UK - Alesha MacPhail, 6, raped & murdered, Ardbeg, Isle of Bute, Scotland, 2 Jul 2018 -teen arrested

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I was thinking not just about naming the defendant but people discussing their past and reputation. That could be seen as prejudicing the case
The family life of Bailey’s killer was speculated about all over SM too ... his family were rough, known to SS, he had a knife to school before, his brother was in jail etc etc. Others justified his behaviour saying he was bullied at school and snapped. So much was on SM about him to read, more than is available about the teen charged with Alesha’s murder.
Discussing punishments for perps is usually an awkward thing in the forum, and sometimes people can say things in the heat of the moment that the forum mods won't allow for various reasons (I don't know the exact rules but I'm sure they are there).

But I know we are always told that if we see a post we think might be against the rules to hit the report button that's under every post, and let the mods decide if it needs editing, removing or can stand.
No, I don't think I will because from what I've read, treatment is mostly unsuccessful. IMO, you are who you are when it comes to sexual attraction.
Does that mean that every nun and priest, and anyone else who has taken a vow of celibacy for whatever reason, is incapable of keeping that vow? I know many priests, and most likely nuns, have been known to break their vow whether they are heterosexual, homosexual, pedophiles, or whatever, but I don't believe that none of them has managed to remain celibate for life. It may not be an easy choice, but I believe that many (if not most) people could live without sex if they knew it would seriously damage the object of their affection and actually cared. Anyone who actually molests a child has made the choice to do it, it's not something they have no control over. That all made sense in my mind, I hope it does in my post too. MOO
I think crimes against children are always emotive; i think crimes perpetrated by children against children are, at least for me, harder to accept as IMO children have not yet been hardened by the world. The thought that a 16 yo would commit the rape of a child i find hard to stomach.

I agree with others that vigilante justice does not help anyone in this case. The law says we cannot name him. Following the trial, if convicted, the judge will make the decision whether it is in the interest of justice for him to be named.

I would like to know how and why this crime occurred. This matters more to me than knowing his name.

Does that mean that every nun and priest, and anyone else who has taken a vow of celibacy for whatever reason, is incapable of keeping that vow? I know many priests, and most likely nuns, have been known to break their vow whether they are heterosexual, homosexual, pedophiles, or whatever, but I don't believe that none of them has managed to remain celibate for life. It may not be an easy choice, but I believe that many (if not most) people could live without sex if they knew it would seriously damage the object of their affection and actually cared. Anyone who actually molests a child has made the choice to do it, it's not something they have no control over. That all made sense in my mind, I hope it does in my post too. MOO

Like I said, treatment for pedophiles has proven to be mostly unsuccessful. And, to me, it's not worth sacrificing a child so I say lock them up.
<snipped quoted post and response>

I think a lot of them are born that way paedophiles, they probably consider themselves as normal, there was a case in Wales where they let a convicted one out and he put himself in a library and got work with children. Now he either likes time inside, or he was looking to work or be in those areas for a specific reason, take your pick.

I certainly don't think it is normal for someone to like children sexually, but sadly some do... If it was my way and those people who get caught messing with kids, I have no qualms about ending them if I had my way, and people must feel that way in this case, especially the locals on their island.

The problem in society is that it doesn't know how to deal with those that do like kids, and because of the stigma associated with it, they are criminals from the get-go, way before any actions they may commit down the road... such as images and what have you.

To be honest though that it the only way to view them... as criminals, I can't see how people see can see them as otherwise... pity them and hope they don't commit offences?
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I don't understand why it's ok to call for the death of a minor, it seems deeply hypocritical. I always think the baying mobs outside court in these cases are probably not that far behind the people they are so angry with. Maybe they recognise something in themselves in the culprit?

For those that want actually want justice I'd suggest not posting any rumours here or elsewhere, anything that could identify the suspect could cause a trial to collapse. Also the chances are some totally innocent people could suffer terribly if someone posted the wrong name. Just because a name is on Facebook does not make it fact.
<modsnip> His name came from the locals who know him, that's a fact. The charge of rape and murder come from the police having evidence, that's also a fact. He will be judged by a jury who will hear the facts and can only judge him on evidential facts! That's if there even is a trial which I doubt! Nothing we talk about will change the evidence they have against him. We have every right to discus it! Everyone in Scotland is discussing it.. that will happen forever in cases like this and always has! I don't think anyone is posting rumours.. its people having an opinion on what we think might of happened.. as for the baying mobs outside not being far behind the culprit.. wow!! <modsnip> When the law says your man enough to have a job, get married and father a child at 16 why are you suddenly a 'minor' when you decide to be a murdering paedophile?? little aleshas' name and what happened to her is plastered all over SM and the news because of him! So should his be!!
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The law in an *advertiser censored*, as for trials they should as the law dictates treat him as a child, that doesn't mean ultra kid gloves, but it means so he can understand what is going on in court in a way in which a young person would, regardless of his maturity.

I think the way the public treated the two in the Bulger case is a prime example of why that should be, it was trial by media which is a lot different from angry people on FB naming this suspect. In court it was very combative, the courts had never really had to deal with children killing children (especially because the victim was 2 years old), so they treated the killers as adults...And because of that and the press, you could hardly say it was a fair trial.
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Everyone here, as new or long time members, is responsible for being familiar with our rules.We are here to discuss what happened to Alesha. We are not here to sleuth those who are close to her.

Be aware that Websleuth does not condone advocating more violence.

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Everyone here, as new or long time members, is responsible for being familiar with our rules.We are here to discuss what happened to Alesha. We are not here to sleuth those who are close to her.

Be aware that Websleuth does not condone advocating more violence.

Continual disregard for our TOS will result in the issuing of warning points. Accumulation of points could lead to the loss of posting privileges.

A new feature with our upgraded software is that members who are continuously problematic on a particular thread can be locked out from participating on that thread indefinitely.

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Sorry for whatever participation I had. Thanks for keeping us on the straight and narrow.
I totally agree.. i didnt mean that because she was a nurse meant he was deacent. I meant that she was deacent and tried her best. He cane from a good family. All the more frightening. Like someone mentioned before.. if he'd come from a terrible upbringing then you could maybe see how he could end up being what he is

exactly!! well said!

My point really was that just because someone has a respectable job, doesn't make them a decent person. Parents can also provide all the material things needed for a child but be emotionally cruel/ unavailable. Personality disorders can lurk anywhere, I know I've met a few! This is all my speculation anyway as the kids upbringing is not public.
Wow, I've spent years here mostly reading, occasionally posting, but I have to say this thread makes me sick to my stomach. Unfortunately while the alleged crime is horrific enough and almost defies reason, it mostly makes me sad for the victim, her family, the perpetrator's family, and even for the psycological makeup that allowed or compelled this teen to destroy so many lives and throw away the life of a young child. What makes me nauseous is the vile, sadistic comments of members here who hope the perpetrator is tortured or killed in prison or want a guard to turn a blind eye to vigilante justice. Some posters even want to participate! It's crazy. And quite frankly makes me wonder about some of the psyches posting on this thread. Between the pure old testament vitriol and the barely disguised rumor mongering, I have no idea why this thread is still open. You sully the poor young girl's name by behaving this way. We at Websleuths are suppposed to be better than this. Sorry, I just can't ignore this. Have some respect for the victim.
Totally in agreement.
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