GUILTY UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, murdered then hidden, Peterborough, 18 Jul 2020 *Parents Sentenced* #6

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A year longer then I was expecting her to get but to call her the guiding mind that is low sentence

Same here. I was worried it would only be one or two years for Sarah, but expecting about five years. So she got one more than I thought. I would have preferred at least ten, or even better for her to have been up for conspiracy to murder, but at least it's not the worst outcome.

My main thoughts after this are with SW's other children, the siblings of Bernadette. They are innocent but their lives have changed irrevocably and they had to live with what S and S have done. I hope they will have much safer and brighter futures though.
An unholy alliance": the lies of Scott and Sarah Walker

ITV - also also video on here of SaW talking to police.
oh that video of the 'mother' is so difficult to watch, saying she was tired and deleted the messages between her and dear Bernadette, her whole demeanour is so uncaring and unbothered and is spouting such a story of lies as if shes just nattering to a friend over a cup of tea. She looks totally unfazed that her daughter is missing, throughly despicable woman, I see you for what you are Ms Walker, evil evil thing.

Edit, I mean't to put she knew her daughter was murdered and not missing.
oh that video of the 'mother' is so difficult to watch, saying she was tired and deleted the messages between her and dear Bernadette, her whole demeanour is so uncaring and unbothered and is spouting such a story of lies as if shes just nattering to a friend over a cup of tea. She looks totally unfazed that her daughter is missing, throughly despicable woman, I see you for what you are Ms Walker, evil evil thing.

Edit, I mean't to put she knew her daughter was murdered and not missing.

omg that interview !!! You can tell she is lying the entire way through. He body language! the way she keeps looking to the side - scratching her face when asked questions and answering them- they had her number right from that interview. Disgusting women !!!
omg that interview !!! You can tell she is lying the entire way through. He body language! the way she keeps looking to the side - scratching her face when asked questions and answering them- they had her number right from that interview. Disgusting women !!!

I agree, it says a lot that they made this video public, deletion of the messages(which of course can be recovered) and then of course it was Sarah that sent the messages. My blood will be boiling for a long time over this case.
Sorry I’ve not been active for a while…

does Scott have any reason to confess where he put her body now since he’s going to be doing 32 years?

that is a minimum of 32 years. He will be reviewed for parole at this point. If he ever wants to see the light of day, he’s best negotiating a deal and revealing everything very quickly.

it may still not get him time off or being free, but at least his chances goes from none to very slim
This is the thing that still throws me about this case. Not even with hindsight, everyone has looked at the mother and knew she was lying. The story is so unbelievably thick and easy to pull apart that it’s had 40 years worth of sentences handed out. They tried to be clever but instead incriminated themselves.

however, somehow they have managed to conceal a body. I can’t help thinking we are eating their intelligence too highly and they have slipped through the net through being so dim
There were three of us waiting for the public gallery. Because three family members turned up, we weren’t allowed in. ... However, five minutes later, an usher returned to say they had reorganised the courtroom (family members where the jury had been, three members of the press on the back bench), so we could come in. Such a relief!

However, disappointingly, Scott and Sarah were at all times in the dock, immediately to the right of the public gallery, obscured by frosted glass. So, they were not visible to me at all.

The judge started by saying that note-taking (the press excepted) was strictly prohibited. Not sure why. She made it clear that everyone present should remain in control of their emotions for the respect of the court and the dignity of Bernadette, and that if anyone felt that they might be prone to an emotional outburst, then they should leave now.

The prosecution spoke, giving reports by two of Bernadette’s friends, outlining how Bernadette’s murder has affected them and what a fun and kind and caring person Bernadette was.

The defence spoke. She challenged the idea of premeditation, saying that Scott always made frequent trips to the lock-up garage.

The judge made it clear throughout that Scott would receive a minimum sentence of 30 years. The only question was what might be added to that owing to aggravating factors—namely that the murder had been premeditated; that Scott was in a position of trust and care, which he sorely abused; and that he refused to reveal the location of Bernadette’s body—the cruellest aspect of which would be to cause some members of Bernadette’s family to hold onto the hope that she would one day reappear.

I was surprised, therefore, when the judge only added two years onto Scott's minimum sentence for these aggravating factors.

The judge spoke in the strongest terms of Sarah’s crimes. She reminded the court that the maximum term for perverting the course of justice is life, and that she had done so for the most extreme crime, and in doing so had delayed investigations thus ensuring that vital evidence was lost and any hope of finding Bernadette’s body was destroyed.

From the way the judge was talking, I was expecting her to deliver a 15-year sentence. So, I was shocked and very disappointed (as are we all) that she only gave Sarah 6 years. This could mean, of course, that as she’s already served a year, she could be out in 2 years. This doesn’t feel like justice at all.
There were three of us waiting for the public gallery. Because three family members turned up, we weren’t allowed in. ... However, five minutes later, an usher returned to say they had reorganised the courtroom (family members where the jury had been, three members of the press on the back bench), so we could come in. Such a relief!

However, disappointingly, Scott and Sarah were at all times in the dock, immediately to the right of the public gallery, obscured by frosted glass. So, they were not visible to me at all.

The judge started by saying that note-taking (the press excepted) was strictly prohibited. Not sure why. She made it clear that everyone present should remain in control of their emotions for the respect of the court and the dignity of Bernadette, and that if anyone felt that they might be prone to an emotional outburst, then they should leave now.

The prosecution spoke, giving reports by two of Bernadette’s friends, outlining how Bernadette’s murder has affected them and what a fun and kind and caring person Bernadette was.

The defence spoke. She challenged the idea of premeditation, saying that Scott always made frequent trips to the lock-up garage.

The judge made it clear throughout that Scott would receive a minimum sentence of 30 years. The only question was what might be added to that owing to aggravating factors—namely that the murder had been premeditated; that Scott was in a position of trust and care, which he sorely abused; and that he refused to reveal the location of Bernadette’s body—the cruellest aspect of which would be to cause some members of Bernadette’s family to hold onto the hope that she would one day reappear.

I was surprised, therefore, when the judge only added two years onto Scott's minimum sentence for these aggravating factors.

The judge spoke in the strongest terms of Sarah’s crimes. She reminded the court that the maximum term for perverting the course of justice is life, and that she had done so for the most extreme crime, and in doing so had delayed investigations thus ensuring that vital evidence was lost and any hope of finding Bernadette’s body was destroyed.

From the way the judge was talking, I was expecting her to deliver a 15-year sentence. So, I was shocked and very disappointed (as are we all) that she only gave Sarah 6 years. This could mean, of course, that as she’s already served a year, she could be out in 2 years. This doesn’t feel like justice at all.

Thank you so much for this update. Do you know which family members were there?

Seems so sad that no family spoke up for Bernadette ,only 2 of her friends.
An unholy alliance": the lies of Scott and Sarah Walker

ITV - also also video on here of SaW talking to police.
She kind of waffles on. I don't understand her behaviour in this video. It's all "Sort of" "kind of". If someone was more genuine I would have expected more facts and then her elaborating more on things that stuck out to her as odd or upsetting. Also would expect more emotion, more concern etc.
Bet she’ll be out in about 3 years and knocking a few more babies out - disgusting excuse for a human being!

If she were to get pregnant when she comes out would SS take the child away or would she be allowed to keep it?
Did she not have her first child taken off her to then go on to have 10 more ?
Bet she’ll be out in about 3 years and knocking a few more babies out - disgusting excuse for a human being!

If she were to get pregnant when she comes out would SS take the child away or would she be allowed to keep it?

Imo I think she will serve a maximum of 2 years in custody and the remaining 3 years on licence considering she will have 1 year taken off of her sentence.
Also after a certain amount of time served she will have the chance to be sent to a category D open prison to finish her sentence to prepare her for release as long as she isn't a escape risk.

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