perhaps showings Cullen’s tattoo shop, the surrounding area, and photos of the peach tattoo will trigger someone’s memory.

If you watched the bonus clips from The Killing Season, you’ll recall that Cullen received a call from someone claiming to be the mother of Peaches. Per Cullen, the called said her then teenage grandson wanted a peach tattoo in memory of his mother.

I don’t believe that the caller was really Peaches’ mother and that presents a whole other piece to the puzzle: who is the woman who called and what is her connection to the entire LISK case? The layers of this case are absolutely maddening but identifying Peaches and learning about her life could yield valuable clues in unveiling LISK..

What's crazy is taking a child along with her on a date with her client, if it even happened that way.

If Peaches was a street walker, she wouldn't have had her child with her while selling herself on a street corner.

How did LISK come in contact with Peaches? Was it thru Craigslist? I don't think we know........for an escort to bring a toddler along to a sexual interaction with a client is absurd........she had to know LISK really well to feel comfortable enough to bring her child. They were probably together several times.

LISK grooms these women into feeling very comfortable with him & then the mask comes off, & it's too late.
What's crazy is taking a child along with her on a date with her client, if it even happened that way.

If Peaches was a street walker, she wouldn't have had her child with her while selling herself on a street corner.

How did LISK come in contact with Peaches? Was it thru Craigslist? I don't think we know........for an escort to bring a toddler along to a sexual interaction with a client is absurd........she had to know LISK really well to feel comfortable enough to bring her child. They were probably together several times.

LISK grooms these women into feeling very comfortable with him & then the mask comes off, & it's too late.

Or maybe LISK is the driver of these woman, or a pimp that works with them. Most of the time a sex worker will leave their child while they work. She could have left him with her driver or her pimp. Maybe the suspect also works in the sex industry, but I'll stop now as I'm rambling.
What's crazy is taking a child along with her on a date with her client, if it even happened that way.

If Peaches was a street walker, she wouldn't have had her child with her while selling herself on a street corner.

How did LISK come in contact with Peaches? Was it thru Craigslist? I don't think we know........for an escort to bring a toddler along to a sexual interaction with a client is absurd........she had to know LISK really well to feel comfortable enough to bring her child. They were probably together several times.

LISK grooms these women into feeling very comfortable with him & then the mask comes off, & it's too late.

Peaches was killed in the mid ‘90’s before the advent of the internet so maybe she was a street girl or worked through an agency. She disappeared during a time when agencies used answering services, pagers, and classified ads to book clients.

There’s also a chance that Peaches was a victim of circumstance; maybe her car broke down or she was stranded somewhere and a seemingly kind stranger offered a ride. (Do you recall the Colleen Stan case? She accepted a ride from a young couple with a baby and wound up being held captive for seven years.)

About 20 years ago I worked for a women’s recovery center handling the court ordered referrals. Several of the consumers had lost custody of their children for either servicing clients at home with kids present or taking a child on an outcall. I agree that no one - or at least no one with one active brain cell in their head - would solicit a street girl with a child in tow.

I also agree that LISK established a certain comfort level with many of the victims, specifically those who advertised online. I think several dated him multiple times, were treated well, and trusted him. I don’t think he was/is a high roller but he was/is probably a clean cut modest dresser with a decent car (all of which help him blend into society; no red flags). I don’t think the women would have seen him more than once had he been an obvious creep.

I must admit that I sometimes struggle with describing the work these women did. I want to be respectful and not demean them because saying prostitute or sex worker seems so dismissive and flippant. All of the victims matter and I would never judge them because there but for the grace of God go you, me, we and they.
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Peaches was killed in the mid ‘90’s before the advent of the internet so maybe she was a street girl or worked through an agency. She disappeared during a time when agencies used answering services, pagers, and classified ads to book clients.

There’s also a chance that Peaches was a victim of circumstance; maybe her car broke down or she was stranded somewhere and a seemingly kind stranger offered a ride. (Do you recall the Colleen Stan case? She accepted a ride from a young couple with a baby and wound up being held captive for seven years.)

About 20 years ago I worked for a women’s recovery center handling the court ordered referrals. Several of the consumers had lost custody of their children for either servicing clients at home with kids present or taking a child on an outcall. I agree that no one - or at least no one with one active brain cell in their head - would solicit a street girl with a child in tow.

I also agree that LISK established a certain comfort level with many of the victims, specifically those who advertised online. I think several dated him multiple times, were treated well, and trusted him. I don’t think he was/is a high roller but he was/is probably a clean cut modest dresser with a decent car (all of which help him blend into society; no red flags). I don’t think the women would have seen him more than once had he been an obvious creep.

I must admit that I sometimes struggle with describing the work these women did. I want to be respectful and not demean them because saying prostitute or sex worker seems so dismissive and flippant. All of the victims matter and I would never judge them because there but for the grace of God go you, me, we and they.

I do remember reading about the Colleen Stan kidnapping, crazy story . There are people like her captors out there, stalking & preying on women.

Peaches & her toddler could have been hitchhiking.....they could have been stranded somewhere & needed a ride.

There are so many aspects to the LISK investigation. If there truly is one serial killer that is responsible for all the bodies found on Gilgo beach, it must be a killer that's changed his MO several times in how he killed these women ......but left them all around the same dumping ground.

LISK knew/knows Oak beach/Gilgo beach so well, makes you wonder if he ever lived along the beach. He must have walked along that beach during the day & at night to see how desolate it was, & how great of a dumping site it would make.

If it's only one killer, it's crazy how he killed Peaches & the toddler in the 90's, & dumped her along Gilgo with other women's body parts & over a decade later, he dumps the GB4.

This killer knows this beach all too well.
I understand and appreciate the theories about multiple killers but I think LISK is one killer whose methods changed with time, age and technology; all of which are why I think he’s in his early to mid-fifties.

My opinion: LISK is definitely a local who began killing in his late teens or early twenties. He was single and the internet didn’t exist so he preyed on street girls. Outcall agencies kept records so he stuck with street girls until the late nineties/early aughts.

(Still opinion) LISK remained single during the phase in which he dismembered victims because he had no spouse to answer to and could take his time. He may have been a carpenter, craftsman, mechanic or contractor with a collection of tools that wouldn’t raise red flags due to his profession.

(Still opinion) If LISK was in construction, he could have had access to remote locations with few if any neighbors. Imagine a carpenter working in the early stages of a subdivision’s development; no one’s around and there are unoccupied homes where he can do his deeds uninterrupted.

(Still my opinion) LISK likely stopped dismembering for one or all of the following reasons: he satisfied his curiosity and opted for less messy methods, he had nowhere to perform the acts, he had a physical injury or other limitation that restricted his mobility, or he married and had a family.

(Still opinion) If LISK was/is married, the internet made it easier for him to contact women without raising suspicion at home. He arranged meetings in secluded spots or picked them up in a car as he did with Amber Costello. He likely killed the victims in his car and discarded them immediately after.

(Still opinion) I don’t think the seasonal nature of LISK’s activity is work related; instead it’s climate based. It’s easier to hide bodies in thick summer brush than it is amongst the barren woods of winter. Additionally, it’s easier to dig in the summertime soil instead of trying to hack through the frozen winter ground.

(Still opinion) Lastly, if LISK is still alive and free/not incarcerated, I don’t know if he’s still active or lying in wait but I guarantee he follows the case closely. I sometimes wonder if he had any “almost caught” moments like Zodiac did. If you recall the still unsolved Zodiac case, he was approached by the police mere minutes after killing cab driver Paul Stein but since the police didn’t know who Zodiac was, he escaped into the night.
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I guess there weren't many cameras back in the 90's, so it was easier to pick up a corner girl & not be seen

You would have to think LISK has been seen, his car has been seen by others, they've seen the girl get into his car, but the alarm doesn't go off when the girl is missing in that line of work, & by the time it comes to police attention, people are foggy of what they've seen, or they can't remember.

As for is he a carpenter, construction worker, etc......I guess these guys could learn police techniques, forensics, etc, but who knows. You also don't need to be in that type of work to have power tools to dismember a body.

You can point towards him being a cop because of how he only stayed on the phone 3 minutes or less, how he was smart enough to make the calls from mid Town with a lot of people around.

He was very lucky Amber's roommate didn't walk outside to see his car, at least the cops would know what kind of car to look for, truck/van/regular car.

This guy is like a great football team that gets all the lucky bounces to go their way..........great teams make their own luck, & maybe this guy is just so proficient & good at killing people, he creates his own luck.

The Golden St Killer is a good example of how proficient & good he was as doing what he did ......although it helped he was a cop & had the inside track on all the dragnets, etc.

The Zodiac was cool as a cucumber to be able to blend in & act normal after killing Paul Stein......police are looking for the perp running away from the crime scene, not sitting on a bench calm acting normal.

Summer time does make sense to dump the bodies because of the thick Green brush, etc.......the bodies are well hidden, & by the time winter rolls around, the bodies have deteriorated, & people aren't going to the beach. LISK may have calculated exactly what you've stated Blueeyedbrowngirl.
I never noticed this before - or maybe I read about it and forgot; apologies if this was previously discussed - but there appears to be a series of letters or numbers on the left leaf of the Peaches tattoo. My vision is lousy but what I see looks like one of or a variation on the below:

J❤️ (the heart emoji being an outline of a heart in the tattoo)


  • 1E2C7CAD-4DD2-4BCC-9BE9-1745558FC2B0.jpeg
    65.5 KB · Views: 126
I never noticed this before - or maybe I read about it and forgot; apologies if this was previously discussed - but there appears to be a series of letters or numbers on the left leaf of the Peaches tattoo. My vision is lousy but what I see looks like one of or a variation on the below:

J❤️ (the heart emoji being an outline of a heart in the tattoo)

I've sent the Peaches tattoo to several people & they can't make out what on the leaf. I can't tell what letters they are either.

The second could be the letter B or #6.......too difficult to differentiate, but I'm.sure the feds have already looked into it.
I've sent the Peaches tattoo to several people & they can't make out what on the leaf. I can't tell what letters they are either.

The second could be the letter B or #6.......too difficult to differentiate, but I'm.sure the feds have already looked into it.

Yeah, I finally found an old discussion about the letters; I was seriously late for the dance this time. I rewatched the bonus scene from The Killing Season with the Peaches tattooer but he didn’t mention numbers or letters.
I never noticed this before - or maybe I read about it and forgot; apologies if this was previously discussed - but there appears to be a series of letters or numbers on the left leaf of the Peaches tattoo. My vision is lousy but what I see looks like one of or a variation on the below:

J❤️ (the heart emoji being an outline of a heart in the tattoo)
Its hard to read but some number is on it .also the skin color looks like she may be hispanic and this might be why she has not been identified
What's crazy is taking a child along with her on a date with her client, if it even happened that way.

If Peaches was a street walker, she wouldn't have had her child with her while selling herself on a street corner.

How did LISK come in contact with Peaches? Was it thru Craigslist? I don't think we know........for an escort to bring a toddler along to a sexual interaction with a client is absurd........she had to know LISK really well to feel comfortable enough to bring her child. They were probably together several times.

LISK grooms these women into feeling very comfortable with him & then the mask comes off, & it's too late.
May be she was in the wrong place walking with her child and was taken.i was born and raised on longisland and in the summer of 1994 I was almost kidnapped by a man in a white van I was walking down neighborhood road and it was dark I just left a friends house and my other friend didn't wanna leave so I walked by myself from Jefferson to nieghhood road as I got by the church the van followed me and when i looked at the van he parked at the fire station for a minute i guess he wanted to make sure noone was around then he started chasing me i ran down nieghborhood road cause i didn't wanna take cranberry and thank god my friends brother was at the laundry mat he saved my life.he walked me home. Now I think back and wonder if he was lisk

l to r: 2 inch peach/heart tattoo on left breast; Rubbermaid container held torso of black female; floral pillowcase and red towel also found inside container

Hempstead Lake State Pk, Lakeview
Nassau County, NY

28 June 1997

West side of Lakeside Drive, 200 yards north of Peninsula Boulevard, Hempstead Lake State Park. -- Black female torso. Arms, head, and legs below the knee severed, found in green Rubbermaid container, with red towel and floral pillow sham, 16-30 years old.

She had an abdominal scar from a cesarean section and a tattoo of a peach in the shape of a heart with a bite taken out of it and two drips falling from its core on her left breast.

Dead up to three days.

"With no leads to the woman’s identity, the police published a picture of the approximately two-inch wide tattoo in a national tattoo magazine, in the hopes of finding the artist who did the work. They received a call from a man in Connecticut who claimed he remembered giving the tattoo to a woman.

The artist said he remembered the customer as a young black woman, about 18 or 19 years old, who was accompanied by two women, an aunt and a cousin. During the session, he also claimed she told him she was from either the Bronx or Long Island and that she was in Connecticut because having trouble with her boyfriend at the time. It is possible the woman had other tattoos on her arms or lower legs that the killer did not want found." (Doe Network)
“'They call her Peaches,'” Nassau County Medical Examiner Eric Smith says of his law enforcement colleagues, as he thumbs through photographs of unidentified bodies in the back room of the county morgue—some battered, swollen faces, others clay reproductions with glass eyes.

Her official name is U-037859772."

"A scar on the woman’s lower abdomen showed she had given birth by Cesarean."

"An autopsy revealed she had been dead no more than three days when she was found." (LI Press)

Doe Network 151UFNY

Shadowraith's Map
Seems easy to check hospitals in Connecticut and NY for a caesarean birth from around 1995 to a young black woman!
I'm sure this has been brought up.

Years back, a tattoo artist came forward as doing the tattoo for Peaches doe, he stated she was originally from New York, but had stayed in Connecticut due to issues with her boyfriend.

In the podcast, Maureens friend Sarah stated she had a call from a Connecticut number two weeks after Maureen went missing. The call was odd because he was able to describe Maureen almost perfectly, and he had lied about Maureens disappearance stating she was at a *advertiser censored* house when in fact she was deceased. Also let's not forget the ferry that goes from Long Island to Connecticut...

I guess I'm wondering has anyone ever addressed the connections to Connecticut? Or am I late on this train lol

(Also posted on other thread)
Barry Shulman still lives in Long Island with his older brother Sheldon.
If Barry is still alive and living with his older brother couldn't he potentially have murdered and ditched some of the Jane Does and Jessica Taylor? The style is so similar to his brother Robert's murders and it was known that he disposed of the bodies for his brother. Maybe he and his brother worked together hiring and killing the ones his brother Robert was found guilty of. After his brother was gone he started doing it on his own?

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