UK and Eire Forum

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I also think this is a great idea, but if you do it could you please not call us Eire? If "UK and Ireland forum" would annoy any Ulster Unionists reading, just R.O.I. would do fine.
I also think this is a great idea, but if you do it could you please not call us Eire? If "UK and Ireland forum" would annoy any Ulster Unionists reading, just R.O.I. would do fine.
I remembered - see 'Space' at #20 for a further "omit the Éire" request. I would think Fluttershy may be amenable to going with 'Ireland' if and when her proposal bears fruit.

It might help if we had, oh, another hundred or so "yes! please!" posts from those currently missing in action re: a new forum.
The UK forum is a good idea! I am also keen to the idea of a European Crime Forum. :twocents:
May I play devil's advocate?

Do you think having separate, country specific forums may stop some of the 'spilling over' that we currently have?

At the moment, I log on and click 'New Posts' and there I see the wide array of postings from everywhere, and in all different categories. I dip in and out of threads, poking my nose in here, sharing an opinion there (whether you like it or not ;) ) and whilst I am looking out for UK threads a little more often than some of the others, by searching all new posts I see everything WS has on offer.

If there was a specific area, do you think members may go directly to that, and we could lose the diversity of people from all over the world sharing their knowledge and opinions on ALL the cases?

Maybe starting a few country or continent specific chat threads in one of the basement rooms would be a good way to test the water?

These are all just thoughts - trying to see the other side of the coin and see what others think.

Feel free to shout me down :)
I also think this is a great idea, but if you do it could you please not call us Eire? If "UK and Ireland forum" would annoy any Ulster Unionists reading, just R.O.I. would do fine.

I always like "British Isles", a straightforward geographical description.
It might help if we had, oh, another hundred or so "yes! please!" posts from those currently missing in action re: a new forum.

I don't know who you mean, but I suppose you could message them with the link, as I doubt anyone would find this thread easily without one.
I don't know who you mean, but I suppose you could message them with the link, as I doubt anyone would find this thread easily without one.
Looking for those who haven't posted here - we all already have done. I put Fluttershy's link for this thread on, let's see, at least eight separate threads with UK/Ireland content over the weekend and bumped it into view this morning on several.
Not sure if this is a crime/offence in NY state, but perhaps it should be - it is in some places, 'failure to assist'. Terrible tragedy.

The two young sons of an Irishman who emigrated to the US were among the victims of superstorm Sandy.

Conor and Brendan Moore, aged four and two, were swept away in Staten Island last week as their mother Glenda tried to get the family to safety.

Her husband Damien, originally from Co Donegal, was working for the city council when it happened.

Speaking on RTÉ's Morning Ireland, Fr Philip Daly, a priest in the Donegal Parish of Portnoo, said everyone was devastated by the tragedy, which he said was hard to accept.

He described how Mrs Moore made valiant efforts to save her boys, however, her pleas for help fell on deaf ears.

"I think that what added to the awfulness of the situation was the lack of support.

"There was no support forthcoming from some of the people in that area, when Glenda went to the doors looking for help, where they basically closed the doors in her face so this compounded the awfulness of the situation".
He said it was some comfort to the parents and grandparents of the two boys that their bodies had been recovered.

Fr Daly added: "That in itself was a great relief to Damien and Glenda and to the grandparents here in Portnoo that they now can grieve, that they can have a funeral and they can later on visit the grave, so that in itself was a blessing".
May I play devil's advocate?

Do you think having separate, country specific forums may stop some of the 'spilling over' that we currently have?

At the moment, I log on and click 'New Posts' and there I see the wide array of postings from everywhere, and in all different categories. I dip in and out of threads, poking my nose in here, sharing an opinion there (whether you like it or not ;) ) and whilst I am looking out for UK threads a little more often than some of the others, by searching all new posts I see everything WS has on offer.

If there was a specific area, do you think members may go directly to that, and we could lose the diversity of people from all over the world sharing their knowledge and opinions on ALL the cases?

Maybe starting a few country or continent specific chat threads in one of the basement rooms would be a good way to test the water?

These are all just thoughts - trying to see the other side of the coin and see what others think.

Feel free to shout me down :)
I have "Subscribed Threads" as my WS bookmark, check for activity on those, then it's off to the invaluable "New Posts" to view life's rich pageant.

I do think we need the Great Britain/Ireland forum though. Way too many UK/Ireland stories get lost and go without posts simply because those who might be interested simply don't see, or cannot find, them. As a thread starter it's frustrating to have a bit of work wind up at the bottom of WS like a sunken ship at sea.

I wish I could agree that there's much diversity to be found and that people from hither and yon post steadily on a UK thread. But I've not found that to be the case. Even on the Jo Yeates threads - a case which received much coverage both in England and over here - at least 90% of those who were posting were from the UK and Ireland. Indeed, listing UK/Ireland threads in a unique area might actually be helpful in soliciting participants. It certainly couldn't hurt. As is they seem to get lost before the fact.
I have "Subscribed Threads" as my WS bookmark, check for activity on those, then it's off to the invaluable "New Posts" to view life's rich pageant.

I do think we need the "British Isles" (good one) forum though. Way too many UK/Ireland stories get lost and go without posts simply because those who might be interested simply don't see, or cannot find, them. As a thread starter it's frustrating to have a bit of work wind up at the bottom of WS like a sunken ship at sea.

A tiny needle in a huge haystack :)

I have certainly come across some by accident.

Especially in Missing cases, to have a thread easily located here through a dedicated forum would be of great assistance to families and LE surely.

Facebook, twitter etc have their place but not everybody goes there, especially some older internet users (and I'm not 'young' so no prejudice here). Also they are not monitored and all kinds of rubbish and rumour can be published which doesn't help in a search.
Even for an experienced web user it is daunting and frankly time wasting to have to plough through hundreds of similar posts, and 'shares' to find anything actually relevant to the incident.
For many there are the privacy issues with Facebook, one of my sons works in IT server security and he won't use it , and if you aren't a member what you can view is restricted.
I have "Subscribed Threads" as my WS bookmark, check for activity on those, then it's off to the invaluable "New Posts" to view life's rich pageant.

I do think we need the Great Britain/Ireland forum though. Way too many UK/Ireland stories get lost and go without posts simply because those who might be interested simply don't see, or cannot find, them. As a thread starter it's frustrating to have a bit of work wind up at the bottom of WS like a sunken ship at sea.

I wish I could agree that there's much diversity to be found and that people from hither and yon post steadily on a UK thread. But I've not found that to be the case. Even on the Jo Yeates threads - a case which received much coverage both in England and over here - at least 90% of those who were posting were from the UK and Ireland. Indeed, listing UK/Ireland threads in a unique area might actually be helpful in soliciting participants. It certainly couldn't hurt. As is they seem to get lost before the fact.

Absolutely fair enough, and thanks for coming back to me on it. It was just a thought to throw out there. As I have said previously I really like the idea, I just try to see things from a less egocentric point of view sometimes :)
Wow, wfgodot, you've put me to shame with all your hard work!
Sorry I haven't been about much, I've been moving house, and I've only just got my broadband back. Of course, the first thing I do is check Websleuths....
I'm absolutely fine with any other suggested names that people might like.
It get's my vote - Perhaps a European Forum with a sub forum for UK cases, same for other countries too.
Not sure if this is a crime/offence in NY state, but perhaps it should be - it is in some places, 'failure to assist'. Terrible tragedy.

The two young sons of an Irishman who emigrated to the US were among the victims of superstorm Sandy.

Conor and Brendan Moore, aged four and two, were swept away in Staten Island last week as their mother Glenda tried to get the family to safety.

Her husband Damien, originally from Co Donegal, was working for the city council when it happened.

Speaking on RTÉ's Morning Ireland, Fr Philip Daly, a priest in the Donegal Parish of Portnoo, said everyone was devastated by the tragedy, which he said was hard to accept.

He described how Mrs Moore made valiant efforts to save her boys, however, her pleas for help fell on deaf ears.

"I think that what added to the awfulness of the situation was the lack of support.

"There was no support forthcoming from some of the people in that area, when Glenda went to the doors looking for help, where they basically closed the doors in her face so this compounded the awfulness of the situation".
He said it was some comfort to the parents and grandparents of the two boys that their bodies had been recovered.

Fr Daly added: "That in itself was a great relief to Damien and Glenda and to the grandparents here in Portnoo that they now can grieve, that they can have a funeral and they can later on visit the grave, so that in itself was a blessing".

There is a thread here on Websleuths about this, I was reading it the other day, and then I heard on the radio yesterday that they were Irish

Two boys missing after being swept away by Sandy in Staten Island - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

RIP buachaillí beag (RIP little boys)
I thought Ireland was a part of the United Kingdom??? What am I missing??

As I see it, we already have cases out of Canada, as well as an American missing from Germany, and I think there have been a couple from Australia. How about just calling it an international forum, for cases not in the U.S.? Wouldn't that cover a broader scope, in case someone goes missing from, say, Italy or France?

Just saying.

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