UK UK - Alistair Wilson, 30, murdered at home, Nairn, Scotland, 28 Nov 2004

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No I never picked up on this, I'm sure in the documentary it only said that the envelope was empty and the name Paul was on the front of it.
I think they did mention a blank piece of paper at some point. I picked up on it as I'd only heard mention of an empty envelope previously. Possible of course I misheard and I am going to watch it again to see if I missed anything.
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Nope I'm wrong. Didn't hear anything about a blank piece of paper second time around.

I was right on another point. Right towards the end they do mention talk of a threat made towards AW in the pub in relation to his objection over the decking. No specific details though.
Haven't seen the documentary yet but will do soon. Coming at this very late in the day and from a different angle, I know the Police looked at others with the same name as a possible mistaken identity murder but that is where I was drawn. It is a common name and the fact that the person at the door asked for Alistair Wilson, it sounded like he did not know that he lived there, or surely he would have just said "Is Alistair in?". Someone from the pub opposite would know exactly where he lived and what he looked like so to me it sounds like they did not know him. Even a hired professional killer would have known the correct person and location (opposite the Havelock Arms). So that brought me back to mistaken identity and no professional killer would use an Antique gun like that, too unreliable. So an amateur, getting the wrong person but what motive? The envelope with Paul on it was perhaps the best clue. My first thought was Paul the Apostle, a controversial figure in the development of Christianity, and known to engender strong feelings. Not 20miles away was the Highland Theological College and one of their Teachers went by the same name (not sure where he lived could be closer or further away). He published a Paper on Paul's letters to the Thessalonians in 2004 and has covered the subject in other papers subsequently. Is it possible that someone with extreme opposing views sought him out? Was this ever thought of as a possibility or am I clutching at straws, opinions welcomed. One final thought, I just don't buy the planning application theory, surely anyone annoyed with Alistair would have sent him a nasty letter, posted something disgusting through his letter box, shouted at him, beat him up, you get the gist, it makes no sense to kill him for that and as I have said, they would not ask for name confirmation as they knew him and the envelope makes no sense in this scenario. Just my thoughts, not sure if I am swimming against the tide here.
Haven't seen the documentary yet but will do soon. Coming at this very late in the day and from a different angle, I know the Police looked at others with the same name as a possible mistaken identity murder but that is where I was drawn. It is a common name and the fact that the person at the door asked for Alistair Wilson, it sounded like he did not know that he lived there, or surely he would have just said "Is Alistair in?". Someone from the pub opposite would know exactly where he lived and what he looked like so to me it sounds like they did not know him. Even a hired professional killer would have known the correct person and location (opposite the Havelock Arms). So that brought me back to mistaken identity and no professional killer would use an Antique gun like that, too unreliable. So an amateur, getting the wrong person but what motive? The envelope with Paul on it was perhaps the best clue. My first thought was Paul the Apostle, a controversial figure in the development of Christianity, and known to engender strong feelings. Not 20miles away was the Highland Theological College and one of their Teachers went by the same name (not sure where he lived could be closer or further away). He published a Paper on Paul's letters to the Thessalonians in 2004 and has covered the subject in other papers subsequently. Is it possible that someone with extreme opposing views sought him out? Was this ever thought of as a possibility or am I clutching at straws, opinions welcomed. One final thought, I just don't buy the planning application theory, surely anyone annoyed with Alistair would have sent him a nasty letter, posted something disgusting through his letter box, shouted at him, beat him up, you get the gist, it makes no sense to kill him for that and as I have said, they would not ask for name confirmation as they knew him and the envelope makes no sense in this scenario. Just my thoughts, not sure if I am swimming against the tide here.
maybe. you're swimming. against the tide, but you make some excellent. you. say, anyone who'd. been observing the. local. situation. would surely have known about have expected them to have checked comings and goings and ascertained that he was the only adult male there...again. you'd. have expected him to have. asked. simply for alistair. and not alistair Wilson....would a hard case criminal have used an. antique have imagined they'd have had a better. gun as part of their. basic kit and the. approach, presumably without. any previous. attempt, also. seems odd, as you say
I can only. think. that maybe someone else was the paymaster and it. was thought. these features might divert attention.
I don't know if. these aspects make any difference to our. conclusions but they are odd
there couldn't have been anything about the envelope or alistair Wilsons initial conversation with the perp that pointed strongly to. the issue of the decking or. the police wouldn't have looked at. other possible motives in such detail....of course what the police have subsequently discovered may make something about the envelope. seem relevant...but I still cant. shake the feeling that they've settled on the decking because other avenues have proved doesn't mean they're just not fully. convinced
Haven't seen the documentary yet but will do soon. Coming at this very late in the day and from a different angle, I know the Police looked at others with the same name as a possible mistaken identity murder but that is where I was drawn. It is a common name and the fact that the person at the door asked for Alistair Wilson, it sounded like he did not know that he lived there, or surely he would have just said "Is Alistair in?". Someone from the pub opposite would know exactly where he lived and what he looked like so to me it sounds like they did not know him. Even a hired professional killer would have known the correct person and location (opposite the Havelock Arms). So that brought me back to mistaken identity and no professional killer would use an Antique gun like that, too unreliable. So an amateur, getting the wrong person but what motive? The envelope with Paul on it was perhaps the best clue. My first thought was Paul the Apostle, a controversial figure in the development of Christianity, and known to engender strong feelings. Not 20miles away was the Highland Theological College and one of their Teachers went by the same name (not sure where he lived could be closer or further away). He published a Paper on Paul's letters to the Thessalonians in 2004 and has covered the subject in other papers subsequently. Is it possible that someone with extreme opposing views sought him out? Was this ever thought of as a possibility or am I clutching at straws, opinions welcomed. One final thought, I just don't buy the planning application theory, surely anyone annoyed with Alistair would have sent him a nasty letter, posted something disgusting through his letter box, shouted at him, beat him up, you get the gist, it makes no sense to kill him for that and as I have said, they would not ask for name confirmation as they knew him and the envelope makes no sense in this scenario. Just my thoughts, not sure if I am swimming against the tide here.
Some good points made, with this case you have absolutely no other choice, than to go against the tide as it's such a perplexing case. The only part of this theory that I would question would be, if it was indeed an extremists who had strong religious beliefs who was there to confront AW who held opposing views compared to him, then surely he would have said something to AW as to why he was on his doorstep. Ie, "I'm here because you are a disgrace to the church". From what we know the gunman seemed to be very calm and never acted in an aggressive manner, not something you'd expect from an angry religious person. According to VW and the detectives AW had to idea why the gunman asked to speak to him and why he was given an empty envelope with name Paul on it. Even if the gunman had the wrong AW he would have atleaest given an explanation or an excuse as to why he was their. It's a good theory that you have given though. But I just can't accept this for being a case of mistaken identity
Watched the documentary last night and searched for him on here (new member). I've always periodically searched his name in hopes that it got solved.

I believe the pub dispute theory is likely and I lean towards the envelope being a red herring for the same reasons that kenmack87 said earlier. I think the gunman had it in his hand to look like he was a legitimate caller to any passersby and to give him an out if anyone else answered the door. I don't know how the killer thought of course but I don't think he intended to hand over the envelope at all - maybe just panicked.
Watched the documentary last night and searched for him on here (new member). I've always periodically searched his name in hopes that it got solved.

I believe the pub dispute theory is likely and I lean towards the envelope being a red herring for the same reasons that kenmack87 said earlier. I think the gunman had it in his hand to look like he was a legitimate caller to any passersby and to give him an out if anyone else answered the door. I don't know how the killer thought of course but I don't think he intended to hand over the envelope at all - maybe just panicked.
I can see where you are coming from but I still have issues with the decking theory.

Firstly surely either AW or VW would have had a high chance of recognising him.

Secondly AW spent perhaps 4 or 5 minutes talking to this guy. They must have discussed something. Yet when AW went back inside and discussed everything with Veronica he apparently was confused and didn't have a clue what was going on. Now he might not have known exactly what he was supposed to do but if it was about the decking he definitely would have a good idea in general what it was all about. As he discussed it with Veronica, so would she.

If this case does ever come to court it will be very interesting to see how much of the accepted version of that nights events turns out to be accurate. I don't think any of us have yet come up with a theory that doesn't have a great sodding hole in it as soon as you try to fit to what we're told happened that night.
Do we know the outcome of the planning application for the decking? Murdering AW after he had submitted objections would not have had any effect on determining the application so was it just someone getting back at him? Seems like a weak motive to me, but I guess people have been murdered for less. I'd like to know more about VW's version of events. Has she ever been interviewed on camera?
Do we know the outcome of the planning application for the decking? Murdering AW after he had submitted objections would not have had any effect on determining the application so was it just someone getting back at him? Seems like a weak motive to me, but I guess people have been murdered for less. I'd like to know more about VW's version of events. Has she ever been interviewed?
Yes it did eventually go through.
Veronica was interviewed on The Doorstep Murder podcast. The envelope was off limits. The details of the conversation she had with AW have never been revealed either. Arguably the two most important bits.

You would imagine AW told Veronica something about what was going on. Of course we can't completely rule out AW having hid stuff from Veronica or Veronica herself holding back. The police have struggled to find a motive for 18 years. I'd be amazed if AW hadn't at least said something like "There's a guy at the door asking/talking about......" but apparently not.

Veronica has given in interviews an account of the events of that night but not the detail. All we know of the discussion is that the envelope was discussed and that AW asked Veronica if she was sure the caller had asked for him. He was apparently confused despite talking to the guy for several minutes. It's all very curious.
Veronica was interviewed on The Doorstep Murder podcast. The envelope was off limits. The details of the conversation she had with AW have never been revealed either. Arguably the two most important bits.

You would imagine AW told Veronica something about what was going on. Of course we can't completely rule out AW having hid stuff from Veronica or Veronica herself holding back. The police have struggled to find a motive for 18 years. I'd be amazed if AW hadn't at least said something like "There's a guy at the door asking/talking about......" but apparently not.

Veronica has given in interviews an account of the events of that night but not the detail. All we know of the discussion is that the envelope was discussed and that AW asked Veronica if she was sure the caller had asked for him. He was apparently confused despite talking to the guy for several minutes. It's all very curious.
Do we know if AW was the only objector to the planning application or were there others? I would assume that every public house proprietor with neighbours would expect objections to any proposal to develop an outside area. I increasingly doubt whether this was sufficient motive for someone connected with the establishment to murder one of those neighbours. There must be another reason why he was murdered.
Do we know if AW was the only objector to the planning application or were there others? I would assume that every public house proprietor with neighbours would expect objections to any proposal to develop an outside area. I increasingly doubt whether this was sufficient motive for someone connected with the establishment to murder one of those neighbours. There must be another reason why he was murdered.
That's a good question. Don't think I've ever seen anything to say if there was other opposition to the decking or not. If AW was the only one that might have stirred up a lot of resentment against him.
That's a good question. Don't think I've ever seen anything to say if there was other opposition to the decking or not. If AW was the only one that might have stirred up a lot of resentment against him.
As I recall, AW was murdered only a couple of days after his objection to the retrospective planning application for the decking was made public. At that stage, there was nothing to gain by murdering him as his objection would only be discounted if he himself withdrew. In the end, they got their permission regardless of his or other objections. I don't see how anyone connected with the pub had anything to gain by murdering one of the neighbours, unless it was the lone actions of an unbalanced mind who believed they were helping the pub by shooting him. The fact that it was an antique firearm and he wasn't killed instantly but died later in hospital, suggests that it wasn't a professional hit. VW heard 3 shots but do we know where he was hit and which shot proved fatal?
As I recall, AW was murdered only a couple of days after his objection to the retrospective planning application for the decking was made public. At that stage, there was nothing to gain by murdering him as his objection would only be discounted if he himself withdrew. In the end, they got their permission regardless of his or other objections. I don't see how anyone connected with the pub had anything to gain by murdering one of the neighbours, unless it was the lone actions of an unbalanced mind who believed they were helping the pub by shooting him. The fact that it was an antique firearm and he wasn't killed instantly but died later in hospital, suggests that it wasn't a professional hit. VW heard 3 shots but do we know where he was hit and which shot proved fatal?
I think anything, no matter how trivial could be a motive for the murder. My problem with it being the motive is more to do with AW not having a clue what it was all about and he would also have told Veronica. If it was the decking surely he had a good idea that was what it was. Difficult to think he didn't know it was to do with the decking in some respect.

Trying to think why after spending some time talking to the guy, AW didn't know what was going on. Possibly he simply didn't tell Veronica the truth. Alternatively could the guy have been unstable, drunk or on drugs etc? Perhaps this guy just spouted rubbish or ranted for several minutes until AW gave up and went back inside. That said I don't think Veronica has ever given any indication that was the case.

I believe he was shot twice in the head and once in the chest. I think that's why some think it was a professional hit whilst other bits point elsewhere. Almost every part of the sequence of events as told has problems with it.
Some good points made, with this case you have absolutely no other choice, than to go against the tide as it's such a perplexing case. The only part of this theory that I would question would be, if it was indeed an extremists who had strong religious beliefs who was there to confront AW who held opposing views compared to him, then surely he would have said something to AW as to why he was on his doorstep. Ie, "I'm here because you are a disgrace to the church". From what we know the gunman seemed to be very calm and never acted in an aggressive manner, not something you'd expect from an angry religious person. According to VW and the detectives AW had to idea why the gunman asked to speak to him and why he was given an empty envelope with name Paul on it. Even if the gunman had the wrong AW he would have atleaest given an explanation or an excuse as to why he was their. It's a good theory that you have given though. But I just can't accept this for being a case of mistaken identity
Agreed, but as I understand it we don't really know what was said on the doorstep and the fact that AW spoke to his wife might indicate he was confused about what the caller said, which he would be if it was a mistaken identity and the gunman said things of no relevance to AW. Just a theory.
Agreed, but as I understand it we don't really know what was said on the doorstep and the fact that AW spoke to his wife might indicate he was confused about what the caller said, which he would be if it was a mistaken identity and the gunman said things of no relevance to AW. Just a theory.
Indeed we know very little. We don't even know what sort of form the conversation took. Was it a proper two way conversation or just one person ranting etc? Was it civil, angry, confused etc? Apparently AW didn't feel threatened and that's about it really. We do know he asked for AW by name and that the police don't think it was mistaken identity.
Indeed we know very little. We don't even know what sort of form the conversation took. Was it a proper two way conversation or just one person ranting etc? Was it civil, angry, confused etc? Apparently AW didn't feel threatened and that's about it really. We do know he asked for AW by name and that the police don't think it was mistaken identity.
Hi, couple more points following study today. His wife was quoted as saying early on "he paid the ultimate price for a mistaken identity" or words to that effect. Also, the date of the murder was 28 November 2004 which was the first Sunday of Advent and the colour blue is significant in the UK Christian Church as a symbol of Hope (I know, a bit of an oxymoron) at this time of year. St. Paul called on everyone to prepare for the coming (or second coming) of Christ. Anyone got anything further to add on this theme? I'm not a religious person so someone else might have some insight. Just feel there might be something in this.
Hi, couple more points following study today. His wife was quoted as saying early on "he paid the ultimate price for a mistaken identity" or words to that effect. Also, the date of the murder was 28 November 2004 which was the first Sunday of Advent and the colour blue is significant in the UK Christian Church as a symbol of Hope (I know, a bit of an oxymoron) at this time of year. St. Paul called on everyone to prepare for the coming (or second coming) of Christ. Anyone got anything further to add on this theme? I'm not a religious person so someone else might have some insight. Just feel there might be something in this.
well, you never know...we once had someone. turn up on our doorstep saying he couldn't remember. who. he was. or where he'd come from...he could only remember his son had stopped speaking to. him when he...the man on the doorstep ...had told him he. was Jesus.
but if the. man had seemed totally unbalanced and. just sprouted on, why would the police have stopped vw from disclosing this.
if he didn't say anything about the decking...which we have to assume because it wasn't the main line of. enquiry from the beginning...and your. husband has a fairly common name and you cant. think of any reason why anyone. should attack him....then I guess you're going to. think it was. probably. a case of. mistaken identity, at least at first
Hi, couple more points following study today. His wife was quoted as saying early on "he paid the ultimate price for a mistaken identity" or words to that effect. Also, the date of the murder was 28 November 2004 which was the first Sunday of Advent and the colour blue is significant in the UK Christian Church as a symbol of Hope (I know, a bit of an oxymoron) at this time of year. St. Paul called on everyone to prepare for the coming (or second coming) of Christ. Anyone got anything further to add on this theme? I'm not a religious person so someone else might have some insight. Just feel there might be something in this.
One more thought, was the envelope opened to reveal the name Paul inside, or on the flap, much like the first window on an Advent calendar? The other AW went to Africa in 2005 as a missionary so might not have been interviewed and certainly not around if the perpetrator wanted to correct his mistake. Could all be just fantasy but it is an alternative if the decking theory does not pan out (I hope it does for the family's sake).

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