UK - Ashley Dale, 28 fatally shot at home, Liverpool - 21 Aug 2022

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
The trial coverage is excellent Thank you to all who have been posting it.

I have a question though - why is there so little commentary from posters? Usually there is quite a bit of discussion of the players, but in this case it seems everyone is just following along with the trial. The lack of discussion of the boyfriend in particular is interesting. I realize he isn’t the one on trial, but is there nothing about him in the media at all that can be discussed? At first I thought he might be in a witness protection program, but now that the prosecution is resting I am thinking not.

I am just curious.
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The trial coverage is excellent Thank you to all who have been posting it.

I have a question though - why is there so little commentary from posters? Usually there is quite a bit of discussion of the players, but in this case it seems everyone is just following along with the trial. The lack of discussion of the boyfriend in particular is interesting. I realize he isn’t the one on trial, but is there nothing about him n the media at all that can be discussed? At first I thought he might be in a witness protection program, but now that the prosecution is resting I am thinking not.

I am just curious.
Honestly - some cases make me apprehensive about posting thoughts which the public can access. This whole gang thing in Liverpool concerns me greatly.
I think there is a huge amount that is not being shared with the jury, hence all the legal discussion. I wonder if some of the key players have been charged with something and are currently incarcerated (remember in the Thomas Cashman trial how we found out after the event that the other bloke had confessed). I want to be careful what I post in the interests of a fair trial but it crossed my mind that only 1 message from Lee to Ashley had been shared (are you dead?). I think it's possible there was a lot more incriminating information in Ashley's phone and it will be interesting to see what comes out after the verdict has been given.

Not sure who the witness is who is coming from abroad?
I think there is a huge amount that is not being shared with the jury, hence all the legal discussion. I wonder if some of the key players have been charged with something and are currently incarcerated (remember in the Thomas Cashman trial how we found out after the event that the other bloke had confessed). I want to be careful what I post in the interests of a fair trial but it crossed my mind that only 1 message from Lee to Ashley had been shared (are you dead?). I think it's possible there was a lot more incriminating information in Ashley's phone and it will be interesting to see what comes out after the verdict has been given.

Not sure who the witness is who is coming from abroad?
I think I saw somewhere that it’s the pathologist who’s on hols, but don’t quote me on that.
10:31Jonathan Humphries

Good morning​

We're back in Liverpool Crown Court today for day 12 of the trial of six men in connection with the death of Ashley Dale.

The prosecution will continue presenting evidence and expects to close its case on Thursday.

Crown Court reporter Adam Everett and Crime Reporter Jonathan Humphries will be providing live coverage from the courtroom.

10:50Jonathan Humphries

Slight delay​

There is a brief delay while a technical matter is being dealt with

I think I saw somewhere that it’s the pathologist who’s on hols, but don’t quote me on that.

Found it...

from yesterday....

Mr Greaney tells the court:
“We are nearing the end of the prosecution case. We are seeking discussions with other members of the bar on which evidence does or does not need to be introduced to the jury.”

He says that the counsel intend to have these discussions now and adds:

“We would have been in a position to close the crown’s case tomorrow, except for the fact that the final witness is abroad and will not return until tomorrow.”
This witness, the pathologist, will instead be called on Thursday morning.

Radford speaks to detectives​

Paul Greaney, KC, prosecuting, tells the jury we will hear more about Kallum Radford’s version of events after the discovery of the Hyundai at the address of his associate Abbie Jevens.
A video of his interview with police, conducted at Copy Lane Police Station on the evening of October 11 last year, is played to the court.
Radford is seen sitting at a table wearing a grey tracksuit beside his solicitor and his sister, who is acting as an appropriate adult.
He speaks to confirm his name and date of birth.
Detective Constable Joanne Sheedy, conducting the interview, says he attended the police station as he “knew police wanted to speak to him”, at which stage he was arrested at the front desk on suspicion of assisting an offender.
He made no reply to his arrest.
JS: “You’re here for assisting an offender, okay, that means someone you knew or believed to have or suspect of doing something wrong, something serious like murder. That can be anything really, it can be hiding someone, getting rid of someone’s phone, burning clothes. There’s all kinds of things you can do. That’s what assisting an offender is.”
DC Sheedy says in this case he is in custody on suspicion of assisting an offender in the relation to the murder of Ashley Dale.
JS: “You are here today because a vehicle has been found.”
KR: “At my friend’s property….I phoned Abbie up and asked her. The lads came to me and asked me. Can I put it in her garage”
Her solicitor interjects and says Radford has signed a prepared statement, which the solicitor reads.
He says Radford’s partner Teagen Buckley is pregnant, “her pregnancy has not been easy”. They were planning to move in together, with November 28 (last year) the due date.
He said Radford was staying in his mum’s address.
The statement says Radford found his dad, Michael Radford, dead on October 6 that year and “It almost broke me.”
S: “I know the matter relates to the murder of Ashley Dale. The only knowledge I have is from social media and police disclosure.
“I do not know who is responsible for the murder of Ashley Dale. I have no knowledge of firearm used in her murder. I have knowledge of the Hyundai vehicle. I have no knowledge of Ashley Dale other than what I have seen on social media.
Radford’s statement says he had “no knowledge of any threat or dispute” concerning Ashley Dale and Lee Harrison.


Radford 'paid £150 to hide car'​

The statement continues and says Radford lived with grandma growing up
S: “The death of my father has really upset me. When I found him he had been dead for a number of days.”
“After discovering my father dad I got more and more upset. I caused damage to my phone. I smashed the phone against the wall when I was in Parr.”
The statement says he was “walking up Derbyshire Hill Road” when a car approached him
“The driver of the car crossed over to me and pulled alongside me. He said something like here lad do you know anyone, does anyone have a driveway or garage where we could park the car. He said someone was trying to smash the car up. It would only be for a week.”
He says he knew Abbie Jevens was going away from a week, and he was promised money
Abbie Jevens “Said it was ok for a week” after he phoned her
The statement says Radford got in front seat and directed driver to Abbie Jevens’s address
The driver reversed it into the driveway.
“The driver said there’s 100 quid for you lad. I took the money.”
Radford’s statement says the driver gave Abbie Jevens £50 from money and “she was happy”.
He says he saw the “lads getting into another car” as he left
S: “I didn’t know what to say to her. I had too much on my mind.”


'I'm telling you everything I know'​

DC Sheedy asks him to confirm he has signed that statement.
She puts to him “We believe you’ve helped someone dispose of evidence.”
Radford responds: “I didn’t know that. I thought he had beef in Liverpool. He offered me money, he said someone was going to smash his car up. I’m on the dole. I thought I’d phone about.
“Abbie was going Tenerife for a week. They said ‘It will only be a week lad’. Two scouse lads they was. There was another one in another car behind, but I don’t know what car was.”
JS: “What are these lads names?”
KR: “I don’t know.”
He says had not seen them before. He is asked what the other car was and says: “I couldn’t tell you.”
KR: “They said they’d be back in a week and they never came back. That was the last week in August, just before Abbie went away to Tenerife.”
He says the men kept the keys
KR: “I’m telling you everything I know.”


Murder of Ashley was 'disgusting'​

The detective tells Radford about the date of Ashley Dale’s shooting.
Radford says it was a “week later” that the men attended his address with a car.
The detective says officers found the car on Abbie Jevens’ driveway.
JS: “Police attended there for a completely different matter. They noticed this vehicle, that’s of interest to us. That vehicle has been confirmed as one and the same vehicle, the vehicle our offenders were in that night when they went into Ashley’s house and opened fire.”
KR: “Disgusting yeah.”
The detective says Miss Jevens gave an account that he “attended her address and asked if she would allow vehicle to be parked on property”, to which she agreed.
Radford says: “I didn’t know the concept of what has happened. I never ever got involved.”
JS: “Kallum, do you realise how serious it is?”
KR: “Of course I do. It’s disgusting. A girl has been killed. It’s horrible.”
He gives another account of the men approaching him.
KR: “He pulled up to me and said do you know where I can put this car. I said ‘why lad’, he said someone was after smashing the car up ‘round our way’. They were scousers so it was meaning Liverpool. I said I’d ask about. They said there’s money there for you lad. I asked how much but they didn’t tell me how much. I got on the phone to my friend. Them lads jumped into a car and drove off.
“It was teatime. Daylight, broad day. It was halfway up Derbyshire Hill Road. It’s a long road with a field next to it. They’ve pulled me over. They’ve come over and said here you are lads."
Says he was “going to his friend’s to go and get stoned”, going “towards Bulls Head.
He says he was “on me own”.
DC Sheedy: “You’re saying some random males in a car crossed the carriageway, shout over to you. Tell you it’s going to get damaged?”
Radford agrees.
He is asked what the males look like.
KR: “I could probably only know what they looked like if I seen them. They were white. Older than me, about 30 I’m guessing. In their 30s. Both of them looked pretty much in their 30s, yeah.”
He is asked about the driver.
KR: “That’s the one I had the most conversation with. They could have pulled up any randomer but they asked me.”
JS: “Was anyone else around?”
KR: “No.”
JS: “Were you walking past houses?”
KR: “I was walking past houses yeah.”
JS: “There’s two males, a driver and a passenger. Both in the front of the car.”
Radford is asked again about the driver.
KR: “He had dark hair. Like wavy a bit. He had black hair, dark brown. I could only say if I seen him again.”
JS: “Did he have any growth on his face?”
KR: “No beard on his face. I can’t really remember but I think it was fresh faced.”
He agrees the driver was “fair skinned” but “not as white as me like”.
He said he “had no glasses on” and could not see tattoos.
JS: “What build was he?”
KR: “Medium build. He wasn’t fat, he wasn’t skinny either.”
JS: “How tall was he?”
KR: “Just a bit smaller than me.”
Radford stands up to demonstrate his height and says he is “5ft7, 5ft8”
KR: “He wasn’t dressed in jeans. He was in trackies. I can’t remember what colour he had on. It was that long ago. I can’t remember was colour trackies he had on.”
JS: “It was extremely hot, very very hot?”
KR: “It was a week later. I don’t know. I can’t remember. It was on the 28th or 29th of August he’s pulled up to me. I remember it being on a weekend because she was going on holiday to Tenerife.”
He is asked about accents.
KR: “Liverpool accents, they’re not from round our ways.”


Radford says 'Zest' was in car​

DC Sheedy asks about the second man.
Radford says: “I couldn’t remember what he looked like either/”
JS: “Did they refer to names?”
KR: “I’m sure one of them begins with a Z. It might have been a nickname. Something like that. The passenger was the one beginning with ‘Z’. It’s hard, it was so long ago. I’m telling you everything.”
He says it was “a name beginning with Z”, “It was Zest or something like that”/”
JS: “He’s in the passenger seat. Do you remember anything about him?”
KR: “They were both scousers?”
JS: “Can you recall what kind of build he was?”
KR: “One of them was a bit of a bigger build than the other one. Not too much bigger. One was a slimmer build.”
He agrees that the “slimmer one was in the passenger seat”
KR: “The driver was bigger than the one in the passenger.”
JS: “Can you remember what the passenger was wearing?”
KR: “Not at all. I don’t think they was wearing shorts.”
He is asked about what “headgear” they were wearing.
KR: “I can’t remember.”
JS: “What were they like with you?”
KR: “Sound as anything.”
JS: “If what you’re saying to us is the truth, you’ve never seen these men?”
KR: “Never in my life.”
He is asked about the other name.
KR: “I don’t know what the other one was called. I just got offered money.”
He says he was paid this “in cash, notes”.
KR: “They said they’d give me some more money when they came back. I got 50 and I give her [Abbie Jevens] 50.”
He agrees it was “stupid” but says he did not know the car was linked to a murder.
KR: “I wouldn’t put my mate through that. She’s got two kids. I’ve got a kid on the way.”
JS: “They said they’d be back for it. When did they say?”
KR: “Within a week, and they never come back. It was a bit of a headache.”
JS: “Did they have a number for you?”
KR: “They might have done. I give them my number. They never got in touch.”
JS: “Do you have their number?”
KR: “No.”


Radford 'smashed up phone'​

DC Sheedy asks about where his phone is.
Radford says: “I’ve not got that phone anymore. I smashed it up.”
He says it was a black iPhone 8Plus
KR: “I smashed it up… It’s somewhere in the streets.”
JS: “When did you smash that phone up?”
KR: “On the Saturday.”
JS: “Was it the day you found your dad?”
KR: “It was a couple of days after.”
Radford says he was “On Cherry entry”, referring to Cherry Tree Drive, when he smashed up the phone.
He says he has had that number for “a couple of years”.
KR: “It was either the Saturday when I smashed it up or the Sunday. I’m on diazepam, trying to keep my head off s***. I’m not feeling that well in myself.”
JS: “Do you ever let anyone else use your phone?”
KR: “No.”
JS: “Have you got an ipad, tablet?”
KR: “No/”
JS: “Do you use anyone else’s?”
KR: “No.”
JS: “How do you keep in touch generally?”
KR: “Usually on me phone. I phone people. Everything, I use everything. Text messages, phone calls. Just normal, what do you use? I use everything.”
He gives his home address at the time as Redgate Drive, and says his cousin Curtis also lives there/
KR: “Sometimes I stay at my girlfriend’s and something I stay at my sister’s.”


'Nice one for that lad'​

DC Sheedy asks: “Are you employed?”
Radford: “No but I’m seeking work. I’ve been going Universal Credit.”
JS: “How long have you known Abbie?”
KR: “Since I was 13, 12.”
JS: “She’s a good mate?”
KR: “Yeah.”
JS: “Have you got any other joint friends?”
KR: “No.”
JS: “How often would you see Abbie?”
KR: “Every other day, or every other week. I don’t have a constant routine of my life.”
JS: “Do you drive at all?”
KR: “No, I can’t drive.”
JS: “Have you got a bike or anything?”
KR: “Pedal bike yeah, that’s how I get around. A Carrerra.”
Radford is asked about a man called Jamie Roscoe.
KR: “That’s Abbie’s boyfriend, I get on with him.”
He says he has “known him a couple of years”
JS: “Why did you suggest Abbie?”
KR: “I just thought, who could park it on their front. That’s the first person that came into my head”
JS: “You can’t remember exactly when. You put it the last weekend (in august).”
KR: “She was going Tenerife.”
He says one of the men suggested “putting it on someone’s driveway.”
JS: “That’s why you can pinpoint it. When the vehicle arrives, how did you get from Derbyshire Hill Road?”
KR: “In the passenger seat of that car.”
JS: “You get in the passenger seat. We had someone else in the passenger seat.”
KR: “He’s nipped in the back?”
JS: “How long did it take?”
KR: “Two minutes.”
JS: “What was getting said in the car?”
KR: “Nothing much. He just said nice one for this, just thanking me that’s all. He said it won’t get smashed up around here.”
JS: “Did you put a call in to Abbie to ask her and she agreed?”
KR: “Yeah. Before we went in the car.”
JS: “Who was in the house?”
KR: “Abbie and Jamie. Abbie was doing the dishes.”
JS: “What’s being said to Jamie?”
“Nothing. I didn’t have to justify anything to Jamie. I just went straight to Abbie, spoke to Abbie about it.”
Radford says he had been passed the money and left 50 pounds on the side for Abbie.
He repeats he can’t remember what the second car was.
JS: “That vehicle has been with another vehicle. There was one person in that car?”
KR: “Yeah.”
JS: “But you can’t remember, what colour was it?”
KR: “I can’t remember. I’ve told you that three times.”
JS: “They all get in that other vehicle. You give 50 quid to Abbie. You’ve given them your number. Who took your number?”
KR: “The driver.”
Ashley Dale’s dad leaves the courtroom.


Radford says he knew Joseph Peers 'through his brother'​

DC Sheedy: “Do you know where the vehicle had come from?”
Radford: “They said Liverpool. They had a Liverpool accent.”
JS: “Did you touch anything, did you see anything in the car?”
KR: “No.”
JS: “Did you see any implements in the car, firearms?”
KR: “No.”
JS: “Do you know anything about the murder of Ashley Dale?”
KR: “No. I seen it on Facebook.”
JS: “Do you know who's responsible for the murder of Ashley?”
KR: “No.”
JS: “Do you know why she was killed?”
KR: “No. Nothing at all.”
JS: “She was shot with a firearm. Do you know where that firearm is now?”
KR: “No.”
JS: “We’ve made a number of arrests in relation to this murder for different offences. We’ve arrested four people for murder, others like yourself for assisting. I’m going to go through these names and whether they mean anything to you.
“Niall Barry?”
KR: “Never heard of him.”
JS:” Branch?”
KR: “Never heard of him.”
JS: “James Witham.”
KR: “No.”
JS: “Joseph Peers?”
KR: “I’ve heard, I know him through a friend. My friend’s brother. My friend, Thomas, he’s in jail now. Thomas Peers.”
JS: “How long have you known Thomas for?”
KR: “Years. He used to come down. My friend met him when he was in Turkey abroad, that’s how I met him then.”
JS: “Have you met Joe?”
KR: “Once or twice, years ago.”
JS: “Is he a friend or not
KR: “Yeah. Ish. I don’t speak to him every single day.”
JS: “He’s quite important in our investigation, because he’s been arrested.”
DC Sheedy says Peers lived in Roby
KR: “I’d get the train up to Roby, get the train back.”
JS: “How many times have you been to Joseph’s house?”
KR: “About three times, something like that.”
JS: “Ian Fitzgibbon?”
KR: “No.”
JS: “Dillon Cain?”
KR: “No.”
JS: “David McCaig?”
KR: “No. never heard of any of them.”


Radford 'visits Peers home'​

Radford says the Hyundai “had dents in the back of it” and “broken lights”, while the other car turned left from Ms Jevins’ house and drove away..
DC Sheedy: “Do you know a lad called Sean Zeisz?”
KR: “No no no. I don’t know. Does that begin with a Z? Is he Zest then? That’s the only thing I thought I heard someone say in the car.”
JS: “Joseph Peers, the phone contract you’ve had with him. How do you get in contact with him?”
KR: “I don’t really see Joe. I’ve only seen his mum. I go up there and knock on the door with my friend. They’ll make us a brew.”
Radford says did not have Peers’ phone number.
JS: “The last time you saw him was a few weeks ago?
KR: “Yeah, yeah.”
JS: “Were you aware he’d been arrested?”
KR: “Nah, nah. He never told me.”
JS: “Does he live with his mum?”
KR: “Yeah. I only go up there now and again. He’s usually in the back when I go up there. I go up to see his mum, check his mum’s ok.”
That concludes the recording of Radford’s first police interview.
The court will take a short break, resuming at 12.35pm.


'Tell Radford I'm getting arrested for that car'​

Mr Greaney says he will now play a recording of Radford’s second interview with police, which took place on October 12 last year.
The detective speaking in this interview is DC Landers from West Yorkshire Police, who were assisting Merseyside Police.
Radford is accompanied by his solicitor, Graham Simpson, and an appropriate adult.
He again states his name and date of birth. He is asked if there is anything he wants to add or change from initial account, and says no
DL: “You have said when this car approached, you got into the passenger’s side. Is there anywhere else you have been?”
KR: “No I was only there two minutes and I got straight out.”
He says he would have touched the handle on the inside of the car.
He is asked if it looked like it had been cleaned.
KR: “It was quite a fresh car to be fair. It’s a proper good car.”
He is asked about the outside, and says he noticed a dent in the back.
“II asked if that was where someone tried to smash it up and they said yeah, yeah, yeah.”
He is shown pictures of the car.
KR: “I noticed that at the back.”
DL: “Did you notice the damage to the number plate of the front or the back?”
KR: “The front. It was parked up to the fence. I said has someone tried smacking it with a golf club or something like that? That’s what it looked like.”
He is asked whether he was instructed to change the number plates, and says no
The detective refers to a message sent on September 24, 2022, from Abbie Jevins to Kallum Radford’s number: “Keys are behind front right tyre on car.”
KR: “Those were her front door keys.”
He says he was using them to get into her house.
He was then in her house for around an hour and “just chilled”
Radford says he “kept the keys on me and she came and picked them up”
The detective refers to Facebook messages on October 9 from Abbie to Radford.
Abbie said: “I have nothing to do with this car.”
DL: “Was that when the police were at her house? Is that what it’s about?”
KR: “I think so. She was just saying what the *advertiser censored**.”
DL: “You were a bit confused?”
KR: “Yeah, I didn’t understand why.”
DL: “Have you rang each other?”
KR: “No.”
DL: “Did you reply?”
KR: “I can’t remember.”
DL: “Shortly after that, there was another message sent from Abbie to yourself saying ‘taking that car’. She’s sent a message to your partner ‘tell Radford I’m getting arrested for that car’.
KR: “I wasn’t with Teigan at the time.”
DL: “Did she tell you Abbie was getting arrested?”
KR: “Yeah but my head was all over the place. I’d found my dad dead two days before. I wanted to die when I found my dad dead. I was trying to get myself straight and all this has come on me.”
In the messages, Radford replies to Abbie saying: “what the *advertiser censored** dont *advertiser censored***** lie oh my god”
Radford agrees that the message showed he was “shocked”.


Radford begins answering 'no comment'​

Radford is asked whether Ms Jevins’ partner was in the house when the car was dropped off.
He replies: “He was chilling on the couch, she was in the kitchen. I’m sure he was. That was their routine. She was always cleaning when I went around.”
Radford is asked whether the men came into the house, and replies “no comment”.
DC Landers: “At what point did you think there might be something not right here
KR: “no comment”.
Radford asked about Thomas Peers and Joseph Peers.
DL: “Your mate Thomas is now in prison. Sometimes you go to Thomas’ mum’s house. You’d get the train across and walk a little route. You said you didn’t have contact information for Joseph Peers and haven’t been in contact with him recently. Is that all correct?”
KR: “No comment.”
The detective says “You’ve been in contact with each other through phones calls and text messages” between August 16 and 24.
Radford replies “no comment”.
DL: “Why have you tried to contact him?”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “Why has he tried to get in touch with you?”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “There were six times you’ve contacted each other. At 7 minutes to 5 in the afternoon, there was a phone conversation lasting three and a half minutes. What were you speaking about?”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “Can you remember that conversation?”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “Were you making arrangements to move this vehicle?”
KR: “No comment.”
He says Joseph Peers has second phone number.
DL “Do you know of Joseph Peers using the phone number of the other number?”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “Would you have them saved on your phone?”
KR: “No comment.”
On September 4 Radford’s phone is in contact with Peers’s number eight times.
DL: “Explain that to me?”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “Why have you been contacting each other?”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “What have you been speaking about
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “When you’ve tried to contact him, what was your intention
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “Why did you need to speak to him
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “Why’s he needed to speak to you
KR: “No comment.”
DL “Have you ever been in a car with Peers
KR: “No comment.”


'Have you been threatened?'​

Radford is asked if was living on Redgate Drive on August 21.
KR: “I’m here there and everywhere.”
He is asked if had ever booked a taxi from there to Woodlands Road.”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “Who lives on Woodlands Road?”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “What’s on Woodlands Road you need to go to?”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “On August 21 at 15.37, the police know a taxi is booked from Redgate Drive to Woodlands Road, did you book that journey?”
Radford asks for the question to be repeated then says “no comment”
DL: : “Do you know who did?”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “Have you got in that taxi to go to the address of Joseph Peers?”
KR: “No comment.”
Radford is given the phone number used to make the taxi booking.
DL: “Does that number mean anything to you?”
KR: “No comment.”
DL: “Have you got taxis to there before?”
KR: “No comment. I’m no commenting to it all. You’re trying to trip me up with the questions. I’m telling the truth.
DL: “We’re just presenting you the evidence that we have got.”
KR: “ I know, you’re trying to get justice for that girl and I hope you do get justice. But I’m going no comment so I don’t get hurt.”
Radford says “that’s not my number”, referring to the number used to make the taxi booking.
DC Sheedy interjects and asks: “What do you mean so you don’t get hurt?”
Radford says: “no comment.”
KR: “There are loads of people who come to my address. No comment.”
DS: “The significance is Woodlands Road, that’s where Joseph’s mum lives.”
KR: “I’m no commenting it.”
DS: “It’s the day of the murder and all of a sudden you’re getting a taxi. Have you come into money?”
KR: “No comment.”
DS: “Was Joseph in your house that day?”
KR: “No comment.
DS: “Has Peers got a taxi on that day, had he turned up at that address in the Hyundai?”
KR: “No comment.”
DS: “Have you been threatened into looking after this?”
KR: “No comment.”
That concludes Radford’s second interview.
The court will now break for lunch, resuming at 2.10pm.'


'I was very scared'​

Mr Greaney says the jury will now be played a video of a “third and final” interview between Radford and detectives.
This was conducted on January 31 this year.
He is again seen on the footage sat at a desk besides his solicitor, Graeme Simpson, and wearing a grey tracksuit.
The interview is conducted by PSI Paul Smith and DC Joanne Sheedy at St Anne Street Police Station.
Radford says to the detectives: “I was very scared when I first come in. My head wasn’t all there when I came in for my first interview. We had cameras in my face. I was put under a load of pressure. I’ve realised if I tell the truth I’ll still be able to see my family. Obviously I hope the girl gets some closure for what happened to her.”
He adds: “I’ve not said anything because I’ve been put under a lot of pressure. I told the truth in the last interview, but not who and where.”
PSI Smith reads the legal details of what offence of assisting can entail.
PS: “It’s a lot to take in.”
KR: “It is yeah.”


Radford says 'they could kill my family'​

PSI Smith says they are here in relation to the murder of Ashley Dale, who died after a “gunshot wound to the abdomen”.
He says the Hyundai was identified as being involved in murder, found on Abbie Jevins’s address on Waring in St Helens
PS: “She said a few weeks ago you attended her address and asked if she would allow the vehicle to be parked on her property.”
He asks Radford: “Is there anything you wish to change or clarify from your last interview”
KR: “There’s a few things I need to change.”
DC Sheedy says he should “start from the beginning, tell us everything”.
KR: “Joe’s come down and parked the car up on Redgate Drive. I’ve said what’s happening. He said I’ve just been in a little crash with the car. I said this car’s not robbed is it? He said it’s not robbed, would I do that to you? I know his brother, I thought he wouldn’t do it to me.”
Radford says he needed to get his bike off his garden so the car “couldn’t stay here”
He says he told Peers he would “ask his mate for him” and rang Ms Jevins.
KR: “She said yeah, yeah no problem. I’ve gone down in that car. I’ve gone down there with him. He’s passed me £100. He said ‘nice one for this lad, it will be gone in a week’. I’ve gone into the house and passed Abby £50. I’ve split the money 50/50. When the week was over I was ringing him. I thought someone could be smashing the car up or something. He didn’t come and get the car you see. I rang him and said look it’s on her drive you have to move it. He kept making excuses.”
He says he was told “One of my mates has just been nicked over the Encros, he’s just paid £20,000 for it.”
“He just kept making excuses up and didn’t move it.”
Referring to his first interview, he says: “I was scared because I found out what the crime was when Abbie got arrested. I got scared thinking what if these people come and kill my family? There was big cameras in my face, they could tell people I’ve spoke to yous. That’s what’s made me not tell the full honest truth. I was scared for people around me. They can do what they want to me, but I’m scared for other people. The only reason I didn’t tell yous much is I was scared. These are gunmen, what if they come to my sister’s home and kill my sister? They’ve killed a girl. I feel sorry for the girl, but I didn’t have a clue about it until Abbie messaged me.”


Radford: "Peers is a horrible rat"​

PSI Smith interjects and asks how Peers came to Radford with the offer about the car.
Radford: “He’s knocked on with me cousin. I think he’s a rat. I used to think of him as a friend but he’s a horrible rat for putting me in this situation. I didn’t think he’d be capable of anything like this. He’s come around with my cousin.”
Radford is asked when this happened.
KR: “I can’t remember what date it was.”
Radford says Peers drove the car round and he was in the passenger seat. He says he may have touched the handle while in the vehicle.
Radford says another car followed” with another man inside.
KR: “I thought his name was Zest because I heard Joe speak about him in the past but I have never met these people.”
He is asked to describe him
“Dark hair, tall. That’s all I can remember really.”
He says he “was a bit taller” and “a bit skinnier”.
Radford says he was “chilling with Abbie” and “had a quick joint” before “getting off”
KR: “I couldn’t even tell you where I went to after Abbie’s.”
He is asked if Peers said anything as he left.
KR: “He said I’ll see you in a bit. I’ll be back in a week and I’ll come back and get it. He was saying his mates been nicked over the Encros and he’s paid 20 grand for it. I said ‘you’re gonna have to come and get it’.
PS: “You’re chilling for a couple of hours?”
KR: “I can’t remember where I went after that. I just thought I was minding a car for a friend.”
He is asked if anyone had been in the car once it was on Abbie’s drive.
KR: “No. I went to his during that time. We never went to see him, we used to chill and have a brew with his mum. He was in the bath. When he come downstairs, I said when are you gonna move that car lad she wants it gone off her drive. He was like I’ll get someone to come round tomorrow and we’ll move it
PS: “What about this taxi?”
KR: “I can’t remember you know.”
He is told the number used was Curtis Holland, who he confirms is his cousin.
PSI Smith says a call was later made from Peers’ mum’s home, ordering a taxi from Woodlands Road to Mercure Hotel in St Helens.
PS: “It looks like it’s got to be Joe who’s got the taxi from your home address.”
KR: “It will have been.”
PS: “Then the taxi goes close to Joe’s house. A short time later, a taxi takes Joe and James Witham.”
KR: “I don’t know who he is. Unless that was the lad who was with him. I don’t know, I don’t know who that person is. I don’t know who either of them are. I’m a bit scared telling yous this now but it’s the right thing to do. People are gonna come for me. As long as my family’s ok. That’s the main thing, that’s all I hope for. I don’t want anyone getting hurt. People can come to my family.”
Radford refers to his arrest being filmed by a camera crew, and says he is worried footage will be screened on TV, specifically “on Channel 4”.
PS: “Honestly I wouldn’t worry about it. That camera crew are following so many people around. When it comes to the edit, honestly, this might not even be on there.”
KR: “Them camera crews being in here put a big worry on my back. It’s a lot.”


Radford says Peers 'tried to stitch me up'​

Radford is asked if Peers was “blanking him” after he had left the car.
He says “he was answering the phone to me” but was “making excuses”.
Of his first interviews, Radford says: “Literally five days before, I found my dad. Two days before, I’d handed myself in. What the hell is going on in my life at the moment? I feel sorry for the girl this had happened to. I don’t know who she is.”
The detectives refer to Peers being arrested and bailed.
PS: “There are quite a number of calls between you and him. What did you talk about?”
KR: “I’ve not had contact. I never want to speak to any of them again. I feel like they’ve put me in a really bad situation they could have handled themselves. They’ve put that situation on me. I won’t give them the time of day again, I hate them. They’re horrible people.
“He was arrested after me wasn’t he? So it’s not like he’s not known, he’s had an inkling, obviously known what it was about but not given me the heads up or done nothing. I think he’s tried to let me take the fall for what they’ve done. Why would you park the car on a drive in the next town along? He’s tried to stitch me up if you think about it.”
“I wanted the car to be gone. As the weeks were going by, I started to think is it stolen. I was on his case about her saying, when’s he moving this car? I just wanted him to move the car away from the house. The car was on the drive for five to six weeks.”
PS: “Did he give you any more money at all?”
KR: “No not at all. I feel like a wrongun. I don’t want nothing to happen to people around me. Can you confirm nothing will happen? As long as my family’s safe, my sister is safe, my girlfriend’s safe, my mum’s safe. They can do what they want to me.”


'They've threw me under the bus"​

Radford is asked how he knows Joseph Peers.
KR: “Through his brother, Thomas….He was a good friend of mine. We used to walk the dogs together. One of my friends went to Turkey. He was getting his teeth done or his hair done. They met up in the bars. I got good friends with Thomas. I’d just go on the odd occasion to Thomas’ house. Thomas went to jail. I felt sorry for him. We’d go up to his mum’s, helping his mum out. She was a lovely lady. We’d be chilling, having a brew. He’d phone off the jail phone, we’d have a chat with him. His brother used to come down and be ‘alright lads’”
Radford says he did consider them friends, but adds: “Now, I don't want nothing to do with them. They’ve threw me under the bus and drove over me with it themselves. It’s not a nice thing to do is it?. They’ve obviously thought they’re planting it on me. If they were clever enough, they’d have lit it on fire. Well they haven’t and it’s going to have to backfire on them isn’t it. Horrible people. He’s wanted to frame me I think, in my eyes, or he’s wanted to do something. My head’s been all over the place asking why, why’s he wanted to do this to me.”
Radford says has known Joseph Peers “about two or three years”.
KR: “I thought he was a nice lad. He’s come down and we’d having a chill in the back garden and a little joint. I used to think he was a funny lad. I was mainly going up to his.”
DC Sheedy asks: “You were reasonable friends then?”
KR: “I wouldn’t class him as one of my boys. I had a lot of time for his brother.”
He is asked if he had Peers’s number saved in his phone.
KR: “I don’t think he was actually saved in my phone, I can’t remember. I think he’s rang me off a couple of numbers.”
DC Sheedy says there are calls from August 16 “going backwards and forwards”.
JS: “There’s six calls on August 28. Not all of them, some of them don’t make contact. But then there are conversations when you chat as well. Can you remember those calls?"
Radford says he does not remember.
JS: “How would you contact him?
KR: “I’d phone his mum’s phone.”
JS: “Curtis, your cousin, has opened the door to him. What happened then?”
KR: “Curtis phoned me.”
JS: “Prior to that you didn’t know Joey was going to turn up?”
KR: “No. I can’t remember what Curtis said to me. I’ve got there and there’s a car on the front. I’ve said who’s car is this? He said it’s just been involved in a little crash and then someone was smashing it up.”
He is asked about damage.
KR: “I think there’s a little crack on the back light.”
He was told the accident was in Wales.
JS: “Joeys in the car. Who’s driving the car?”
KR: “Joe?”
JS: “Who else is in the car?”
KR: “It was just me and Joe and I think his mate jumped in the other car. I can’t remember what the car was.”
JS: “What was Joe wearing?”
KR: “I couldn’t even tell you what he was wearing. I haven’t a clue. I can’t think that far backwards.”
JS: “Joes knocking on your door, he’s said he’s having a bit of bother. His car might get smashed up, he’s already had a crash in it. Then he’s asking you can you put the car somewhere. You immediately think we could put it on Abbie’s did he ask you to put it off the road?”
KR: “No. He said someone’s garden or garage or something.”


"I've got to do this for her?"​

DC Sheedy refers back to the first interview.
JS: “You told us there was a lad. You tell us there’s a second male.”
Radford says: “I didn’t want to tell you too much because I was scared at the time. I told you the truth but not the full truth.”
JS: “You said ‘I couldn’t remember what he looked like. I can just tell you if I seen him again. I’m sure one of them begins with Z’.”
KR: “I’ve heard Joe say that name before.”
JS: “Was that on the Sunday. The day the car was brought round?”
KR: “I don’t think so, no. I can’t remember what day it was.”
JS: “When he’s brought the Hyundai round to your house. Ashley gets murdered early hours, and they bring the car in the afternoon.”
KR: “I wasn’t in though.”
JS: “He just rocks up and knocks at the door.”
KR: “Yeah yeah. I wasn’t in the house.”
JS: “In your previous interview, you said ‘I’m sure one of them begins with Z but I can’t remember what it was. It might have been a nickname’. I’ve said to you he was referred to as Z. You replied ‘something mad like that, that’s what I can remember. I’ve said it’s a bit unusual that’. You agree and say yes.”
KR: “Cos I’ve heard him say that name before. I was just thinking in my head is that him. If yous are saying it was somebody different it must be somebody different. That’s the only name I’ve ever heard him say.”
JS: “Did he say that to the lad on the day?”
KR: “I can’t remember. I didn’t know who he was.”
JS: “Did he refer to the male as Zest?”
KR: “Not that I can remember no, I’ve just heard him say that name before.”
JS: “Was he in that car?”
KR: “He got in a different car. He drove.”
Radford says he “doesn’t like the way he is being spoken to”
“I’ve told you as much as I can tell you. I tried to tell you as much as I could in the first interview. I was scared what would happen to me.”
PS: “Why did you tell us someone else was in the car.”
KR: “I was worried. I didn’t know what to say. I’d just lost my dad. My head was all over the place. I had cameras in my face. Where’s my safety for my family?”
JS: “You do say Zest, Z was the passenger in the car. Was he ever in that car?”
KR: “I don’t know. He might have come in the car. I wasn’t there when he brought the car.”
JS: “The second vehicle, which potentially Z gets into. You don’t know who this lad is?”
KR: “I don’t have a clue who he is?”
JS: “Can you describe him to me?”
KR: “Dark hair like. Slimmer build than me. I don’t know if he was the same height…. Scouser. He didn’t speak a lot. I can’t remember what they was wearing.”
JS: “How was Peers?”
KR: “He was just being alright with me?”
JS: “Didn’t seem bothered about anything?”
KR: “No.”
JS: “We’ve then got Peers and yourself, you go to Abbie’s?”
KR: “There was a car following. I can’t remember what type it was.”
Radford says he “doesn’t like the interrogation side of it”.
KR: “I’ve got a little girl. I’ve got to do this for her.”


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