Deceased/Not Found UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 Jul 2020 *Arrests*

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I'm struggling to understand how they both would of done it together and the rest of the children not be aware? Like who was looking after the baby? You can't just go out for a few hours and leave a baby, unless the older children were left to babysit? Honestly, this case baffles me.

I wonder did they do it together or did she send him off with her on some exciting photo op - I'm thinking BW got in that car non-awares to what was to happen? JMO
Does anyone else find it strange there is so little coverage on this case? Even locally, the articles seem very slow. Why were there no appeals, or searches. JMO, but I believe the police suspected parents early on.
Is it routine that LE don't comment when a search is ongoing? Early on they stated that nothing was found, but this week I haven't heard seen that same comment.
I find it very strange too, i only live 20 mins away from them and the first i heard about it was on here. I didnt even see any appeals in local facebook groups and you usually would if a local child went missing. I think it needs more national coverage because not everybody looks at local papers.. the ones around here arent that great. They may actually get some more information ie sc w and s w acting strangly in a location or the car being seen parked somewhere in the area they are looking or other area's where it seems out of place, because they may not have had their mobiles on them all the time. It really is like looking for a needle in a haystack around here because there are so many fields and wooded areas she could be
The family seemed to be well known where they lived, certainly due to the family size, the fundraising activities for the children with health issues, and the many, many, public social media posts made by Sarah and Scott!

It worries me that Sarah was a carer for the elderly, and she has now been charged with murder! I'm surprised she had time to work with so many children, and so many of them having health issues.

It is a very intriguing and sad case. I really for all the other children who are now in foster care.

You really dont know what goes on behind closed doors. What could have happened to make you kill your own daughter? If an altercation occurred and it became immediately apparent that Bernadette was dead, how much self preservation instinct would someone really have not to still call an ambulance, or the police?

Did they really brazenly believe that they could get away with murder? Were they overwhelmed with the demands of family life and just snapped, and thought, actually prison would be preferable, as I cant cope with all these children any more?

Are they really so attention seeking that they want to be remembered in history for such a notorious act? Have they binge watched too much CSI etc and really thought they could outwit the police? Are they arrogant, or are they of reduced intelligence?
The family seemed to be well known where they lived, certainly due to the family size, the fundraising activities for the children with health issues, and the many, many, public social media posts made by Sarah and Scott!

It worries me that Sarah was a carer for the elderly, and she has now been charged with murder! I'm surprised she had time to work with so many children, and so many of them having health issues.

It is a very intriguing and sad case. I really for all the other children who are now in foster care.

You really dont know what goes on behind closed doors. What could have happened to make you kill your own daughter? If an altercation occurred and it became immediately apparent that Bernadette was dead, how much self preservation instinct would someone really have not to still call an ambulance, or the police?

Did they really brazenly believe that they could get away with murder? Were they overwhelmed with the demands of family life and just snapped, and thought, actually prison would be preferable, as I cant cope with all these children any more?

Are they really so attention seeking that they want to be remembered in history for such a notorious act? Have they binge watched too much CSI etc and really thought they could outwit the police? Are they arrogant, or are they of reduced intelligence?

That is the question - why kill your daughter?? Possible motives??
Respectfully snipped, if you are LE, medical profession, undertaker. etc, you can register as a professional on this site.

Police won’t want all and sundry trampling over a potentially nasty crime scene

I’ve seen plenty of deceased bodies in various states of decomposition. Trust me, someone stumbling on one in this manner will scar them for life. This is not a job for the public imo

Rosegold, are you a medic... or a serial killer?! :)
I find it very strange too, i only live 20 mins away from them and the first i heard about it was on here. I didnt even see any appeals in local facebook groups and you usually would if a local child went missing. I think it needs more national coverage because not everybody looks at local papers.. the ones around here arent that great. They may actually get some more information ie sc w and s w acting strangly in a location or the car being seen parked somewhere in the area they are looking or other area's where it seems out of place, because they may not have had their mobiles on them all the time. It really is like looking for a needle in a haystack around here because there are so many fields and wooded areas she could be

Totally agree that there needs to be. I can't understand why so little has been mentioned about this unless police have all the evidence they need? SaW is from the Doncaster area so you'd think it maybe useful to broadcast this further afield. Really you have to actively search out this case to find a thing on it. LE must have very strong evidence pointing towards the areas they are searching, but even so as you say it's a needle in a haystack!

I also don't think ScW is the bio father..
Hi all. My first post on here. I'm from Peterborough and I have a few friends who are acquainted with the family, though I'm not privy to anything that isn't already public. Just that I've heard the mother was a lot more persistent in getting the police to start searching than the papers made out.

Just sharing some thoughts which may not have been discussed so far:

1) ScW is obsessed with SaW (or is it SaL?)
It's plain to see that ScW is obsessed with SaW just going by his gushing Facebook mentions of her in nearly every post. Even in late August, after the disappearance he posted photos of SaL, with her casually replying 'If you're going to post pictures of me at least make sure I don't look sh@t'.

Good post *advertiser censored* Habilis, but respectfully snipped as I only wanted to comment on your first point & give my personal impression.

Call me cynical, but I don’t take ScW’s fb posts/photos as a sign of obsession with SaW, rather an indication that he is trying very hard to ‘win her over’ & keep her ‘on his side’.

Either because
1) their relationship was floundering,
2) he needs her to forgive him for some transgression ( eg unfaithfulness or worse, inappropriate behaviour with BW) in particular the photos he took of SaW trying to look ‘sexy & appealing’ which I believe were taken after Bernadette went missing ( I may be wrong on date)
3) she knows why Bernadette is missing ( &/or is involved) and he is attempting to keep her ‘on side’ so she doesn’t ‘throw him under a bus’ if/when he/they are questioned/arrested.

I don’t find any of their Facebook posts genuine at all.....quite the opposite.....they are trying to portray themselves a big happy family, & loving couple.

I have a personal suspicion of parents with SO many children, a view, perhaps jaundiced by personal experience of such a family in my own locality.

Also by following certain cases on Webseluths.

It appears to me that that their ( only) “claim to fame” in the community is the number of kids they have produced, as if this somehow proves they are ‘wonderful parents’, whereas personally I feel they are irresponsible.

( I hope this doesn’t offend anyone reading here, who has a large family....these are my personal thoughts only. I myself have 4 children & bringing them up was a tricky balancing act to ensure they had all the individual love & attention that children require to flourish......& was hard work!)

Other WS cases that spring to mind....that of the Philpott family in UK. The father Mick Philpott deliberately set fire to their double council house in May 2012 which resulted in the death of 6 of his ( 17!) children.

.....more recently the Turpin parents in California, jailed for life in 2019 for torturing 12 of their 13 children.

( I appreciate I would be wrong to ‘tar’ all parents of large families ‘with the same brush’ and these thoughts are MOO)
Just snipped from your post above Bethan

Call me cynical, but I don’t take ScW’s fb posts/photos as a sign of obsession with SaW, rather an indication that he is trying very hard to ‘win her over’ & keep her ‘on his side’.

Agree completely with this. I have never seen ScoWs actions as him being obsessed with SarW, far more that he is placating her to avoid problems for himself.
I don’t find any of their Facebook posts genuine at all.....quite the opposite.....

This makes me think of ScoW's appeal on Facebook for her to come home, in which a friend had to remind him to make it visible to the public.

'Hi Sc__ can you make it public so I can share it? I hope you find her safe and well x'
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