UK - Ashley Dale, 28 fatally shot at home, Liverpool - 21 Aug 2022

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
They somehow managed to convict Cashman, a 6ft tall slightly tubby bloke of a murder committed by a 5ft7 scrawny m!dget (as described by at least three eyewitnesses). And unlike the other cases I mentioned, where the prosecution were able to develop a rich narrative surrounding the feud between two parties with established events. With Cashman and Nee there was none of that, the link between Cashman and Nee was basically "was drugs" and nothing else! And they managed to find the tiniest possible traces of gun residue on clothing worn by a man who had supposedly fired two guns.

I know this is way off topic but it really haunts me that Olivia's real killer might still be at large, even if Cashman is an objectively risible character whom it is very difficult to feel sympathy for even if wrongly convicted.
It seems to me the prosecution have a rock solid case, and have painted a very clear picture to the jury, with plenty of evidence, much of it from poor Ashley's messages. Why can't these sad, pathetic men just attack each other and leave innocent women out of it? Also, nice to see Ashley's boyfriend, the real target, doesn't seem to have done anything to help the police catch her killers. Classy.

Also - a spur of the moment trip to Dubai in August? Yeah, right! I used to live in Dubai and it's 40 plus degrees in August with 90% humidity. Nobody goes there in July/August for fun; most people are trying to escape!

Finally, Bobby, did you notice the following stated by the prosecution, which reminded me of all our discussions during the tik tok trial about Mohammed Patel's evidence:

The law is that what one defendant says about another in interview is not evidence against the other defendant unless and until the defendant who has made the claim enters the witness box and repeats it.

Explains a lot!

Heh, I just linked that over on that case's thread before I reached your post, thinking exactly the same thing, I'd figured that this must be how it worked from the context, but great to have it confirmed fully!

As to this case, "sad, pathetic men" about sums it up - too full of ego to sort their differences out like civilised human beings but instead murder someone who had little to nothing to do with it... for what? They all need to grow up.
They somehow managed to convict Cashman, a 6ft tall slightly tubby bloke of a murder committed by a 5ft7 scrawny m!dget (as described by at least three eyewitnesses). And unlike the other cases I mentioned, where the prosecution were able to develop a rich narrative surrounding the feud between two parties with established events. With Cashman and Nee there was none of that, the link between Cashman and Nee was basically "was drugs" and nothing else! And they managed to find the tiniest possible traces of gun residue on clothing worn by a man who had supposedly fired two guns.

I know this is way off topic but it really haunts me that Olivia's real killer might still be at large, even if Cashman is an objectively risible character whom it is very difficult to feel sympathy for even if wrongly convicted.

I do think they got the right person. Regardless of what was said in court, within days of Olivia's death, Cashman's name was all over social media in Liverpool. Everyone knew he did it, but he was arrogant enough to think nobody would dare to grass him up because he was acting on behalf of a well-known crime family. There have been things discussed about this on social media, which can't be posted on here as unsubstantiated, but I'm sure he did it.

Plus, I just did a quick google and read he had appealed the length of his sentence (and lost) but can't see anything stating he has appealed the verdict. If he was innocent, wouldn't he have appealed the verdict?

I just want to add it seems to me Ashley was worried sick about something happening to her boyfriend, but I don't feel she perceived any direct risk to herself. I can't believe her boyfriend left her alone that night when things were so dangerous and then refused to help the police. What a loser. These blokes all look so young as well. There's a video online of Dusty attempting to do some sort of gangsta rap and he looks like a gormless teenager. He definitely stirred things up a lot by sleeping with Zest's girlfriend and firing a gun outside Rikki's house.
I just want to add it seems to me Ashley was worried sick about something happening to her boyfriend, but I don't feel she perceived any direct risk to herself. I can't believe her boyfriend left her alone that night when things were so dangerous and then refused to help the police. What a loser. These blokes all look so young as well. There's a video online of Dusty attempting to do some sort of gangsta rap and he looks like a gormless teenager. He definitely stirred things up a lot by sleeping with Zest's girlfriend and firing a gun outside Rikki's house.
Just throw away the key!
I honestly don't see any chance of rehabilitation here.
Social pathology.
So, another woman dead :(

Wonder if this is the same bloke....shame they don't just kill each other.


Jury take their seats in court​

The jurors take their seats in court.
Justice Goose tells the jury: “We have now concluded the opening of the case. I did mention we would reach a point I would need to ask you again if you have any difficulties sitting on this trial.”
None of the jurors raise any concerns.
The two reserve jurors, a man and woman, will be excused and we will proceed with a jury of 12. Justice Goose thanks them for their assistance.
They are told not to speak to anyone else about this case, and will be released to perform jury duty on other cases.


Prosecution calls Detective Constable Lauren Hunter to the witness stand​

The prosecution will now begin to introduce evidence.
Junior counsel for the prosecution, Alex Langhorn, will read into the record a set of agreed facts - evidence not in dispute between the prosecution and defence.
Mr Langhorn asks the jury to look at some documents they have been provided with.
He says: “The sequence of events, save where corrected or challenged in the course of the prosecution case, accurately sets out names, dates of birth, telephone numbers and home addresses of people set out in the images.”
The Sequence of Events also contains messages between parties, and masts the telephones connected to, and various locations and timings.
The make and model of the Hyundai i30n performance is not in dispute, and footage of the vehicle is agreed to show that particular car.
Mr Langhorn tells the jury that the use of cell site data is agreed.
Mr Langhorn asks the jury to put a copy of the agreed facts into their jury bundle folders, and calls the first witness in the case.
Detective Constable Lauren Hunter is called to the witness stand and takes the oath, to assist guide the jury through the sequence of events document.
She confirms her name, and that she was involved in Operation Perth, the investigation into the death of Ashley Dale.
Mr Langhorn asks her what her role in the investigation was.
LH: “Initially I was allocated the role of outside enquiry team; that would involve various tasks; witness enquiries, interviewing suspects, CCTV enquiries.”
She says, however, that soon Ashley’s phone was deemed of particular importance, and she began to focus mainly on that.
Mr Langhorn asks for a timeline to be displayed on the court TV monitors.
An image of Joseph Peers is displayed, she confirms he was 28 at the time of Ashley’s death.
Mr Langhorn asks how many phones were attributed to Peers.
LH: “There are three phones attributed to Mr Peers and the end four digits of those phones are shown just to the left of his picture.”


Ashley was a member of a WhatsApp group called 'The Birds'​

Mr Langhorn asks DC Hunter to confirm one phone was active for just under two months, May 10 to July 2.
The second was active between August 8 and September 4. The third between August 31, September 13.
She confirms Peers was linked to an address in Woodlands Road, Roby, and 267 Pilch Lane in Huyton.
The next image is of Kallum Radford, who was 25 at the time of the shooting. One phone has been attributed to him.
That phone was active between August 16 and October 9. He was linked to addresses in Waring Avenue, St Helens, and Redgate Drive in the town.
DC Hunter says Radford was associated with a woman called Abbey Jevins, aged 23 at the time.
The next image is of Sean Zeisz, who was 27 at the time of the murder. DC Hunter confirms he was known by the names Zest, Z, and the pseudonym ‘Edward Scissor’. Two phones were linked to Zeisz.
He was linked to addresses in Longreach Road,which was his home address, as well as Grange Close in Huyton. He is also linked to the flat in Pilch Lane.
DC Hunter confirms Zeisz’s girlfriend was Olivia McDowell, known as Liv to her friends. She was 28 at the time of Ashley’s death. She is the cousin of Ian Fitzgibbon.
The next image is of Niall Barry, who was 26 at the time. She says he uses the names ‘Branch’, as well as Niall Warner.
He was linked to four telephones. One of the devices was recovered. The second, active between July 4 and August 20, was also recovered.
The third device was active between August 18 and 24. The fourth phone was active between August 20 and August 24.
He was linked to addresses in Moscow Drive in Tuebrook and the flat in Pilch Lane. His girlfriend was Lucy Worley, 22 at the time. The document attributes a phone number to Miss Worley.
The next image shows James Witham, who was 40 at the time of Ashley’s death. His phone was active between July 24 and August 20.
A “number of other numbers” were attributed to Witham “post offence”. One was active between August 22 to 23. The next was between August 23 and 27. The third was active between August 24 through to September 13.
There are two further numbers active between August 27 and September 13. Witham is linked to addresses in Ashbury road Huyton and the flat in Pilch Lane.
The next image shows Ian Fitzgibbon. He had a number active between August 2 and August 25. His addresses include Heigham Gardens in St Helens, Linnet Lane in Aigburth and the flat in Pilch Lane.
Three more images are shown on the screen, described as associates, including David McCaig,26, Dillon Caine, 23, and Michael Kershaw, 35. The police have identified phone numbers for each man.
The next images shown are of Ashley Dale and her boyfriend, Lee Harrison, DC Hunter says Ashley was 28, and they are shown which phone number was hers.
DC Hunter says that is the phone she is primarily responsible for reviewing.
She says her partner, Lee Harrison, was 25 at the time. Harrison was known by the nickname ‘Saz’. Two phones were attributed to Harrison, although they used the same SIM card.
Mr Langhorn confirms that Ashley was a member of a WhatsApp group chat called ‘The Birds’, which contained six other women. The jury are shown a photo of a group of women which was the profile of the group.
Mr Langhorn says they will only be referred to by their first names. The other members were Lydia, Lois, Elle, Tia, Georgia and Lizzie.
Other relevant contacts include her mum, Julie Dale, and friends called Sophie, Liv, Jade, Charl, Mol and Sharon.


Jury shown images of addresses that will be mentioned​

Mr Langhorn displays two further images, described as associates of Lee Harrison. The first image is of Jordan Thompson, aka Dusty, he was 21.
The second image is of Rikki Warnick, who died by suicide on July 21.
The next images show five vehicles, including the Hyundai i30 driven by Witham and Ashley’s white Volkswagen T-Roc.
The others are a silver Mercedes used by Zeisz and a Volkswagen used by Fitzgibbon, and an Audi S3 used by Witham, McCaig and Barry.
A map is displayed to the jury showing Pilch Lane, with the flat at 267 marked out. A Co-op and a Go Local shop are also marked as locations where CCTV was recovered.
A photo of the flat and the Go Local are displayed, with the door accessing the flat marked.
On the opposite side of the road is the Co-op, at the junction with Wyndham Avenue. Wyndham Avenue is a one-way street marked with a stop sign.
A segment of footage captured by a drone is played to the jury showing Wyndham Avenue and Pilch Lane from above.
The CCTV cameras at the two shops are marked in yellow, while 267 Pilch Lane is marked in white.
The camera travels along Pilch Lane towards the junction with Page Moss Lane, and turns left.
A shop along Page Moss Lane, Adisco Food and Wines, is marked in yellow.


Properties and CCTV cameras also mapped out​

Mr Langhorn continues playing the drone footage.
The location of a CCTV camera at Adisco is marked on the footage.
A new map is displayed, showing Leinster Road in Old Swan. Ashley’s home address is marked in purple.
Mr Langhorn plays a second segment of drone footage, beginning on Oakhill Road. CCTV cameras overlooking the street are marked in yellow. The drone approaches the junction with Leinster Road, which is to the left as the drone passes.
The drone turns down Leinster Road. The location of a private CCTV camera is marked in yellow, while Ashley’s home at number 40 is marked in red.
There is a second private camera at the opposite end of Leinster Road, before the junction with Prescot Road. The drone turns right onto Prescot Road, approaching the junction with Queens Drive, and the footage ends.
The next map shows 10 Waring Avenue, St Helens, where the Hyundai was found parked on a driveway.


Photographs found on Ashley's phone include Lee Harrison posing with Niall Barry​

The next section relates to photos from Ashley’s phone relating to history between Lee Harrison and the defendants.
Images recovered from Ashley’s phone shows Lee Harrison posing with Niall Barry, who has his arm around Harrison’s shoulder. Both are smiling. DC Hunter says the photo could not be dated due to lack of “metadata”.
A second image shows Lee Harrison, Niall Barry and Sean Zeisz.
Another image shows Ashley Dale, Lee Harrison and Niall Barry.
Lee Harrison, Ashley Dale, Niall Barry and Ian Fitzgibbon are posing together in another image.
Another image shows Ashley, Harrison and James Witham.
DC Hunter says none of the images can be dated.
Mr Langhorn asks about photos taken at Glastonbury Festival 2022.
The first shows Ashley Dale and Lee Harrison posing together.


Body-cam footage of Barry and Witham shown​

Mr Langhorn now reads a statement from a PC Ryan Burr.
“I am PC Burr, of Avon and Somerset Constabulary, On Sat 25 june 202 I was on duty in full uniformed crewed… At 8.25 I attended the Pig and Wheel… In room one I met two males, first gave name as Niall Warner, who was just wearing boxer shorts when I first met him.”
He says he took a photograph of Barry, who had a passport in the name Warner. He says he was in company of Warner/Barry for 90 minutes.
The jury are now played body-camera footage from PC Burr during the search of the room in the Pig and Wheel.
PC Burr searches a blue holdall bag on the bed. A pile of cash is laid out on the duvet.
RB: “Am I going to find anything in here?”
Barry murmurs something in response.
A second segment of footage is played, showing a “dialogue” between PC Burr and a colleague after Barry and Witham were stopped further down the road.
RB: “I am just going to grab a picture mate, can you take your hat off for two secs”.
He takes a picture of Barry outside the Pig and Wheel.
Mr Langhorn now reads the statement of PC James Whatley.
“On June 25, at 10.30 in duty in full uniform. We attended the A361 Pilton assisted with a stop vehicle containing males. The first identified himself as James William Witham. I searched a blue and navy holdall.. At the bottom of this bag I located a black handled flick knife…approx three inches in length.”
PC Whatley says he arrested the second male, who stated the bag was not his. Witham confirmed the bag was his. He was arrested and stated: “I didn’t know it was in there”.
Bodyworn footage of this stop is now played to the jury.
Witham is shown stood in front of a red vehicle wearing a two-tone blue jacket and a blue cap.
The officer with the camera searches a bag. He picks up Barry’s passport, and then the knife: “Oh hello Mr Niall”.
He walks over to Barry, who is seated in the back seat of a patrol car, and waves the knife at him. Barry says: “That’s not my bag.”
Witham shouts over that the bag is his. Witham tells the officer there is ketamine in the bag. The officer returns to the bag.
The officer tells Witham he is under arrest for possession of the knife, and reads him his rights.
PC: “Where is the ketamine in here then. I have searched the bag and I can’t find any ketamine?”
The officer searches through the bag, finding cash and a driving licence. The officer tells his colleague that Barry confirmed his passport was in the bag, but said it was not his. He says the other man, Witham, immediately confirmed it was his bag.
The footage ends.


Ashley texts that Liv 'legged' Zeisz​

Mr Langhorn displays a map of the UK. DC Hunter says it shows cell site locations for a phone attributed to Joseph Peers as it journeys from Liverpool to Somerset on Saturday, June 25, 2022.
It is cell-sited at Glastonbury until the following day, June 26.
The phone makes a return journey starting in the early hours, and cell-sites back in Liverpool at 9.48.
Mr Langhorn plays more body-worn footage from PC Burr, showing the Audi S3 linked to Witham, McCaig and Peers.
DC Hunter says there was dialogue between Ashley and her friends on her phone about the festival, and an incident that occurred there.
A portion of footage showing the messages is played to the jury, between Ashley and her friend Sophie. On June 27, 2022, the day after her return from Glastonbury.
An image of Ashley and Lee Harrison posing together at the festival, on June 23, is displayed. Ashley is showing a peace sign.
The first message from Sophie reads: “Omg what happened with Zest and Liv”.
AD: “Zest got smacked Saturday and again last night by all joker and that”.
DC Hunter confirms Zest is a nickname for Zeisz. She says Joker is someone they have not been able to identify.
AD: “Yeah Dusty hit him too.” DC Hunter confirms Dusty is Jordan Thompson.
AD: “I dunno if Liv got hit... She ended up legging Zest and staying with us with Dusty”. The message is followed by a crying laughing face emoji.
Mr Langhorn suggests this would be a convenient moment for a short break before the next segment of messages is played.
Justice Goose excuses the jury for 15 minutes.


Voice notes between Ashley and Liv after Glastonbury played​

The jury are back in court and we are ready to resume.
The next set of messages are between Ashley and her friend Liv, aka Olivia McDowell, the then partner of Sean Zeisz, on June 29, 2022.
Ashley recorded a voice note: “I have just got back to ours….he’s obviously just fuming isn’t he because of everything and he’s taken it out on you but what are you meant to do….you tried your best to keep the peace…I wouldn’t even worry do you know what I mean….You could fall out with everyone, people could turn on you because of Zest..
“He’s obviously going to be *advertiser censored*** fuming because of everything, you just need to give him a few days.”
Liv responds: “I know Ash, but like *advertiser censored** hell but what does he want to do leave everyone would he rather me walk away on my own I don’t want that I would rather split up with him than fall out with everyone… I can’t be arsed with that life Ash. At the end of the day Saz is his mate and he’s arguing with everyone for Branch...You were speaking to Lee and I told him Lee was asking about him…
“I don’t want all this I have had enough of it Ash I am trying to keep the peace and he is like why are you doing all that…. He might not be arsed but I am. My life is so hard, I don’t know it’s just a mad one isn’t it. I don’t know whether I have made my mind up...
“I am going to have to move back in my nans or try and find another job...Why should I sit around while his emotions are high, he doesn’t give a *advertiser censored** if his bird is wandering around Glasto on her own...He’s calling me a rat I don’t know why, he’s calling me a rat because I have ended up with yous’...
“Coming home from Glasto, going through a break up, my head’s all over the place.”


Liv heard in voice note saying "I’m a girl it’s got nothing to do with me"​

Ashley Dale replies with another voice note:

“That’s what I’m saying as well you have got people in Glasto threatening you the likes of Spud and that, saying they’re going to give you legging and all that and you’re just wandering around on your own?
“He’ll come over and speak to lee and speak to me, when that happened with Joker and Wally and that you did try and keep the peace…
“It’s a mad situation for you because you do speak to everyone and you are falling out with everyone, well you’re not but you probably feel like you are…
“It’s just a proper hard one, you are proper stuck in the middle and you have been stuck in the middle for a long time.
“I know Branch has been chatting madness about Lee for a long time…getting a knife out in front of Ian Fitz and saying ‘where’s Saz I’m going to stab him up’...
“I feel like Sean should make a decision which side he’s on…I know he’s loyal to Branch and that trying to be a good mate but his life would be a lot easier if he just legged them.”
DC Hunter says in regards to the reference to ‘Wally’, the person referred to has not been identified.
Liv said: “He doesn’t speak to Branch. He's been distant to Branch for about a year and Branch will randomly pop up when he had murder with that Spud, Branch popped up dead random...
“Why the *advertiser censored** do I love I Branch, he’s never *advertiser censored*** there the amount Sean goes through because of him.
“I said *advertiser censored** Branch, everything that’s happened to you you’re going through and he’s never there. I said he’s a *advertiser censored***** can’t be in the middle of everything you have got to pick your side...
“I get on with everyone, I’m a girl it’s got nothing to do with me, but I just thought you know what? *advertiser censored** Branch.”


Ashley texts her friend "it’s scary coz he’s on some pure rampage"​

Mr Langhorn plays a further section of text messages between Ashley and her friend Sophie on July 3.
AD: “Branch is out for Lee isn’t he, there been murder again…So my nerves are gone over it all.”
S: “Don’t lie, why?”
AD: “Just still over the murder few years ago when they fell out… Branch is back on his high horse dunno where he’s popped back up from… He was in Glasto.. Pulled a big knife out to Ian Fitz and said wher’s Saz, he’s getting stabbed up.”
S: “Ano I thought I hadn’t seen him for years….OMG what the hell.”
AD: “But like he knows where we live and his mum”.
S: “Is that over when he got robbed?”
AD: “So like if yer gonna do something it’s been 3 years. Yeah.”
S: “I don’t know the full story. I just heard years ago the Hillsides robbed him. But like, why not do something about it three years ago.”
AD: “Coz Lee never took his side and they was best mates but Branch had been bumping Lee for ages saying he owed so much when he was putting stuff in the work so really he owed less and less used to answer all the phone so all the running round so Branch was taking the piss out of Lee and he found it all out off Ian.
“And then Lee left it for a weeks then he got robbed and he ended up saying ye have been bumping me and Branch was just denying it saying Hillsiders are filling ur head with *advertiser censored* and Lee said it’s not and then who’s told me. And then he was threatening to come here but he never come.”
S: “Don’t lie, heavy that.”
AD: “Then he just disappeared for years and now someone’s obv rattled his cage..But it’s scary coz he’s on some pure rampage.”
S: “But like obviously Lee is with the hillsides so like is Branch going to take them all on his own because Zest won’t back him.
AD: “Well that’s what Lee is saying that’s why he hasn’t really done anything coz he knows Lee has everyone backing him and they aren’t assed.”
S:” An he’s got no mates has he”
AD:” Coz they have nothing to lose”
S: “That’s just all madness, he’s horrible him, he used to just knock me sick. Freak.”


Texts between Barry and Zeisz shown in court​

Mr Langhorn moves on to another statement from PC Ryan Burr. He says on June 25, an Audi was seized from a group at the Pig and Wheel for no insurance.
He says he was contacted a few days later by Paul Michael Jordan who said he was the owner. He said he had lent it to a friend and could prove ownership.
PC Burr says on July 5, he received an email from Paul Jordan with a driving licence and proof of ownership.
Paul Jordan later attended a police station in Somerset, and the vehicle was released to him from a recovery centre.
However, the recovery agents later received a call from a woman saying her card had been fraudulently used to pay the charges for the vehicle.
Mr Langhorn displays a message from Niall Barry on July 16, from his personal phone to a phone attributed to Sean Zeisz. The message contained a selfie of Niall Barry outside a swimming pool, with a towel around his shoulders.
The number attributed to Zeisz returned a message with a selfie of Zeisz, Joseph Peers and an unknown woman.
Barry sent a further image to Zeisz, showing Michael Kershaw and James Witham in the background.
Mr Langhorn says that same number sends a Whatsapp message “get good dough rafflin it or summat”.
DC Hunter: “It’s quite common people raffle certain items they want to sell.”
Barry adds: “Or just try and spin, you can have for 12k.” DC Hunter says the message suggests selling the car for £12,000.
Shortly after that an image is sent from Barry to Zeisz of the Audi S3 which DC says had been seen outside the Pig and Wheel.
Barry then sent further images to Zeisz of the Audi S3, this is now on July 18.
NB: “Just had new race clutch, four brand new tyres all service history… Get on Jerry Mc, see if he will raffle nika a number… Pass me 12 tell him earn a nika, and you earn a nikar.”
DC Hunter says: “Nika” is a reference to money.
SZ: “Ye man, I ask him now, he’s a mushroom him tho…. Does it all run smooth an nice.”
NB: “Ye it’s beast lad. Warm tho, don’t tell anyone that tho.”
DC Hunter says: “I have no idea what mushroom is a reference to.”
DC Hunter says the term “warm or hot” is used to refer to the car being linked to some kind of illegal activity.
A voice note from Sean Zeisz is played: “ *advertiser censored**** hell lad all people getting on me, been trying to spin this car been offered quads, bikes.”
SZ: “Yo bro”
NB: “You ok?”
SZ: “Dusty been getting me bird lad how sick is that?” DC Hunter confirms Dusty is Jordan Thompson.
NB:” You’re lying to me”.
SZ: “Rat isn’t she?”


Texts sent after the suicide of Rikki Warnick in "The Girls" WatsApp​

Mr Langhorn moves on to events surrounding the suicide of Rikki Warnick on July 21, 2022.
DC Hunter confirms Mr Warnick stepped out in front of an incoming train at Huyton railway station. He died of multiple traumatic injuries, and the coroner concluded his death was suicide.
Mr Langhorn reads at agreed fact, confirming the details referred to by DC Hunter.
He says his inquest was held on May 19, 2023.
DC Hunter says there was material referring to Mr Warnick’s death on Ashley’s phone.
She says on July 21, Ashley and Lee Harrison were at the Secret Garden Party Festival. This was the night Rikki took his life.
Ashley sends an image of herself and Harrison at the festival, posing in colourful clothing.
Her friend Sophie sends her a message the following morning with screen-grabbed picture of Rikki Warnick, from a post that refers to him having died. The message is captioned ‘WTF’,
In ‘The Birds’ WhatsApp group chat, one woman sends a message saying: “Girl’s has something happened to Rikki?”


Zeisz said he had been "crying all night"​

In the early hours of July 22, Zeisz tries to call Niall Barry. This is followed by a message saying “Lad, Rikki has killed himself.”
Barry: “What”
SZ: “Rikki dead”.
Zeisz sends a message: “Do me a favour bro.. My bird car on Dusty path.” DC Hunter says this is referring to his girlfriend’s car being parked on the path of Jordan Thompson’s home.
SZ: “Go smash the window screen now.. Are you by ours?...Please Bro.. Smash her car up.”
NB: “Ye man”.
NB: “I’m by ours.”
SZ: “Please bro please…right now….brick her windows.”
NB: “I can’t believe this lad.”
SZ: “Lad, her car on Dusty path."
Barry sends a message saying: “Rikki”.
Zeisz replies: “Dust been bullying Rikki lad.”
SZ: “He threw himself under Huyton train station..Been crying all night. Lad can’t even talk…And then found out me bird sleeping in Dusty’s.
“What going on here ladddd. Jamie stabbed all the tyres before for me. I want it smashing up bro please. Fly there now while they asleep. Smash window screen bro.”
SZ: “I do anything for someone to smash that.”
NB: “Lad I can’t believe this. OMG lad Rikki dead man, an ye I’ll try and get sum1 to grab me now Davo or sumone.”
DC Hunter says that is a reference to either David McCaig or possibly another David.
A series of voice notes are sent between Zeisz and Barry. Zeisz asks Barry to go with ‘Davo’ to his flat and to “fill the bags” because someone has “booted the door off”. He asks Barry to “take it to me ma’s. "
Barry sends a voice note about Rikki’s suicide, saying it is “heartbreaking” and saying a short time ago Mr Warnick “broke down” in front of him.
Justice Goose asks for a summary of the voice note and what Ziesz was asking Barry.
DC Hunter says he is asking Barry to go to the flat he shared with Olivia McDowell, to take his belongings to his mother’s address.
Mr Langhorn says that is a convenient moment to adjourn for lunch.
We will break until to 2.10pm.


Judge back in court​

Mr Justice Goose has returned to the bench and Detective Constable Lauren Hunter has re-taken her position at the witness stand.
The jury are ushered to their seats and we are ready to resume.


Phone calls between Lee Harrison and Niall Barry​

Alex Langhorn, junior counsel for the prosecution, rises and displays a map on the court TV monitors.
On July 26, the map shows where phones attributed to Witham, Barry and Harrison were cell-citing.
There were calls to Harrison from Witham, followed by calls from Barry to Witham. Harrison then calls Witham back.
At 16.58 Barry contacts Harrison for three minutes and 12 seconds.
DC Hunter confirms 30 seconds later Harrison again attempts to contact Witham, but the call forwards and is not answered.
Harrison then sends a text to Witham.
At 17.02:24 Barry makes two calls to Witham, both of which are “very short” in duration.
At 17.04 Harrison attempts to call Witham, which does not connect.
Barry makes a call to Witham, which is registered as lasting zero minutes.
Harrison then calls Witham, for five seconds. There is another text from Harrison to Witham.
Witham then contacts Barry for one second.
At 17.04 Witham sends two texts to Barry.
At 17.05 Barry calls Witham, the call lasting three minutes and six seconds. Mr Langhorn asks her to confirm the call ended at 17.08:9.
At 17:10;38 Barry contacts Harrison for 36 seconds.
The last event is Witham contacting Barry at 17.53;18, the call lasts two minutes and 26 seconds.


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