GUILTY UK - Alesha MacPhail, 6, raped & murdered, Ardbeg, Isle of Bute, Scotland, 2 Jul 2018 -*arrest* #7

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No way, he would get recognised straight away , the bulger kilers would have looked different so maybe people wouldn’t have noticed them in shopping centres. You’d spot AC a mile off, he’s not gonna change much apearence wise in the next few years at polmont I doubt .

Aye its total nonsense. The star newspaper is the equivalent to AC - a fabricated downright liar.

No missing that hair or chin for miles.
Well he’s pretty cold to say the least, although he has to be able to cut himself off emotionally to work in the sector he does. I wonder why he can’t talk about the case, it’s over and done with now.

An apology to TM wouldn’t go a miss either, not from BMc of course but she wasn’t really treated ‘fairly’ tbh.
He will not be able to talk about it due to future appeals that will be made
I am glad this cut and dried case has been put to rest and I hope that finally all of Alesha's family members and loved ones can begin healing and moving forward with their lives knowing that justice has spoken and that the one and only person behind such an atrocious rape/murder has confessed to his brutal actions the night he mercilessly took an innocent's life.

Kudos to dedicated law enforcement and in depth investigations that rapidly identified the guilty suspect and apprehended him before there were more victims. Kudos to the killer's Mother for not trying to hide his possible involvement. I think it is wonderful that the accused confessed to his, and his alone, actions by confessing after having been unanimously found guilty by a jury of his peers and for finally providing an account, however accurate, of his actions that fateful night that he brutally raped and callously murdered Alesha.

May Alesha rest in peace knowing that the one and only perpetrator of her brutal rape and murder was apprehended early on and is now serving a "life sentence" for what he did to her and for what he stole from her beautiful family. My prayers go out to the MacPhails, and TM, and Rob and Genie and ALL those that were blessed and touched by such a young and beautiful innocent. My prayers also for the Isle of Bute, that the community as a whole can heal and move beyond this horrible and high profile crime that put their whole community under scrutiny and criticism.
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Interview with defending QC B McConnachie

Connor Gillies on Twitter
I'm not really sure why he made that interview maybe to explain how the law works and to clear up any misunderstanding about the role of the defense lawyer. Mind you when you see all the pomp and ceremony and unusual names no wonder people can get confused! What is "Silk?"
Brian McConnachie
I'm not really sure why he made that interview maybe to explain how the law works and to clear up any misunderstanding about the role of the defense lawyer. Mind you when you see all the pomp and ceremony and unusual names no wonder people can get confused! What is "Silk?"
Brian McConnachie
This is something i never knew but after a quick search i do. Appointment to the Queen's Council is informally known as taking silk. They wear silk gowns of a particular design.
Still don’t understand the need for those hideous wigs...
Apparantly it's to distinguish them from the rest of society. I suppose when it first started they wouldn't have looked that ridiculous. The British judiciary have some crazy traditions, would be better if they were updated and could choose their own wigs. I've got a mental picture now of them wearing wigs in the style of Vivien from the Young Ones.
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