GUILTY UK - Alesha MacPhail, 6, raped & murdered, Ardbeg, Isle of Bute, Scotland, 2 Jul 2018 -*arrest* #8

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I know georgina is obviously angry, extremely upset and emotional as any parent would be but IMO I feel the last statement re her other daughter and victim support is slightly OTT By the time AC gets released if ever then Courtney will be well grown up

I don't. I think Aaron Campbell will be just as dangerous to grown women when he gets out. And I'd feel incredibly threatened for any family member if a totally unrepentant murderer of my family member was released.
I don't. I think Aaron Campbell will be just as dangerous to grown women when he gets out. And I'd feel incredibly threatened for any family member if a totally unrepentant murderer of my family member was released.
even although paedophilia was mentioned by him IMO not many paedos go towards grown men/ women
even although paedophilia was mentioned by him IMO not many paedos go towards grown men/ women

I understand what you're saying and if AC were "just" a paedophile I would agree. However, I believe this horror of an individual enjoys inflicting pain - physical and emotional - and what better way to hurt Genie further than to harm, or kill, her remaining child - regardless of her age? I imagine he would also get great enjoyment out of the extra fear and terror the girl/woman would feel, knowing that her attacker had previously brutally raped and murdered her sister.
JMO but I think it's dangerous to try and put this subhuman into a specific category - based on some of the comments in the appeal report I'd say it's the terror, and the power to inflict that on others, that is the real motivation, not paedophilia.
I think the crime he committed was simply a combination of the most extreme things he could think of combining into one offence - IMO this is confirmed by his reaction to learning that the post mortem showed he "failed" in his desire to include necrophilia. That must have really taken the shine off the crime for him and I personally think he will be planning what he'd like to do to rectify that whilst he's no, I really don't think Genie is overreacting. I think this very dangerous individual is way past rehabilitation, but he might well be able to fake it enough to get out for one more horrifying offence.

JMO, IMO etc
I understand what you're saying and if AC were "just" a paedophile I would agree. However, I believe this horror of an individual enjoys inflicting pain - physical and emotional - and what better way to hurt Genie further than to harm, or kill, her remaining child - regardless of her age? I imagine he would also get great enjoyment out of the extra fear and terror the girl/woman would feel, knowing that her attacker had previously brutally raped and murdered her sister.
JMO but I think it's dangerous to try and put this subhuman into a specific category - based on some of the comments in the appeal report I'd say it's the terror, and the power to inflict that on others, that is the real motivation, not paedophilia.
I think the crime he committed was simply a combination of the most extreme things he could think of combining into one offence - IMO this is confirmed by his reaction to learning that the post mortem showed he "failed" in his desire to include necrophilia. That must have really taken the shine off the crime for him and I personally think he will be planning what he'd like to do to rectify that whilst he's no, I really don't think Genie is overreacting. I think this very dangerous individual is way past rehabilitation, but he might well be able to fake it enough to get out for one more horrifying offence.

JMO, IMO etc

Agreed!,and Courteney may very well have her own children by then too so it's not only her safety that would be a concern for Genie either.
The rehabilitation of someone like AC is a very complex issue. His age, removing him from society - his home and family, and therapy may provide the right environment for him to realise the horror and enormity of what he has done.
His intelligence may work for him or against him. All this alongside punishment.
I don't think anyone could guess correctly at how this will pan out.
The rehabilitation of someone like AC is a very complex issue. His age, removing him from society - his home and family, and therapy may provide the right environment for him to realise the horror and enormity of what he has done.
His intelligence may work for him or against him. All this alongside punishment.
I don't think anyone could guess correctly at how this will pan out.
In this case rehabilitation is not a very complex issue. It's impossible.
No way you can rehabilitate a monster like that.
It's genetics...we can call people like him "nature mistakes" :cool:
I'm sure I'll get shot down for this but it's really not a surprise his sentence was reduced and legally it was the correct decision. His original sentence was higher than other comparable cases. Sentencing has to be fair and across the board. Just because it was a particularly abhorrent crime doesn't mean the guidelines can be ignored.

It's the guidelines that are the issue here rather than the judges decision today.

I don’t agree that the cases were even comparable.

I would have thought that also the fact he didn’t admit to his crime and lied throughout the trial, including trying to incriminate someone else would also be taken into consideration. And the fact that he has shown to remorse at all.
The rehabilitation of someone like AC is a very complex issue. His age, removing him from society - his home and family, and therapy may provide the right environment for him to realise the horror and enormity of what he has done.
His intelligence may work for him or against him. All this alongside punishment.
I don't think anyone could guess correctly at how this will pan out.

Lets not play Russian roulette with potential future victims, there is a simple solution and that is never releasing him, not only is it not worth the risk, for the crime he has done he doesn't deserve to ever come out anyway. He is the lowest of the low, a disgrace to the Human race and i hope he rots in jail, i couldn't care less about him "getting better", if they release him because he is "better" then i'm sure other people will join me if i'm still alive in 24 years times in doing a protest and petitions.

The fact that you can't get a definite life sentence for the type of murder and rape he has done is what the problem is, in an ideal world when this brute was sentenced it would have been lock him up and throw away, we are too soft.
Lets not play Russian roulette with potential future victims, there is a simple solution and that is never releasing him, not only is it not worth the risk, for the crime he has done he doesn't deserve to ever come out anyway. He is the lowest of the low, a disgrace to the Human race and i hope he rots in jail, i couldn't care less about him "getting better", if they release him because he is "better" then i'm sure other people will join me if i'm still alive in 24 years times in doing a protest and petitions.

The fact that you can't get a definite life sentence for the type of murder and rape he has done is what the problem is, in an ideal world when this brute was sentenced it would have been lock him up and throw away, we are too soft.
Your quite right life should mean life
Lets not play Russian roulette with potential future victims, there is a simple solution and that is never releasing him, not only is it not worth the risk, for the crime he has done he doesn't deserve to ever come out anyway. He is the lowest of the low, a disgrace to the Human race and i hope he rots in jail, i couldn't care less about him "getting better", if they release him because he is "better" then i'm sure other people will join me if i'm still alive in 24 years times in doing a protest and petitions.

The fact that you can't get a definite life sentence for the type of murder and rape he has done is what the problem is, in an ideal world when this brute was sentenced it would have been lock him up and throw away, we are too soft.
Totally agree.
You're right we're too soft with criminals in our modern world...and I really don't understand the reason behind this "softness"...maybe a deadly cocktail between some stupid humanitarianism and a great ignorance about how criminal minds work...
I think Alesha’s mum is completely within her rights to be afraid for her other daughters safety if and when he’s released. It’s easy to say she’s being ‘OTT’ but look at what has happened, you’ve had one child abducted from her bed, raped and murdered. I’d be terrified if he was ever released that he’s going to come back.
Even though to most it seems a far fetched thought, Alesha’s mother has been living a nightmare since last July she’s likely living with a severe anxiety that someone will harm her other daughter. My dad died from falling off the roof of his house while repairing it, now 3 years later my partner won’t even tell me if he’s going to be doing anything involving being up a ladder at work because I’m constantly worried something is going to happen to him. I didn’t think that way before I never felt anxious about anything. My point being that you have thoughts you’ve never had before when something tragic happens, you analyse every part of your life for danger. Now, after Miss Lochrane’s daughter was murdered I don’t blame her for being scared for the safety of herself and any other children she may have. Up until that day last July she’d probably never imagined in her wildest dreams that her baby could be taken from her bed and brutally killed.
That report is so disturbing and dark. This person should never be released into society. My heart breaks for Alesha and her family. I don’t have any faith in the justice system.
Been away on holiday , just catching up ..... reading the report I expected no reduction in sentence . My heart goes out to that lovely wee girl's family , may they find peace , comfort in their memories and somehow build a life around that huge hole A has left behind .
Yes that's a very good point about love. I do think he won't receive much love whilst he's incarcerated, however like Taylor said he may well receive love romantically from others when he is on the outside again and under a false name/new identity. Whilst he's inside though I think the psychologist and other professionals (counselers etc) who are working with him on his rehabilitation at polmont are paid to act in an emotionally supportive, kind and understanding way towards him (even if they may feel differently on the inside) whilst they talk to him about his progress and his thoughts and issues, because they are aware that this kindness or loving energy is part of the rehabilitation process. I really, truly hope he can change.

I've just read in newspaper AC is receiving ' fan mail ' in jail and 5 girls even turned up in court at hearing to see him on video link . No no no ..... this has to be stopped no letters no communications and certainly no contact with strangers infatuated by him . This is so wrong , an insult to A' s family and a disgrace SPC is allowing this to happen . I'm disgusted and frankly disheartened that scum like him are still allowed any ' rights' .
Alesha killer Campbell has creepy band of female followers who send him fan mail

Interesting lol. The Sun have posted about 40 articles on him this week alone.

what the hell :eek: I guess the prison workers have sold stories to the press then for this to get out. But how would they know if they attended court? I guess they said in their letters that they would? I dunno, maybe the sun are fabricating this slightly. I can easily believe he does get mail from women though.

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