UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, Peterborough, 18 Jul 2020 **TIMELINE ONLY**NO DISCUSSION**

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Oct 15, 2015
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Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.


BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley)
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley), Bernadette's mother, age 38 (on trial)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51 (on trial) Bernadette referred to him as 'Dad'.

Trial opened with jury selection here on 14 Jun 2021 Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2 and the prosecution opening speech began here Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2

Jun 10
- SaW gave birth to a baby girl, her tenth child, with seven men. Paternity of the baby is not publicly known. SaW and ScW were living in the same house at Century Square, Peterborough, but SaW was in a relationship with a man named Chris at the time BW disappeared.

Jul 16, Thu - SaW's last TikTok video until end of August.

Jul 16, Thu – BW told SaW that ScW had been sexually abusing her for about 7 years. SaW and BW talked through the night and into the morning. SaW told BW she did not believe her and warned her that her children would be taken away by social services if police became involved. BW had previously confided in an online friend about the (alleged) abuse. (source trial)

Jul 17, Fri, 10pm – BW was taken by ScW to spend the night at his parents’ home in Dukesmead, Werrington “while things at home calmed down”. She was crying when she arrived. BW's phone remained at her home at Century Square. Her rucksack containing overnight items and a notebook, within which there was a note detailing her communication with her mum and her mum's reaction, would later be found in a lockup garage used by ScW after he and SaW were charged with her murder in September 2020. (source trial)

Jul 18, Sat -

1:00am – BW went to bed at ScW’s parents’ house.

3:15amBW’s phone activated at the family home at Century Sq.

10:25amScW left Century Sq. in his Mercedes Vaneo.

10:33am – GPS shows ScW went to a lock-up garage in Montagu Rd in Walton. (this article reports police were searching a garage in Churchfield Rd.) He spent 7 minutes there, walking around 40 steps. There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Gmail email account at this time. She was waiting to be picked up and was not missing yet. (source trial)

10:40amScW left the lock-up garage.

10:48am – There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Facebook account.

10:49am - ScW arrived at his parent’s home to collect BW.

11:06am – ScW set off from Dukesmead, Werrington ‘to drive BW back to Century Sq.’ It should have been less than a 10 minute drive, the distance to Century Sq. is 3 miles. ScW’s parents said goodbye to BW and that was the last sighting of BW by anyone other than ScW. When SaW reported BW missing on 21st July she told police BW had jumped out of the car and run off at about 1:00pm in the area of Mountsteven Avenue and 'Salters Way' (no such road exists there). Media would report it as Skaters Avenue, but there is only a road named Skaters Way in that area. (Many weeks later, on Sep 8th, ScW would tell police “he had picked BW up, and made his way home. He wanted to go to McDonalds, but she didn’t want to. He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked down an alley. He said he tried to follow her. He said to police he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind. He drew a map, but said he would not be able to locate the area. He was specifically asked if BW had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. He said he didn’t know but he didn’t see or hear one.” )(source trial reporting)

11:16am – 11:23am – In these 7 minutes ScW’s phone travelled through Werrington, and into Gunthorpe and Dogsthorpe areas. In Gunthorpe area he got out of the car and walked 410 steps (recorded on his phone). (source trial)

11:23am – 17 minutes after leaving his parent's house, ScW’s phone switched off for 1.5 hrs, until 12:54pm. During that time SaW tried to call ScW and ScW’s parents but was unable to get an answer. (source trial)

12:54pmScW’s phone was switched back on in Gunthorpe area. (source trial)

12:54pm to 1:04pm – ScW phoned SaW for 9 mins 16 secs. He travelled from Gunthorpe to Werrington ending at the Esso garage McDonalds at 1:23pm.

1:04pm – 10 seconds after the call ended, SaW messaged her boyfriend, Christopher O’C, telling him BW had ‘run off.’

30 seconds later - there was a log-in to BW’s Gmail account at Century Sq. Analysis of SaW’s Google account showed that BW’s Gmail password was changed to a new password, with the name ‘Chris’ in it.

1:07pmSaW’s Google searched for a log in for a Hotmail account

1:14pm – there was activity on an Instagram account belonging to BW. During the same period, Christopher O’C messaged SaW saying it would be OK as BW had her phone. SaW messaged back saying BW didn’t have her phone, and her bag was in the car.

1:23 pm – ScW at Esso garage/McDonalds.

1:24pm – there was more activity on BW’s Instagram account, as a message was sent to a friend saying ‘Hi, it’s me, I ran away. I don’t want to be in trouble for lying.

Then there was a conversation from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone - with cell sites placing both phones at Century Sq.

The conversation said:

BW’s phone: Can you forgive me?
SaW’s phone: Of course I can darling. Please come home.
BW’s phone: Will I be in lots of trouble?
SaW’s phone: No, we can forget this happened.
BW’s phone: Really?
SaW’s phone: We need to talk about it,

The message from BW’s phone replied she was going to stay at a friend’s home, with a reply from SaW’s phone asking her to come home, and saying ‘I just want a cuddle.

1:49pm – there was a password change on BW’s Hotmail account -again using the same password with ‘Chris’ included. An email from Microsoft confirming the password change said the change had been validated using SaW’s mobile phone number.

Just before 2pm - SaW phoned ScW, with a call lasting for three minutes and 49 seconds before the call ends - but restarts seven seconds later, lasting a further 12 minutes and 35 seconds. During that call, BW’s phone was disconnected from the network. (source trial)

2:30pmScW back at the lock-up garage. ScW’s phone is located again at the lock up for 10 minutes. SaW makes a video call to her mum during that time, and ScW makes a number of attempts to call her (SaW).

2:50pmScW returns home and his phone remains there until 6:15pm.

6:16pmScW and SaW’s phones both leave Century Sq., and BW’s phone re-connects to the network, and goes with them, with the journey taking them through Westwood.

6:28pm – a purchase is made at the Spar in Hampton Court, Westwood using SaW’s bank card - with a phone top up voucher, Sim Card and milk being bought. The top up is then used on BW’s phone.

c. 6:30pmScW’s phone called BW’s phone - with the call left open for 33 seconds.

6:54pmBW’s phone was disconnected from the network, and ScW and SaW leave the area of the shop.

10:14pmScW and SaW’s phones connect to different cell sites in Peterborough.

10:48pmScW and SaW’s phones both activate GPS at the lock-up garage. Steps were recorded.

11:08pmSaW and ScW left the lock-up garage.

Jul 19, Sun –

2:36amScW left the home at Century Sq. His car was seen on CCTV near the lock-up.

2:47am – GPS data puts ScW at the lock-up garage. In the 10 minutes he was there he made 172 steps.

3:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up.

3:00:47secs – ScW’s phone was used at the junction of Fane Road and Fulbridge Road to take a photo of a male face.

3:06am to 5:23amScW’s phone in Gunthorpe area for next 2 hrs 17 mins.

3:08am – ScW’s phone recorded 8 steps (he's out of car).

3:10am – ScW’s phone at Uldale Way.

5:37am – ScW’s phone back at the lock-up garage for 23 mins until 6am. 86 steps recorded.

6:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up garage.

6:20am – ScW at McDonald’s Drive Thru.

6:35amScW at home.

Unknown time on Jul 19 - An exchange on Facebook Messenger between SaW and one of BW’s friends, on July 19, was read to jurors by Ms Wilding and Detective Constable Jacqui Quinn, of the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit. The friend wrote to apologise to SaW after she told him that BW’s abuse claims were false. He said he “just wanted to say I’m sorry for anything you read” in an exchange he had with BW. “I believed her and tried to be a good friend and help her through it and am really angry and upset with her about this,” he said. “I don’t want you to believe I think you’re a bad mum.” In her response, SaW told the boy: “I really advise you block her to be honest. “You don’t need that drama.” She went on: “I really miss her and know she’s sad right now but we can move past this.” SaW wrote that she “didn’t take (BW) to the police in the end, I took her to her grandparents”. “I hoped she would own up to them.” She added: “If I thought for one minute it’s true, her dad wouldn’t be here.

3:33pmScW’s phone located at the lock-up garage.

3:33pmMessage was sent from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone. BW’s phone was located at Westwood area near the prison. SaW’s phone was at SaW’s friend’s home on Padholme Road. The message said –“I don’t know what to do, but I will be soon, when I am ready. I really want us to delete messages too. I will tell you more later.” Ms Wilding said BW’s phone then disconnected from the network.

3:45pmScW (at the lock-up) sent a photo and a text message to his step father.

3:58pm – CCTV showed ScW’s Mercedes vaneo leaving the lock-up garage.

4:27pmMessage from SaW’s phone replying to BW’s phone read – “OK, I’ve deleted everything. What do you want to tell me x

Evening - friends of BW tried to phone her, but the phone was switched off. A message had been sent from Instagram to BW’s Gmail account. Investigations have revealed that message had been read when police examined the account. (source)

Jul 20, Mon –

12:27amScW and SaW’s phones at the lock up garage, with BW’s phone (switched off).

12:32amScW and SaW leave the lock-up, their phones switched on, BW’s phone not on. ANPR would track ScW’s Mercedes as it travelled along the A16 nr. Spalding and A1175 nr. Market Deeping, towards Cowbit.

12:37am – ANPR picked up the car on the A16 going northbound.

Phones connected to cell site known as Crowland Water Tower.

12:43amSaW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:44amScW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:54am to 1:29amBW’s phone connected to the network at 12:54am. It connected with a number of cell sites in Cowbit area over these 35 minutes, suggesting it was moving.

12:54am to 1:28am – A number of messages were sent from BW’s phone as it was moving:

The first message was sent to SaW. The message said: “For God’s sake, what the hell mum, stop messaging my friends. I swear you tell anyone else I lied I will tell them I don’t have my phone, I’ll tell everyone dad has got it. I’m OK.”

Messages were also sent to BW’s friends from her phone. One sent to one friend said: “you can leave me alone too.” Another sent to another friend started a conversation between the two:

BW’s phone: “Please leave me alone.”
Friends’s phone: “Bernadette - please go home.”
BW’s phone: “Everyone hates me now.”
Friend’s phone: “I don’t, your mum doesn’t.”
BW’s phone: “You should.”
Friend’s phone: “Well I don’t because I care about you.”
BW’s phone: “I’m OK
The friend sent a message asking who she was with, and a reply came back telling him no.
Friend’s phone: “OK, that’s fine. Your mum loves you so much and she really really misses you.”
BW’s phone: “Stop messaging people about me. I’ll throw my phone. Leave me alone.
Friend’s phone: “Are you serious?
BW’s phone: “Yeah.”
Friend’s phone “I just want you to go home.”
BW’s phone: “I know.”
A message from the friend said that she had ‘scared everyone’.
BW’s phone: “I don’t care. Sorry, got to go, they don’t know I actually have my phone.”

[1:00am - BW texted SaW to say she was coming home soon according to media reports before the trial, based on information from SaW.]

1:17am – ScW’s car seen at Applegreen Service Station on A1175, for 2 minutes. Messages still being sent from BW’s phone.

1:19am – ScW’s car left the service station.

1.28am - The last message was sent from BW’s phone (possibly to finish the conversation recorded above), which said “I don’t know what to do, keeping my options open. K, bye.”

BW’s phone disconnected from network. (DC Jacqui Quinn, the officer in the case gave evidence, explaining to jurors what information was available from mobile phones - both when officers had the handset, and when they did not. She said BW’s phone was disconnected from the network on the morning of July 20 last year, and had not been reconnected since, The handset has not been recovered.)

1:32am to 1:37amSaW’s phone tracked 33 steps over a 5 min. period.

1:49am – ScW’s car sighted on the A15 at Glinton.

3:03amSaW’s phone switched back on.

3:07am – SaW’s Phone located in vicinity of Century Sq.

4:08amScW’s phone switched back on in vicinity of Century Sq.

– ScW downloaded an advice form from Childline.

Jul 21, Tue -

– SaW contacted Cambridgeshire police via the webchat service. She wrote“Hi, I just wanted some advice because our 17-year-old daughter ran off after a row.” She told the officer on the webchat that she had received messages from BW saying she was OK, but had not heard from her for a while. The officer advised SaW to call 101 to make a missing person report.

3:18am – SaW called 101 to report BW missing, in a call lasting 50 minutes. “Hiya, it’s Mrs Walker. Umm...I’m just ringing to report my 17-year-old daughter er...missing” SaW said, with the call handler asking how long for. “Well, she ran away on Saturday lunch time but I knew where she was until she stopped messaging at er... 1am er...yesterday morning." “Yeah, and I sort of... I gave her the day to sort of... sort it out a bit because it’s not the first time she’s done it.” "And then of course as umm... it's become...I've become aware of the fact that she's not where she told us she was so obviously I... that's what I'm phoning now."

When asked when the last time either SaW or ScW saw BW was, SaW said: “ was around I’d say what 1pm on the Saturday the 18th.

When asked where it was, SaW said: “Where was it she got...she jumped out the car and run off, I’m just asking her dad now.” A male voice in background is heard to say: “Er...Salters Way.” SaW then said: ‘It was between Salters Way,’ before a male voice can be heard saying: 'Mountstevens'. "And Mountsteven Avenue, it was around that area.”

SaW was asked where BW said she was going. She replied: “She...she didn’t she just umm...she was just...he was just, he was just talking to her about y’know cos they’d been a row and that’s why she had gone to Grandparents and he just said, look er...y’know we’ll go home, we can talk about things at home and she went, I am not going home, I’ve told you. And she just, got out and ran.”

SaW then told the officer that BW had previously messaged to say she was at an ex-boyfriend's house - but when asked if she went to the boy’s house to see if BW was there, or if she made contact with the boy or his parents, she said: “Er...I didn’t no because his parents are umm.. Polish and I, she doesn’t speak a word of English.” She said that another person asked the boy if BW was there and he replied that she was not.

Later in the call, SaW said: “In hindsight I wish I’d phoned you guys a bit sooner but I didn’t wanna push her away by... I don’t know...stupid idea.”

The officer asked SW to re-cap what had happened when BW was last seen. She said: “Umm....I ...I wasn’t there but umm...she’d ...her dad had said something along the lines of er...y’know, you, you need to apologise to mum when we get back umm....and then obviously you can’ can’t just be having attitude and things like that and she said, I’m not going home and just...he stopped to roll a cigarette and she just jumped and ran. So he sort of jumped out of the car, locked it and then ran after her... but because he had to...he was delayed because he had to pull the car up...cos he’d only pulled it, side of road so he had to pull it onto the kerb, so it weren’t blocking traffic.”

SaW was also asked for a description of BW, if she had run away before, and if she had access to money or social media accounts. SaW said BW “has run off before”. She said BW had topped her phone up. [See entry 6:28pm on Jul 18th - a top up voucher was purchased at Spar with SaW’s bank card and used to top-up BW's phone.]

The police officer also asked if SaW had checked any of the hospitals, with SaW saying she had not. The call was ended with SaW asked to contact officers if she had any update. (source trial)

SaW told media that BW had run away from her parents’ car in Skaters Ave. (source media report – there is no road with that name, but there is a Skaters Way.)

Jul 23, ThuPeterborough Matters article - Bernadette Walker, 17, jumped out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton on Saturday and was was reported missing on Monday, her mum explained.

The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance.

She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home.

The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police and now they are urging anyone who knows of Bernadette's whereabouts to contact Cambridgeshire Constabulary.

Jul 23, Thu – police officer Elizabeth Aspland went to search BW’s bedroom as part of the missing person’s investigation. ScW was in the house and he became tearful. He said SaW was in a relationship with another man called Chris. ScW said BW had made some false allegations [about himself] and ScW thought it was probably to get him out of the house so Chris could move in. (source trial)

Jul 23, Thu, 2:28pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW. SaW added a heart.

Jul 23, Thu – SaW posted on social media that she and her two daughters were missing BW, asking BW to let them know she is safe and she could even message Chris or go and stay there.

Jul 24, Fri, 00:23am – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW cuddling her new baby sister.

Jul 24, Fri, 6:09pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW with his mum.

Jul 25, Sat, 3:38pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook back to old photo of himself and BW.

Jul 27 Peterborough Matters article - Bernadette Walker has been missing from her home since July 19, after jumping out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton.

Her mother Sarah is concerned that Bernadette is worried that she will be in trouble, but her family want her to know that they just want her home.

She said: "We need to make it clear that she's not in any trouble, we're all worried and want to know that she's safe."

The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance.

She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home.

The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police

Aug 5Peterborough Matters article - Sarah said: "We have had no contact with her since 1am on July 20, when she texted me to say she would be home soon. None of her friends have heard from her and she's not accessed social media."

She added: "I can't eat or sleep properly. I miss and love my eldest princess so much, she's missing out on her baby sister, who has learned to smile and coo already. I have to think that she is hiding at one of her friend's homes, worried about coming home now that the police will want to speak to her, I can't think of any alternative scenarios, I just can't.

"I know my baby girl wouldn't be out in the open. She's scared of being out in the dark alone, that's what makes me think she's at a friend's house. I just wish someone would just say she's here and she's safe. I want to cuddle her, but right now I'd accept that she's safe and well."

Sarah's family originally believed Bernadette may have had additional clothing with her but have since found the missing items under her bed, so she would have been wearing all black with a denim jacket on.

Sarah has also been left concerned that Bernadette is viewed as medium risk in the investigation and is begging that she is moved to high risk.

She added: "I believe the police are doing their job, but as a parent I need more. I'm desperate for my daughter to be found. When will they up the risk to high instead of medium?"

Aug 13, 00:14am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of two of his children at the beach.

Aug 15 – ScW added a facebook post to say he graduated from Peterborough College.

Aug 24, Mon, 11:44am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of himself and the baby

Aug 31, Mon, 3:38pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of SaW in heavy make up, and children on swing at park.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of the baby. SaW commented at 4:20 pm saying “thanks for sending me these” and then an unhappy emoji to which ScW added the wow emoji and at 6:33pm said “sorry, I can send some later if you like X”, and then another saying “sorry doh!X”.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook back to photo of SaW and children at the park. At 6:38pm he tagged SaW to this post with a heart emoji. He also added the ‘care’ emoji to his own post.

Aug (late) - SaW’s TikTok videos resume? (according to a WS post)

Sep 3, Thu, 9:33am – ScW adds 4 photos to facebook – one of himself with the baby in the house, another of himself with his daughter in a restaurant (same occasion as photo posted Sep 5), SaW in restaurant and another of a child’s drawing to SaW depicting ScW proposing to SaW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:18pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:19pm – ScW updated his profile picture on facebook with a photo of SaW smiling in a restaurant. At 3:20pm SaW comments on the photo “If you’re gonna fill your Facebook with pics of me. Can u at least make sure I don’t look like ****”. There are additional back and forth comments about the photo.

Sep 7, Mon, 10:33pm - ScW posts a message on facebook to BW that police came for BW’s hairbrush and toothbrush tonight. Adds a photo of BW with baby sister sleeping on her and adds the care emoji.

Sep 8, Tues – (also reported as Sep 9th in some reports) Lisa Wilding QC, prosecuting, said that ScW was spoken to by police on September 8 about BW’s disappearance. Ms Wilding said: “He said he had picked BW up, and made his way home. He wanted to go to McDonalds, but she didn’t want to. “He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. “He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked down an alley. “He said he tried to follow her. “He said to police he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind. “He drew a map, but said he would not be able to locate the area.” Ms Wilding said he showed no emotion about BW- but had been emotional about losing SaW to her new boyfriend.” (source trial)

Sep 9, Weds – Same report as Sep 8th so unclear which date is correct – with one addition - “He was specifically asked if (BW) had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. “He said he didn’t know but he didn’t see or hear one.”

Sep 9, Weds – ‘police spoke to SaW on September 9 at her new boyfriend’s address. SaW said she “didn’t believe the sexual allegations BW made against ScW, but blamed ScW for arguing with her on the way home causing BW to disappear”, Ms Wilding said. SaW also made allegations against ScW, saying that she thought he “used her thumb while she was asleep to access her phone so he could track her”, Ms Wilding said. “She said he spied on her at (her new boyfriend) Chris’s house and sent her pictures, so she knew he was there, and he messaged her repeatedly when she was at Chris’s house until he got a reply.” SaW also told police ScW should have moved out after they split up but had not, Ms Wilding said. (source trial)

Sep 10, ThursPeterborough matters article - Peterborough teenager Bernadette Walker is now considered to be high risk after she was confirmed as missing almost eight weeks ago on July 18.

Her mum Sarah Walker shared the news on social media, she wrote: "Please keep sharing. The police have now put Bernadette Walker as a high risk missing person due to the amount of time she has been missing.

"Bernadette if you can see this, please let us know that you are safe. You can set up a new Facebook or Instagram darling and message us, that way you can let us know that you're safe without giving away your location."

Sep 11, Fri, am - No-body murder investigation declared. Car seized and parents taken for questioning. (link and link )

Sep 11, Fri - ScW was arrested on suspicion of murder, and he made no comment to all questions. (link)

Sep 12, Sat, pm – A neighbour said "'I messaged her when the news came out about a suspect man being arrested and she said she had just come back from giving a statement to police." (link)

Sep 12, Sat, eveSaW arrested on suspicion of murder

Sep 13, Sun – about 6am – SaW posted on facebook that she’s been told not to say anything else. Police used sniffer dog to search home and smashed the back window of the other car parked outside. (link)

Sep 14, Mon – early hoursScW and SaW charged with joint enterprise murder. Police say "my team have made significant progress with this investigation in the last few days" (link)

Sep 14, Mon - Police started searching at Cowbit (link)

Sep 15, Tues, late morning - Police start searching three garages in Churchfield Rd, Walton (link) Police found BW’s rucksack in a lock-up used by ScW.

“There’s evidence BW had her period at the time she disappeared,” said Ms Wilding. “You can see she had sanitary protection in her bag along with basic toiletries and clothing.”

"There were sanitary towels, a book for her overnight stay, spare clothes, headphones, make-up, a watch, a facemask and a notebook. A note written by BW was found in the notebook. Ms Wilding said it read: “Told my mum about dad and the abuse. She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police.” The note continued: “What kind of parent wouldn’t believe their daughter. Its fine, I’m going to pretend it is all OK until I leave home, then I will block them out of my life.” “If I was brave enough I probably would have already left or killed myself.” (link)

Nov 9 SaW’s charges reduced to perverting course of justice.
Last edited:
Update 21 June 2021 - New entries in Purple

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.


BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley)
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley), Bernadette's mother, age 38 (on trial)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51 (on trial) Bernadette referred to him as 'Dad'.

Trial opened with jury selection here on 14 Jun 2021 Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2 and the prosecution opening speech began here Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2

Jun 10
- SaW gave birth to a baby girl, her tenth child, with seven men. Paternity of the baby is not publicly known. SaW and ScW were living in the same house at Century Square, Peterborough, but SaW was in a relationship with a man named Chris at the time BW disappeared.

Jul 16, Thu - SaW's last TikTok video until end of August.

Jul 16, Thu – BW told SaW that ScW had been sexually abusing her for about 7 years. SaW and BW talked through the night and into the morning. SaW told BW she did not believe her and warned her that her children would be taken away by social services if police became involved. BW had previously confided in an online friend about the (alleged) abuse. (source trial)

Jul 17, Fri, 10pm – BW was taken by ScW to spend the night at his parents’ home in Dukesmead, Werrington “while things at home calmed down”. She was crying when she arrived. BW's phone remained at her home at Century Square. Her rucksack containing overnight items and a notebook, within which there was a note detailing her communication with her mum and her mum's reaction, would later be found in a lockup garage used by ScW after he and SaW were charged with her murder in September 2020. (source trial)

Jul 18, Sat -

1:00am – BW went to bed at ScW’s parents’ house.

3:15amBW’s phone activated at the family home at Century Sq.

10:25amScW left Century Sq. in his Mercedes Vaneo.

10:33am – GPS shows ScW went to a lock-up garage in Montagu Rd in Walton. (this article reports police were searching a garage in Churchfield Rd.) He spent 7 minutes there, walking around 40 steps. There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Gmail email account at this time. She was waiting to be picked up and was not missing yet. (source trial)

10:40amScW left the lock-up garage.

10:48am – There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Facebook account.

10:49am - ScW arrived at his parent’s home to collect BW.

11:06am – ScW set off from Dukesmead, Werrington ‘to drive BW back to Century Sq.’ It should have been less than a 10 minute drive, the distance to Century Sq. is 3 miles. ScW’s parents said goodbye to BW and that was the last sighting of BW by anyone other than ScW. When SaW reported BW missing on 21st July she told police BW had jumped out of the car and run off at about 1:00pm in the area of Mountsteven Avenue and 'Salters Way' (no such road exists there). Media would report it as Skaters Avenue, but there is only a road named Skaters Way in that area. (Many weeks later, on Sep 8th, ScW would tell police “he had picked BW up, and made his way home. He wanted to go to McDonalds, but she didn’t want to. He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked down an alley. He said he tried to follow her. He said to police he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind. He drew a map, but said he would not be able to locate the area. He was specifically asked if BW had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. He said he didn’t know but he didn’t see or hear one.” )(source trial reporting)

11:16am – 11:23am – In these 7 minutes ScW’s phone travelled through Werrington, and into Gunthorpe and Dogsthorpe areas. In Gunthorpe area he got out of the car and walked 410 steps (recorded on his phone). (source trial)

11:23am – 17 minutes after leaving his parent's house, ScW’s phone switched off for 1.5 hrs, until 12:54pm. During that time SaW tried to call ScW and ScW’s parents but was unable to get an answer. (source trial)

12:54pmScW’s phone was switched back on in Gunthorpe area. (source trial)

12:54pm to 1:04pm – ScW phoned SaW for 9 mins 16 secs. He travelled from Gunthorpe to Werrington ending at the Esso garage McDonalds at 1:23pm.

1:04pm – 10 seconds after the call ended, SaW messaged her boyfriend, Christopher O’C, telling him BW had ‘run off.’

30 seconds later - there was a log-in to BW’s Gmail account at Century Sq. Analysis of SaW’s Google account showed that BW’s Gmail password was changed to a new password, with the name ‘Chris’ in it.

1:07pmSaW’s Google searched for a log in for a Hotmail account

1:14pm – there was activity on an Instagram account belonging to BW. During the same period, Christopher O’C messaged SaW saying it would be OK as BW had her phone. SaW messaged back saying BW didn’t have her phone, and her bag was in the car.

1:23 pm – ScW at Esso garage/McDonalds.

1:24pm – there was more activity on BW’s Instagram account, as a message was sent to a friend saying ‘Hi, it’s me, I ran away. I don’t want to be in trouble for lying.

Then there was a conversation from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone - with cell sites placing both phones at Century Sq.

The conversation said:

BW’s phone: Can you forgive me?
SaW’s phone: Of course I can darling. Please come home.
BW’s phone: Will I be in lots of trouble?
SaW’s phone: No, we can forget this happened.
BW’s phone: Really?
SaW’s phone: We need to talk about it,

The message from BW’s phone replied she was going to stay at a friend’s home, with a reply from SaW’s phone asking her to come home, and saying ‘I just want a cuddle.

1:49pm – there was a password change on BW’s Hotmail account -again using the same password with ‘Chris’ included. An email from Microsoft confirming the password change said the change had been validated using SaW’s mobile phone number.

Just before 2pm - SaW phoned ScW, with a call lasting for three minutes and 49 seconds before the call ends - but restarts seven seconds later, lasting a further 12 minutes and 35 seconds. During that call, BW’s phone was disconnected from the network. (source trial)

2:30pmScW back at the lock-up garage. ScW’s phone is located again at the lock up for 10 minutes. SaW makes a video call to her mum during that time, and ScW makes a number of attempts to call her (SaW).

2:50pmScW returns home and his phone remains there until 6:15pm.

6:16pmScW and SaW’s phones both leave Century Sq., and BW’s phone re-connects to the network, and goes with them, with the journey taking them through Westwood.

6:28pm – a purchase is made at the Spar in Hampton Court, Westwood using SaW’s bank card - with a phone top up voucher, Sim Card and milk being bought. The top up is then used on BW’s phone.

c. 6:30pmScW’s phone called BW’s phone - with the call left open for 33 seconds.

6:54pmBW’s phone was disconnected from the network, and ScW and SaW leave the area of the shop.

10:14pmScW and SaW’s phones connect to different cell sites in Peterborough.

10:48pmScW and SaW’s phones both activate GPS at the lock-up garage. Steps were recorded.

11:08pmSaW and ScW left the lock-up garage.

Jul 19, Sun –

2:36amScW left the home at Century Sq. His car was seen on CCTV near the lock-up.

2:47am – GPS data puts ScW at the lock-up garage. In the 10 minutes he was there he made 172 steps.

3:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up.

3:00:47secs – ScW’s phone was used at the junction of Fane Road and Fulbridge Road to take a photo of a male face.

3:06am to 5:23amScW’s phone in Gunthorpe area for next 2 hrs 17 mins.

3:08am – ScW’s phone recorded 8 steps (he's out of car).

3:10am – ScW’s phone at Uldale Way.

5:37am – ScW’s phone back at the lock-up garage for 23 mins until 6am. 86 steps recorded.

6:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up garage.

6:20am – ScW at McDonald’s Drive Thru.

6:35amScW at home.

Unknown time on Jul 19 - An exchange on Facebook Messenger between SaW and one of BW’s friends, on July 19, was read to jurors by Ms Wilding and Detective Constable Jacqui Quinn, of the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit. The friend wrote to apologise to SaW after she told him that BW’s abuse claims were false. He said he “just wanted to say I’m sorry for anything you read” in an exchange he had with BW. “I believed her and tried to be a good friend and help her through it and am really angry and upset with her about this,” he said. “I don’t want you to believe I think you’re a bad mum.” In her response, SaW told the boy: “I really advise you block her to be honest. “You don’t need that drama.” She went on: “I really miss her and know she’s sad right now but we can move past this.” SaW wrote that she “didn’t take (BW) to the police in the end, I took her to her grandparents”. “I hoped she would own up to them.” She added: “If I thought for one minute it’s true, her dad wouldn’t be here.

3:33pmScW’s phone located at the lock-up garage.

3:33pmMessage was sent from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone. BW’s phone was located at Westwood area near the prison. SaW’s phone was at SaW’s friend’s home on Padholme Road. The message said –“I don’t know what to do, but I will be soon, when I am ready. I really want us to delete messages too. I will tell you more later.” Ms Wilding said BW’s phone then disconnected from the network.

3:45pmScW (at the lock-up) sent a photo and a text message to his step father.

3:58pm – CCTV showed ScW’s Mercedes vaneo leaving the lock-up garage.

4:27pmMessage from SaW’s phone replying to BW’s phone read – “OK, I’ve deleted everything. What do you want to tell me x

Evening - friends of BW tried to phone her, but the phone was switched off. A message had been sent from Instagram to BW’s Gmail account. Investigations have revealed that message had been read when police examined the account. (source)

Jul 20, Mon –

12:27amScW and SaW’s phones at the lock up garage, with BW’s phone (switched off).

12:32amScW and SaW leave the lock-up, their phones switched on, BW’s phone not on. ANPR would track ScW’s Mercedes as it travelled along the A16 nr. Spalding and A1175 nr. Market Deeping, towards Cowbit.

12:37am – Average Speed Camera picked up the car on the A16 going northbound. (link)

Phones connected to cell site known as Crowland Water Tower.

12:43amSaW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:44amScW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:54am to 1:29amBW’s phone connected to the network at 12:54am. It connected with a number of cell sites in Cowbit area over these 35 minutes, suggesting it was moving.

12:54am to 1:28am – A number of messages were sent from BW’s phone as it was moving:

The first message was sent to SaW. The message said: “For God’s sake, what the hell mum, stop messaging my friends. I swear you tell anyone else I lied I will tell them I don’t have my phone, I’ll tell everyone dad has got it. I’m OK.”

Messages were also sent to BW’s friends from her phone. One sent to one friend said: “you can leave me alone too.” Another sent to another friend started a conversation between the two:

BW’s phone: “Please leave me alone.”
Friends’s phone: “Bernadette - please go home.”
BW’s phone: “Everyone hates me now.”
Friend’s phone: “I don’t, your mum doesn’t.”
BW’s phone: “You should.”
Friend’s phone: “Well I don’t because I care about you.”
BW’s phone: “I’m OK
The friend sent a message asking who she was with, and a reply came back telling him no.
Friend’s phone: “OK, that’s fine. Your mum loves you so much and she really really misses you.”
BW’s phone: “Stop messaging people about me. I’ll throw my phone. Leave me alone.
Friend’s phone: “Are you serious?
BW’s phone: “Yeah.”
Friend’s phone “I just want you to go home.”
BW’s phone: “I know.”
A message from the friend said that she had ‘scared everyone’.
BW’s phone: “I don’t care. Sorry, got to go, they don’t know I actually have my phone.”

[1:00am - BW texted SaW to say she was coming home soon according to media reports before the trial, based on information from SaW.]

1:17am – ScW’s car seen at Applegreen Service Station on A1175, for 2 minutes. Messages still being sent from BW’s phone.

1:19am – ScW’s car left the service station.

1.28am - The last message was sent from BW’s phone (possibly to finish the conversation recorded above), which said “I don’t know what to do, keeping my options open. K, bye.”

BW’s phone disconnected from network. (DC Jacqui Quinn, the officer in the case gave evidence, explaining to jurors what information was available from mobile phones - both when officers had the handset, and when they did not. She said BW’s phone was disconnected from the network on the morning of July 20 last year, and had not been reconnected since, The handset has not been recovered.)

1:32am to 1:37amSaW’s phone tracked 33 steps over a 5 min. period.

1:49am – ScW’s car sighted by ANPR on the A15 at Glinton.

3:03amSaW’s phone switched back on.

3:07am – SaW’s Phone located in vicinity of Century Sq.

4:08amScW’s phone switched back on in vicinity of Century Sq.

– ScW downloaded an advice form from Childline.

Jul 21, Tue -

– SaW contacted Cambridgeshire police via the webchat service. She wrote“Hi, I just wanted some advice because our 17-year-old daughter ran off after a row.” She told the officer on the webchat that she had received messages from BW saying she was OK, but had not heard from her for a while. The officer advised SaW to call 101 to make a missing person report.

3:18am – SaW called 101 to report BW missing, in a call lasting 50 minutes. “Hiya, it’s Mrs Walker. Umm...I’m just ringing to report my 17-year-old daughter er...missing” SaW said, with the call handler asking how long for. “Well, she ran away on Saturday lunch time but I knew where she was until she stopped messaging at er... 1am er...yesterday morning." “Yeah, and I sort of... I gave her the day to sort of... sort it out a bit because it’s not the first time she’s done it.” "And then of course as umm... it's become...I've become aware of the fact that she's not where she told us she was so obviously I... that's what I'm phoning now."

When asked when the last time either SaW or ScW saw BW was, SaW said: “ was around I’d say what 1pm on the Saturday the 18th.

When asked where it was, SaW said: “Where was it she got...she jumped out the car and run off, I’m just asking her dad now.” A male voice in background is heard to say: “Er...Salters Way.” SaW then said: ‘It was between Salters Way,’ before a male voice can be heard saying: 'Mountstevens'. "And Mountsteven Avenue, it was around that area.”

SaW was asked where BW said she was going. She replied: “She...she didn’t she just umm...she was just...he was just, he was just talking to her about y’know cos they’d been a row and that’s why she had gone to Grandparents and he just said, look er...y’know we’ll go home, we can talk about things at home and she went, I am not going home, I’ve told you. And she just, got out and ran.”

SaW then told the officer that BW had previously messaged to say she was at an ex-boyfriend's house - but when asked if she went to the boy’s house to see if BW was there, or if she made contact with the boy or his parents, she said: “Er...I didn’t no because his parents are umm.. Polish and I, she doesn’t speak a word of English.” She said that another person asked the boy if BW was there and he replied that she was not.

Later in the call, SaW said: “In hindsight I wish I’d phoned you guys a bit sooner but I didn’t wanna push her away by... I don’t know...stupid idea.”

The officer asked SW to re-cap what had happened when BW was last seen. She said: “Umm....I ...I wasn’t there but umm...she’d ...her dad had said something along the lines of er...y’know, you, you need to apologise to mum when we get back umm....and then obviously you can’ can’t just be having attitude and things like that and she said, I’m not going home and just...he stopped to roll a cigarette and she just jumped and ran. So he sort of jumped out of the car, locked it and then ran after her... but because he had to...he was delayed because he had to pull the car up...cos he’d only pulled it, side of road so he had to pull it onto the kerb, so it weren’t blocking traffic.”

SaW was also asked for a description of BW, if she had run away before, and if she had access to money or social media accounts. SaW said BW “has run off before”. She said BW had topped her phone up. [See entry 6:28pm on Jul 18th - a top up voucher was purchased at Spar with SaW’s bank card and used to top-up BW's phone.]

The police officer also asked if SaW had checked any of the hospitals, with SaW saying she had not. The call was ended with SaW asked to contact officers if she had any update. (source trial)

SaW told media that BW had run away from her parents’ car in Skaters Ave. (source media report – there is no road with that name, but there is a Skaters Way.)

Jul 22, Weds -

unknown time - SaW called police non-emergency number 101 (again). [see Jul 21st also]. SaW asked if it was advisable to put an appeal over BW's disappearance on Facebook. She repeatedly mentioned sexual abuse claims BW had made about ScW and told the call handler BW later admitted lying about the allegations.

unknown time - Police officer Elizabeth Aspland went to search BW’s bedroom as part of the missing person’s investigation. (source) ScW was in the house and he became tearful. He said SaW was in a relationship with another man called Chris. ScW said BW had made some false allegations [about ScW] and ScW thought it was probably to get him out of the house so Chris could move in. (this event originally misreported during opening speech as Jul 23rd here)

7:40pm - SaW posted on her Facebook page appealing for BW to come home, saying her granddad was not well. The court has heard BW's grandfather has dementia. The court was told SaW made a number of internet searches during the week - including ‘my daughter is missing, can we search for where her phone was last used.’ (source)

Eve - GPS tracked ScW to a local lock-up, where he was for 25 minutes, during which time he spent 12 minutes on phone to SaW.

c. 10:00pm - SaW
then did a Google search for "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". The court heard SaW repeatedly logged into and out of BW's Facebook account to "check for activity". SaW told a friend in a message "I'm not going to be controlled by Scott anymore" and "I'm going to tell the police he made me delete messages". (source)

Jul 23, Thu -

Peterborough Matters article - "Bernadette Walker, 17, jumped out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton on Saturday and was was reported missing on Monday, her mum explained.

The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance.

She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home.

The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police and now they are urging anyone who knows of Bernadette's whereabouts to contact Cambridgeshire Constabulary."

2:28pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW. SaW added a heart.

unknown time - SaW posted on social media that she and her two daughters were missing BW, asking BW to let them know she is safe and she could even message Chris or go and stay there.

Eve - SaW and ScW’s phone handsets were located out of their home at Century Square.

10:22pm - ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes on the A47 heading eastbound between Wisbech and King’s Lynn

c. 10:52pm - ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes returning westbound on the A47. (source)

Jul 24, Fri -

00:23am – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW cuddling her new baby sister.

6:09pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW with his mum.

unknown time - SaW sent a message to her current partner Chris O'C about ScW, saying: "I'm not 100% convinced about his story." She then did multiple Google searches for "how to track a mobile phone", "how to track a mobile phone's location" and for a second time "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". (source)

Jul 25, Sat, 3:38pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook back to old photo of himself and BW.

Jul 27 Peterborough Matters article - "Bernadette Walker has been missing from her home since July 19, after jumping out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton.

Her mother Sarah is concerned that Bernadette is worried that she will be in trouble, but her family want her to know that they just want her home.

She said: "We need to make it clear that she's not in any trouble, we're all worried and want to know that she's safe."

The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance.

She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home.

The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police."

Aug 5Peterborough Matters article - "Sarah said: "We have had no contact with her since 1am on July 20, when she texted me to say she would be home soon. None of her friends have heard from her and she's not accessed social media."

She added: "I can't eat or sleep properly. I miss and love my eldest princess so much, she's missing out on her baby sister, who has learned to smile and coo already. I have to think that she is hiding at one of her friend's homes, worried about coming home now that the police will want to speak to her, I can't think of any alternative scenarios, I just can't.

"I know my baby girl wouldn't be out in the open. She's scared of being out in the dark alone, that's what makes me think she's at a friend's house. I just wish someone would just say she's here and she's safe. I want to cuddle her, but right now I'd accept that she's safe and well."

Sarah's family originally believed Bernadette may have had additional clothing with her but have since found the missing items under her bed, so she would have been wearing all black with a denim jacket on.

Sarah has also been left concerned that Bernadette is viewed as medium risk in the investigation and is begging that she is moved to high risk.

She added: "I believe the police are doing their job, but as a parent I need more. I'm desperate for my daughter to be found. When will they up the risk to high instead of medium?"

Aug 13, 00:14am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of two of his children at the beach.

Aug 15 – ScW added a facebook post to say he graduated from Peterborough College.

Aug 24, Mon, 11:44am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of himself and the baby

Aug 31, Mon, 3:38pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of SaW in heavy make up, and children on swing at park.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of the baby. SaW commented at 4:20 pm saying “thanks for sending me these” and then an unhappy emoji to which ScW added the wow emoji and at 6:33pm said “sorry, I can send some later if you like X”, and then another saying “sorry doh!X”.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook back to photo of SaW and children at the park. At 6:38pm he tagged SaW to this post with a heart emoji. He also added the ‘care’ emoji to his own post.

Aug (late) - SaW’s TikTok videos resume? (according to a WS post)

Sep 3, Thu, 9:33am – ScW adds 4 photos to facebook – one of himself with the baby in the house, another of himself with his daughter in a restaurant (same occasion as photo posted Sep 5), SaW in restaurant and another of a child’s drawing to SaW depicting ScW proposing to SaW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:18pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:19pm – ScW updated his profile picture on facebook with a photo of SaW smiling in a restaurant. At 3:20pm SaW comments on the photo “If you’re gonna fill your Facebook with pics of me. Can u at least make sure I don’t look like ****”. There are additional back and forth comments about the photo.

Sep 7, Mon, 10:33pm - ScW posts a message on facebook to BW that police came for BW’s hairbrush and toothbrush tonight. Adds a photo of BW with baby sister sleeping on her and adds the care emoji.

Sep 8, Tues – (also reported as Sep 9th in some reports) Lisa Wilding QC, prosecuting, said that ScW was spoken to by police on September 8 about BW’s disappearance. Ms Wilding said: “He said he had picked BW up, and made his way home. He wanted to go to McDonalds, but she didn’t want to. “He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. “He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked down an alley. “He said he tried to follow her. “He said to police he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind. “He drew a map, but said he would not be able to locate the area.” Ms Wilding said he showed no emotion about BW- but had been emotional about losing SaW to her new boyfriend.” (source trial)

Sep 9, Weds – Same report as Sep 8th so unclear which date is correct – with one addition - “He was specifically asked if (BW) had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. “He said he didn’t know but he didn’t see or hear one.”

Sep 9, Weds – ‘police spoke to SaW on September 9 at her new boyfriend’s address. SaW said she “didn’t believe the sexual allegations BW made against ScW, but blamed ScW for arguing with her on the way home causing BW to disappear”, Ms Wilding said. SaW also made allegations against ScW, saying that she thought he “used her thumb while she was asleep to access her phone so he could track her”, Ms Wilding said. “She said he spied on her at (her new boyfriend) Chris’s house and sent her pictures, so she knew he was there, and he messaged her repeatedly when she was at Chris’s house until he got a reply.” SaW also told police ScW should have moved out after they split up but had not, Ms Wilding said. (source trial)

Sep 10, ThursPeterborough matters article - "Peterborough teenager Bernadette Walker is now considered to be high risk after she was confirmed as missing almost eight weeks ago on July 18.

Her mum Sarah Walker shared the news on social media, she wrote: "Please keep sharing. The police have now put Bernadette Walker as a high risk missing person due to the amount of time she has been missing.

"Bernadette if you can see this, please let us know that you are safe. You can set up a new Facebook or Instagram darling and message us, that way you can let us know that you're safe without giving away your location."

Sep 11, Fri, am - No-body murder investigation declared. Car seized and parents taken for questioning. (link and link )

Sep 11, Fri - ScW was arrested on suspicion of murder, and he made no comment to all questions. (link)

Sep 12, Sat, pm – A neighbour said "'I messaged her when the news came out about a suspect man being arrested and she said she had just come back from giving a statement to police." (link)

Sep 12, Sat, eveSaW arrested on suspicion of murder

Sep 13, Sun – about 6am – SaW posted on facebook that she’s been told not to say anything else. Police used sniffer dog to search home and smashed the back window of the other car parked outside. (link)

Sep 14, Mon – early hoursScW and SaW charged with joint enterprise murder. Police say "my team have made significant progress with this investigation in the last few days" (link)

Sep 14, Mon - Police started searching at Cowbit (link)

Sep 15, Tues, late morning - Police start searching three garages in Churchfield Rd, Walton (link) Police found BW’s rucksack in a lock-up used by ScW.

“There’s evidence BW had her period at the time she disappeared,” said Ms Wilding. “You can see she had sanitary protection in her bag along with basic toiletries and clothing.”

"There were sanitary towels, a book for her overnight stay, spare clothes, headphones, make-up, a watch, a facemask and a notebook. A note written by BW was found in the notebook. Ms Wilding said it read: “Told my mum about dad and the abuse. She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police.” The note continued: “What kind of parent wouldn’t believe their daughter. Its fine, I’m going to pretend it is all OK until I leave home, then I will block them out of my life.” “If I was brave enough I probably would have already left or killed myself.” (link)

Nov 9 SaW’s charges reduced to perverting course of justice.
2nd Update 21 June 2021 - New entries in Purple

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.


BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley)
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley), Bernadette's mother, age 38 (on trial)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51 (on trial) Bernadette referred to him as 'Dad'.

Trial opened with jury selection here on 14 Jun 2021 Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2 and the prosecution opening speech began here Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2

Jun 10
- SaW gave birth to a baby girl, her tenth child, with seven men. Paternity of the baby is not publicly known. SaW and ScW were living in the same house at Century Square, Peterborough, but SaW was in a relationship with a man named Chris at the time BW disappeared.

Jul 16, Thu - SaW's last TikTok video until end of August.

Jul 16, Thu – BW told SaW that ScW had been sexually abusing her for about 7 years. SaW and BW talked through the night and into the morning. SaW told BW she did not believe her and warned her that her children would be taken away by social services if police became involved. BW had previously confided in an online friend about the (alleged) abuse. (source trial)

Jul 17, Fri, 10pm – BW was taken by ScW to spend the night at his parents’ home in Dukesmead, Werrington “while things at home calmed down”. She was crying when she arrived. BW's phone remained at her home at Century Square. Her rucksack containing overnight items and a notebook, within which there was a note detailing her communication with her mum and her mum's reaction, would later be found in a lockup garage used by ScW after he and SaW were charged with her murder in September 2020. (source trial)

Jul 18, Sat -

1:00am – BW went to bed at ScW’s parents’ house.

3:15amBW’s phone activated at the family home at Century Sq.

10:25amScW left Century Sq. in his Mercedes Vaneo.

10:33am – GPS shows ScW went to a lock-up garage in Montagu Rd in Walton. (this article reports police were searching a garage in Churchfield Rd.) He spent 7 minutes there, walking around 40 steps. There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Gmail email account at this time. She was waiting to be picked up and was not missing yet. (source trial)

10:40amScW left the lock-up garage.

10:48am – There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Facebook account.

10:49am - ScW arrived at his parent’s home to collect BW.

11:06am – ScW set off from Dukesmead, Werrington ‘to drive BW back to Century Sq.’ It should have been less than a 10 minute drive, the distance to Century Sq. is 3 miles. ScW’s parents said goodbye to BW and that was the last sighting of BW by anyone other than ScW. When SaW reported BW missing on 21st July she told police BW had jumped out of the car and run off at about 1:00pm in the area of Mountsteven Avenue and 'Salters Way' (no such road exists there). Media would report it as Skaters Avenue, but there is only a road named Skaters Way in that area. (Many weeks later, on Sep 8th, ScW would tell police “he had picked BW up, and made his way home. He wanted to go to McDonalds, but she didn’t want to. He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked down an alley. He said he tried to follow her. He said to police he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind. He drew a map, but said he would not be able to locate the area. He was specifically asked if BW had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. He said he didn’t know but he didn’t see or hear one.” )(source trial reporting)

11:16am – 11:23am – In these 7 minutes ScW’s phone travelled through Werrington, and into Gunthorpe and Dogsthorpe areas. In Gunthorpe area he got out of the car and walked 410 steps (recorded on his phone). (source trial)

11:23am – 17 minutes after leaving his parent's house, ScW’s phone switched off for 1.5 hrs, until 12:54pm. During that time SaW tried to call ScW and ScW’s parents but was unable to get an answer. (source trial)

12:54pmScW’s phone was switched back on in Gunthorpe area. (source trial)

12:54pm to 1:04pm – ScW phoned SaW for 9 mins 16 secs. He travelled from Gunthorpe to Werrington ending at the Esso garage McDonalds at 1:23pm.

1:04pm – 10 seconds after the call ended, SaW messaged her boyfriend, Christopher O’C, telling him BW had ‘run off.’

30 seconds later - there was a log-in to BW’s Gmail account at Century Sq. Analysis of SaW’s Google account showed that BW’s Gmail password was changed to a new password, with the name ‘Chris’ in it.

1:07pmSaW’s Google searched for a log in for a Hotmail account

1:14pm – there was activity on an Instagram account belonging to BW. During the same period, Christopher O’C messaged SaW saying it would be OK as BW had her phone. SaW messaged back saying BW didn’t have her phone, and her bag was in the car.

1:23 pm – ScW at Esso garage/McDonalds.

1:24pm – there was more activity on BW’s Instagram account, as a message was sent to a friend saying ‘Hi, it’s me, I ran away. I don’t want to be in trouble for lying.

Then there was a conversation from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone - with cell sites placing both phones at Century Sq.

The conversation said:

BW’s phone: Can you forgive me?
SaW’s phone: Of course I can darling. Please come home.
BW’s phone: Will I be in lots of trouble?
SaW’s phone: No, we can forget this happened.
BW’s phone: Really?
SaW’s phone: We need to talk about it,

The message from BW’s phone replied she was going to stay at a friend’s home, with a reply from SaW’s phone asking her to come home, and saying ‘I just want a cuddle.

1:49pm – there was a password change on BW’s Hotmail account -again using the same password with ‘Chris’ included. An email from Microsoft confirming the password change said the change had been validated using SaW’s mobile phone number.

Just before 2pm - SaW phoned ScW, with a call lasting for three minutes and 49 seconds before the call ends - but restarts seven seconds later, lasting a further 12 minutes and 35 seconds. During that call, BW’s phone was disconnected from the network. (source trial)

2:30pmScW back at the lock-up garage. ScW’s phone is located again at the lock up for 10 minutes. SaW makes a video call to her mum during that time, and ScW makes a number of attempts to call her (SaW).

2:50pmScW returns home and his phone remains there until 6:15pm.

6:16pmScW and SaW’s phones both leave Century Sq., and BW’s phone re-connects to the network, and goes with them, with the journey taking them through Westwood.

6:28pm – a purchase is made at the Spar in Hampton Court, Westwood using SaW’s bank card - with a phone top up voucher, Sim Card and milk being bought. The top up is then used on BW’s phone.

c. 6:30pmScW’s phone called BW’s phone - with the call left open for 33 seconds.

6:54pmBW’s phone was disconnected from the network, and ScW and SaW leave the area of the shop.

10:14pmScW and SaW’s phones connect to different cell sites in Peterborough.

10:48pmScW and SaW’s phones both activate GPS at the lock-up garage. Steps were recorded.

11:08pmSaW and ScW left the lock-up garage.

Jul 19, Sun –

2:36amScW left the home at Century Sq. His car was seen on CCTV near the lock-up.

2:47am – GPS data puts ScW at the lock-up garage. In the 10 minutes he was there he made 172 steps.

3:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up.

3:00:47secs – ScW’s phone was used at the junction of Fane Road and Fulbridge Road to take a photo of a male face.

3:06am to 5:23amScW’s phone in Gunthorpe area for next 2 hrs 17 mins.

3:08am – ScW’s phone recorded 8 steps (he's out of car).

3:10am – ScW’s phone at Uldale Way.

5:37am – ScW’s phone back at the lock-up garage for 23 mins until 6am. 86 steps recorded.

6:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up garage.

6:20am – ScW at McDonald’s Drive Thru.

6:35amScW at home.

Unknown time on Jul 19 - An exchange on Facebook Messenger between SaW and one of BW’s friends, on July 19, was read to jurors by Ms Wilding and Detective Constable Jacqui Quinn, of the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit. The friend wrote to apologise to SaW after she told him that BW’s abuse claims were false. He said he “just wanted to say I’m sorry for anything you read” in an exchange he had with BW. “I believed her and tried to be a good friend and help her through it and am really angry and upset with her about this,” he said. “I don’t want you to believe I think you’re a bad mum.” In her response, SaW told the boy: “I really advise you block her to be honest. “You don’t need that drama.” She went on: “I really miss her and know she’s sad right now but we can move past this.” SaW wrote that she “didn’t take (BW) to the police in the end, I took her to her grandparents”. “I hoped she would own up to them.” She added: “If I thought for one minute it’s true, her dad wouldn’t be here.

3:33pmScW’s phone located at the lock-up garage.

3:33pmMessage was sent from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone. BW’s phone was located at Westwood area near the prison. SaW’s phone was at SaW’s friend’s home on Padholme Road. The message said –“I don’t know what to do, but I will be soon, when I am ready. I really want us to delete messages too. I will tell you more later.” Ms Wilding said BW’s phone then disconnected from the network.

3:45pmScW (at the lock-up) sent a photo and a text message to his step father.

3:58pm – CCTV showed ScW’s Mercedes vaneo leaving the lock-up garage.

4:27pmMessage from SaW’s phone replying to BW’s phone read – “OK, I’ve deleted everything. What do you want to tell me x

Evening - friends of BW tried to phone her, but the phone was switched off. A message had been sent from Instagram to BW’s Gmail account. Investigations have revealed that message had been read when police examined the account. (source)

Jul 20, Mon –

12:27amScW and SaW’s phones at the lock up garage, with BW’s phone (switched off).

12:32amScW and SaW leave the lock-up, their phones switched on, BW’s phone not on. ANPR would track ScW’s Mercedes as it travelled along the A16 nr. Spalding and A1175 nr. Market Deeping, towards Cowbit.

12:37am – Average Speed Camera picked up the car on the A16 going northbound. (link)

Phones connected to cell site known as Crowland Water Tower.

12:43amSaW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:44amScW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:54am to 1:29amBW’s phone connected to the network at 12:54am. It connected with a number of cell sites in Cowbit area over these 35 minutes, suggesting it was moving.

12:54am to 1:28am – A number of messages were sent from BW’s phone as it was moving:

The first message was sent to SaW. The message said: “For God’s sake, what the hell mum, stop messaging my friends. I swear you tell anyone else I lied I will tell them I don’t have my phone, I’ll tell everyone dad has got it. I’m OK.”

Messages were also sent to BW’s friends from her phone. One sent to one friend said: “you can leave me alone too.” Another sent to another friend started a conversation between the two:

BW’s phone: “Please leave me alone.”
Friends’s phone: “Bernadette - please go home.”
BW’s phone: “Everyone hates me now.”
Friend’s phone: “I don’t, your mum doesn’t.”
BW’s phone: “You should.”
Friend’s phone: “Well I don’t because I care about you.”
BW’s phone: “I’m OK
The friend sent a message asking who she was with, and a reply came back telling him no.
Friend’s phone: “OK, that’s fine. Your mum loves you so much and she really really misses you.”
BW’s phone: “Stop messaging people about me. I’ll throw my phone. Leave me alone.
Friend’s phone: “Are you serious?
BW’s phone: “Yeah.”
Friend’s phone “I just want you to go home.”
BW’s phone: “I know.”
A message from the friend said that she had ‘scared everyone’.
BW’s phone: “I don’t care. Sorry, got to go, they don’t know I actually have my phone.”

[1:00am - BW texted SaW to say she was coming home soon according to media reports before the trial, based on information from SaW.]

1:17am – ScW’s car seen at Applegreen Service Station on A1175, for 2 minutes. Messages still being sent from BW’s phone.

1:19am – ScW’s car left the service station.

1.28am - The last message was sent from BW’s phone (possibly to finish the conversation recorded above), which said “I don’t know what to do, keeping my options open. K, bye.”

BW’s phone disconnected from network. (DC Jacqui Quinn, the officer in the case gave evidence, explaining to jurors what information was available from mobile phones - both when officers had the handset, and when they did not. She said BW’s phone was disconnected from the network on the morning of July 20 last year, and had not been reconnected since, The handset has not been recovered.)

1:32am to 1:37amSaW’s phone tracked 33 steps over a 5 min. period.

1:49am – ScW’s car sighted by ANPR on the A15 at Glinton.

3:03amSaW’s phone switched back on.

3:07am – SaW’s Phone located in vicinity of Century Sq.

4:08amScW’s phone switched back on in vicinity of Century Sq.

– ScW downloaded an advice form from Childline.

Jul 21, Tue -

– SaW contacted Cambridgeshire police via the webchat service. She wrote“Hi, I just wanted some advice because our 17-year-old daughter ran off after a row.” She told the officer on the webchat that she had received messages from BW saying she was OK, but had not heard from her for a while. The officer advised SaW to call 101 to make a missing person report.

3:18am – SaW called 101 to report BW missing, in a call lasting 50 minutes. “Hiya, it’s Mrs Walker. Umm...I’m just ringing to report my 17-year-old daughter er...missing” SaW said, with the call handler asking how long for. “Well, she ran away on Saturday lunch time but I knew where she was until she stopped messaging at er... 1am er...yesterday morning." “Yeah, and I sort of... I gave her the day to sort of... sort it out a bit because it’s not the first time she’s done it.” "And then of course as umm... it's become...I've become aware of the fact that she's not where she told us she was so obviously I... that's what I'm phoning now."

When asked when the last time either SaW or ScW saw BW was, SaW said: “ was around I’d say what 1pm on the Saturday the 18th.

When asked where it was, SaW said: “Where was it she got...she jumped out the car and run off, I’m just asking her dad now.” A male voice in background is heard to say: “Er...Salters Way.” SaW then said: ‘It was between Salters Way,’ before a male voice can be heard saying: 'Mountstevens'. "And Mountsteven Avenue, it was around that area.”

SaW was asked where BW said she was going. She replied: “She...she didn’t she just umm...she was just...he was just, he was just talking to her about y’know cos they’d been a row and that’s why she had gone to Grandparents and he just said, look er...y’know we’ll go home, we can talk about things at home and she went, I am not going home, I’ve told you. And she just, got out and ran.”

SaW then told the officer that BW had previously messaged to say she was at an ex-boyfriend's house - but when asked if she went to the boy’s house to see if BW was there, or if she made contact with the boy or his parents, she said: “Er...I didn’t no because his parents are umm.. Polish and I, she doesn’t speak a word of English.” She said that another person asked the boy if BW was there and he replied that she was not.

Later in the call, SaW said: “In hindsight I wish I’d phoned you guys a bit sooner but I didn’t wanna push her away by... I don’t know...stupid idea.”

The officer asked SW to re-cap what had happened when BW was last seen. She said: “Umm....I ...I wasn’t there but umm...she’d ...her dad had said something along the lines of er...y’know, you, you need to apologise to mum when we get back umm....and then obviously you can’ can’t just be having attitude and things like that and she said, I’m not going home and just...he stopped to roll a cigarette and she just jumped and ran. So he sort of jumped out of the car, locked it and then ran after her... but because he had to...he was delayed because he had to pull the car up...cos he’d only pulled it, side of road so he had to pull it onto the kerb, so it weren’t blocking traffic.”

SaW was also asked for a description of BW, if she had run away before, and if she had access to money or social media accounts. SaW said BW “has run off before”. She said BW had topped her phone up. [See entry 6:28pm on Jul 18th - a top up voucher was purchased at Spar with SaW’s bank card and used to top-up BW's phone.]

The police officer also asked if SaW had checked any of the hospitals, with SaW saying she had not. The call was ended with SaW asked to contact officers if she had any update. (source trial)

SaW told media that BW had run away from her parents’ car in Skaters Ave. (source media report – there is no road with that name, but there is a Skaters Way.)

Jul 22, Weds -

unknown time - SaW called police non-emergency number 101 (again). [see Jul 21st also]. SaW asked if it was advisable to put an appeal over BW's disappearance on Facebook. She repeatedly mentioned sexual abuse claims BW had made about ScW and told the call handler BW later admitted lying about the allegations.

unknown time - Police officer Elizabeth Aspland went to search BW’s bedroom as part of the missing person’s investigation. (source) ScW was in the house and he became tearful. He said SaW was in a relationship with another man called Chris. ScW said BW had made some false allegations [about ScW] and ScW thought it was probably to get him out of the house so Chris could move in. (this event originally misreported during opening speech as Jul 23rd here)

7:40pm - SaW posted on her Facebook page appealing for BW to come home, saying her granddad was not well. The court has heard BW's grandfather has dementia. The court was told SaW made a number of internet searches during the week - including ‘my daughter is missing, can we search for where her phone was last used.’ (source)

Eve - GPS tracked ScW to a local lock-up, where he was for 25 minutes, during which time he spent 12 minutes on phone to SaW.

c. 10:00pm - SaW then did a
Google search for "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". The court heard SaW repeatedly logged into and out of BW's Facebook account to "check for activity". SaW told a friend in a message "I'm not going to be controlled by Scott anymore" and "I'm going to tell the police he made me delete messages". (source) [see entries about references to deleting messages on 19th July.]

Jul 23, Thu -

Peterborough Matters article - "Bernadette Walker, 17, jumped out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton on Saturday and was was reported missing on Monday, her mum explained.

The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance.

She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home.

The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police and now they are urging anyone who knows of Bernadette's whereabouts to contact Cambridgeshire Constabulary."

2:28pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW. SaW added a heart.

unknown time - SaW posted on social media that she and her two daughters were missing BW, asking BW to let them know she is safe and she could even message Chris or go and stay there.

Eve - SaW and ScW’s phone handsets were located out of their home at Century Square.

10:22pm - ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes on the A47 heading eastbound between Wisbech and King’s Lynn

c. 10:52pm - ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes returning westbound on the A47. (source)

Jul 24, Fri -

00:23am – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW cuddling her new baby sister.

c. 6:00pm – SaW sent a message to a friend saying “I really think he (ScW) said something to her in the car. Why would she even get in the car if she had no intention of coming home.” (source)

6:09pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW with his mum.

unknown time – SaW spoke to [or perhaps messaged?] a friend about how ScW had acted when the friend had been to visit, with SaW saying he had showed emotion when the friend had arrived, but saying he had not shown the emotion during the rest of the week. She said: “I still think there is something dodgy about the way he is behaving.” “I ain’t falling for a few fake tears.” (source)

unknown time - SaW sent a message to her current partner Chris O'C about ScW, saying: "I'm not 100% convinced about his story."

unknown times - SaW then did multiple Google searches for "how to track a mobile phone", "how to track a mobile phone's location" and for a second time [see July 22nd] "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". (source). SaW also searched 'can police trace a text message’, ‘can police trace a text to a location’, ‘finding where a text is sent from’, and ‘why haven’t the police found my child’ (source)

unknown date/time at the end of the week – SaW contacted the YMCA to see if BW was staying there because there had been a potential sighting of BW near the centre but she was told staff could not say anything due to confidentiality. (source)

Jul 25, Sat, 3:38pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook back to old photo of himself and BW.

unknown time - seven days after BW was last seen - SaW texted and called BW’s phone.

Jul 27 Peterborough Matters article - "Bernadette Walker has been missing from her home since July 19, after jumping out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton.

Her mother Sarah is concerned that Bernadette is worried that she will be in trouble, but her family want her to know that they just want her home.

She said: "We need to make it clear that she's not in any trouble, we're all worried and want to know that she's safe."

The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance.

She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home.

The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police."

Aug 5Peterborough Matters article - "Sarah said: "We have had no contact with her since 1am on July 20, when she texted me to say she would be home soon. None of her friends have heard from her and she's not accessed social media."

She added: "I can't eat or sleep properly. I miss and love my eldest princess so much, she's missing out on her baby sister, who has learned to smile and coo already. I have to think that she is hiding at one of her friend's homes, worried about coming home now that the police will want to speak to her, I can't think of any alternative scenarios, I just can't.

"I know my baby girl wouldn't be out in the open. She's scared of being out in the dark alone, that's what makes me think she's at a friend's house. I just wish someone would just say she's here and she's safe. I want to cuddle her, but right now I'd accept that she's safe and well."

Sarah's family originally believed Bernadette may have had additional clothing with her but have since found the missing items under her bed, so she would have been wearing all black with a denim jacket on.

Sarah has also been left concerned that Bernadette is viewed as medium risk in the investigation and is begging that she is moved to high risk.

She added: "I believe the police are doing their job, but as a parent I need more. I'm desperate for my daughter to be found. When will they up the risk to high instead of medium?"

Aug 13, 00:14am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of two of his children at the beach.

Aug 15 – ScW added a facebook post to say he graduated from Peterborough College.

Aug 24, Mon, 11:44am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of himself and the baby

Aug 31, Mon, 3:38pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of SaW in heavy make up, and children on swing at park.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of the baby. SaW commented at 4:20 pm saying “thanks for sending me these” and then an unhappy emoji to which ScW added the wow emoji and at 6:33pm said “sorry, I can send some later if you like X”, and then another saying “sorry doh!X”.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook back to photo of SaW and children at the park. At 6:38pm he tagged SaW to this post with a heart emoji. He also added the ‘care’ emoji to his own post.

Aug (late) - SaW’s TikTok videos resume? (according to a WS post)

Sep 3, Thu, 9:33am – ScW adds 4 photos to facebook – one of himself with the baby in the house, another of himself with his daughter in a restaurant (same occasion as photo posted Sep 5), SaW in restaurant and another of a child’s drawing to SaW depicting ScW proposing to SaW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:18pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:19pm – ScW updated his profile picture on facebook with a photo of SaW smiling in a restaurant. At 3:20pm SaW comments on the photo “If you’re gonna fill your Facebook with pics of me. Can u at least make sure I don’t look like ****”. There are additional back and forth comments about the photo.

Sep 7, Mon, 10:33pm - ScW posts a message on facebook to BW that police came for BW’s hairbrush and toothbrush tonight. Adds a photo of BW with baby sister sleeping on her and adds the care emoji.

Sep 8, Tues – (also reported as Sep 9th in some reports) Lisa Wilding QC, prosecuting, said that ScW was spoken to by police on September 8 about BW’s disappearance. Ms Wilding said: “He said he had picked BW up, and made his way home. He wanted to go to McDonalds, but she didn’t want to. “He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. “He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked down an alley. “He said he tried to follow her. “He said to police he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind. “He drew a map, but said he would not be able to locate the area.” Ms Wilding said he showed no emotion about BW- but had been emotional about losing SaW to her new boyfriend.” (source trial)

Sep 9, Weds – Same report as Sep 8th so unclear which date is correct – with one addition - “He was specifically asked if (BW) had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. “He said he didn’t know but he didn’t see or hear one.”

Sep 9, Weds – ‘police spoke to SaW on September 9 at her new boyfriend’s address. SaW said she “didn’t believe the sexual allegations BW made against ScW, but blamed ScW for arguing with her on the way home causing BW to disappear”, Ms Wilding said. SaW also made allegations against ScW, saying that she thought he “used her thumb while she was asleep to access her phone so he could track her”, Ms Wilding said. “She said he spied on her at (her new boyfriend) Chris’s house and sent her pictures, so she knew he was there, and he messaged her repeatedly when she was at Chris’s house until he got a reply.” SaW also told police ScW should have moved out after they split up but had not, Ms Wilding said. (source trial)

Sep 10, ThursPeterborough matters article - "Peterborough teenager Bernadette Walker is now considered to be high risk after she was confirmed as missing almost eight weeks ago on July 18.

Her mum Sarah Walker shared the news on social media, she wrote: "Please keep sharing. The police have now put Bernadette Walker as a high risk missing person due to the amount of time she has been missing.

"Bernadette if you can see this, please let us know that you are safe. You can set up a new Facebook or Instagram darling and message us, that way you can let us know that you're safe without giving away your location."

Sep 11, Fri, am - No-body murder investigation declared. Car seized and parents taken for questioning. (link and link )

Sep 11, Fri - ScW was arrested on suspicion of murder, and he made no comment to all questions. (link)

Sep 12, Sat, pm – A neighbour said "'I messaged her when the news came out about a suspect man being arrested and she said she had just come back from giving a statement to police." (link)

Sep 12, Sat, eveSaW arrested on suspicion of murder

Sep 13, Sun – about 6am – SaW posted on facebook that she’s been told not to say anything else. Police used sniffer dog to search home and smashed the back window of the other car parked outside. (link)

Sep 14, Mon – early hoursScW and SaW charged with joint enterprise murder. Police say "my team have made significant progress with this investigation in the last few days" (link)

Sep 14, Mon - Police started searching at Cowbit (link)

Sep 15, Tues, late morning - Police start searching three garages in Churchfield Rd, Walton (link) Police found BW’s rucksack in a lock-up used by ScW.

“There’s evidence BW had her period at the time she disappeared,” said Ms Wilding. “You can see she had sanitary protection in her bag along with basic toiletries and clothing.”

"There were sanitary towels, a book for her overnight stay, spare clothes, headphones, make-up, a watch, a facemask and a notebook. A note written by BW was found in the notebook. Ms Wilding said it read: “Told my mum about dad and the abuse. She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police.” The note continued: “What kind of parent wouldn’t believe their daughter. Its fine, I’m going to pretend it is all OK until I leave home, then I will block them out of my life.” “If I was brave enough I probably would have already left or killed myself.” (link)

Nov 9 SaW’s charges reduced to perverting course of justice.
Last edited:
Update 22 June 2021 - New entries in Purple

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.

TIMELINE PART ONE of TWO - up to July 25th 2020

BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley)
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley), Bernadette's mother, age 38 (on trial)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51 (on trial) Bernadette referred to him as 'Dad'.

Trial opened with jury selection here on 14 Jun 2021 Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2 and the prosecution opening speech began here Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2

Jun 10
- SaW gave birth to a baby girl, her tenth child with seven men. Paternity of the baby is not publicly known. SaW and ScW were living in the same house at Century Square, Peterborough, but SaW was in a new relationship (with a man named Chris) at the time BW disappeared. (source and source)

Jul 15, Wed - A statement from a student on BW's college course said there was a group chat on Snapchat that the class was on, and BW was very active on it. The student said BW's last post in the group chat was on July 15, when she posted the word ‘magic.’ She had not opened any other messages in the chat since. (source)

Jul 16, Thu - SaW's last homemade TikTok video until end of August. SaW was a prolific

Jul 16, ThuBW told SaW that ScW had been sexually abusing her for about 7 years. SaW and BW talked (via text message?) through the night and into the morning. BW had previously confided in an online friend about the abuse, describing it as '10/10 serious'. BW sent text messages to her mother in which she revealed she had been raped and sexually assaulted by her stepfather for about seven years. The court was told BW claimed he had planted a camera in her bedroom and bathroom. In one message, BW said: ‘Most of the times was in the games room when you started night shifts.’ Some of the messages sent between SaW and BW were read out to the jury. In them, SaW questioned BW's memory of events, suggested she had been sleepwalking, and warned her that her children would be taken away by social services if police became involved. The prosecutor said: ‘These messages left BW in no doubt her mother did not believe her. ‘In fact, SaW made the conversation about her by talking about herself... and saying it could not be true as SaW wouldn’t be able to handle being in the same house as ScW. ‘What Bernadette makes clear is she hasn’t misunderstood anything and she wasn’t lying.’ (source) [see Sept 15th for police discovery of BW's rucksack containing a note written by BW]

Jul 17, Fri - (or possibly Jul 16) Some classmates described seeing a post BW made saying she had told her mum about the allegations ScW had sexually abused her, describing it as unlike BW to post something so personal. (source)

Jul 17, Fri, 10pm – BW was taken by ScW to spend the night at his parents’ home in Dukesmead, Werrington “while things at home calmed down”. She was crying when she arrived. BW's phone remained at her home at Century Square. Her rucksack containing overnight items and a notebook, within which there was a note detailing her communication with her mum and her mum's reaction, would later be found in a lockup garage used by ScW after he and SaW were charged with her murder in September 2020. (source trial reporting)

Jul 18, Sat -

1:00am – BW went to bed at ScW’s parents’ house.

3:15amBW’s phone activated at the family home at Century Sq.

10:25amScW left Century Sq. in his Mercedes Vaneo.

10:33am – GPS shows ScW went to a lock-up garage in Montagu Rd in Walton. (this article reports police were searching a garage in Churchfield Rd.) He spent 7 minutes there, walking around 40 steps. There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Gmail email account at this time. She was waiting to be picked up and was not missing yet. (source trial)

10:40amScW left the lock-up garage.

10:48am – There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Facebook account.

10:49am - ScW arrived at his parent’s home to collect BW.

11:06am – ScW set off from Dukesmead, Werrington ‘to drive BW back to Century Sq.’ It should have been less than a 10 minute drive, the distance to Century Sq. is 3 miles. ScW’s parents said goodbye to BW and that was the last sighting of BW by anyone other than ScW. When SaW reported BW missing on 21st July she told police BW had jumped out of the car and run off at about 1:00pm in the area of Mountsteven Avenue and 'Salters Way' (no such road exists there). Media would report it as Skaters Avenue, but there is only a road named Skaters Way in that area. (Many weeks later, on Sep 8th, ScW would tell police “he had picked BW up, and made his way home. He wanted to go to McDonalds, but she didn’t want to. He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked down an alley. He said he tried to follow her. He said to police he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind. He drew a map, but said he would not be able to locate the area. He was specifically asked if BW had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. He said he didn’t know but he didn’t see or hear one.” )(source trial reporting) The trial at Cambridge Crown Court heard how her friends would regularly communicate with BW over social media - but that communication stopped on the day she went missing. BW was studying art and design at Peterborough Regional College and had a 96 per cent attendance. Statements from BW's class mates and friends were read to the jury. One, from someone described as ‘a good friend’ of BW’s said: “She was very active on social media, publishing daily Instagram stories and memes. "She was also on Snapchat, TikTok and Facebook. "She would go through periods of being off social media, but the longest it would be for was two days." A school friend of BW's said in a statement that she had tried to contact BW on Snapchat and Instagram since she had gone missing - but no messages had been opened or responded to. Another classmate described trying to contact BW a number of times, but none of the messages had been read or replied to. (source) [See Sept 15th for police discovery of BW's rucksack in the lock-up garage.]

11:16am – 11:23am – In these 7 minutes ScW’s phone travelled through Werrington, and into Gunthorpe and Dogsthorpe areas. In Gunthorpe area he got out of the car and walked 410 steps (recorded on his phone). (source trial)

11:23am – 17 minutes after leaving his parent's house, ScW’s phone disconnected from the network for 1.5 hrs, until 12:54pm. During that time SaW tried to call ScW and ScW’s parents but was unable to get an answer. (source trial) Martin Griffiths, an expert in cell site data analysis, explained to the jury what may have happened when phones were disconnected from the network. He said disconnections were either an ‘explicit’ disconnection, which could include the phone being switched off, put into airplane mode or running out of battery, or an ‘implicit’ disconnection, which could include a phone being smashed on the ground or submerged in water. ScW’s phone was disconnected from the network at 11.23am - and Mr Griffiths said that was an ‘explicit’ disconnection - although cell site data did not make it possible to say exactly what had happened to disconnect from the network. (source)

12:54pmScW’s phone was switched back on in Gunthorpe area. (source trial)

12:54pm to 1:04pm – ScW phoned SaW for 9 mins 16 secs. He travelled from Gunthorpe to Werrington ending at the Esso garage McDonalds at 1:23pm.

1:04pm – 10 seconds after the call ended, SaW messaged her boyfriend, Christopher O’C, telling him BW had ‘run off.’

30 seconds later - there was a log-in to BW’s Gmail account at Century Sq. Analysis of SaW’s Google account showed that BW’s Gmail password was changed to a new password, with the name ‘Chris’ in it.

1:07pmSaW’s Google searched for a log in for a Hotmail account

1:14pm – there was activity on an Instagram account belonging to BW. During the same period, Christopher O’C messaged SaW saying it would be OK as BW had her phone. SaW messaged back saying BW didn’t have her phone, and her bag was in the car.

1:23 pm – ScW at Esso garage/McDonalds.

1:24pm – there was more activity on BW’s Instagram account, as a message was sent to a friend saying ‘Hi, it’s me, I ran away. I don’t want to be in trouble for lying.

Then there was a conversation from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone - with cell sites placing both phones at Century Sq.

The conversation said:

BW’s phone: Can you forgive me?
SaW’s phone: Of course I can darling. Please come home.
BW’s phone: Will I be in lots of trouble?
SaW’s phone: No, we can forget this happened.
BW’s phone: Really?
SaW’s phone: We need to talk about it,

The message from BW’s phone replied she was going to stay at a friend’s home, with a reply from SaW’s phone asking her to come home, and saying ‘I just want a cuddle.

1:49pm – there was a password change on BW’s Hotmail account -again using the same password with ‘Chris’ included. An email from Microsoft confirming the password change said the change had been validated using SaW’s mobile phone number.

Just before 2pm - SaW phoned ScW, with a call lasting for three minutes and 49 seconds before the call ends - but restarts seven seconds later, lasting a further 12 minutes and 35 seconds. During that call, BW’s phone was disconnected from the network. (source trial)

2:30pmScW back at the lock-up garage. ScW’s phone is located again at the lock up for 10 minutes. SaW makes a video call to her mum during that time, and ScW makes a number of attempts to call her (SaW).

2:50pmScW returns home and his phone remains there until 6:15pm.

6:16pmScW and SaW’s phones both leave Century Sq., and BW’s phone re-connects to the network, and goes with them, with the journey taking them through Westwood.

6:28pm – a purchase is made at the Spar in Hampton Court, Westwood using SaW’s bank card - with a phone top up voucher, Sim Card and milk being bought. The top up is then used on BW’s phone.

c. 6:30pmScW’s phone called BW’s phone - with the call left open for 33 seconds.

6:54pmBW’s phone was disconnected from the network, and ScW and SaW leave the area of the shop.

10:14pmScW and SaW’s phones connect to different cell sites in Peterborough.

10:48pmScW and SaW’s phones both activate GPS at the lock-up garage. Steps were recorded.

11:08pmSaW and ScW left the lock-up garage.

Jul 19, Sun –

2:36amScW left the home at Century Sq. His car was seen on CCTV near the lock-up.

2:47am – GPS data puts ScW at the lock-up garage. In the 10 minutes he was there he made 172 steps.

3:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up.

3:00:47secs – ScW’s phone was used at the junction of Fane Road and Fulbridge Road to take a photo of a male face.

3:06am to 5:23amScW’s phone in Gunthorpe area for next 2 hrs 17 mins.

3:08am – ScW’s phone recorded 8 steps (he's out of car).

3:10am – ScW’s phone at Uldale Way.

5:37am – ScW’s phone back at the lock-up garage for 23 mins until 6am. 86 steps recorded.

6:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up garage.

6:20am – ScW at McDonald’s Drive Thru.

6:35amScW at home.

Unknown time on Jul 19 - An exchange on Facebook Messenger between SaW and one of BW’s friends, on July 19, was read to jurors by Ms Wilding and Detective Constable Jacqui Quinn, of the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit. The friend wrote to apologise to SaW after she told him that BW’s abuse claims were false. He said he “just wanted to say I’m sorry for anything you read” in an exchange he had with BW. “I believed her and tried to be a good friend and help her through it and am really angry and upset with her about this,” he said. “I don’t want you to believe I think you’re a bad mum.” In her response, SaW told the boy: “I really advise you block her to be honest. “You don’t need that drama.” She went on: “I really miss her and know she’s sad right now but we can move past this.” SaW wrote that she “didn’t take (BW) to the police in the end, I took her to her grandparents”. “I hoped she would own up to them.” She added: “If I thought for one minute it’s true, her dad wouldn’t be here.

3:33pmScW’s phone located at the lock-up garage.

3:33pmMessage was sent from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone. BW’s phone was located at Westwood area near the prison. SaW’s phone was at SaW’s friend’s home on Padholme Road. The message said –“I don’t know what to do, but I will be soon, when I am ready. I really want us to delete messages too. I will tell you more later.” Ms Wilding said BW’s phone then disconnected from the network.

3:45pmScW (at the lock-up) sent a photo and a text message to his step father.

3:58pm – CCTV showed ScW’s Mercedes vaneo leaving the lock-up garage.

4:27pmMessage from SaW’s phone replying to BW’s phone read – “OK, I’ve deleted everything. What do you want to tell me x

Evening - friends of BW tried to phone her, but the phone was switched off. A message had been sent from Instagram to BW’s Gmail account. Investigations have revealed that message had been read when police examined the account. (source)

Jul 20, Mon –

12:27amScW and SaW’s phones at the lock up garage, with BW’s phone (switched off).

12:32amScW and SaW leave the lock-up, their phones switched on, BW’s phone not on. ANPR would track ScW’s Mercedes as it travelled along the A16 nr. Spalding and A1175 nr. Market Deeping, towards Cowbit.

12:37am – Average Speed Camera picked up the car on the A16 going northbound. (link)

Phones connected to cell site known as Crowland Water Tower.

12:43amSaW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:44amScW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:54am to 1:29amBW’s phone connected to the network at 12:54am. It connected with a number of cell sites in Cowbit area over these 35 minutes, suggesting it was moving.

12:54am to 1:28am – A number of messages were sent from BW’s phone as it was moving:

The first message was sent to SaW. The message said: “For God’s sake, what the hell mum, stop messaging my friends. I swear you tell anyone else I lied I will tell them I don’t have my phone, I’ll tell everyone dad has got it. I’m OK.”

Messages were also sent to BW’s friends from her phone. One sent to one friend said: “you can leave me alone too.” Another sent to another friend started a conversation between the two:

BW’s phone: “Please leave me alone.”
Friends’s phone: “Bernadette - please go home.”
BW’s phone: “Everyone hates me now.”
Friend’s phone: “I don’t, your mum doesn’t.”
BW’s phone: “You should.”
Friend’s phone: “Well I don’t because I care about you.”
BW’s phone: “I’m OK
The friend sent a message asking who she was with, and a reply came back telling him no.
Friend’s phone: “OK, that’s fine. Your mum loves you so much and she really really misses you.”
BW’s phone: “Stop messaging people about me. I’ll throw my phone. Leave me alone.
Friend’s phone: “Are you serious?
BW’s phone: “Yeah.”
Friend’s phone “I just want you to go home.”
BW’s phone: “I know.”
A message from the friend said that she had ‘scared everyone’.
BW’s phone: “I don’t care. Sorry, got to go, they don’t know I actually have my phone.”

[1:00am - BW texted SaW to say she was coming home soon according to media reports before the trial, based on information from SaW.]

1:17am – ScW’s car seen at Applegreen Service Station on A1175, for 2 minutes. Messages still being sent from BW’s phone.

1:19am – ScW’s car left the service station.

1.28am - The last message was sent from BW’s phone (possibly to finish the conversation recorded above), which said “I don’t know what to do, keeping my options open. K, bye.”

BW’s phone disconnected from network. (DC Jacqui Quinn, the officer in the case gave evidence, explaining to jurors what information was available from mobile phones - both when officers had the handset, and when they did not. She said BW’s phone was disconnected from the network on the morning of July 20 last year, and had not been reconnected since, The handset has not been recovered.)

1:32am to 1:37amSaW’s phone tracked 33 steps over a 5 min. period.

1:49am – ScW’s car sighted by ANPR on the A15 at Glinton.

3:03amSaW’s phone switched back on.

3:07am – SaW’s Phone located in vicinity of Century Sq.

4:08amScW’s phone switched back on in vicinity of Century Sq.

– ScW downloaded an advice form from Childline.

Jul 21, Tue -

– SaW contacted Cambridgeshire police via the webchat service. She wrote“Hi, I just wanted some advice because our 17-year-old daughter ran off after a row.” She told the officer on the webchat that she had received messages from BW saying she was OK, but had not heard from her for a while. The officer advised SaW to call 101 to make a missing person report.

3:18am – SaW called 101 to report BW missing, in a call lasting 50 minutes. “Hiya, it’s Mrs Walker. Umm...I’m just ringing to report my 17-year-old daughter er...missing” SaW said, with the call handler asking how long for. “Well, she ran away on Saturday lunch time but I knew where she was until she stopped messaging at er... 1am er...yesterday morning." “Yeah, and I sort of... I gave her the day to sort of... sort it out a bit because it’s not the first time she’s done it.” "And then of course as umm... it's become...I've become aware of the fact that she's not where she told us she was so obviously I... that's what I'm phoning now."

When asked when the last time either SaW or ScW saw BW was, SaW said: “ was around I’d say what 1pm on the Saturday the 18th.

When asked where it was, SaW said: “Where was it she got...she jumped out the car and run off, I’m just asking her dad now.” A male voice in background is heard to say: “Er...Salters Way.” SaW then said: ‘It was between Salters Way,’ before a male voice can be heard saying: 'Mountstevens'. "And Mountsteven Avenue, it was around that area.”

SaW was asked where BW said she was going. She replied: “She...she didn’t she just umm...she was just...he was just, he was just talking to her about y’know cos they’d been a row and that’s why she had gone to Grandparents and he just said, look er...y’know we’ll go home, we can talk about things at home and she went, I am not going home, I’ve told you. And she just, got out and ran.”

SaW then told the officer that BW had previously messaged to say she was at an ex-boyfriend's house - but when asked if she went to the boy’s house to see if BW was there, or if she made contact with the boy or his parents, she said: “Er...I didn’t no because his parents are umm.. Polish and I, she doesn’t speak a word of English.” She said that another person asked the boy if BW was there and he replied that she was not.

Later in the call, SaW said: “In hindsight I wish I’d phoned you guys a bit sooner but I didn’t wanna push her away by... I don’t know...stupid idea.”

The officer asked SW to re-cap what had happened when BW was last seen. She said: “Umm....I ...I wasn’t there but umm...she’d ...her dad had said something along the lines of er...y’know, you, you need to apologise to mum when we get back umm....and then obviously you can’ can’t just be having attitude and things like that and she said, I’m not going home and just...he stopped to roll a cigarette and she just jumped and ran. So he sort of jumped out of the car, locked it and then ran after her... but because he had to...he was delayed because he had to pull the car up...cos he’d only pulled it, side of road so he had to pull it onto the kerb, so it weren’t blocking traffic.”

SaW was also asked for a description of BW, if she had run away before, and if she had access to money or social media accounts. SaW said BW “has run off before”. She said BW had topped her phone up. [See entry 6:28pm on Jul 18th - a top up voucher was purchased at Spar with SaW’s bank card and used to top-up BW's phone.]

The police officer also asked if SaW had checked any of the hospitals, with SaW saying she had not. The call was ended with SaW asked to contact officers if she had any update. (source trial)

SaW told media that BW had run away from her parents’ car in Skaters Ave. (source media report – there is no road with that name, but there is a Skaters Way.)

Jul 22, Weds -

unknown time - SaW called police non-emergency number 101 (again). [see Jul 21st also]. SaW asked if it was advisable to put an appeal over BW's disappearance on Facebook. She repeatedly mentioned sexual abuse claims BW had made about ScW and told the call handler BW later admitted lying about the allegations.

unknown time - Police officer Elizabeth Aspland went to search BW’s bedroom as part of the missing person’s investigation. (source) ScW was in the house and he became tearful. He said SaW was in a relationship with another man called Chris. ScW said BW had made some false allegations [about ScW] and ScW thought it was probably to get him out of the house so Chris could move in. (this event originally misreported during opening speech as Jul 23rd here)

7:40pm - SaW posted on her Facebook page appealing for BW to come home, saying her granddad was not well. The court has heard BW's grandfather has dementia. The court was told SaW made a number of internet searches during the week - including ‘my daughter is missing, can we search for where her phone was last used.’ (source)

Eve - GPS tracked ScW to a local lock-up, where he was for 25 minutes, during which time he spent 12 minutes on phone to SaW.

c. 10:00pm - SaW then did a Google search for "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". The court heard SaW repeatedly logged into and out of BW's Facebook account to "check for activity". SaW told a friend in a message "I'm not going to be controlled by Scott anymore" and "I'm going to tell the police he made me delete messages". (source) [see entries about references to deleting messages on 19th July.]

Jul 23, Thu -

Peterborough Matters article - "Bernadette Walker, 17, jumped out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton on Saturday and was was reported missing on Monday, her mum explained.

The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance.

She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home.

The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police and now they are urging anyone who knows of Bernadette's whereabouts to contact Cambridgeshire Constabulary."

2:28pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW. SaW added a heart.

unknown time - SaW posted on social media that she and her two daughters were missing BW, asking BW to let them know she is safe and she could even message Chris or go and stay there.

Eve - SaW and ScW’s phone handsets were located out of their home at Century Square.

10:22pm - ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes on the A47 heading eastbound between Wisbech and King’s Lynn

c. 10:52pm - ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes returning westbound on the A47. (source)

Jul 24, Fri -

00:23am – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW cuddling her new baby sister.

c. 6:00pm – SaW sent a message to a friend saying “I really think he (ScW) said something to her in the car. Why would she even get in the car if she had no intention of coming home.” (source)

6:09pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW with his mum.

unknown time – SaW spoke to [or perhaps messaged?] a friend about how ScW had acted when the friend had been to visit, with SaW saying he had showed emotion when the friend had arrived, but saying he had not shown the emotion during the rest of the week. She said: “I still think there is something dodgy about the way he is behaving.” “I ain’t falling for a few fake tears.” (source)

unknown time - SaW sent a message to her current partner Chris O'C about ScW, saying: "I'm not 100% convinced about his story."

unknown times - SaW then did multiple Google searches for "how to track a mobile phone", "how to track a mobile phone's location" and for a second time [see July 22nd] "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". (source). SaW also searched 'can police trace a text message’, ‘can police trace a text to a location’, ‘finding where a text is sent from’, and ‘why haven’t the police found my child’ (source)

unknown date/time at the end of the week – SaW contacted the YMCA to see if BW was staying there because there had been a potential sighting of BW near the centre but she was told staff could not say anything due to confidentiality. (source)

Jul 25, Sat, 3:38pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook back to old photo of himself and BW.

unknown time - seven days after BW was last seen - SaW texted and called BW’s phone. (source)

Last edited:
Update 22 June 2021

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.

TIMELINE PART TWO of TWO - July 26th 2020 to November 2020

BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley)
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley), Bernadette's mother, age 38 (on trial)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51 (on trial) Bernadette referred to him as 'Dad'.

Trial opened with jury selection here on 14 Jun 2021 Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2 and the prosecution opening speech began here Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2

Jul 27 Peterborough Matters article - "Bernadette Walker has been missing from her home since July 19, after jumping out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton.

Her mother Sarah is concerned that Bernadette is worried that she will be in trouble, but her family want her to know that they just want her home.

She said: "We need to make it clear that she's not in any trouble, we're all worried and want to know that she's safe."

The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance.

She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home.

The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police."

Aug 5Peterborough Matters article - "Sarah said: "We have had no contact with her since 1am on July 20, when she texted me to say she would be home soon. None of her friends have heard from her and she's not accessed social media."

She added: "I can't eat or sleep properly. I miss and love my eldest princess so much, she's missing out on her baby sister, who has learned to smile and coo already. I have to think that she is hiding at one of her friend's homes, worried about coming home now that the police will want to speak to her, I can't think of any alternative scenarios, I just can't.

"I know my baby girl wouldn't be out in the open. She's scared of being out in the dark alone, that's what makes me think she's at a friend's house. I just wish someone would just say she's here and she's safe. I want to cuddle her, but right now I'd accept that she's safe and well."

Sarah's family originally believed Bernadette may have had additional clothing with her but have since found the missing items under her bed, so she would have been wearing all black with a denim jacket on.

Sarah has also been left concerned that Bernadette is viewed as medium risk in the investigation and is begging that she is moved to high risk.

She added: "I believe the police are doing their job, but as a parent I need more. I'm desperate for my daughter to be found. When will they up the risk to high instead of medium?"

Aug 13, 00:14am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of two of his children at the beach.

Aug 15 – ScW added a facebook post to say he graduated from Peterborough College.

Aug 24, Mon, 11:44am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of himself and the baby

Aug 31, Mon, 3:38pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of SaW in heavy make up, and children on swing at park.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of the baby. SaW commented at 4:20 pm saying “thanks for sending me these” and then an unhappy emoji to which ScW added the wow emoji and at 6:33pm said “sorry, I can send some later if you like X”, and then another saying “sorry doh!X”.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook back to photo of SaW and children at the park. At 6:38pm he tagged SaW to this post with a heart emoji. He also added the ‘care’ emoji to his own post.

Aug (late) - SaW’s TikTok videos resume? (according to a WS post)

Sep 3, Thu, 9:33am – ScW adds 4 photos to facebook – one of himself with the baby in the house, another of himself with his daughter in a restaurant (same occasion as photo posted Sep 5), SaW in restaurant and another of a child’s drawing to SaW depicting ScW proposing to SaW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:18pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:19pm – ScW updated his profile picture on facebook with a photo of SaW smiling in a restaurant. At 3:20pm SaW comments on the photo “If you’re gonna fill your Facebook with pics of me. Can u at least make sure I don’t look like ****”. There are additional back and forth comments about the photo.

Sep 7, Mon, 10:33pm - ScW posts a message on facebook to BW that police came for BW’s hairbrush and toothbrush tonight. Adds a photo of BW with baby sister sleeping on her and adds the care emoji.

Sep 8, Tues – (also reported as Sep 9th in some reports) Lisa Wilding QC, prosecuting, said that ScW was spoken to by police on September 8 about BW’s disappearance. Ms Wilding said: “He said he had picked BW up, and made his way home. He wanted to go to McDonalds, but she didn’t want to. “He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. “He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked down an alley. “He said he tried to follow her. “He said to police he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind. “He drew a map, but said he would not be able to locate the area.” Ms Wilding said he showed no emotion about BW- but had been emotional about losing SaW to her new boyfriend.” (source trial)

Sep 9, Weds – Same report as Sep 8th so unclear which date is correct – with one addition - “He was specifically asked if (BW) had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. “He said he didn’t know but he didn’t see or hear one.”

Sep 9, Weds – ‘police spoke to SaW on September 9 at her new boyfriend’s address. SaW said she “didn’t believe the sexual allegations BW made against ScW, but blamed ScW for arguing with her on the way home causing BW to disappear”, Ms Wilding said. SaW also made allegations against ScW, saying that she thought he “used her thumb while she was asleep to access her phone so he could track her”, Ms Wilding said. “She said he spied on her at (her new boyfriend) Chris’s house and sent her pictures, so she knew he was there, and he messaged her repeatedly when she was at Chris’s house until he got a reply.” SaW also told police ScW should have moved out after they split up but had not, Ms Wilding said. (source trial)

Sep 10, ThursPeterborough matters article - "Peterborough teenager Bernadette Walker is now considered to be high risk after she was confirmed as missing almost eight weeks ago on July 18.

Her mum Sarah Walker shared the news on social media, she wrote: "Please keep sharing. The police have now put Bernadette Walker as a high risk missing person due to the amount of time she has been missing.

"Bernadette if you can see this, please let us know that you are safe. You can set up a new Facebook or Instagram darling and message us, that way you can let us know that you're safe without giving away your location."

Sep 11, Fri, am - No-body murder investigation declared. Car seized and parents taken for questioning. (link and link )

Sep 11, Fri - ScW was arrested on suspicion of murder, and he made no comment to all questions. (link)

Sep 12, Sat, pm – A neighbour said "'I messaged her when the news came out about a suspect man being arrested and she said she had just come back from giving a statement to police." (link)

Sep 12, Sat, eveSaW arrested on suspicion of murder

Sep 13, Sun – about 6am – SaW posted on facebook that she’s been told not to say anything else. Police used sniffer dog to search home and smashed the back window of the other car parked outside. (link)

Sep 14, Mon – early hoursScW and SaW charged with joint enterprise murder. Police say "my team have made significant progress with this investigation in the last few days" (link)

Sep 14, Mon - Police started searching at Cowbit (link)

Sep 15, Tues, late morning - Police start searching three garages in Churchfield Rd, Walton (link) Police found BW’s rucksack in a lock-up used by ScW.

“There’s evidence BW had her period at the time she disappeared,” said Ms Wilding. “You can see she had sanitary protection in her bag along with basic toiletries and clothing.”

"There were sanitary towels, a book for her overnight stay, spare clothes, headphones, make-up, a watch, a facemask and a notebook. A note written by BW was found in the notebook. Ms Wilding said it read: “Told my mum about dad and the abuse. She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police.” The note continued: “What kind of parent wouldn’t believe their daughter. Its fine, I’m going to pretend it is all OK until I leave home, then I will block them out of my life.” “If I was brave enough I probably would have already left or killed myself.” (link)

Nov 9 SaW’s charges reduced to perverting course of justice.

Last edited:
Update 23 June 2021 - New entries in Purple

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.

TIMELINE PART ONE of TWO - up to July 25th 2020

BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley)
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley), Bernadette's mother, age 38 (on trial)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51 (on trial) Bernadette referred to him as 'Dad'.

Trial opened with jury selection here on 14 Jun 2021 Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2 and the prosecution opening speech began here Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2

Mar - BW's ex-boyfriend LS testified that he last saw BW at college before the March 2020 national lockdown. (source)

Jun 10
- SaW gave birth to a baby girl, her tenth child with seven men. Paternity of the baby is not publicly known. SaW and ScW were living in the same house at Century Square, Peterborough, but SaW had been in a relationship with a man named Chris [CO'C] - since 2019 at the time BW disappeared. (source and source)

Jul 15, Wed - A statement from a student on BW's college course said there was a group chat on Snapchat that the class was on, and BW was very active on it. The student said BW's last post in the group chat was on July 15, when she posted the word ‘magic.’ She had not opened any other messages in the chat since. (source)

Jul 16, Thu - SaW's last homemade TikTok video until end of August. SaW was a prolific user of TikTok.

Jul 16, ThuBW told SaW that ScW had been sexually abusing her for about 7 years. SaW and BW talked (via text message?) through the night and into the morning. BW had previously confided in an online friend about the abuse, describing it as '10/10 serious'. BW sent text messages to her mother in which she revealed she had been raped and sexually assaulted by her stepfather for about seven years. The court was told BW claimed he had planted a camera in her bedroom and bathroom. In one message, BW said: ‘Most of the times was in the games room when you started night shifts.’ Some of the messages sent between SaW and BW were read out to the jury. In them, SaW questioned BW's memory of events, suggested she had been sleepwalking, and warned her that her children would be taken away by social services if police became involved. The prosecutor said: ‘These messages left BW in no doubt her mother did not believe her. ‘In fact, SaW made the conversation about her by talking about herself... and saying it could not be true as SaW wouldn’t be able to handle being in the same house as ScW. ‘What Bernadette makes clear is she hasn’t misunderstood anything and she wasn’t lying.’ (source) [see Sept 15th for police discovery of BW's rucksack containing a note written by BW]. CO'C [SaW's boyfriend] testified to the court that SaW was angry about BW's allegations and angry at ScW, and did not believe the allegations. (source)

Jul 17, Fri - (or possibly Jul 16) Some classmates described seeing a post BW made saying she had told her mum about the allegations ScW had sexually abused her, describing it as unlike BW to post something so personal. (source). A friend of BW's gave a statement saying she saw BW's post just before it was deleted. (source)

Jul 17, Fri, 10pm – BW was taken by ScW to spend the night at his parents’ home in Dukesmead, Werrington “while things at home calmed down”. She was crying when she arrived. BW's phone remained at her home at Century Square. Her rucksack containing overnight items and a notebook, within which there was a note detailing her communication with her mum and her mum's reaction, would later be found in a lockup garage used by ScW after he and SaW were charged with her murder in September 2020 [See Sep 15th in timeline for details]. (source trial reporting) JW (ScW's stepmother who was in the house that night) testified that she had been contacted on the 17th asking if BW could stay, and had been told that BW had made a sexual allegation against ScW. JW also testified that SaW did not believe BW and that BW came "because they thought she would probably open up to someone else". JW testified that BW was very upset and crying, she wanted her mum to believe her, she repeatedly said "I'm not lying" and she couldn't tell JW (about the allegations) because she was a grandparent. JW testified that BW had a rucksack with her but she did not see her with a phone. (source)

Jul 18, Sat -

1:00am – BW went to bed at ScW’s parents’ house. She fell asleep on the sofa and did not change her clothes the next day. (source)

3:15amBW’s phone activated at the family home at Century Sq.

10:25amScW left Century Sq. in his Mercedes Vaneo.

10:33am – GPS shows ScW went to a lock-up garage in Montagu Rd in Walton. (this article reports police were searching a garage in Churchfield Rd.) He spent 7 minutes there, walking around 40 steps. There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Gmail email account at this time. She was waiting to be picked up and was not missing yet. (source trial). ScW had access to two lock-up garages owned by his father and stepmother. His stepmother JW testified that she would regularly visit the garages to pick things up, drop things off and do weeding. JW agreed that the garages are overlooked by neighbouring homes, even when the gates are shut. JW also testified that at the time ScW was registered disabled, was awaiting a back operation to have something fitted, and didn't work, as a result of a back injury sustained in a car accident but that he was able to walk, drive and ride a motorbike. (source)

10:40amScW left the lock-up garage.

10:48am – There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Facebook account.

10:49am - ScW arrived at his parent’s home to collect BW. JW (ScW's stepmother) testified that ScW phoned that morning to arrange to pick up BW, and that BW was very quiet when ScW was there. JW testified that later that day she received a phone call from ScW, saying BW ‘had run off from his vehicle.’ He did not say where or why she had run off. (source)

11:06am – ScW set off from Dukesmead, Werrington ‘to drive BW back to Century Sq.’ It should have been less than a 10 minute drive, the distance to Century Sq. is 3 miles. ScW’s parents said goodbye to BW and that was the last sighting of BW by anyone other than ScW. [See Sept 15th for police discovery of BW's rucksack in the lock-up garage.] When SaW reported BW missing on 21st July she told police BW had jumped out of the car and run off at about 1:00pm in the area of Mountsteven Avenue and 'Salters Way' (no such road exists there). Media would report it as Skaters Avenue, but there is only a road named Skaters Way in that area. (Many weeks later, on Sep 8th, ScW would tell police “he had picked BW up, and made his way home. He wanted to go to McDonalds, but she didn’t want to. He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked down an alley. He said he tried to follow her. He said to police he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind. He drew a map, but said he would not be able to locate the area. He was specifically asked if BW had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. He said he didn’t know but he didn’t see or hear one.” )(source trial reporting). The trial at Cambridge Crown Court heard how her friends would regularly communicate with BW over social media - but that communication stopped on the day she went missing. BW was studying art and design at Peterborough Regional College and had a 96 per cent attendance. Statements from BW's class mates and friends were read to the jury. One, from someone described as ‘a good friend’ of BW’s said: “She was very active on social media, publishing daily Instagram stories and memes. "She was also on Snapchat, TikTok and Facebook. "She would go through periods of being off social media, but the longest it would be for was two days." A school friend of BW's said in a statement that she had tried to contact BW on Snapchat and Instagram since she had gone missing - but no messages had been opened or responded to. Another classmate described trying to contact BW a number of times, but none of the messages had been read or replied to. (source) BW's ex-boyfriend LS testified that BW did not stay at his house after she disappeared, contrary to a message sent by somebody suggesting that [see c. 1:24pm, texts from BW's phone to SaW's phone]. LS testified that he tried to call BW after her disappearance but her phone went to voicemail each time. LS also testified that BW was always on her phone scrolling through her social media. (source)

11:16am – 11:23am – In these 7 minutes ScW’s phone travelled through Werrington, and into Gunthorpe and Dogsthorpe areas. In Gunthorpe area he got out of the car and walked 410 steps (recorded on his phone). (source trial)

11:23am – 17 minutes after leaving his parent's house, ScW’s phone disconnected from the network for 1.5 hrs, until 12:54pm. During that time SaW tried to call ScW and ScW’s parents but was unable to get an answer. (source trial). Martin Griffiths, an expert in cell site data analysis, explained to the jury what may have happened when phones were disconnected from the network. He said disconnections were either an ‘explicit’ disconnection, which could include the phone being switched off, put into airplane mode or running out of battery, or an ‘implicit’ disconnection, which could include a phone being smashed on the ground or submerged in water. ScW’s phone was disconnected from the network at 11.23am - and Mr Griffiths said that was an ‘explicit’ disconnection - although cell site data did not make it possible to say exactly what had happened to disconnect from the network. (source)

12:54pmScW’s phone was switched back on in Gunthorpe area. (source trial)

12:54pm to 1:04pm – ScW phoned SaW for 9 mins 16 secs. He travelled from Gunthorpe to Werrington ending at the Esso garage McDonalds at 1:23pm.

1:04pm – 10 seconds after the call ended, SaW messaged her boyfriend, Christopher O’C, telling him BW had ‘run off.’

30 seconds later - there was a log-in to BW’s Gmail account at Century Sq. Analysis of SaW’s Google account showed that BW’s Gmail password was changed to a new password, with the name ‘Chris’ in it.

1:07pmSaW’s Google searched for a log in for a Hotmail account

1:14pm – there was activity on an Instagram account belonging to BW. During the same period, Christopher O’C messaged SaW saying it would be OK as BW had her phone. SaW messaged back saying BW didn’t have her phone, and her bag was in the car.

1:23 pm – ScW at Esso garage/McDonalds.

1:24pm – there was more activity on BW’s Instagram account, as a message was sent to a friend saying ‘Hi, it’s me, I ran away. I don’t want to be in trouble for lying.

Then there was a conversation from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone - with cell sites placing both phones at Century Sq.

The conversation said:

BW’s phone: Can you forgive me?
SaW’s phone: Of course I can darling. Please come home.
BW’s phone: Will I be in lots of trouble?
SaW’s phone: No, we can forget this happened.
BW’s phone: Really?
SaW’s phone: We need to talk about it,

The message from BW’s phone replied she was going to stay at a friend’s home, with a reply from SaW’s phone asking her to come home, and saying ‘I just want a cuddle.

1:49pm – there was a password change on BW’s Hotmail account -again using the same password with ‘Chris’ included. An email from Microsoft confirming the password change said the change had been validated using SaW’s mobile phone number.

Just before 2pm - SaW phoned ScW, with a call lasting for three minutes and 49 seconds before the call ends - but restarts seven seconds later, lasting a further 12 minutes and 35 seconds. During that call, BW’s phone was disconnected from the network. (source trial)

2:30pmScW back at the lock-up garage. ScW’s phone is located again at the lock up for 10 minutes. SaW makes a video call to her mum during that time, and ScW makes a number of attempts to call her (SaW).

2:50pmScW returns home and his phone remains there until 6:15pm.

6:16pmScW and SaW’s phones both leave Century Sq., and BW’s phone re-connects to the network, and goes with them, with the journey taking them through Westwood.

6:28pm – a purchase is made at the Spar in Hampton Court, Westwood using SaW’s bank card - with a phone top up voucher, Sim Card and milk being bought. The top up is then used on BW’s phone.

c. 6:30pmScW’s phone called BW’s phone - with the call left open for 33 seconds.

6:54pmBW’s phone was disconnected from the network, and ScW and SaW leave the area of the shop.

10:14pmScW and SaW’s phones connect to different cell sites in Peterborough.

10:48pmScW and SaW’s phones both activate GPS at the lock-up garage. Steps were recorded.

11:08pmSaW and ScW left the lock-up garage.

Jul 19, Sun –

2:36amScW left the home at Century Sq. His car was seen on CCTV near the lock-up.

2:47am – GPS data puts ScW at the lock-up garage. In the 10 minutes he was there he made 172 steps.

3:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up.

3:00:47secs – ScW’s phone was used at the junction of Fane Road and Fulbridge Road to take a photo of a male face.

3:06am to 5:23amScW’s phone in Gunthorpe area for next 2 hrs 17 mins.

3:08am – ScW’s phone recorded 8 steps (he's out of car).

3:10am – ScW’s phone at Uldale Way.

5:37am – ScW’s phone back at the lock-up garage for 23 mins until 6am. 86 steps recorded.

6:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up garage.

6:20am – ScW at McDonald’s Drive Thru.

6:35amScW at home.

Unknown time on Jul 19 - An exchange on Facebook Messenger between SaW and one of BW’s friends, on July 19, was read to jurors by Ms Wilding and Detective Constable Jacqui Quinn, of the Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire and Hertfordshire Major Crime Unit. The friend wrote to apologise to SaW after she told him that BW’s abuse claims were false. He said he “just wanted to say I’m sorry for anything you read” in an exchange he had with BW. “I believed her and tried to be a good friend and help her through it and am really angry and upset with her about this,” he said. “I don’t want you to believe I think you’re a bad mum.” In her response, SaW told the boy: “I really advise you block her to be honest. “You don’t need that drama.” She went on: “I really miss her and know she’s sad right now but we can move past this.” SaW wrote that she “didn’t take (BW) to the police in the end, I took her to her grandparents”. “I hoped she would own up to them.” She added: “If I thought for one minute it’s true, her dad wouldn’t be here.

Unknown time and date [placed here in timeline until more information known] - Messages were sent from BW's phone to [SaW's boyfriend's] CO’C’s phone after she went missing. SaW admitted to CO'C after her arrest that she had sent the messages but that one of them was sent by ScW. When CO'C gave a statement to police on Sept 11th SaW had not yet admitted to him that she sent the messages. (source)

3:33pmScW’s phone located at the lock-up garage.

3:33pmMessage was sent from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone. BW’s phone was located at Westwood area near the prison. SaW’s phone was at SaW’s friend’s home on Padholme Road. The message said –“I don’t know what to do, but I will be soon, when I am ready. I really want us to delete messages too. I will tell you more later.” Ms Wilding said BW’s phone then disconnected from the network.

3:45pmScW (at the lock-up) sent a photo and a text message to his step father.

3:58pm – CCTV showed ScW’s Mercedes vaneo leaving the lock-up garage.

4:27pmMessage from SaW’s phone replying to BW’s phone read – “OK, I’ve deleted everything. What do you want to tell me x

Evening - friends of BW tried to phone her, but the phone was switched off. A message had been sent from Instagram to BW’s Gmail account. Investigations have revealed that message had been read when police examined the account. (source)

Jul 20, Mon –

12:27amScW and SaW’s phones at the lock up garage, with BW’s phone (switched off).

12:32amScW and SaW leave the lock-up, their phones switched on, BW’s phone not on. ANPR would track ScW’s Mercedes as it travelled along the A16 nr. Spalding and A1175 nr. Market Deeping, towards Cowbit.

12:37am – Average Speed Camera picked up the car on the A16 going northbound. (link)

Phones connected to cell site known as Crowland Water Tower.

12:43amSaW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:44amScW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:54am to 1:29amBW’s phone connected to the network at 12:54am. It connected with a number of cell sites in Cowbit area over these 35 minutes, suggesting it was moving.

12:54am to 1:28am – A number of messages were sent from BW’s phone as it was moving:

The first message was sent to SaW. The message said: “For God’s sake, what the hell mum, stop messaging my friends. I swear you tell anyone else I lied I will tell them I don’t have my phone, I’ll tell everyone dad has got it. I’m OK.”

Messages were also sent to BW’s friends from her phone. One sent to one friend said: “you can leave me alone too.” Another sent to another friend started a conversation between the two:

BW’s phone: “Please leave me alone.”
Friends’s phone: “Bernadette - please go home.”
BW’s phone: “Everyone hates me now.”
Friend’s phone: “I don’t, your mum doesn’t.”
BW’s phone: “You should.”
Friend’s phone: “Well I don’t because I care about you.”
BW’s phone: “I’m OK
The friend sent a message asking who she was with, and a reply came back telling him no.
Friend’s phone: “OK, that’s fine. Your mum loves you so much and she really really misses you.”
BW’s phone: “Stop messaging people about me. I’ll throw my phone. Leave me alone.
Friend’s phone: “Are you serious?
BW’s phone: “Yeah.”
Friend’s phone “I just want you to go home.”
BW’s phone: “I know.”
A message from the friend said that she had ‘scared everyone’.
BW’s phone: “I don’t care. Sorry, got to go, they don’t know I actually have my phone.”

[1:00am - BW texted SaW to say she was coming home soon according to media reports before the trial, based on information from SaW.]

1:17am – ScW’s car seen at Applegreen Service Station on A1175, for 2 minutes. Messages still being sent from BW’s phone.

1:19am – ScW’s car left the service station.

1.28am - The last message was sent from BW’s phone (possibly to finish the conversation recorded above), which said “I don’t know what to do, keeping my options open. K, bye.”

BW’s phone disconnected from network. (DC Jacqui Quinn, the officer in the case gave evidence, explaining to jurors what information was available from mobile phones - both when officers had the handset, and when they did not. She said BW’s phone was disconnected from the network on the morning of July 20 last year, and had not been reconnected since, The handset has not been recovered.)

1:32am to 1:37amSaW’s phone tracked 33 steps over a 5 min. period.

1:49am – ScW’s car sighted by ANPR on the A15 at Glinton.

3:03amSaW’s phone switched back on.

3:07am – SaW’s Phone located in vicinity of Century Sq.

4:08amScW’s phone switched back on in vicinity of Century Sq.

– ScW downloaded an advice form from Childline.

unknown time - A friend of BW's (who had seen BW's post about the sexual abuse allegations before it was deleted) gave a statement saying that on 20 July she began to receive messages from SaW asking if she had heard from her:-

SaW wrote: "I can't really say what happened for her privacy. But she ran away from home… if you have contact with her can you tell her I love her so much and miss her?", "I just wanna know she's safe. The police won't report her missing until 72 hours. But I'm going to them tomora [sic]."

The friend replied: "Sorry, but I haven't heard anything from her. I messaged her three days ago asking if she's OK but she hasn't replied."
Later SaW replied: "The lies she told are massive so I can see why she can't face coming home." "I wasn't going to say anything but so much of what she said contradicts." (source)

Jul 21, Tue -

– SaW contacted Cambridgeshire police via the webchat service. She wrote“Hi, I just wanted some advice because our 17-year-old daughter ran off after a row.” She told the officer on the webchat that she had received messages from BW saying she was OK, but had not heard from her for a while. The officer advised SaW to call 101 to make a missing person report.

3:18am – SaW called 101 to report BW missing, in a call lasting 50 minutes. “Hiya, it’s Mrs Walker. Umm...I’m just ringing to report my 17-year-old daughter er...missing” SaW said, with the call handler asking how long for. “Well, she ran away on Saturday lunch time but I knew where she was until she stopped messaging at er... 1am er...yesterday morning." “Yeah, and I sort of... I gave her the day to sort of... sort it out a bit because it’s not the first time she’s done it.” "And then of course as umm... it's become...I've become aware of the fact that she's not where she told us she was so obviously I... that's what I'm phoning now."

When asked when the last time either SaW or ScW saw BW was, SaW said: “ was around I’d say what 1pm on the Saturday the 18th.

When asked where it was, SaW said: “Where was it she got...she jumped out the car and run off, I’m just asking her dad now.” A male voice in background is heard to say: “Er...Salters Way.” SaW then said: ‘It was between Salters Way,’ before a male voice can be heard saying: 'Mountstevens'. "And Mountsteven Avenue, it was around that area.”

SaW was asked where BW said she was going. She replied: “She...she didn’t she just umm...she was just...he was just, he was just talking to her about y’know cos they’d been a row and that’s why she had gone to Grandparents and he just said, look er...y’know we’ll go home, we can talk about things at home and she went, I am not going home, I’ve told you. And she just, got out and ran.”

SaW then told the officer that BW had previously messaged to say she was at an ex-boyfriend's house - but when asked if she went to the boy’s house to see if BW was there, or if she made contact with the boy or his parents, she said: “Er...I didn’t no because his parents are umm.. Polish and I, she doesn’t speak a word of English.” She said that another person asked the boy if BW was there and he replied that she was not.

Later in the call, SaW said: “In hindsight I wish I’d phoned you guys a bit sooner but I didn’t wanna push her away by... I don’t know...stupid idea.”

The officer asked SW to re-cap what had happened when BW was last seen. She said: “Umm....I ...I wasn’t there but umm...she’d ...her dad had said something along the lines of er...y’know, you, you need to apologise to mum when we get back umm....and then obviously you can’ can’t just be having attitude and things like that and she said, I’m not going home and just...he stopped to roll a cigarette and she just jumped and ran. So he sort of jumped out of the car, locked it and then ran after her... but because he had to...he was delayed because he had to pull the car up...cos he’d only pulled it, side of road so he had to pull it onto the kerb, so it weren’t blocking traffic.”

SaW was also asked for a description of BW, if she had run away before, and if she had access to money or social media accounts. SaW said BW “has run off before”. She said BW had topped her phone up. [See entry 6:28pm on Jul 18th - a top up voucher was purchased at Spar with SaW’s bank card and used to top-up BW's phone.]

The police officer also asked if SaW had checked any of the hospitals, with SaW saying she had not. The call was ended with SaW asked to contact officers if she had any update. (source trial)

SaW told media that BW had run away from her parents’ car in Skaters Ave. (source media report – there is no road with that name, but there is a Skaters Way.)

Jul 22, Weds -

unknown time - SaW called police non-emergency number 101 (again). [see Jul 21st also]. SaW asked if it was advisable to put an appeal over BW's disappearance on Facebook. She repeatedly mentioned sexual abuse claims BW had made about ScW and told the call handler BW later admitted lying about the allegations.

unknown time - Police officer Elizabeth Aspland went to search BW’s bedroom as part of the missing person’s investigation. (source) ScW was in the house and he became tearful. He said SaW was in a relationship with another man called Chris. ScW said BW had made some false allegations [about ScW] and ScW thought it was probably to get him out of the house so Chris could move in. (this event originally misreported during opening speech as Jul 23rd here)

7:40pm - SaW posted on her Facebook page appealing for BW to come home, saying her granddad was not well. The court has heard BW's grandfather has dementia. The court was told SaW made a number of internet searches during the week - including ‘my daughter is missing, can we search for where her phone was last used.’ (source)

Eve - GPS tracked ScW to a local lock-up, where he was for 25 minutes, during which time he spent 12 minutes on phone to SaW.

c. 10:00pm - SaW then did a Google search for "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". The court heard SaW repeatedly logged into and out of BW's Facebook account to "check for activity". SaW told a friend in a message "I'm not going to be controlled by Scott anymore" and "I'm going to tell the police he made me delete messages". (source) [see entries about references to deleting messages on 19th July.]

Jul 23, Thu -

Peterborough Matters article - "Bernadette Walker, 17, jumped out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton on Saturday and was was reported missing on Monday, her mum explained.

The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance.

She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home.

The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police and now they are urging anyone who knows of Bernadette's whereabouts to contact Cambridgeshire Constabulary."

2:28pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW. SaW added a heart.

unknown time - SaW posted on social media that she and her two daughters were missing BW, asking BW to let them know she is safe and she could even message Chris or go and stay there.

Eve - SaW and ScW’s phone handsets were located out of their home at Century Square.

10:22pm - ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes on the A47 heading eastbound between Wisbech and King’s Lynn

c. 10:52pm - ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes returning westbound on the A47. (source)

Jul 24, Fri -

00:23am – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW cuddling her new baby sister.

c. 6:00pm – SaW sent a message to a friend saying “I really think he (ScW) said something to her in the car. Why would she even get in the car if she had no intention of coming home.” (source)

6:09pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW with his mum.

unknown time – SaW spoke to [or perhaps messaged?] a friend about how ScW had acted when the friend had been to visit, with SaW saying he had showed emotion when the friend had arrived, but saying he had not shown the emotion during the rest of the week. She said: “I still think there is something dodgy about the way he is behaving.” “I ain’t falling for a few fake tears.” (source)

unknown time - SaW sent a message to her current partner Chris O'C about ScW, saying: "I'm not 100% convinced about his story."

unknown times - SaW then did multiple Google searches for "how to track a mobile phone", "how to track a mobile phone's location" and for a second time [see July 22nd] "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". (source). SaW also searched 'can police trace a text message’, ‘can police trace a text to a location’, ‘finding where a text is sent from’, and ‘why haven’t the police found my child’ (source)

unknown date/time at the end of the week – SaW contacted the YMCA to see if BW was staying there because there had been a potential sighting of BW near the centre but she was told staff could not say anything due to confidentiality. (source)

Jul 25, Sat, 3:38pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook back to old photo of himself and BW.

unknown time - seven days after BW was last seen - SaW texted and called BW’s phone. (source)
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Update 23 June 2021 - New entries in Purple

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.

TIMELINE PART TWO of TWO - July 26th 2020 to November 2020

BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley)
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley), Bernadette's mother, age 38 (on trial)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51 (on trial) Bernadette referred to him as 'Dad'.

Trial opened with jury selection here on 14 Jun 2021 Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2 and the prosecution opening speech began here Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2

Jul 27 Peterborough Matters article - "Bernadette Walker has been missing from her home since July 19, after jumping out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton.

Her mother Sarah is concerned that Bernadette is worried that she will be in trouble, but her family want her to know that they just want her home.

She said: "We need to make it clear that she's not in any trouble, we're all worried and want to know that she's safe."

The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance.

She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home.

The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police."

Aug 5Peterborough Matters article - "Sarah said: "We have had no contact with her since 1am on July 20, when she texted me to say she would be home soon. None of her friends have heard from her and she's not accessed social media."

She added: "I can't eat or sleep properly. I miss and love my eldest princess so much, she's missing out on her baby sister, who has learned to smile and coo already. I have to think that she is hiding at one of her friend's homes, worried about coming home now that the police will want to speak to her, I can't think of any alternative scenarios, I just can't.

"I know my baby girl wouldn't be out in the open. She's scared of being out in the dark alone, that's what makes me think she's at a friend's house. I just wish someone would just say she's here and she's safe. I want to cuddle her, but right now I'd accept that she's safe and well."

Sarah's family originally believed Bernadette may have had additional clothing with her but have since found the missing items under her bed, so she would have been wearing all black with a denim jacket on.

Sarah has also been left concerned that Bernadette is viewed as medium risk in the investigation and is begging that she is moved to high risk.

She added: "I believe the police are doing their job, but as a parent I need more. I'm desperate for my daughter to be found. When will they up the risk to high instead of medium?"

Aug 13, 00:14am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of two of his children at the beach.

Aug 15 – ScW added a facebook post to say he graduated from Peterborough College.

Aug 24, Mon, 11:44am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of himself and the baby

Aug 31, Mon, 3:38pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of SaW in heavy make up, and children on swing at park.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of the baby. SaW commented at 4:20 pm saying “thanks for sending me these” and then an unhappy emoji to which ScW added the wow emoji and at 6:33pm said “sorry, I can send some later if you like X”, and then another saying “sorry doh!X”.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook back to photo of SaW and children at the park. At 6:38pm he tagged SaW to this post with a heart emoji. He also added the ‘care’ emoji to his own post.

Aug (late) - SaW’s TikTok videos resume? (according to a WS post)

Sep 3, Thu, 9:33am – ScW adds 4 photos to facebook – one of himself with the baby in the house, another of himself with his daughter in a restaurant (same occasion as photo posted Sep 5), SaW in restaurant and another of a child’s drawing to SaW depicting ScW proposing to SaW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:18pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:19pm – ScW updated his profile picture on facebook with a photo of SaW smiling in a restaurant. At 3:20pm SaW comments on the photo “If you’re gonna fill your Facebook with pics of me. Can u at least make sure I don’t look like ****”. There are additional back and forth comments about the photo.

Sep 7, Mon, 10:33pm - ScW posts a message on facebook to BW that police came for BW’s hairbrush and toothbrush tonight. Adds a photo of BW with baby sister sleeping on her and adds the care emoji.

Sep 8, Tues – (also reported as Sep 9th in some reports) Lisa Wilding QC, prosecuting, said that ScW was spoken to by police on September 8 about BW’s disappearance. Ms Wilding said: “He said he had picked BW up, and made his way home. He wanted to go to McDonalds, but she didn’t want to. “He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. “He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked down an alley. “He said he tried to follow her. “He said to police he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind. “He drew a map, but said he would not be able to locate the area.” Ms Wilding said he showed no emotion about BW- but had been emotional about losing SaW to her new boyfriend.” (source trial)

Sep 9, Weds – Same report as Sep 8th so unclear which date is correct – with one addition - “He was specifically asked if (BW) had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. “He said he didn’t know but he didn’t see or hear one.”

Sep 9, Weds – ‘police spoke to SaW on September 9 at her new boyfriend’s address. SaW said she “didn’t believe the sexual allegations BW made against ScW, but blamed ScW for arguing with her on the way home causing BW to disappear”, Ms Wilding said. SaW also made allegations against ScW, saying that she thought he “used her thumb while she was asleep to access her phone so he could track her”, Ms Wilding said. “She said he spied on her at (her new boyfriend) Chris’s house and sent her pictures, so she knew he was there, and he messaged her repeatedly when she was at Chris’s house until he got a reply.” SaW also told police ScW should have moved out after they split up but had not, Ms Wilding said. (source trial). During court testimony from CO'C it was put to him that SaW had lied to CO'C that ScW was not moving out of the family home because he had a court order. (source)

Sep 10, ThursPeterborough matters article - "Peterborough teenager Bernadette Walker is now considered to be high risk after she was confirmed as missing almost eight weeks ago on July 18.

Her mum Sarah Walker shared the news on social media, she wrote: "Please keep sharing. The police have now put Bernadette Walker as a high risk missing person due to the amount of time she has been missing.

"Bernadette if you can see this, please let us know that you are safe. You can set up a new Facebook or Instagram darling and message us, that way you can let us know that you're safe without giving away your location."

Sep 11, Fri, am - No-body murder investigation declared. Car seized and parents taken for questioning. (link and link )

Sep 11, Fri - ScW was arrested on suspicion of murder, and he made no comment to all questions. (link)

Sep 11, Fri - SaW's boyfriend CO'C gave a statement to police and at that time SaW had not yet admitted to him that she sent messages from BW's phone after BW's disappearance. She admitted this to him after her arrest. He had queried if the language used in the messages was something BW would say. She said one of the messages was sent by ScW and it was not BW. (source)

Sep 12, Sat, pm – A neighbour said "'I messaged her when the news came out about a suspect man being arrested and she said she had just come back from giving a statement to police." (link)

Sep 12, Sat, eveSaW arrested on suspicion of murder

Sep 13, Sun – about 6am – SaW posted on facebook that she’s been told not to say anything else. Police used sniffer dog to search home and smashed the back window of the other car parked outside. (link)

Sep 14, Mon – early hoursScW and SaW charged with joint enterprise murder. Police say "my team have made significant progress with this investigation in the last few days" (link)

Sep 14, Mon - Police started searching at Cowbit (link)

Sep 15, Tues, late morning - Police start searching three garages in Churchfield Rd, Walton (link) Police found BW’s rucksack in a lock-up used by ScW.

“There’s evidence BW had her period at the time she disappeared,” said Ms Wilding. “You can see she had sanitary protection in her bag along with basic toiletries and clothing.”

"There were sanitary towels, a book for her overnight stay, spare clothes, headphones, make-up, a watch, a facemask and a notebook. A note written by BW was found in the notebook. Ms Wilding said it read: “Told my mum about dad and the abuse. She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police.” The note continued: “What kind of parent wouldn’t believe their daughter. Its fine, I’m going to pretend it is all OK until I leave home, then I will block them out of my life.” “If I was brave enough I probably would have already left or killed myself.” (link)

Nov 9 SaW’s charges reduced to perverting course of justice.
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Update 24 June 2021

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.

TIMELINE PART ONE of TWO - up to July 22nd 2020

BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley). Also known as Bernie, and Bee.
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley. changed name to Walker by deed poll), Bernadette's mother, age 38. (on trial for perverting course of justice)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51. Bernadette referred to him as Dad. (on trial for murder and perverting course of justice)

CO'C - Sarah Walker's boyfriend
JW - ScW's stepmother

Colour Code

green - visits to lock-up
pink - BW's social media activity after going to Scott's parents
red - Key Events
blue - SaW's messages/google searches/words
orange - phone disconnects/reconnects/other phone strategies/calls between SaW and ScW

Trial opened with jury selection here on 14 Jun 2021
Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2
The prosecution opening speech began here Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2

BW was studying art and design at Peterborough Regional College and had a 96 per cent attendance.

Mar - BW's ex-boyfriend LS testified that he last saw BW at college before the March 2020 national lockdown. (source)

Jun 10 - SaW gave birth to a baby girl, her tenth child with seven men. Paternity of the baby is not publicly known. SaW and ScW were living in the same house at Century Square, Peterborough, but at the time BW disappeared SaW had been in a relationship with a man named Chris [CO'C] - since 2019 . (source and source)

Jul 15, Wed - A statement from a student on BW's college course said there was a class group chat on Snapchat and BW was very active on it. The student said BW's last post in the group chat was on July 15, when she posted the word ‘magic.’ She had not opened any other messages in the chat since. (source)

Jul 15, Wed -
BW confided in WN, an online friend, allegations that she had been sexually abused by ScW. She described it as 'ten out of ten serious' (source). WN's court evidence here. He offered BW support and encouraged her to tell her mum. In actuality he wouldn't ever hear from BW again - SaW contacted him on Jul 19th to say BW's allegations were false, and his calls to BW after that went unanswered. On Jul 20th at 1am he received texts from BW's phone telling him to leave her alone and to stop messaging people about her. He was shocked and thought the messages seemed off, she used slang and double spacing in each message which she hadn't used before, and the more he thought about it the more he knew it wasn't BW and came to think it was SaW.

Jul 16, Thu - SaW's last homemade TikTok video until end of August. SaW was a prolific user of TikTok.

Jul 16, Thu BW's disclosure to her mum that she had been sexually abused. BW revealed to SaW in a text conversation lasting through the night and into the morning (source) that she had been raped and sexually assaulted by ScW for about seven years. BW also claimed he had planted a camera in her bedroom and bathroom. In one message, BW said: ‘Most of the times was in the games room when you started night shifts.’ Some of the messages sent between SaW and BW were read out to the jury. In them, SaW questioned BW's memory of events, suggested she had been sleepwalking, and warned her that her children would be taken away by social services if police became involved. The prosecutor said: ‘These messages left BW in no doubt her mother did not believe her. ‘In fact, SaW made the conversation about her by talking about herself... and saying it could not be true as SaW wouldn’t be able to handle being in the same house as ScW. ‘What Bernadette makes clear is she hasn’t misunderstood anything and she wasn’t lying.’ (source) [see Sept 15th for police discovery of a note written by BW which said "She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police"]. CO'C testified to the court that SaW was angry about BW's allegations and angry at ScW, and did not believe the allegations. (source)

Jul 17, Fri - Some classmates described seeing a post BW made saying she had told her mum about the allegations ScW had sexually abused her, describing it as unlike BW to post something so personal. (source). A friend of BW's gave a statement saying she saw BW's post just before it was deleted. (source)

Jul 17, Fri, 10pm – BW was taken by ScW to spend the night at his parents’ home in Dukesmead, Werrington. BW's phone remained at her home at Century Square. JW was contacted on the 17th asking if BW could stay, and had been told that BW had made a sexual allegation against ScW. JW testified that SaW did not believe BW and that BW came "because they thought she would probably open up to someone else". JW testified that BW was very upset and crying, she wanted her mum to believe her, she repeatedly said "I'm not lying" and she couldn't tell JW (about the allegations) because she was a grandparent. JW said they changed the subject because BW wasn't going to say anything else. JW testified that BW had a rucksack with her but she did not see her with a phone. (source)

Jul 18, Sat -

1:00am – BW went to bed at ScW’s parents’ house. She fell asleep on the sofa and did not change her clothes the next day. (source)

3:15am – BW’s phone activated.

Morning - ScW phoned JW to arrange to pick up BW.

10:25am – ScW left Century Sq. in his Mercedes Vaneo.

10:33am - 10:40am – 7 minutes /40 steps recorded. GPS shows ScW was at a lock-up (garage) in Montagu Rd in Walton. (this article reports police were searching a garage in Churchfield Rd.) There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Gmail email account at this time. She was waiting to be picked up and was not missing yet. ScW had access to two lock-up garages owned by his father and stepmother. JW testified that she would regularly visit the garages to pick things up, drop things off and do weeding. JW agreed that the garages are overlooked by neighbouring homes, even when the gates are shut. JW also testified that ScW was registered disabled, was awaiting a back operation to have something fitted, and didn't work, as a result of a back injury sustained in a car accident but that he was able to walk, drive and ride a motorbike. (source)

10:40am – ScW left the lock-up.

10:48am – There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Facebook account.

10:49am - ScW arrived at his parent’s home to collect BW. JW testified that BW was very quiet when ScW was there. Later that day JW received a phone call from ScW, saying BW ‘had run off from his vehicle.’ He did not say where or why she had run off. (source)

11:06am – ScW set off with BW from Dukesmead, Werrington ‘to drive BW back home.’ It should have been a 3 mile, 10 minute drive. ScW’s parents said goodbye to BW and that was the last sighting of BW by anyone other than ScW. When SaW reported BW missing to police 3 days later she said BW had jumped out of the car and run off at about 1:00pm. BW's ex-boyfriend LS testified that BW did not stay at his house after she disappeared, contrary to a message sent from BW's phone suggesting that [see c. 1:24pm]. LS testified that he tried to call BW after her disappearance but her phone went to voicemail each time. (source)

11:06am - 11:16am - ScW's phone travelled through Werrington, Gunthorpe and Dogsthorpe areas.

11:16am – 11:23am – ScW's phone in Gunthorpe area - during these 7 minutes he was out of the car and his phone recorded 410 steps. (source)

11:23am – 17 minutes after leaving his parent's house - ScW’s phone disconnected from the network for 1.5 hrs, until 12:54pm. During that time SaW tried to call ScW and ScW’s parents but was unable to get an answer. (source). An expert in cell site data analysis, explained to the jury that disconnections were either an ‘explicit’ disconnection (e.g. phone switched off, put into airplane mode or running out of battery), or an ‘implicit’ disconnection (e.g. phone being smashed on the ground or submerged in water). ScW’s phone disconnection at 11.23am was ‘explicit’ disconnection - although cell site data did not make it possible to say exactly what had happened to disconnect from the network. (source)

12:54pm – ScW’s phone reconnected in Gunthorpe area.

12:54pm to 1:04pm –
ScW phoned SaW for 9 mins 16 secs.

12:54pm to 1:23pm - ScW travelled from Gunthorpe to Werrington ending at the Esso garage McDonalds (Glinton?) at 1:23pm. (source)

1:04pm – 10 seconds after the call ended, SaW messaged CO’C, telling him
BW had ‘run off.

30 seconds later - there was a log-in to BW’s Gmail account at Century Sq. Analysis of SaW’s Google account showed that BW’s Gmail password was changed to a new password, with the name ‘Chris’ in it.

1:07pm – SaW’s Google searched for a
log in for a Hotmail account

1:14pm – there was activity on an Instagram account belonging to BW. During the same period, CO’C messaged SaW saying it would be OK as BW had her phone. SaW messaged back saying BW didn’t have her phone, and her bag was in the car.

1:23 pm – ScW at Esso garage/McDonalds.

1:24pm – there was more activity on BW’s Instagram account, as a message was sent to a friend saying ‘Hi, it’s me, I ran away. I don’t want to be in trouble for lying.

Then there was a
conversation from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone - with cell sites placing both phones at Century Sq.

The conversation said:

BW’s phone: Can you forgive me?
SaW’s phone: Of course I can darling. Please come home.
BW’s phone: Will I be in lots of trouble?
SaW’s phone: No, we can forget this happened.
BW’s phone: Really?
SaW’s phone: We need to talk about it,

The message from
BW’s phone replied she was going to stay at a friend’s home, with a reply from SaW’s phone asking her to come home, and saying ‘I just want a cuddle.

1:49pm – there was
a password change on BW’s Hotmail account -again using the same password with ‘Chris’ included. An email from Microsoft confirming the password change said the change had been validated using SaW’s mobile phone number.

Just before 2pm - SaW phoned ScW (still at McDonalds?), with a call lasting for 3 minutes and 49 seconds before the call ends - but restarts seven seconds later, lasting a further 12 minutes and 35 seconds. During that call, BW’s phone was disconnected from the network.

2:30pm - 2:40pm – 10 minutes - ScW’s phone is located again at the lock-up. SaW makes a video call to her mum during that time, and ScW makes a number of attempts to call her (SaW).

2:50pm – ScW returns home and his phone remains there until 6:15pm.

6:16pm – ScW and SaW’s phones both left Century Sq. BW’s phone reconnected to the network and went with them, with the journey taking them through Westwood.

6:28pm – a purchase is made at the Spar in Hampton Court, Westwood using SaW’s bank card - with a phone top up voucher, Sim Card and milk being bought. The
top up is then used on BW’s phone.

c. 6:30pm – ScW’s phone called BW’s phone - with the call left open for 33 seconds.

6:54pm – BW’s phone disconnected from the network, and ScW and SaW left the area of the shop.

10:14pm – ScW and SaW’s phones connect to different cell sites in Peterborough.

10:48pm – 20 minutes - ScW and SaW’s phones both activate GPS at the lock-up. Steps were recorded.

11:08pm – SaW and ScW left the lock-up garage.

Jul 19, Sun –

2:36am – ScW left the home at Century Sq. His car was seen on CCTV near the lock-up.

2:47am – 10 minutes - GPS data puts ScW at the lock-up. His phone recorded 172 steps.

3:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up.

3:00:47secs – ScW’s phone was used at the junction of Fane Road and Fulbridge Road to take a photo of a male face.

3:06am to 5:23am – ScW’s phone in Gunthorpe area for next 2 hrs 17 mins (Uldale Way).

3:08am – ScW’s phone recorded 8 steps (he's out of car).

3:10am – ScW’s phone at Uldale Way until 5:23am.

5:37am – 23 minutes - ScW’s phone back at the lock-up. 86 steps recorded.

6:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up garage.

6:20am – ScW at McDonald’s Drive Thru.

6:35am – ScW at home.

unknown time on Jul 19 - WN (BW's online confidant)
received messages from SaW on BW's Instagram acct, telling him 'BW had lied about the allegations'. He was "worried and confused about what her mum said.” He said he made a number of attempts to call BW but it went to call forward each time. (source)

unknown time on Jul 19 - WN contacted SaW on Facebook Messenger to apologise to SaW after she told him that BW’s abuse claims were false. He said he “just wanted to say I’m sorry for anything you read” in an exchange he had with BW. “I believed her and tried to be a good friend and help her through it and am really angry and upset with her about this,” he said. “I don’t want you to believe I think you’re a bad mum.” In her response, SaW told WN: “Thanks for messaging me. I really advise you block her to be honest. “You don’t need that drama.” She went on: “I really miss her and know she’s sad right now but we can move past this.” SaW wrote that she “didn’t take (BW) to the police in the end, I took her to her grandparents”. “I hoped she would own up to them.” She added: “If I thought for one minute it’s true, her dad wouldn’t be here.” (sources here and here)

unknown time and date [placed here in timeline until more information known] -
Messages were sent from BW's phone to CO’C’s phone after she went missing. SaW admitted to CO'C after her arrest that she had sent the messages but that one of them was sent by ScW. When CO'C gave a statement to police on Sept 11th SaW had not yet admitted to him that she sent the messages. (source)

3:33pm – ScW’s phone located at the lock-up.

3:33pm – Message was sent from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone. BW’s phone was located at Westwood area near the prison. SaW’s phone was at SaW’s friend’s home on Padholme Road. The message said –“I don’t know what to do, but I will be soon, when I am ready. I really want us to delete messages too. I will tell you more later.” BW’s phone then disconnected from the network.

3:45pm – ScW (at the lock-up) sent a photo and a text message to his step father.

3:58pm – CCTV showed ScW’s Mercedes vaneo leaving the lock-up.

4:27pm – Message from SaW’s phone replying to BW’s phone read – “OK, I’ve deleted everything. What do you want to tell me x

Evening - friends of BW tried to phone her, but the phone was switched off. A message had been sent from Instagram to
BW’s Gmail account. Investigations have revealed that message had been read when police examined the account. (source)

Jul 20, Mon –

12:27am – 5 minutes - ScW and SaW’s phones at the lock-up.

12:32am – ScW and SaW leave the lock-up, their phones switched on. ANPR would track ScW’s Mercedes as it travelled along the A16 nr. Spalding and A1175 nr. Market Deeping, towards Cowbit.

12:37am – Average Speed Camera picked up the car on the A16 going northbound. (link)

12:42am – Phones connected to cell site known as Crowland Water Tower.

12:43am – SaW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:44am – ScW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 4am.

12:54am to 1:29am – BW’s phone connected to the network at 12:54am. It connected with a number of cell sites in Cowbit area over these 35 minutes, suggesting it was moving.

12:54am to 1:28am – A number of messages were sent from BW’s phone as it was moving:

The first message was sent to SaW. The message said: “
For God’s sake, what the hell mum, stop messaging my friends. I swear you tell anyone else I lied I will tell them I don’t have my phone, I’ll tell everyone dad has got it. I’m OK.”

Messages were also sent to BW’s friends from her phone. One sent to one friend said: “
you can leave me alone too.”

12:55am - Another text sent to WN started a conversation between the two:

BW’s phone: “
Please leave me alone.”
WN: “Bernadette - please go home.”
BW’s phone: “
Everyone hates me now.”
WN: “I don’t, your mum doesn’t.”
BW’s phone: “
You should.”
WN: “Well I don’t because I care about you.”
BW’s phone: “
I’m OK
WN sent a message asking who she was with, and a reply came back telling him
WN: “OK, that’s fine. Your mum loves you so much and she really really misses you.”
BW’s phone: “
Stop messaging people about me. I’ll throw my phone. Leave me alone.
WN: “Are you serious?
BW’s phone: “
WN: “I just want you to go home.”
BW’s phone: “
I know.”
WN messaged that she had ‘scared everyone’.
BW’s phone: “
I don’t care. Sorry, got to go, they don’t know I actually have my phone.”

WN testified that another message he received during the conversation said: “
People asking me bare questions.” The court was told the message meant ‘people keep asking me lots of questions.’ WN testified : “She had never spoken like that before,” saying BW had never used that phrase before in their conversations. When asked about how he felt about the messages he said: “It was really off . It didn’t feel right.” He said he noticed the messages started with a double spacing - something SaW had used, but BW had not. He added: “The more I thought about it, the more I knew (it wasn’t her.)” (source)

[1:00am - BW texted SaW to say she was coming home soon according to media reports before the trial]

1:17am – ScW’s car seen at Applegreen Service Station on A1175, for 2 minutes.
Messages still being sent from BW’s phone.

1:19am – ScW’s car left the service station.

1.28am - The last message was sent from BW’s phone (possibly to finish the conversation recorded above), which said “I don’t know what to do, keeping my options open. K, bye.

1:29am – BW’s phone disconnected from network. It has not been reconnected since and the handset has not been recovered.

1:32am to 1:37am – 5 minutes - SaW’s phone tracked 33 steps.

1:49am – ScW’s car sighted by ANPR on the A15 at Glinton.

3:03am – SaW’s phone reconnected.

3:07am – SaW’s Phone located in vicinity of Century Sq.

4:08am – ScW’s phone reconnected in vicinity of Century Sq.

10:20am – ScW downloaded an advice form from Childline.

unknown time - A friend of BW's (who had seen BW's post about the sexual abuse allegations before it was deleted) gave a statement saying that on 20 July she began to receive messages from SaW asking if she had heard from her:-
SaW wrote: "I can't really say what happened for her privacy. But she ran away from home… if you have contact with her can you tell her I love her so much and miss her?", "I just wanna know she's safe. The police won't report her missing until 72 hours. But I'm going to them tomora [sic]." The friend replied: "Sorry, but I haven't heard anything from her. I messaged her three days ago asking if she's OK but she hasn't replied." Later SaW replied: "The lies she told are massive so I can see why she can't face coming home." "I wasn't going to say anything but so much of what she said contradicts." (source)

Jul 21, Tue -

1:31am – SaW contacted Cambridgeshire police via the webchat service. She wrote“Hi, I just wanted some advice because our 17-year-old daughter ran off after a row.” She told the officer on the webchat that she had received messages from BW saying she was OK, but had not heard from her for a while. The officer advised SaW to call 101 to make a missing person report.

3:18am – SaW called 101 to report BW missing, in a call lasting 50 minutes. “Hiya, it’s Mrs Walker. Umm...I’m just ringing to report my 17-year-old daughter er...missing” SaW said, with the call handler asking how long for. “Well, she ran away on Saturday lunch time but I knew where she was until she stopped messaging at er... 1am er...yesterday morning." “Yeah, and I sort of... I gave her the day to sort of... sort it out a bit because it’s not the first time she’s done it.” "And then of course as umm... it's become...I've become aware of the fact that she's not where she told us she was so obviously I... that's what I'm phoning now."

When asked when the last time either SaW or ScW saw BW was, SaW said: “ was around I’d say what 1pm on the Saturday the 18th."

When asked where it was, SaW said: “
Where was it she got...she jumped out the car and run off, I’m just asking her dad now.” A male voice in background is heard to say: “Er...Salters Way.” SaW then said: ‘It was between Salters Way,’ before a male voice can be heard saying: 'Mountstevens'. "And Mountsteven Avenue, it was around that area.

SaW was asked where BW said she was going. She replied: “
She...she didn’t she just umm...she was just...he was just, he was just talking to her about y’know cos they’d been a row and that’s why she had gone to Grandparents and he just said, look er...y’know we’ll go home, we can talk about things at home and she went, I am not going home, I’ve told you. And she just, got out and ran.”

SaW then told the officer that
BW had previously messaged to say she was at an ex-boyfriend's house - but when asked if she went to the boy’s house to see if BW was there, or if she made contact with the boy or his parents, she said: “Er...I didn’t no because his parents are umm.. Polish and I, she doesn’t speak a word of English.” She said that another person asked the boy if BW was there and he replied that she was not.

Later in the call, SaW said: “
In hindsight I wish I’d phoned you guys a bit sooner but I didn’t wanna push her away by... I don’t know...stupid idea.”

The officer asked SW to re-cap what had happened when BW was last seen. She said: “
Umm....I ...I wasn’t there but umm...she’d ...her dad had said something along the lines of er...y’know, you, you need to apologise to mum when we get back umm....and then obviously you can’ can’t just be having attitude and things like that and she said, I’m not going home and just...he stopped to roll a cigarette and she just jumped and ran. So he sort of jumped out of the car, locked it and then ran after her... but because he had to...he was delayed because he had to pull the car up...cos he’d only pulled it, side of road so he had to pull it onto the kerb, so it weren’t blocking traffic.”

SaW was also asked for a description of BW, if she had run away before, and if she had access to money or social media accounts. SaW said BW “
has run off before”. She said BW had topped her phone up. [See entry 6:28pm on Jul 18th - a top up voucher was purchased at Spar with SaW’s bank card and used to top-up BW's phone.]

The police officer also asked if SaW had checked any of the hospitals, with SaW saying she had not. The call was ended with SaW asked to contact officers if she had any update.

Jul 22, Weds -

unknown time - SaW called police non-emergency number 101 (again).
SaW asked if it was advisable to put an appeal over BW's disappearance on Facebook. She repeatedly mentioned sexual abuse claims BW had made about ScW and told the call handler BW later admitted lying about the allegations.

unknown time - Police officer Elizabeth Aspland went to search BW’s bedroom as part of the missing person’s investigation. (source) ScW was in the house and he became tearful. He said SaW was in a relationship with another man called Chris. ScW said BW had made some false allegations [about ScW] and ScW thought it was probably to get him out of the house so Chris could move in. (this event originally misreported during opening speech as Jul 23rd here)

7:40pm -
SaW posted on her Facebook page appealing for BW to come home, saying her granddad was not well. The court has heard BW's grandfather has dementia. The court was told SaW made a number of internet searches during the week - including ‘my daughter is missing, can we search for where her phone was last used.’ (source)

Eve - 25 minutes - GPS tracked ScW to a local lock-up, where he spent 12 minutes on phone to SaW.

c. 10:00pm - SaW then did a Google search for "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". The court heard SaW repeatedly logged into and out of BW's Facebook account to "check for activity". SaW told a friend in a message "I'm not going to be controlled by Scott anymore" and "I'm going to tell the police he made me delete messages". (source) [see entries about references to deleting messages on 19th July.]

Last edited:
Update 24 June 2021

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.

TIMELINE PART TWO of TWO - July 23rd 2020 to November 2020

BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley). Also known as Bernie, and Bee.
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley. changed name to Walker by deed poll), Bernadette's mother, age 38. (on trial for perverting course of justice)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51. Bernadette referred to him as Dad. (on trial for murder and perverting course of justice)
CO'C - Sarah Walker's boyfriend
JW - ScW's stepmother

Colour Code

green - visits to lock-up
pink - BW's social media activity after going to Scott's parents
red - Key Events
blue - SaW's messages/google searches/words
orange - phone disconnects/reconnects/other phone strategies/calls between SaW and ScW

Trial opened with jury selection here on 14 Jun 2021
Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2
The prosecution opening speech began here
Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2

Jul 23, Thu -

1st Article in Peterborough Matters - "Bernadette Walker, 17, jumped out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton on Saturday and was was reported missing on Monday, her mum explained. The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance. She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home. The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police and now they are urging anyone who knows of Bernadette's whereabouts to contact Cambridgeshire Constabulary."

2:28pm –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW. SaW added a heart.

unknown time - SaW posted on social media that she and her two daughters were missing BW, asking BW to let them know she is safe and she could even message Chris or go and stay there

Eve -
SaW and ScW’s phone handsets were located out of their home at Century Square.

10:22pm -
ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes on the A47 heading eastbound between Wisbech and King’s Lynn

c. 10:52pm -
ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes returning westbound on the A47. (source)

Jul 24, Fri -

00:23am –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW cuddling her new baby sister.

c. 6:00pm –
SaW sent a message to a friend saying “I really think he (ScW) said something to her in the car. Why would she even get in the car if she had no intention of coming home.” (source)

6:09pm –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW with his mum.

unknown time – SaW spoke to [or messaged] a friend about how ScW had acted
when the friend had been to visit, with SaW saying he had showed emotion when the friend had arrived, but saying he had not shown the emotion during the rest of the week. She said: “I still think there is something dodgy about the way he is behaving.” “I ain’t falling for a few fake tears. (source)

unknown time -
SaW sent a message to her boyfriend CO'C about ScW, saying: "I'm not 100% convinced about his story."

unknown times -
SaW then did multiple Google searches for "how to track a mobile phone", "how to track a mobile phone's location" and for a second time [see July 22nd] "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". (source). SaW also searched 'can police trace a text message’, ‘can police trace a text to a location’, ‘finding where a text is sent from’, and ‘why haven’t the police found my child’ (source)

unknown date/time at the end of the week – SaW contacted the YMCA
to see if BW was staying there because there had been a potential sighting of BW near the centre but she was told staff could not say anything due to confidentiality. (source)

Jul 25, Sat, 3:38pm –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook back to old photo of himself and BW.

unknown time - seven days after BW was last seen - SaW texted and called BW’s phone.

Jul 27 2nd Article in Peterborough Matters - "Bernadette Walker has been missing from her home since July 19, after jumping out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton. Her mother Sarah is concerned that Bernadette is worried that she will be in trouble, but her family want her to know that they just want her home. She said: "We need to make it clear that she's not in any trouble, we're all worried and want to know that she's safe." The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance. She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home. The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police."

Aug 53rd Article in Peterborough Matters - "Sarah said: "We have had no contact with her since 1am on July 20, when she texted me to say she would be home soon. None of her friends have heard from her and she's not accessed social media." She added: "I can't eat or sleep properly. I miss and love my eldest princess so much, she's missing out on her baby sister, who has learned to smile and coo already. I have to think that she is hiding at one of her friend's homes, worried about coming home now that the police will want to speak to her, I can't think of any alternative scenarios, I just can't. "I know my baby girl wouldn't be out in the open. She's scared of being out in the dark alone, that's what makes me think she's at a friend's house. I just wish someone would just say she's here and she's safe. I want to cuddle her, but right now I'd accept that she's safe and well." Sarah's family originally believed Bernadette may have had additional clothing with her but have since found the missing items under her bed, so she would have been wearing all black with a denim jacket on. Sarah has also been left concerned that Bernadette is viewed as medium risk in the investigation and is begging that she is moved to high risk. She added: "I believe the police are doing their job, but as a parent I need more. I'm desperate for my daughter to be found. When will they up the risk to high instead of medium?"

Aug 13, 00:14am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of two of his children at the beach.

Aug 15 – ScW added a facebook post to say he graduated from Peterborough College.

Aug 24, Mon, 11:44am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of himself and the baby

Aug 31, Mon, 3:38pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of SaW and children on a swing at the park.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of the baby. SaW commented at 4:20 pm saying “thanks for sending me these” and then an unhappy emoji to which ScW added the wow emoji and at 6:33pm said “sorry, I can send some later if you like X”, and then another saying “sorry doh!X”.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook back to photo of SaW and children at the park. At 6:38pm he tagged SaW to this post with a heart emoji. He also added the ‘care’ emoji to his own post.

Aug (late) - SaW’s TikTok videos resume? (according to a WS post)

Sep 3, Thu, 9:33am – ScW adds 4 photos to facebook – one of himself with the baby in the house, another of himself with his daughter in a restaurant (same occasion as photo posted Sep 5), SaW in restaurant and another of a child’s drawing to SaW depicting ScW proposing to SaW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:18pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:19pm – ScW updated his profile picture on facebook with a photo of SaW smiling in a restaurant. At 3:20pm SaW comments on the photo “If you’re gonna fill your Facebook with pics of me. Can u at least make sure I don’t look like ****”. There are additional back and forth comments about the photo.

Sep 7, Mon, 10:33pm - ScW posts a message on facebook to BW that police came for BW’s hairbrush and toothbrush tonight. Adds a photo of BW with baby sister sleeping on her and adds the care emoji.

Sep 8, Tues – (also reported as Sep 9th in some reports) Lisa Wilding QC, prosecuting, said that ScW was spoken to by police on September 8 about BW’s disappearance. Ms Wilding said: “He said he had picked BW up, and made his way home. He wanted to go to McDonalds, but she didn’t want to. “He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. “He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked down an alley. “He said he tried to follow her. “He said to police he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind. “He drew a map, but said he would not be able to locate the area.”

Sep 9, Weds – Same report as Sep 8th so unclear which date is correct – with one addition - “He was specifically asked if (BW) had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. “He said he didn’t know but he didn’t see or hear one.”

Sep 9, Weds – ‘police spoke to SaW on September 9 at her new boyfriend’s address. SaW said she “didn’t believe the sexual allegations BW made against ScW, but blamed ScW for arguing with her on the way home causing BW to disappear”, Ms Wilding said. SaW also made allegations against ScW, saying that she thought he “used her thumb while she was asleep to access her phone so he could track her”, Ms Wilding said. “She said he spied on her at (her new boyfriend) Chris’s house and sent her pictures, so she knew he was there, and he messaged her repeatedly when she was at Chris’s house until he got a reply.” SaW also told police ScW should have moved out after they split up but had not, Ms Wilding said. (source trial). During court testimony from CO'C it was put to him that SaW had lied to CO'C that ScW was not moving out of the family home because he had a court order. (source)

Sep 10, Thurs4th Article in Peterborough Matters - "Peterborough teenager Bernadette Walker is now considered to be high risk after she was confirmed as missing almost eight weeks ago on July 18. Her mum Sarah Walker shared the news on social media, she wrote: "Please keep sharing. The police have now put Bernadette Walker as a high risk missing person due to the amount of time she has been missing. "Bernadette if you can see this, please let us know that you are safe. You can set up a new Facebook or Instagram darling and message us, that way you can let us know that you're safe without giving away your location."

Sep 11, Fri, am - No-body murder investigation declared. Car seized and parents taken for questioning. (link and link )

Sep 11, Fri - ScW was arrested on suspicion of murder, and he made no comment to all questions. (link)

Sep 11, Fri - SaW's boyfriend CO'C gave a statement to police and at that time SaW had not yet admitted to him that she sent messages from BW's phone after BW's disappearance. She admitted this to him after her arrest. He had queried if the language used in the messages was something BW would say. She said one of the messages was sent by ScW and it was not BW. (source)

Sep 12, Sat, pm – A neighbour said "'I messaged her when the news came out about a suspect man being arrested and she said she had just come back from giving a statement to police." (link)

Sep 12, Sat, eveSaW was arrested on suspicion of murder

Sep 13, Sun – about 6am – SaW posted on facebook that she’s been told not to say anything else. Police used sniffer dog to search home and smashed the back window of the other car parked outside. (link)

Sep 14, Mon – early hoursScW and SaW charged with joint enterprise murder. Police say "my team have made significant progress with this investigation in the last few days" (link)

Sep 14, Mon - Police started searching at Cowbit (link)

Sep 15, Tues, late morning - Police start searching three garages in Churchfield Rd, Walton (link) . Police found BW’s rucksack in a lock-up used by ScW.

"There were sanitary towels, a book for her overnight stay, spare clothes, headphones, make-up, a watch, a facemask and a notebook. A note written by BW was found in the notebook. Ms Wilding said it read: “Told my mum about dad and the abuse. She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police.” The note continued:What kind of parent wouldn’t believe their daughter. Its fine, I’m going to pretend it is all OK until I leave home, then I will block them out of my life.” “If I was brave enough I probably would have already left or killed myself.” (link)

Nov 9 SaW’s charges reduced to perverting course of justice.

Updated to trial day 30th June 2021

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.

TIMELINE PART ONE of TWO - up to and including July 20th 2020

BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley). Also known as Bernie, and Bee.
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley. changed name to Walker by deed poll), Bernadette's mother, age 38. (on trial for perverting course of justice)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51. Bernadette referred to him as Dad. (on trial for murder and perverting course of justice)

CO'C - Sarah Walker's boyfriend
JW - ScW's stepmother

Colour Code

green - visits to lock-up
pink - BW's social media activity after going to Scott's parents
red - Key Events
blue - SaW's messages/google searches/words
orange - phone disconnects/reconnects/other phone strategies/calls between SaW and ScW

brown - what SaW told police in her interview

Trial opened with jury selection here on 14 Jun 2021
Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2
The prosecution opening speech began here Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2

BW was studying art and design at Peterborough Regional College and had a 96 per cent attendance.

Mar - BW's ex-boyfriend LS testified that he last saw BW at college before the March 2020 national lockdown. (source)

Jun 10 - SaW gave birth to a baby girl, her tenth child with seven men. Paternity of the baby is not publicly known. SaW and ScW were living in the same house at Century Square, Peterborough, but at the time BW disappeared SaW had been in a relationship with a man named Chris [CO'C] - since 2019 . (source and source)

Jul 15, Wed - A statement from a student on BW's college course said there was a class group chat on Snapchat and BW was very active on it. The student said BW's last post in the group chat was on July 15, when she posted the word ‘magic.’ She had not opened any other messages in the chat since. (source)

Jul 15, Wed -
BW confided in WN, an online friend, allegations that she had been sexually abused by ScW. She described it as 'ten out of ten serious' (source). WN's court evidence here. He offered BW support and encouraged her to tell her mum. In actuality he wouldn't ever hear from BW again - SaW contacted him on Jul 19th to say BW's allegations were false, and his calls to BW after that went unanswered. On Jul 20th at 1am he received texts from BW's phone telling him to leave her alone and to stop messaging people about her. He was shocked and thought the messages seemed off, she used slang and double spacing in each message which she hadn't used before, and the more he thought about it the more he knew it wasn't BW and came to think it was SaW.

Jul 16, Thu - SaW's last homemade TikTok video until end of August. SaW was a prolific user of TikTok.

Jul 16, Thu BW's disclosure to her mum that she had been sexually abused. BW revealed to SaW in a text conversation lasting through the night and into the morning (source) that she had been raped and sexually assaulted by ScW for about seven years. BW also claimed he had planted a camera in her bedroom and bathroom. In one message, BW said: ‘Most of the times was in the games room when you started night shifts.’ Some of the messages sent between SaW and BW were read out to the jury. In them, SaW questioned BW's memory of events, suggested she had been sleepwalking, and warned her that her children would be taken away by social services if police became involved. The prosecutor said: ‘These messages left BW in no doubt her mother did not believe her. ‘In fact, SaW made the conversation about her by talking about herself... and saying it could not be true as SaW wouldn’t be able to handle being in the same house as ScW. ‘What Bernadette makes clear is she hasn’t misunderstood anything and she wasn’t lying.’ (source) [see Sept 15th for police discovery of a note written by BW which said "She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police"]. CO'C testified to the court that SaW was angry about BW's allegations and angry at ScW, and did not believe the allegations. (source) SaW told police in her interview in September that what BW said 'didn't add up' - that BW said ScW had recorded her getting changed but SaW knew he had broken his phone. SaW admitted saying to BW she was a liar and that she had said BW should go to her grandparents for some breathing space.' (source)

Jul 17, Fri - Some classmates described seeing a post BW made saying she had told her mum about the allegations ScW had sexually abused her, describing it as unlike BW to post something so personal. (source). A friend of BW's gave a statement saying she saw BW's post just before it was deleted. (source)

Jul 17, Fri, 10pm – BW was taken by ScW to spend the night at ScW's parents’ home in Dukesmead, Werrington. BW's phone remained at her home at Century Square. As BW left to go to her grandparents SaW said in her police interview (after telling BW she was a liar) "I told her I loved her three times at the door. She was crying and put her arms around me." (source). JW was contacted on the 17th asking if BW could stay, and had been told that BW had made a sexual allegation against ScW. JW testified that SaW did not believe BW and that BW came "because they thought she would probably open up to someone else". JW testified that BW was very upset and crying, she wanted her mum to believe her, she repeatedly said "I'm not lying" and she couldn't tell JW (about the allegations) because she was a grandparent. JW said they changed the subject because BW wasn't going to say anything else. JW testified that BW had a rucksack with her but she did not see her with a phone. (source)

Jul 18, Sat -

1:00am – BW fell asleep at ScW’s parents’ house on the sofa and did not change her clothes the next day. (source)

3:15am – BW’s phone activated.

Morning - ScW phoned JW to arrange to pick up BW.

10:25am – ScW left Century Sq. in his Mercedes Vaneo.

10:33am - 10:40am – 7 minutes /40 steps recorded. GPS shows ScW was at a lock-up (garage) in Montagu Rd in Walton. (this article reports police were searching a garage in Churchfield Rd.) There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Gmail email account at this time. She was waiting to be picked up and was not missing yet. ScW had access to two lock-up garages owned by his father and stepmother. JW testified that she would regularly visit the garages to pick things up, drop things off and do weeding. JW agreed that the garages are overlooked by neighbouring homes, even when the gates are shut. JW also testified that ScW was registered disabled, was awaiting a back operation to have something fitted, and didn't work, as a result of a back injury sustained in a car accident but that he was able to walk, drive and ride a motorbike. (source)

10:40am – ScW left the lock-up.

10:48am – There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Facebook account.

10:49am - ScW arrived at his parent’s home to collect BW. JW testified that BW was very quiet when ScW was there. Later that day JW received a phone call from ScW, saying BW ‘had run off from his vehicle.’ He did not say where or why she had run off. (source)

11:06am – ScW set off with BW from Dukesmead, Werrington ‘to drive BW back home.’ It should have been a 3 mile, 10 minute drive. ScW’s parents said goodbye to BW and that was the last sighting of BW by anyone other than ScW. When SaW reported BW missing to police 3 days later she said BW had jumped out of the car and run off at about 1:00pm. BW's ex-boyfriend LS testified that BW did not stay at his house after she disappeared, contrary to a message sent from BW's phone saying that [see c. 1:24pm]. LS testified that he tried to call BW after her disappearance but her phone went to voicemail each time. (source)

11:06am - 11:16am - ScW's phone travelled through Werrington, Gunthorpe and Dogsthorpe areas.

11:16am – 11:23am – ScW's phone in Gunthorpe area - during these 7 minutes he was out of the car and his phone recorded 410 steps. (source)

11:23am – 17 minutes after leaving his parent's house - ScW’s phone disconnected from the network for 1.5 hrs, until 12:54pm. During that time SaW tried to call ScW and ScW’s parents but was unable to get an answer. (source). An expert in cell site data analysis, explained to the jury that disconnections were either an ‘explicit’ disconnection (e.g. phone switched off, put into airplane mode or running out of battery), or an ‘implicit’ disconnection (e.g. phone being smashed on the ground or submerged in water). ScW’s phone disconnection at 11.23am was ‘explicit’ disconnection - although cell site data did not make it possible to say exactly what had happened to disconnect from the network. (source)

c. 12:30pm - SaW told police she was phoning ScW "and his phone was going straight to voicemail" (SaW's police interview in Sept. - source)

12:54pm – ScW’s phone reconnected in Gunthorpe area.

12:54pm to 1:04pm –
ScW phoned SaW for 9 mins 16 secs.

12:54pm to 1:23pm - ScW travelled from Gunthorpe to Werrington ending at the Esso garage McDonalds (Glinton?) at 1:23pm. (source)

1:04pm – 10 seconds after the call ended, SaW messaged CO’C, telling him
BW had ‘run off.

30 seconds later - there was a log-in to BW’s Gmail account at Century Sq. Analysis of SaW’s Google account showed that BW’s Gmail password was changed to a new password, with the name ‘Chris’ in it.

1:07pm – SaW’s Google searched for a
log in for a Hotmail account

1:14pm – there was activity on an Instagram account belonging to BW. During the same period, CO’C messaged SaW saying it would be OK as BW had her phone. SaW messaged back saying BW didn’t have her phone, and her bag was in the car.

1:23 pm – ScW at Esso garage/McDonalds.

1:24pm – there was more activity on BW’s Instagram account, as a message was sent to a friend saying ‘Hi, it’s me, I ran away. I don’t want to be in trouble for lying.

Then there was a
conversation from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone - with cell sites placing both phones at Century Sq.

The conversation said:

BW’s phone: Can you forgive me?
SaW’s phone: Of course I can darling. Please come home.
BW’s phone: Will I be in lots of trouble?
SaW’s phone: No, we can forget this happened.
BW’s phone: Really?
SaW’s phone: We need to talk about it,

BW’s phone :
message saying BW was going to stay at a friend’s home
SaW’s phone : message saying come home, and ‘I just want a cuddle.

c.1:45pm - SaW told police ScW called her back after her unsuccessful attempt to call him at 12:30pm and he was out of breath. She had said to him "'Why was your phone off?' and he said: 'It's dead, it dropped into the footwell of the car'." SaW told police he said : 'She got out of the car and ran off'. What do I do? I can't find her. She went behind the houses, and I think I saw her going over the footbridge towards Westwood'." (per SaW's police interview in Sept. - source)

1:49pm – there was
a password change on BW’s Hotmail account -again using the same password with ‘Chris’ included. An email from Microsoft confirming the password change said the change had been validated using SaW’s mobile phone number.

Just before 2pm - SaW phoned ScW (still at McDonalds?), with a call lasting for 3 mins 49 secs before the call ends - but restarts seven seconds later, lasting a further 12 mins 35 secs. During that call, BW’s phone was disconnected from the network.

2:30pm - 2:40pm – 10 minutes - ScW’s phone is located again at the lock-up. SaW makes a video call to her mum during that time, and ScW makes a number of attempts to call SaW.

2:50pm – ScW returns home and his phone remains there until 6:15pm.
SaW told police in her interview "He was drained and tired and upset about the whole situation, and he was crying, and he was scared." SaW also told police in her interview that she received messages from BW that afternoon and the next day "I had a couple of messages saying I'll be home soon, just need some time." (source)

unknown time - Messages were sent from BW's phone to CO’C’s phone. CO'C showed these to the police on Sept 8th (source). SaW admitted to CO'C after her arrest that she had sent the messages but that one of them was sent by ScW. It's unclear from the reporting whether this means ALL the messages or just messages to CO'C. When CO'C gave a statement to police on Sept 11th SaW had not yet admitted to him that she sent the messages. (source)

6:16pm –
ScW and SaW’s phones both left Century Sq. BW’s phone reconnected to the network and went with them, with the journey taking them through Westwood.

6:28pm – a purchase is made at the Spar in Hampton Court, Westwood using SaW’s bank card - with a phone top up voucher, Sim Card and milk being bought. The
top up is then used on BW’s phone.

c. 6:30pm – ScW’s phone called BW’s phone - with the call left open for 33 seconds.

6:54pm – BW’s phone disconnected from the network, and ScW and SaW left the area of the shop.

10:14pm – ScW and SaW’s phones connect to different cell sites in Peterborough.

10:48pm – 20 minutes - ScW and SaW’s phones both activate GPS at the lock-up. Steps were recorded.

11:08pm – SaW and ScW left the lock-up garage.

Jul 19, Sun –

2:36am – ScW left the home at Century Sq. His car was seen on CCTV near the lock-up.

2:47am – 10 minutes - GPS data puts ScW at the lock-up. His phone recorded 172 steps.

3:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up.

3:00:47secs – ScW’s phone was used at the junction of Fane Road and Fulbridge Road to take a photo of a male face.

3:06am to 5:23am – ScW’s phone in Gunthorpe area for next 2 hrs 17 mins (Uldale Way).

3:08am – ScW’s phone recorded 8 steps (he's out of car).

3:10am – ScW’s phone at Uldale Way until 5:23am.

5:37am – 23 minutes - ScW’s phone back at the lock-up. 86 steps recorded.

6:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up garage.

6:20am – ScW at McDonald’s Drive Thru.

6:35am – ScW at home.

unknown time on Jul 19 - WN (BW's online confidant)
received messages from SaW on BW's Instagram acct, telling him 'BW had lied about the allegations'. He was "worried and confused about what her mum said.” He said he made a number of attempts to call BW but it went to call forward each time. (source)

unknown time on Jul 19 - WN contacted SaW on Facebook Messenger to apologise to SaW after she told him that BW’s abuse claims were false. He said “just wanted to say I’m sorry for anything you read” in an exchange he had with BW. “I believed her and tried to be a good friend and help her through it and am really angry and upset with her about this,” he said. “I don’t want you to believe I think you’re a bad mum.” In her response, SaW told WN: “Thanks for messaging me. I really advise you block her to be honest. “You don’t need that drama.” She went on: “I really miss her and know she’s sad right now but we can move past this.” SaW wrote that she “didn’t take (BW) to the police in the end, I took her to her grandparents”. “I hoped she would own up to them.” She added: “If I thought for one minute it’s true, her dad wouldn’t be here.” (sources here and here)

unknown time - probably mid afternoon - SaW visited a friend, Amanda P [AP]. (Court report says 20th July but it could be a reporting error because it refers to a message from BW's phone that was most likely sent before her phone disconnected for the last time in the early hours of the 20th). AP said they discussed BW. SaW told AP that SaW had listened to a conversation in the car between BW and ScW because ScW had left his phone open on his leg or the dashboard. SaW said ScW was saying BW's abuse allegations were untrue and they needed to tell SaW. Then the phone fell off and turned itself off for an hour. SaW tried to phone back but couldn't get through. SaW then confessed to AP she had not heard the conversation and ScW had told her to say she had. AP heard from SaW that while she was there SaW received a text from BW's phone [see timeline 3:33pm]. AP was relieved because she thought BW was OK and would be coming home. SaW told AP that BW had her phone with her, that she had been messaging SaW throughout the night from her grandparents', but she had not had any other contact from BW since she was last seen. (source)

3:33pm – ScW’s phone located at the lock-up.

3:33pm – Message was sent from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone. BW’s phone was located at Westwood area near the prison. SaW’s phone was at SaW’s friend’s home on Padholme Road. The message said –“I don’t know what to do, but I will be soon, when I am ready. I really want us to delete messages too. I will tell you more later.” BW’s phone then disconnected from the network.

3:45pm – ScW (at the lock-up) sent a photo and a text message to his step father.

3:58pm – CCTV showed ScW’s Mercedes vaneo leaving the lock-up.

4:27pm – Message from SaW’s phone replying to BW’s phone read – “OK, I’ve deleted everything. What do you want to tell me x

Evening - friends of BW tried to phone her, but the phone was switched off. A message had been sent from Instagram to
BW’s Gmail account. Investigations have revealed that message had been read when police examined the account. (source)

Jul 20, Mon –

12:27am – 5 minutes - ScW and SaW at the lock-up. (source)

12:32am – ScW and SaW leave the lock-up, "both parents travelled to Cowbit" their phones switched on. ANPR would track ScW’s Mercedes as it travelled along the A16 nr. Spalding and A1175 nr. Market Deeping, towards Cowbit.

12:37am – Average Speed Camera picked up the car on the A16 going northbound. (link)

12:42am – Phones connected to cell site known as Crowland Water Tower.

12:43am – SaW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:44am – ScW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 4am.

12:54am to 1:29am – BW’s phone connected to the network at 12:54am. It connected with a number of cell sites in Cowbit area over these 35 minutes, suggesting it was moving.

12:54am to 1:28am – A number of messages were sent from BW’s phone as it was moving:

The first message was sent to SaW. The message said: “
For God’s sake, what the hell mum, stop messaging my friends. I swear you tell anyone else I lied I will tell them I don’t have my phone, I’ll tell everyone dad has got it. I’m OK.”

Messages were also sent to BW’s friends from her phone. One sent to one friend said: “
you can leave me alone too.”

12:55am - Another text sent to WN started a conversation between the two:

BW’s phone: “
Please leave me alone.”
WN: “Bernadette - please go home.”
BW’s phone: “
Everyone hates me now.”
WN: “I don’t, your mum doesn’t.”
BW’s phone: “
You should.”
WN: “Well I don’t because I care about you.”
BW’s phone: “
I’m OK
WN sent a message asking who she was with, and a reply came back telling him
WN: “OK, that’s fine. Your mum loves you so much and she really really misses you.”
BW’s phone: “
Stop messaging people about me. I’ll throw my phone. Leave me alone.
WN: “Are you serious?
BW’s phone: “
WN: “I just want you to go home.”
BW’s phone: “
I know.”
WN messaged that she had ‘scared everyone’.
BW’s phone: “
I don’t care. Sorry, got to go, they don’t know I actually have my phone.”

WN testified that another message he received during the conversation said: “
People asking me bare questions.” The court was told the message meant ‘people keep asking me lots of questions.’ WN testified : “She had never spoken like that before,” saying BW had never used that phrase before in their conversations. When asked about how he felt about the messages he said: “It was really off . It didn’t feel right.” He said he noticed the messages started with a double spacing - something SaW had used, but BW had not. He added: “The more I thought about it, the more I knew (it wasn’t her.)” (source)

[1:00am - BW texted SaW to say she was coming home soon according to media reports before the trial]

1:17am – ScW’s car seen at Applegreen Service Station on A1175, for 2 minutes.
Messages still being sent from BW’s phone.

1:19am – ScW’s car left the service station.

1.28am - The last message was sent from BW’s phone (possibly to finish the conversation recorded above), which said “I don’t know what to do, keeping my options open. K, bye.

1:29am – BW’s phone disconnected from network. It has not been reconnected since and the handset has not been recovered.

1:32am to 1:37am – 5 minutes - SaW’s phone tracked 33 steps.

1:49am – ScW’s car sighted by ANPR on the A15 at Glinton.

3:03am – SaW’s phone reconnected.

3:07am – SaW’s Phone located in vicinity of Century Sq.

4:08am – ScW’s phone reconnected in vicinity of Century Sq.

10:20am – ScW downloaded an advice form from Childline.

unknown time - A friend of BW's (who had seen BW's post about the sexual abuse allegations before it was deleted) gave a statement saying that on 20 July she began to receive messages from SaW asking if she had heard from her:-
SaW wrote: "I can't really say what happened for her privacy. But she ran away from home… if you have contact with her can you tell her I love her so much and miss her?", "I just wanna know she's safe. The police won't report her missing until 72 hours. But I'm going to them tomora [sic]." The friend replied: "Sorry, but I haven't heard anything from her. I messaged her three days ago asking if she's OK but she hasn't replied." Later SaW replied: "The lies she told are massive so I can see why she can't face coming home." "I wasn't going to say anything but so much of what she said contradicts." (source)

Updated to trial day 30th June 2021

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.

TIMELINE PART TWO of TWO - July 21st 2020 to November 2020

BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley). Also known as Bernie, and Bee.
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley. changed name to Walker by deed poll), Bernadette's mother, age 38. (on trial for perverting course of justice)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51. Bernadette referred to him as Dad. (on trial for murder and perverting course of justice)
CO'C - Sarah Walker's boyfriend
JW - ScW's stepmother

Colour Code

green - visits to lock-up
pink - BW's social media activity after going to Scott's parents
red - Key Events
blue - SaW's messages/google searches/words
orange - phone disconnects/reconnects/other phone strategies/calls between SaW and ScW

brown - what SaW told police in her interview

Jul 21, Tue -

1:31am –
SaW contacted Cambridgeshire police via the webchat service. She wrote“Hi, I just wanted some advice because our 17-year-old daughter ran off after a row.” She told the officer on the webchat that she had received messages from BW saying she was OK, but had not heard from her for a while. The officer advised SaW to call 101 to make a missing person report.

3:18am – SaW called 101 to report BW missing, in a call lasting 50 minutes. “Hiya, it’s Mrs Walker. Umm...I’m just ringing to report my 17-year-old daughter er...missing” SaW said, with the call handler asking how long for. “Well, she ran away on Saturday lunch time but I knew where she was until she stopped messaging at er... 1am er...yesterday morning." “Yeah, and I sort of... I gave her the day to sort of... sort it out a bit because it’s not the first time she’s done it.” "And then of course as umm... it's become...I've become aware of the fact that she's not where she told us she was so obviously I... that's what I'm phoning now."

When asked when the last time either SaW or ScW saw BW was, SaW said: “ was around I’d say what 1pm on the Saturday the 18th."

When asked where it was, SaW said: “Where was it she got...she jumped out the car and run off, I’m just asking her dad now.” A male voice in background is heard to say: “Er...Salters Way.” SaW then said: ‘It was between Salters Way,’ before a male voice can be heard saying: 'Mountstevens'. "And Mountsteven Avenue, it was around that area.”

SaW was asked where BW said she was going. She replied: “She...she didn’t she just umm...she was just...he was just, he was just talking to her about y’know cos they’d been a row and that’s why she had gone to Grandparents and he just said, look er...y’know we’ll go home, we can talk about things at home and she went, I am not going home, I’ve told you. And she just, got out and ran.”

SaW then told the officer that BW had previously messaged to say she was at an ex-boyfriend's house - but when asked if she went to the boy’s house to see if BW was there, or if she made contact with the boy or his parents, she said: “Er...I didn’t no because his parents are umm.. Polish and I, she doesn’t speak a word of English.” She said that another person asked the boy if BW was there and he replied that she was not.

Later in the call, SaW said: “In hindsight I wish I’d phoned you guys a bit sooner but I didn’t wanna push her away by... I don’t know...stupid idea.”

The officer asked SW to re-cap what had happened when BW was last seen. She said: “Umm....I ...I wasn’t there but umm...she’d ...her dad had said something along the lines of er...y’know, you, you need to apologise to mum when we get back umm....and then obviously you can’ can’t just be having attitude and things like that and she said, I’m not going home and just...he stopped to roll a cigarette and she just jumped and ran. So he sort of jumped out of the car, locked it and then ran after her... but because he had to...he was delayed because he had to pull the car up...cos he’d only pulled it, side of road so he had to pull it onto the kerb, so it weren’t blocking traffic.”

SaW was also asked for a description of BW, if she had run away before, and if she had access to money or social media accounts. SaW said BW “has run off before”. She said BW had topped her phone up. [See entry 6:28pm on Jul 18th - a top up voucher was purchased at Spar with SaW’s bank card and used to top-up BW's phone.]

The police officer also asked if SaW had checked any of the hospitals, with SaW saying she had not. The call was ended with SaW asked to contact officers if she had any update.

Jul 22, Weds -

unknown time - SaW called police non-emergency number 101 (again). SaW asked if it was advisable to put an appeal over BW's disappearance on Facebook. She repeatedly mentioned sexual abuse claims BW had made about ScW and told the call handler BW later admitted lying about the allegations.

unknown time - Police officer Elizabeth Aspland went to search BW’s bedroom as part of the missing person’s investigation. (source) ScW was in the house and he became tearful. He said SaW was in a relationship with another man called Chris. ScW said BW had made some false allegations [about ScW] and ScW thought it was probably to get him out of the house so Chris could move in. (this event originally misreported during opening speech as Jul 23rd here)

7:40pm - SaW posted on her Facebook page appealing for BW to come home, saying BW's granddad was not well. The court has heard BW's grandfather has dementia. The court was told SaW made a number of internet searches during the week - including ‘my daughter is missing, can we search for where her phone was last used.’ (source)

Eve - 25 minutes - GPS tracked ScW to "a local lock-up", where he spent 12 minutes on phone to SaW.

c. 10:00pm - SaW then did a Google search for "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". The court heard SaW repeatedly logged into and out of BW's Facebook account to "check for activity". SaW told a friend in a message "I'm not going to be controlled by Scott anymore" and "I'm going to tell the police he made me delete messages". (source) [see entries about references to deleting messages on 19th July.]

Jul 23, Thu -

1st Article in Peterborough Matters - "Bernadette Walker, 17, jumped out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton on Saturday and was was reported missing on Monday, her mum explained. The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance. She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home. The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police and now they are urging anyone who knows of Bernadette's whereabouts to contact Cambridgeshire Constabulary."

2:28pm –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW. SaW added a heart.

unknown time - SaW posted on social media that she and her two daughters were missing BW, asking BW to let them know she is safe and she could even message Chris or go and stay there

Eve -
SaW and ScW’s phone handsets were located out of their home at Century Square.

10:22pm -
ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes on the A47 heading eastbound between Wisbech and King’s Lynn

c. 10:52pm -
ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes returning westbound on the A47. (source)

Jul 24, Fri -

00:23am –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW cuddling her new baby sister.

c. 6:00pm –
SaW sent a message to a friend saying “I really think he (ScW) said something to her in the car. Why would she even get in the car if she had no intention of coming home.” (source)

6:09pm –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW with his mum.

unknown time – SaW spoke to [or messaged] a friend about how ScW had acted
when the friend had been to visit, with SaW saying he had showed emotion when the friend had arrived, but saying he had not shown the emotion during the rest of the week. She said: “I still think there is something dodgy about the way he is behaving.” “I ain’t falling for a few fake tears. (source)

unknown time -
SaW sent a message to her boyfriend CO'C about ScW, saying: "I'm not 100% convinced about his story."

unknown times -
SaW then did multiple Google searches for "how to track a mobile phone", "how to track a mobile phone's location" and for a second time [see July 22nd] "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". (source). SaW also searched 'can police trace a text message’, ‘can police trace a text to a location’, ‘finding where a text is sent from’, and ‘why haven’t the police found my child’ (source)

unknown date/time at the end of the week – SaW contacted the YMCA
to see if BW was staying there because there had been a potential sighting of BW near the centre but she was told staff could not say anything due to confidentiality. (source)

Jul 25, Sat, 3:38pm –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook back to old photo of himself and BW.

unknown time - seven days after BW was last seen - SaW texted and called BW’s phone.

Jul 27 2nd Article in Peterborough Matters - "Bernadette Walker has been missing from her home since July 19, after jumping out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton. Her mother Sarah is concerned that Bernadette is worried that she will be in trouble, but her family want her to know that they just want her home. She said: "We need to make it clear that she's not in any trouble, we're all worried and want to know that she's safe." The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance. She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home. The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police."

Aug 53rd Article in Peterborough Matters - "Sarah said: "We have had no contact with her since 1am on July 20, when she texted me to say she would be home soon. None of her friends have heard from her and she's not accessed social media." She added: "I can't eat or sleep properly. I miss and love my eldest princess so much, she's missing out on her baby sister, who has learned to smile and coo already. I have to think that she is hiding at one of her friend's homes, worried about coming home now that the police will want to speak to her, I can't think of any alternative scenarios, I just can't. "I know my baby girl wouldn't be out in the open. She's scared of being out in the dark alone, that's what makes me think she's at a friend's house. I just wish someone would just say she's here and she's safe. I want to cuddle her, but right now I'd accept that she's safe and well." Sarah's family originally believed Bernadette may have had additional clothing with her but have since found the missing items under her bed, so she would have been wearing all black with a denim jacket on. Sarah has also been left concerned that Bernadette is viewed as medium risk in the investigation and is begging that she is moved to high risk. She added: "I believe the police are doing their job, but as a parent I need more. I'm desperate for my daughter to be found. When will they up the risk to high instead of medium?"

Aug 13, 00:14am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of two of his children at the beach.

Aug 15 – ScW added a facebook post to say he graduated from Peterborough College.

Aug 24, Mon, 11:44am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of himself and the baby

Aug 31, Mon, 3:38pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of SaW and children on a swing at the park.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of the baby. SaW commented at 4:20 pm saying “thanks for sending me these” and then an unhappy emoji to which ScW added the wow emoji and at 6:33pm said “sorry, I can send some later if you like X”, and then another saying “sorry doh!X”.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook back to photo of SaW and children at the park. At 6:38pm he tagged SaW to this post with a heart emoji. He also added the ‘care’ emoji to his own post.

Aug (late) - SaW’s TikTok videos resume? (according to a WS post)

Sep 3, Thu, 9:33am – ScW adds 4 photos to facebook – one of himself with the baby in the house, another of himself with his daughter in a restaurant (same occasion as photo posted Sep 5), SaW in restaurant and another of a child’s drawing to SaW depicting ScW proposing to SaW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:18pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:19pm – ScW updated his profile picture on facebook with a photo of SaW smiling in a restaurant. At 3:20pm SaW comments on the photo “If you’re gonna fill your Facebook with pics of me. Can u at least make sure I don’t look like ****”. There are additional back and forth comments about the photo.

Sep 7, Mon, 10:33pm
- ScW posts a message on facebook tagging BW that police came for BW’s hairbrush and toothbrush tonight. Adds a photo of BW with baby sister sleeping on her and adds the care emoji.

Sep 8, Tues - PC Aspland visited CO'C. CO'C showed PC Aspland text messages he had received from BW's phone on July 18th. Police thought at this stage that BW did have her mobile phone with her. (source)

Sep 8, Tues -
PC Aspland visited the home of ScW's parents.

Sep 9, Weds
– (misreported as Sep 8th in early trial reports) PC Aspland went with PC Williams to speak to ScW at Century Square. It had been decided that ScW and SaW should be spoken to separately to establish details of BW's disappearance and in particular if BW had her phone on her when she went missing. SaW was out at the time. ScW was described by police as agitated in general, very run down, a man on edge and as though he was at breaking point. ScW said he had picked BW up, he wanted to go to McDonalds, but BW didn’t want to so they headed for home. “He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. “He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked away. “He said he tried to call her back but she disappeared down an alleyway. “He said he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind at the time. “He drew a map, with a windy road, grass verges, houses on the left hand side and an alleyway nearby but said he would not be able to locate the area on a map on PC Aspland's phone.” He was specifically asked if BW had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. “He said he didn’t know, he didn’t see or hear one, but it may have been in her pocket or bra.”(source) After police left the house they were contacted by SaW who had heard they had left a notebook behind and ScW had taken pictures of it. PC Aspland returned to the house and ScW did not answer the door immediately. She asked to see his mobile phone and he didn't agree initially but when he did agree he went into the kitchen alone for a few seconds. Police followed him in there and saw him swiping across his screen. He said "‘there are just things on here that I don’t want people to see." PC Aspland took the phone and saw it was open on the deleted files screen, but there were no pictures of the notebook in the deleted files section or on the phone. (source)

Sep 9, Weds – ‘police spoke to SaW at CO'C’s address. SaW said she “didn’t believe the sexual allegations BW made against ScW, but blamed ScW for arguing with her on the way home causing BW to disappear” SaW also made allegations against ScW, saying that she thought he “used her thumb while she was asleep to access her phone so he could track her”. “She said he spied on her at (her new boyfriend) CO'C’s house and sent her pictures, so she knew he was there, and he messaged her repeatedly when she was at CO'C’s house until he got a reply.” SaW also told police 'ScW should have moved out after they split up but had not'. During court testimony from CO'C it was put to him that SaW had lied to CO'C that ScW was not moving out of the family home because he had a court order. (source)

Sep 10, Thurs4th Article in Peterborough Matters - "Peterborough teenager Bernadette Walker is now considered to be high risk after she was confirmed as missing almost eight weeks ago on July 18. Her mum Sarah Walker shared the news on social media, she wrote: "Please keep sharing. The police have now put Bernadette Walker as a high risk missing person due to the amount of time she has been missing. "Bernadette if you can see this, please let us know that you are safe. You can set up a new Facebook or Instagram darling and message us, that way you can let us know that you're safe without giving away your location."

Sep 11, Fri, am - No-body murder investigation declared. Car seized and parents taken for questioning. (link and link )

Sep 11, Fri - ScW was arrested on suspicion of murder, and he made no comment to all questions. (link)

Sep 11, Fri - DC Victoria Major visited SaW at the Century Square house to tell her that the investigation had been changed from a missing person investigation to a murder inquiry, and that ScW had been arrested. SaW started crying, and said a number of times that ‘it can’t be true.’ SaW then went to the toilet, and she could hear her vomiting. (source)

Sep 11, Fri - CO'C gave a statement to police. He had queried if the language used in the messages from BW was something BW would say. At that time SaW had not yet admitted to him that she sent messages from BW's phone after BW's disappearance. She admitted to him she sent messages and ScW sent one after her arrest. (source)

Sep 12, Sat, pm – A neighbour said "'I messaged her when the news came out about a suspect man being arrested and she said she had just come back from giving a statement to police." (link)

Sep 12, Sat, eveSaW was arrested on suspicion of murder

Sep 13, Sun – about 6am – SaW posted on facebook that she’s been told not to say anything else. Police used sniffer dog to search home and smashed the back window of the other car parked outside. (link)

Sep 14, Mon – early hoursScW and SaW charged with joint enterprise murder. Police say "my team have made significant progress with this investigation in the last few days" (link)

Sep 14, Mon - Police started searching at Cowbit (link)

Sep 15, Tues, late morning - Police start searching three garages in Churchfield Rd, Walton (link) . Police found BW’s rucksack in a lock-up used by ScW.

"There were sanitary towels, a book for her overnight stay, spare clothes, headphones, make-up, a watch, a facemask and a notebook. A note written by BW was found in the notebook. Ms Wilding said it read: “Told my mum about dad and the abuse. She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police.” The note continued:What kind of parent wouldn’t believe their daughter. Its fine, I’m going to pretend it is all OK until I leave home, then I will block them out of my life.” “If I was brave enough I probably would have already left or killed myself.” (link)

Nov 9 SaW’s charges reduced to perverting course of justice.
Updated to trial day 1st July 2021

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.

TIMELINE PART ONE of TWO - up to and including July 20th 2020

BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley). Also known as Bernie, and Bee.
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley. changed name to Walker by deed poll), Bernadette's mother, age 38. (on trial for perverting course of justice)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51. Bernadette referred to him as Dad. (on trial for murder and perverting course of justice)

CO'C - Sarah Walker's boyfriend
JW - ScW's stepmother

Colour Code

green - visits to lock-up
pink - BW's social media activity after going to Scott's parents
red - Key Events
blue - SaW's messages/google searches/words
orange - phone disconnects/reconnects/other phone strategies/calls between SaW and ScW

brown - what SaW told police in her interview

Trial opened with jury selection here on 14 Jun 2021
Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2
The prosecution opening speech began here Still Missing - UK - Bernadette Walker, 17, left parent's car, Peterborough, 21 July 2020 *Arrests* #2

BW was studying art and design at Peterborough Regional College and had a 96 per cent attendance.

Mar - BW's ex-boyfriend LS testified that he last saw BW at college before the March 2020 national lockdown. (source)

Jun 10 - SaW gave birth to a baby girl, her tenth child with seven men. Paternity of the baby is not publicly known. SaW and ScW were living in the same house at Century Square, Peterborough, but at the time BW disappeared SaW had been in a relationship with a man named Chris [CO'C] - since 2019 . (source and source)

Jul 15, Wed - A statement from a student on BW's college course said there was a class group chat on Snapchat and BW was very active on it. The student said BW's last post in the group chat was on July 15, when she posted the word ‘magic.’ She had not opened any other messages in the chat since. (source)

Jul 15, Wed -
BW confided in WN, an online friend, allegations that she had been sexually abused by ScW. She described it as 'ten out of ten serious' (source). WN's court evidence here. He offered BW support and encouraged her to tell her mum. In actuality he wouldn't ever hear from BW again - SaW contacted him on Jul 19th to say BW's allegations were false, and his calls to BW after that went unanswered. On Jul 20th at 1am he received texts from BW's phone telling him to leave her alone and to stop messaging people about her. He was shocked and thought the messages seemed off, she used slang and double spacing in each message which she hadn't used before, and the more he thought about it the more he knew it wasn't BW and came to think it was SaW.

Jul 16, Thu - SaW's last homemade TikTok video until end of August. SaW was a prolific user of TikTok.

Jul 16, Thu BW's disclosure to her mum that she had been sexually abused. BW revealed to SaW in a text conversation lasting through the night and into the morning (source) that she had been raped and sexually assaulted by ScW for about seven years. BW also claimed he had planted a camera in her bedroom and bathroom. In one message, BW said: ‘Most of the times was in the games room when you started night shifts.’ Some of the messages sent between SaW and BW were read out to the jury. In them, SaW questioned BW's memory of events, suggested she had been sleepwalking, and warned her that her children would be taken away by social services if police became involved. The prosecutor said: ‘These messages left BW in no doubt her mother did not believe her. ‘In fact, SaW made the conversation about her by talking about herself... and saying it could not be true as SaW wouldn’t be able to handle being in the same house as ScW. ‘What Bernadette makes clear is she hasn’t misunderstood anything and she wasn’t lying.’ (source) [see Sept 15th for police discovery of a note written by BW which said "She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police"]. CO'C testified to the court that SaW was angry about BW's allegations and angry at ScW, and did not believe the allegations. (source) SaW told police in her interview in September that what BW said 'didn't add up' - that BW said ScW had recorded her getting changed but SaW knew he had broken his phone. SaW admitted accusing BW of being a liar and that she had said BW should go to her grandparents for some breathing space.' (source) SaW told police in September after her arrest that it was a text message, and "She said for a while now Dad's been doing stuff to me, and there was a camera in the bathroom or something, and he'd been videoing her and touching her and it gets worse. "I just didn't believe that he could do that. I know that he's abused me. I didn't think he could do that to his own children" (source)

Jul 17, Fri - Some classmates described seeing a post BW made saying she had told her mum about the allegations ScW had sexually abused her, describing it as unlike BW to post something so personal. (source). A friend of BW's gave a statement saying she saw BW's post just before it was deleted. (source)

Jul 17, Fri, 10pm – BW was taken by ScW to spend the night at ScW's parents’ home in Dukesmead, Werrington. BW's phone remained at her home at Century Square. As BW left to go to her grandparents SaW said in her police interview (after telling BW she was a liar) "I told her I loved her three times at the door. She was crying and put her arms around me." (source). JW was contacted on the 17th asking if BW could stay, and had been told that BW had made a sexual allegation against ScW. JW testified that SaW did not believe BW and that BW came "because they thought she would probably open up to someone else". JW testified that BW was very upset and crying, she wanted her mum to believe her, she repeatedly said "I'm not lying" and she couldn't tell JW (about the allegations) because she was a grandparent. JW said they changed the subject because BW wasn't going to say anything else. JW testified that BW had a rucksack with her but she did not see her with a phone. (source)

Jul 18, Sat -

1:00am – BW fell asleep at ScW’s parents’ house on the sofa and did not change her clothes the next day. (source)

3:15am – BW’s phone activated.

Morning - ScW phoned JW to arrange to pick up BW.

10:25am – ScW left Century Sq. in his Mercedes Vaneo.

10:33am - 10:40am – 7 minutes /40 steps recorded. GPS shows ScW was at a lock-up (garage) in Montagu Rd in Walton. (this article reports police were searching a garage in Churchfield Rd.) There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Gmail email account at this time. She was waiting to be picked up and was not missing yet. ScW had access to two lock-up garages owned by his father and stepmother. JW testified that she would regularly visit the garages to pick things up, drop things off and do weeding. JW agreed that the garages are overlooked by neighbouring homes, even when the gates are shut. JW also testified that ScW was registered disabled, was awaiting a back operation to have something fitted, and didn't work, as a result of a back injury sustained in a car accident but that he was able to walk, drive and ride a motorbike. (source)

10:40am – ScW left the lock-up.

10:48am – There was activity at Century Sq. on BW’s Facebook account.

10:49am - ScW arrived at his parent’s home to collect BW. JW testified that BW was very quiet when ScW was there. Later that day JW received a phone call from ScW, saying BW ‘had run off from his vehicle.’ He did not say where or why she had run off. (source)

11:06am – ScW set off with BW from Dukesmead, Werrington ‘to drive BW back home.’ It should have been a 3 mile, 10 minute drive. ScW’s parents said goodbye to BW and that was the last sighting of BW by anyone other than ScW. When SaW reported BW missing to police 3 days later she said BW had jumped out of the car and run off at about 1:00pm. BW's ex-boyfriend LS testified that BW did not stay at his house after she disappeared, contrary to a message sent from BW's phone saying that [see c. 1:24pm]. LS testified that he tried to call BW after her disappearance but her phone went to voicemail each time. (source)

11:06am - 11:16am - ScW's phone travelled through Werrington, Gunthorpe and Dogsthorpe areas.

11:16am – 11:23am – ScW's phone in Gunthorpe area - during these 7 minutes he was out of the car and his phone recorded 410 steps. (source)

11:23am – 17 minutes after leaving his parent's house - ScW’s phone disconnected from the network for 1.5 hrs, until 12:54pm. During that time SaW tried to call ScW and ScW’s parents but was unable to get an answer. (source). An expert in cell site data analysis, explained to the jury that disconnections were either an ‘explicit’ disconnection (e.g. phone switched off, put into airplane mode or running out of battery), or an ‘implicit’ disconnection (e.g. phone being smashed on the ground or submerged in water). ScW’s phone disconnection at 11.23am was ‘explicit’ disconnection - although cell site data did not make it possible to say exactly what had happened to disconnect from the network. (source)

c. 12:30pm - SaW told police she was phoning ScW "and his phone was going straight to voicemail" (SaW's police interview in Sept. - source)

12:54pm – ScW’s phone reconnected in Gunthorpe area.

12:54pm to 1:04pm –
ScW phoned SaW for 9 mins 16 secs.

12:54pm to 1:23pm - ScW travelled from Gunthorpe to Werrington ending at the Esso garage McDonalds (Glinton?) at 1:23pm. (source)

1:04pm – 10 seconds after the call ended, SaW messaged CO’C, telling him
BW had ‘run off.

30 seconds later - there was a log-in to BW’s Gmail account at Century Sq. Analysis of SaW’s Google account showed that BW’s Gmail password was changed to a new password, with the name ‘Chris’ in it.

1:07pm – SaW’s Google searched for a
log in for a Hotmail account

1:14pm – there was activity on an Instagram account belonging to BW. During the same period, CO’C messaged SaW saying it would be OK as BW had her phone. SaW messaged back saying BW didn’t have her phone, and her bag was in the car.

1:23 pm – ScW at Esso garage/McDonalds.

1:24pm – there was more activity on BW’s Instagram account, as a message was sent to a friend saying ‘Hi, it’s me, I ran away. I don’t want to be in trouble for lying.

Then there was a
conversation from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone - with cell sites placing both phones at Century Sq.

The conversation said:

BW’s phone: Can you forgive me?
SaW’s phone: Of course I can darling. Please come home.
BW’s phone: Will I be in lots of trouble?
SaW’s phone: No, we can forget this happened.
BW’s phone: Really?
SaW’s phone: We need to talk about it,

BW’s phone :
message saying BW was going to stay at a friend’s home
SaW’s phone : message saying come home, and ‘I just want a cuddle.

After her arrest in September SaW told police that she was scared of ScW and ScW had told her to send messages from BW's phone and she had gone along with it. (source) She also said he made her delete messages that accused him of abusing her, saying he was terrified of going to prison. She said he told her he was innocent and didn't touch BW and she kind of believed him at the time. (source)

c.1:45pm - SaW told police ScW called her back after her unsuccessful attempt to call him at 12:30pm and he was out of breath. She had said to him "'Why was your phone off?' and he said: 'It's dead, it dropped into the footwell of the car'." SaW told police he said : 'She got out of the car and ran off'. What do I do? I can't find her. She went behind the houses, and I think I saw her going over the footbridge towards Westwood'." (per SaW's police interview in Sept. - source)

1:49pm – there was
a password change on BW’s Hotmail account -again using the same password with ‘Chris’ included. An email from Microsoft confirming the password change said the change had been validated using SaW’s mobile phone number.

Just before 2pm - SaW phoned ScW (still at McDonalds?), with a call lasting for 3 mins 49 secs before the call ends - but restarts seven seconds later, lasting a further 12 mins 35 secs. During that call, BW’s phone was disconnected from the network.

2:30pm - 2:40pm – 10 minutes - ScW’s phone is located again at the lock-up. SaW makes a video call to her mum during that time, and ScW makes a number of attempts to call SaW.

2:50pm – ScW returns home and his phone remains there until 6:15pm.
SaW told police in her interview "He was drained and tired and upset about the whole situation, and he was crying, and he was scared." SaW also told police in her interview that she received messages from BW that afternoon and the next day "I had a couple of messages saying I'll be home soon, just need some time." (source) SaW also told police in interview after her arrest that ScW forced her to send messages and delete messages about the alleged abuse. And that she believed at the time he was innocent of the abuse and that she was scared for the kids and they were going to get taken away and ScW brainwashed her. (source)

unknown time - Messages were sent from BW's phone to CO’C’s phone this day. CO'C showed these to the police on Sept 8th (source). SaW admitted to CO'C after her arrest that she had sent the messages but that one of them was sent by ScW. It's unclear from the reporting whether this means ALL the messages or just messages to CO'C. When CO'C gave a statement to police on Sept 11th SaW had not yet admitted to him that she sent the messages. (source)

6:16pm –
ScW and SaW’s phones both left Century Sq. BW’s phone reconnected to the network and went with them, with the journey taking them through Westwood.

6:28pm – a purchase was made at the Spar in Hampton Court, Westwood using SaW’s bank card - with a phone top up voucher, Sim Card and milk being bought. The
top up was then used on BW’s phone.

c. 6:30pm – ScW’s phone called BW’s phone - with the call left open for 33 seconds.

6:54pm – BW’s phone disconnected from the network, and ScW and SaW left the area of the shop.

10:14pm – ScW and SaW’s phones connect to different cell sites in Peterborough.

10:48pm – 20 minutes - ScW and SaW’s phones both activate GPS at the lock-up. Steps were recorded.

11:08pm – SaW and ScW left the lock-up garage.

Jul 19, Sun –

2:36am – ScW left the home at Century Sq. His car was seen on CCTV near the lock-up.

2:47am – 10 minutes - GPS data puts ScW at the lock-up. His phone recorded 172 steps.

3:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up.

3:00:47secs – ScW’s phone was used at the junction of Fane Road and Fulbridge Road to take a photo of a male face.

3:06am to 5:23am – ScW’s phone in Gunthorpe area for next 2 hrs 17 mins (Uldale Way).

3:08am – ScW’s phone recorded 8 steps (he's out of car).

3:10am – ScW’s phone at Uldale Way until 5:23am.

5:37am – 23 minutes - ScW’s phone back at the lock-up. 86 steps recorded.

6:00am – ScW’s phone left the lock-up garage.

6:20am – ScW at McDonald’s Drive Thru.

6:35am – ScW at home.

unknown time on Jul 19 - WN (BW's online confidant)
received messages from SaW on BW's Instagram acct, telling him 'BW had lied about the allegations'. He was "worried and confused about what her mum said.” He said he made a number of attempts to call BW but it went to call forward each time. (source)

unknown time on Jul 19 - WN contacted SaW on Facebook Messenger to apologise to SaW after she told him that BW’s abuse claims were false. He said “just wanted to say I’m sorry for anything you read” in an exchange he had with BW. “I believed her and tried to be a good friend and help her through it and am really angry and upset with her about this,” he said. “I don’t want you to believe I think you’re a bad mum.” In her response, SaW told WN: “Thanks for messaging me. I really advise you block her to be honest. “You don’t need that drama.” She went on: “I really miss her and know she’s sad right now but we can move past this.” SaW wrote that she “didn’t take (BW) to the police in the end, I took her to her grandparents”. “I hoped she would own up to them.” She added: “If I thought for one minute it’s true, her dad wouldn’t be here.” (sources here and here)

unknown time - probably mid afternoon - SaW visited a friend, Amanda P [AP]. (Court report says 20th July but it could be a reporting error because it refers to a message from BW's phone which was most likely sent before her phone disconnected for the last time in the early hours of the next morning (20th)). AP said they discussed BW. SaW told AP that SaW had listened to a conversation in the car between BW and ScW because ScW had left his phone open on his leg or the dashboard. SaW said ScW was saying BW's abuse allegations were untrue and they needed to tell SaW. Then the phone fell off and turned itself off for an hour. SaW tried to phone back but couldn't get through. SaW then confessed to AP she had not heard the conversation and ScW had told her to say she had. AP "heard from" SaW that while she was there SaW received a text from BW's phone [see timeline 3:33pm]. AP was relieved because she thought BW was OK and would be coming home. SaW told AP that BW had her phone with her, that she had been messaging SaW throughout the night from her grandparents', but she had not had any other contact from BW since she was last seen. (source)

3:33pm – ScW’s phone located at the lock-up.

3:33pm – Message was sent from BW’s phone to SaW’s phone. BW’s phone was located at Westwood area near the prison. SaW’s phone was at SaW’s friend’s home on Padholme Road. The message said –“I don’t know what to do, but I will be soon, when I am ready. I really want us to delete messages too. I will tell you more later.” BW’s phone then disconnected from the network.

3:45pm – ScW (at the lock-up) sent a photo and a text message to his step father.

3:58pm – CCTV showed ScW’s Mercedes vaneo leaving the lock-up.

4:27pm – Message from SaW’s phone replying to BW’s phone read – “OK, I’ve deleted everything. What do you want to tell me x

Evening - friends of BW tried to phone her, but the phone was switched off. A message had been sent from Instagram to
BW’s Gmail account. Investigations have revealed that message had been read when police examined the account. (source)

Jul 20, Mon –

12:27am – 5 minutes - ScW and SaW at the lock-up. (source)

After her arrest in September, SaW told police in connection with this early hours trip that she and ScW had gone for a drive. She said : "I fell asleep. When I woke up we were at the services. He was doing something on Bernadette's phone. I went back to sleep - when I woke up we were back in the carpark at home." SaW said she did not know where they had been and she had not been able to see what ScW was doing on BW's phone but she could see he was typing. (source)

12:32am – ScW and SaW leave the lock-up, "both parents travelled to Cowbit" their phones switched on. ANPR would track ScW’s Mercedes as it travelled along the A16 nr. Spalding and A1175 nr. Market Deeping, towards Cowbit.

12:37am – Average Speed Camera picked up the car on the A16 going northbound. (link)

12:42am – Phones connected to cell site known as Crowland Water Tower.

12:43am – SaW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 3am.

12:44am – ScW’s phone disconnected from network, until back at home after 4am.

12:54am to 1:29am – BW’s phone connected to the network at 12:54am. It connected with a number of cell sites in Cowbit area over these 35 minutes, suggesting it was moving.

12:54am to 1:28am – A number of messages were sent from BW’s phone as it was moving:

The first message was sent to SaW. The message said: “
For God’s sake, what the hell mum, stop messaging my friends. I swear you tell anyone else I lied I will tell them I don’t have my phone, I’ll tell everyone dad has got it. I’m OK.”

Messages were also sent to BW’s friends from her phone. One sent to one friend said: “
you can leave me alone too.”

12:55am - Another text sent to WN started a conversation between the two:

BW’s phone: “
Please leave me alone.”
WN: “Bernadette - please go home.”
BW’s phone: “
Everyone hates me now.”
WN: “I don’t, your mum doesn’t.”
BW’s phone: “
You should.”
WN: “Well I don’t because I care about you.”
BW’s phone: “
I’m OK
WN sent a message asking who she was with, and a reply came back telling him
WN: “OK, that’s fine. Your mum loves you so much and she really really misses you.”
BW’s phone: “
Stop messaging people about me. I’ll throw my phone. Leave me alone.
WN: “Are you serious?
BW’s phone: “
WN: “I just want you to go home.”
BW’s phone: “
I know.”
WN messaged that she had ‘scared everyone’.
BW’s phone: “
I don’t care. Sorry, got to go, they don’t know I actually have my phone.”

WN testified that another message he received during the conversation said: “
People asking me bare questions.” The court was told the message meant ‘people keep asking me lots of questions.’ WN testified : “She had never spoken like that before,” saying BW had never used that phrase before in their conversations. When asked about how he felt about the messages he said: “It was really off . It didn’t feel right.” He said he noticed the messages started with a double spacing - something SaW had used, but BW had not. He added: “The more I thought about it, the more I knew (it wasn’t her.)” (source)

[1:00am - BW texted SaW to say she was coming home soon according to media reports before the trial]

1:17am – ScW’s car seen at Applegreen Service Station on A1175, for 2 minutes.
Messages still being sent from BW’s phone.

1:19am – ScW’s car left the service station.

1.28am - The last message was sent from BW’s phone (possibly to finish the conversation recorded above), which said “I don’t know what to do, keeping my options open. K, bye.

1:29am – BW’s phone disconnected from network. It has not been reconnected since and the handset has not been recovered.

1:32am to 1:37am – 5 minutes - SaW’s phone tracked 33 steps.

1:49am – ScW’s car sighted by ANPR on the A15 at Glinton.

3:03am – SaW’s phone reconnected.

3:07am – SaW’s Phone located in vicinity of Century Sq.

4:08am – ScW’s phone reconnected in vicinity of Century Sq.

10:20am – ScW downloaded an advice form from Childline.

unknown time - A friend of BW's (who had seen BW's post about the sexual abuse allegations before it was deleted) gave a statement saying that on 20 July she began to receive messages from SaW asking if she had heard from her:-
SaW wrote: "I can't really say what happened for her privacy. But she ran away from home… if you have contact with her can you tell her I love her so much and miss her?", "I just wanna know she's safe. The police won't report her missing until 72 hours. But I'm going to them tomora [sic]." The friend replied: "Sorry, but I haven't heard anything from her. I messaged her three days ago asking if she's OK but she hasn't replied." Later SaW replied: "The lies she told are massive so I can see why she can't face coming home." "I wasn't going to say anything but so much of what she said contradicts." (source)

Last edited:
Updated to trial day 1st July June 2021

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.

TIMELINE PART TWO of TWO - July 21st 2020 to November 2020

BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley). Also known as Bernie, and Bee.
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley. changed name to Walker by deed poll), Bernadette's mother, age 38. (on trial for perverting course of justice)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51. Bernadette referred to him as Dad. (on trial for murder and perverting course of justice)
CO'C - Sarah Walker's boyfriend
JW - ScW's stepmother

Colour Code

green - visits to lock-up
pink - BW's social media activity after going to Scott's parents
red - Key Events
blue - SaW's messages/google searches/words
orange - phone disconnects/reconnects/other phone strategies/calls between SaW and ScW

brown - what SaW told police in her interview

Jul 21, Tue -

1:31am –
SaW contacted Cambridgeshire police via the webchat service. She wrote“Hi, I just wanted some advice because our 17-year-old daughter ran off after a row.” She told the officer on the webchat that she had received messages from BW saying she was OK, but had not heard from her for a while. The officer advised SaW to call 101 to make a missing person report.

3:18am – SaW called 101 to report BW missing, in a call lasting 50 minutes. “Hiya, it’s Mrs Walker. Umm...I’m just ringing to report my 17-year-old daughter er...missing” SaW said, with the call handler asking how long for. “Well, she ran away on Saturday lunch time but I knew where she was until she stopped messaging at er... 1am er...yesterday morning." “Yeah, and I sort of... I gave her the day to sort of... sort it out a bit because it’s not the first time she’s done it.” "And then of course as umm... it's become...I've become aware of the fact that she's not where she told us she was so obviously I... that's what I'm phoning now."

When asked when the last time either SaW or ScW saw BW was, SaW said: “ was around I’d say what 1pm on the Saturday the 18th."

When asked where it was, SaW said: “Where was it she got...she jumped out the car and run off, I’m just asking her dad now.” A male voice in background is heard to say: “Er...Salters Way.” SaW then said: ‘It was between Salters Way,’ before a male voice can be heard saying: 'Mountstevens'. "And Mountsteven Avenue, it was around that area.”

SaW was asked where BW said she was going. She replied: “She...she didn’t she just umm...she was just...he was just, he was just talking to her about y’know cos they’d been a row and that’s why she had gone to Grandparents and he just said, look er...y’know we’ll go home, we can talk about things at home and she went, I am not going home, I’ve told you. And she just, got out and ran.”

SaW then told the officer that BW had previously messaged to say she was at an ex-boyfriend's house - but when asked if she went to the boy’s house to see if BW was there, or if she made contact with the boy or his parents, she said: “Er...I didn’t no because his parents are umm.. Polish and I, she doesn’t speak a word of English.” She said that another person asked the boy if BW was there and he replied that she was not.

Later in the call, SaW said: “In hindsight I wish I’d phoned you guys a bit sooner but I didn’t wanna push her away by... I don’t know...stupid idea.”

The officer asked SW to re-cap what had happened when BW was last seen. She said: “Umm....I ...I wasn’t there but umm...she’d ...her dad had said something along the lines of er...y’know, you, you need to apologise to mum when we get back umm....and then obviously you can’ can’t just be having attitude and things like that and she said, I’m not going home and just...he stopped to roll a cigarette and she just jumped and ran. So he sort of jumped out of the car, locked it and then ran after her... but because he had to...he was delayed because he had to pull the car up...cos he’d only pulled it, side of road so he had to pull it onto the kerb, so it weren’t blocking traffic.”

SaW was also asked for a description of BW, if she had run away before, and if she had access to money or social media accounts. SaW said BW “has run off before”. She said BW had topped her phone up. [See entry 6:28pm on Jul 18th - a top up voucher was purchased at Spar with SaW’s bank card and used to top-up BW's phone.]

The police officer also asked if SaW had checked any of the hospitals, with SaW saying she had not. The call was ended with SaW asked to contact officers if she had any update.

Jul 22, Weds -

unknown time - SaW called police non-emergency number 101 (again). SaW asked if it was advisable to put an appeal over BW's disappearance on Facebook. She repeatedly mentioned sexual abuse claims BW had made about ScW and told the call handler BW later admitted lying about the allegations.

unknown time - Police officer Elizabeth Aspland went to search BW’s bedroom as part of the missing person’s investigation. (source) ScW was in the house and he became tearful. He said SaW was in a relationship with another man called Chris. ScW said BW had made some false allegations [about ScW] and ScW thought it was probably to get him out of the house so Chris could move in. (this event originally misreported during opening speech as Jul 23rd here)

7:40pm - SaW posted on her Facebook page appealing for BW to come home, saying BW's granddad was not well. The court has heard BW's grandfather has dementia. The court was told SaW made a number of internet searches during the week - including ‘my daughter is missing, can we search for where her phone was last used.’ (source)

Eve - 25 minutes - GPS tracked ScW to "a local lock-up", where he spent 12 minutes on phone to SaW.

c. 10:00pm - SaW then did a Google search for "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". The court heard SaW repeatedly logged into and out of BW's Facebook account to "check for activity". SaW told a friend in a message "I'm not going to be controlled by Scott anymore" and "I'm going to tell the police he made me delete messages". (source) [see entries about references to deleting messages on 19th July.]

Jul 23, Thu -

1st Article in Peterborough Matters - "Bernadette Walker, 17, jumped out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton on Saturday and was was reported missing on Monday, her mum explained. The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance. She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home. The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police and now they are urging anyone who knows of Bernadette's whereabouts to contact Cambridgeshire Constabulary."

2:28pm –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW. SaW added a heart.

unknown time - SaW posted on social media that she and her two daughters were missing BW, asking BW to let them know she is safe and she could even message Chris or go and stay there

Eve -
SaW and ScW’s phone handsets were located out of their home at Century Square.

10:22pm -
ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes on the A47 heading eastbound between Wisbech and King’s Lynn

c. 10:52pm -
ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes returning westbound on the A47. (source)

Jul 24, Fri -

00:23am –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW cuddling her new baby sister.

c. 6:00pm –
SaW sent a message to a friend saying “I really think he (ScW) said something to her in the car. Why would she even get in the car if she had no intention of coming home.” (source)

6:09pm –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW with his mum.

unknown time – SaW spoke to [or messaged] a friend about how ScW had acted
when the friend had been to visit, with SaW saying he had showed emotion when the friend had arrived, but saying he had not shown the emotion during the rest of the week. She said: “I still think there is something dodgy about the way he is behaving.” “I ain’t falling for a few fake tears. (source)

unknown time -
SaW sent a message to her boyfriend CO'C about ScW, saying: "I'm not 100% convinced about his story."

unknown times -
SaW then did multiple Google searches for "how to track a mobile phone", "how to track a mobile phone's location" and for a second time [see July 22nd] "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". (source). SaW also searched 'can police trace a text message’, ‘can police trace a text to a location’, ‘finding where a text is sent from’, and ‘why haven’t the police found my child’ (source)

unknown date/time at the end of the week – SaW contacted the YMCA
to see if BW was staying there because there had been a potential sighting of BW near the centre but she was told staff could not say anything due to confidentiality. (source)

Jul 25, Sat, 3:38pm –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook back to old photo of himself and BW.

unknown time - seven days after BW was last seen - SaW texted and called BW’s phone.

Jul 27 2nd Article in Peterborough Matters - "Bernadette Walker has been missing from her home since July 19, after jumping out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton. Her mother Sarah is concerned that Bernadette is worried that she will be in trouble, but her family want her to know that they just want her home. She said: "We need to make it clear that she's not in any trouble, we're all worried and want to know that she's safe." The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance. She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home. The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police."

Aug 53rd Article in Peterborough Matters - "Sarah said: "We have had no contact with her since 1am on July 20, when she texted me to say she would be home soon. None of her friends have heard from her and she's not accessed social media." She added: "I can't eat or sleep properly. I miss and love my eldest princess so much, she's missing out on her baby sister, who has learned to smile and coo already. I have to think that she is hiding at one of her friend's homes, worried about coming home now that the police will want to speak to her, I can't think of any alternative scenarios, I just can't. "I know my baby girl wouldn't be out in the open. She's scared of being out in the dark alone, that's what makes me think she's at a friend's house. I just wish someone would just say she's here and she's safe. I want to cuddle her, but right now I'd accept that she's safe and well." Sarah's family originally believed Bernadette may have had additional clothing with her but have since found the missing items under her bed, so she would have been wearing all black with a denim jacket on. Sarah has also been left concerned that Bernadette is viewed as medium risk in the investigation and is begging that she is moved to high risk. She added: "I believe the police are doing their job, but as a parent I need more. I'm desperate for my daughter to be found. When will they up the risk to high instead of medium?"

Aug 13, 00:14am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of two of his children at the beach.

Aug 15 – ScW added a facebook post to say he graduated from Peterborough College.

Aug 24, Mon, 11:44am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of himself and the baby

Aug 31, Mon, 3:38pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of SaW and children on a swing at the park.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of the baby. SaW commented at 4:20 pm saying “thanks for sending me these” and then an unhappy emoji to which ScW added the wow emoji and at 6:33pm said “sorry, I can send some later if you like X”, and then another saying “sorry doh!X”.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook back to photo of SaW and children at the park. At 6:38pm he tagged SaW to this post with a heart emoji. He also added the ‘care’ emoji to his own post.

Aug (late) - SaW’s TikTok videos resume? (according to a WS post)

Sep 3, Thu, 9:33am – ScW adds 4 photos to facebook – one of himself with the baby in the house, another of himself with his daughter in a restaurant (same occasion as photo posted Sep 5), SaW in restaurant and another of a child’s drawing to SaW depicting ScW proposing to SaW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:18pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:19pm – ScW updated his profile picture on facebook with a photo of SaW smiling in a restaurant. At 3:20pm SaW comments on the photo “If you’re gonna fill your Facebook with pics of me. Can u at least make sure I don’t look like ****”. There are additional back and forth comments about the photo.

Sep 7, Mon, 10:33pm
- ScW posts a message on facebook tagging BW that police came for BW’s hairbrush and toothbrush tonight. Adds a photo of BW with baby sister sleeping on her and adds the care emoji.

Sep 8, Tues - PC Aspland visited CO'C. CO'C showed PC Aspland text messages he had received from BW's phone on July 18th. Police thought at this stage that BW did have her mobile phone with her. (source)

Sep 8, Tues -
PC Aspland visited the home of ScW's parents.

Sep 9, Weds
– (misreported as Sep 8th in early trial reports) PC Aspland went with PC Williams to speak to ScW at Century Square. It had been decided that ScW and SaW should be spoken to separately to establish details of BW's disappearance and in particular if BW had her phone on her when she went missing. SaW was out at the time. ScW was described by police as agitated in general, very run down, a man on edge and as though he was at breaking point. ScW said he had picked BW up, he wanted to go to McDonalds, but BW didn’t want to so they headed for home. “He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. “He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked away. “He said he tried to call her back but she disappeared down an alleyway. “He said he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind at the time. “He drew a map, with a windy road, grass verges, houses on the left hand side and an alleyway nearby but said he would not be able to locate the area on a map on PC Aspland's phone.” He was specifically asked if BW had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. “He said he didn’t know, he didn’t see or hear one, but it may have been in her pocket or bra.”(source) After police left the house they were contacted by SaW who had heard they had left a notebook behind and ScW had taken pictures of it. PC Aspland returned to the house and ScW did not answer the door immediately. She asked to see his mobile phone and he didn't agree initially but when he did agree he went into the kitchen alone for a few seconds. Police followed him in there and saw him swiping across his screen. He said "‘there are just things on here that I don’t want people to see." PC Aspland took the phone and saw it was open on the deleted files screen, but there were no pictures of the notebook in the deleted files section or on the phone. (source)

Sep 9, Weds – ‘police spoke to SaW at CO'C’s address. SaW said she “didn’t believe the sexual allegations BW made against ScW, but blamed ScW for arguing with her on the way home causing BW to disappear” SaW also made allegations against ScW, saying that she thought he “used her thumb while she was asleep to access her phone so he could track her”. “She said he spied on her at (her new boyfriend) CO'C’s house and sent her pictures, so she knew he was there, and he messaged her repeatedly when she was at CO'C’s house until he got a reply.” SaW also told police 'ScW should have moved out after they split up but had not'. During court testimony from CO'C it was put to him that SaW had lied to CO'C that ScW was not moving out of the family home because he had a court order. (source)

Sep 10, Thurs4th Article in Peterborough Matters - "Peterborough teenager Bernadette Walker is now considered to be high risk after she was confirmed as missing almost eight weeks ago on July 18. Her mum Sarah Walker shared the news on social media, she wrote: "Please keep sharing. The police have now put Bernadette Walker as a high risk missing person due to the amount of time she has been missing. "Bernadette if you can see this, please let us know that you are safe. You can set up a new Facebook or Instagram darling and message us, that way you can let us know that you're safe without giving away your location."

Sep 10, Thurs, c.2:00pm - ScW was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a child and controlling and coercive behaviour. Police said ScW remained calm but made no comment to police. After an initial interview ScW was further arrested on suspicion of kidnap. (source)

Sep 11, Fri, am - No-body murder investigation declared. Car seized. Reports at the time of parents being taken for questioning at this time seem unlikely to be accurate now. ( original links link and link )

Sep 11, Fri - ScW was arrested on suspicion of murder, and he made no comment to all questions. His first interview of five was on the 11th at 12:24am. (source) and (source)

Sep 11, Fri, eve - DC Victoria Major visited SaW at the Century Square house to tell her that the investigation had been changed from a missing person investigation to a murder inquiry, and that ScW had been arrested. SaW started crying, and said a number of times that ‘it can’t be true.’ SaW then went to the toilet, and she could hear her vomiting. (source)

Sep 11, Fri - CO'C gave a statement to police. He had queried if the language used in the messages from BW was something BW would say. At that time SaW had not yet admitted to him that she sent messages from BW's phone after BW's disappearance. She admitted to him she sent messages and ScW sent one after her arrest. (source)

Sep 12, Sat, pm – A neighbour said "'I messaged her when the news came out about a suspect man being arrested and she said she had just come back from giving a statement to police." (link)

Sep 12, Sat, 5:45pm SaW was arrested on suspicion of murder. Trial reporting does not state whether the jury was told the nature of her arrest. She told police she had not done anything before she was taken away. In her police interviews she said she had been scared of ScW and ScW had told her to send messages from BW's phone. She said on the early morning of the 20th July she and ScW had gone for a drive, she fell asleep, awoke at the services to see ScW texting from BW's phone, she doesn't know where they drove to, she next woke up back in the carpark at home. She denied she was taking part in a cover story after BW went missing, and denied she had anything to do with BW's alleged murder. (source)

In her initital interview SaW told police that
she had received messages from BW after her disappearance, on the 18th and 19th. (source)

At a later stage in her interview/s SaW told police that :-

ScW was terrified of going to prison
ScW had twice put a pillow over a baby's face and put his hands around a boy's neck
ScW had threatened her, threatened to kill CO'C and slit the dog's throat
ScW made her send texts from BW's phone and delete messages that accused him of abusing BW
ScW had told her he was innocent and didn't touch BW and
she believed him at the time
SaW didn't know what happened in the car and just knew what happened afterwards, and ScW forced her to send some messages
SaW described BW's accusations as a text message saying ScW had for a while now been doing stuff to her, there was a camera in the bathroom and he'd been videoing her, touching her "and it gets worse"
SaW said
she didn't believe he could do that to his own children even though he's abused her
(When asked what she thought now) SaW said "
I think he might have hurt her now...I don't want her to be dead, I don't want to accept that."
(When asked why SaW had already come up with a story
before BW had even been gone for days) SaW said she was scared for the kids and they were going to get taken away and "I felt I couldn't get out of it, because I'd already sent those text messages. He brainwashed me. I'm sure at that point I still believed she'd ran off."

Sep 13, Sun – about 6am – SaW posted on facebook that she’s been told not to say anything else. Police used sniffer dog to search home and smashed the back window of the other car parked outside. (link)

Sep 13, Sun - 7:02pm - ScW's last police interview of five following his arrest. (source)

Sep 14, Mon - 1:48am - ScW charged with murder of BW. No mention of it being joint enterprise in the trial (see next entry). (source)

Sep 14, Mon – early hoursScW and SaW charged with joint enterprise murder. Police say "my team have made significant progress with this investigation in the last few days" (link)

Sep 14, Mon - Police started searching at Cowbit (link)

Sep 15, Tues, late morning - Police start searching three garages in Churchfield Rd, Walton (link) . Police found BW’s rucksack in a lock-up used by ScW.

"There were sanitary towels, a book for her overnight stay, spare clothes, headphones, make-up, a watch, a facemask and a notebook. A note written by BW was found in the notebook. Ms Wilding said it read: “Told my mum about dad and the abuse. She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police.” The note continued:What kind of parent wouldn’t believe their daughter. Its fine, I’m going to pretend it is all OK until I leave home, then I will block them out of my life.” “If I was brave enough I probably would have already left or killed myself.” (link)

Nov 9 SaW’s charges reduced to perverting course of justice.
Last edited:
Peakirk, as mentioned before, would be ideal for the kill site on the timeline and with looking at horses. Then a heading east on the B1443. Would lead to the junction with the A16 and a short distance to abandoned buildings at Hill House Farm which I mentioned in earlier threads as somewhere ScW had worked.
Updated to trial day 1st July June 2021

Timeline will be updated as new information comes out in the trial. Please check the last post in this thread first as that will be where the latest version will appear. If you want to be notified of future updates please subscribe to the thread.

TIMELINE PART TWO of TWO - July 21st 2020 to November 2020

BW - Bernadette Louise Walker (birth name Padley). Also known as Bernie, and Bee.
SaW - Sarah LouiseWalker, (nee Padley. changed name to Walker by deed poll), Bernadette's mother, age 38. (on trial for perverting course of justice)
ScW - Scott Robert Walker, Bernadette's mother's partner, age 51. Bernadette referred to him as Dad. (on trial for murder and perverting course of justice)
CO'C - Sarah Walker's boyfriend
JW - ScW's stepmother

Colour Code

green - visits to lock-up
pink - BW's social media activity after going to Scott's parents
red - Key Events
blue - SaW's messages/google searches/words
orange - phone disconnects/reconnects/other phone strategies/calls between SaW and ScW

brown - what SaW told police in her interview

Jul 21, Tue -

1:31am –
SaW contacted Cambridgeshire police via the webchat service. She wrote“Hi, I just wanted some advice because our 17-year-old daughter ran off after a row.” She told the officer on the webchat that she had received messages from BW saying she was OK, but had not heard from her for a while. The officer advised SaW to call 101 to make a missing person report.

3:18am – SaW called 101 to report BW missing, in a call lasting 50 minutes. “Hiya, it’s Mrs Walker. Umm...I’m just ringing to report my 17-year-old daughter er...missing” SaW said, with the call handler asking how long for. “Well, she ran away on Saturday lunch time but I knew where she was until she stopped messaging at er... 1am er...yesterday morning." “Yeah, and I sort of... I gave her the day to sort of... sort it out a bit because it’s not the first time she’s done it.” "And then of course as umm... it's become...I've become aware of the fact that she's not where she told us she was so obviously I... that's what I'm phoning now."

When asked when the last time either SaW or ScW saw BW was, SaW said: “ was around I’d say what 1pm on the Saturday the 18th."

When asked where it was, SaW said: “Where was it she got...she jumped out the car and run off, I’m just asking her dad now.” A male voice in background is heard to say: “Er...Salters Way.” SaW then said: ‘It was between Salters Way,’ before a male voice can be heard saying: 'Mountstevens'. "And Mountsteven Avenue, it was around that area.”

SaW was asked where BW said she was going. She replied: “She...she didn’t she just umm...she was just...he was just, he was just talking to her about y’know cos they’d been a row and that’s why she had gone to Grandparents and he just said, look er...y’know we’ll go home, we can talk about things at home and she went, I am not going home, I’ve told you. And she just, got out and ran.”

SaW then told the officer that BW had previously messaged to say she was at an ex-boyfriend's house - but when asked if she went to the boy’s house to see if BW was there, or if she made contact with the boy or his parents, she said: “Er...I didn’t no because his parents are umm.. Polish and I, she doesn’t speak a word of English.” She said that another person asked the boy if BW was there and he replied that she was not.

Later in the call, SaW said: “In hindsight I wish I’d phoned you guys a bit sooner but I didn’t wanna push her away by... I don’t know...stupid idea.”

The officer asked SW to re-cap what had happened when BW was last seen. She said: “Umm....I ...I wasn’t there but umm...she’d ...her dad had said something along the lines of er...y’know, you, you need to apologise to mum when we get back umm....and then obviously you can’ can’t just be having attitude and things like that and she said, I’m not going home and just...he stopped to roll a cigarette and she just jumped and ran. So he sort of jumped out of the car, locked it and then ran after her... but because he had to...he was delayed because he had to pull the car up...cos he’d only pulled it, side of road so he had to pull it onto the kerb, so it weren’t blocking traffic.”

SaW was also asked for a description of BW, if she had run away before, and if she had access to money or social media accounts. SaW said BW “has run off before”. She said BW had topped her phone up. [See entry 6:28pm on Jul 18th - a top up voucher was purchased at Spar with SaW’s bank card and used to top-up BW's phone.]

The police officer also asked if SaW had checked any of the hospitals, with SaW saying she had not. The call was ended with SaW asked to contact officers if she had any update.

Jul 22, Weds -

unknown time -
SaW called police non-emergency number 101 (again). SaW asked if it was advisable to put an appeal over BW's disappearance on Facebook. She repeatedly mentioned sexual abuse claims BW had made about ScW and told the call handler BW later admitted lying about the allegations.

unknown time - Police officer Elizabeth Aspland went to search BW’s bedroom as part of the missing person’s investigation. (source) ScW was in the house and he became tearful. He said SaW was in a relationship with another man called Chris. ScW said BW had made some false allegations [about ScW] and ScW thought it was probably to get him out of the house so Chris could move in. (this event originally misreported during opening speech as Jul 23rd here)

7:40pm - SaW posted on her Facebook page appealing for BW to come home, saying BW's granddad was not well. The court has heard BW's grandfather has dementia. The court was told SaW made a number of internet searches during the week - including ‘my daughter is missing, can we search for where her phone was last used.’ (source)

Eve - 25 minutes - GPS tracked ScW to "a local lock-up", where he spent 12 minutes on phone to SaW.

c. 10:00pm - SaW then did a Google search for "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". The court heard SaW repeatedly logged into and out of BW's Facebook account to "check for activity". SaW told a friend in a message "I'm not going to be controlled by Scott anymore" and "I'm going to tell the police he made me delete messages". (source) [see entries about references to deleting messages on 19th July.]

Jul 23, Thu -

1st Article in Peterborough Matters - "Bernadette Walker, 17, jumped out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton on Saturday and was was reported missing on Monday, her mum explained. The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance. She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home. The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police and now they are urging anyone who knows of Bernadette's whereabouts to contact Cambridgeshire Constabulary."

2:28pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW. SaW added a heart.

unknown time - SaW posted on social media that she and her two daughters were missing BW, asking BW to let them know she is safe and she could even message Chris or go and stay there.

Eve - SaW and ScW’s phone handsets were located out of their home at Century Square.

10:22pm - ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes on the A47 heading eastbound between Wisbech and King’s Lynn

c. 10:52pm - ANPR cameras captured ScW’s Mercecdes returning westbound on the A47. (source)

Jul 24, Fri -

00:23am –
ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW cuddling her new baby sister.

c. 6:00pm – SaW sent a message to a friend saying “I really think he (ScW) said something to her in the car. Why would she even get in the car if she had no intention of coming home.” (source)

6:09pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook with a photo of BW with his mum.

unknown time – SaW spoke to [or messaged] a friend about how ScW had acted when the friend had been to visit, with SaW saying he had showed emotion when the friend had arrived, but saying he had not shown the emotion during the rest of the week. She said: “I still think there is something dodgy about the way he is behaving.” “I ain’t falling for a few fake tears. (source)

unknown time - SaW sent a message to her boyfriend CO'C about ScW, saying: "I'm not 100% convinced about his story."

unknown times - SaW then did multiple Google searches for "how to track a mobile phone", "how to track a mobile phone's location" and for a second time [see July 22nd] "I think my partner knows where my missing child is". (source). SaW also searched 'can police trace a text message’, ‘can police trace a text to a location’, ‘finding where a text is sent from’, and ‘why haven’t the police found my child’ (source)

unknown date/time at the end of the week – SaW contacted the YMCA to see if BW was staying there because there had been a potential sighting of BW near the centre but she was told staff could not say anything due to confidentiality. (source)

Jul 25, Sat, 3:38pm – ScW updated his profile photo on facebook back to old photo of himself and BW.

unknown time - seven days after BW was last seen - SaW texted and called BW’s phone. (source)

Jul 27 2nd Article in Peterborough Matters - "Bernadette Walker has been missing from her home since July 19, after jumping out of her parent's car in Skater's Avenue, Walton. Her mother Sarah is concerned that Bernadette is worried that she will be in trouble, but her family want her to know that they just want her home. She said: "We need to make it clear that she's not in any trouble, we're all worried and want to know that she's safe." The distraught mum said she was wearing black leggings, with a black crop top and a denim jacket at the time of her disappearance. She may have changed into a black dress and some fishnets as these were found to be missing from her home. The family had assumed she was staying with a friend but when they realised this was not the case they contacted police."

Aug 53rd Article in Peterborough Matters - "Sarah said: "We have had no contact with her since 1am on July 20, when she texted me to say she would be home soon. None of her friends have heard from her and she's not accessed social media." She added: "I can't eat or sleep properly. I miss and love my eldest princess so much, she's missing out on her baby sister, who has learned to smile and coo already. I have to think that she is hiding at one of her friend's homes, worried about coming home now that the police will want to speak to her, I can't think of any alternative scenarios, I just can't. "I know my baby girl wouldn't be out in the open. She's scared of being out in the dark alone, that's what makes me think she's at a friend's house. I just wish someone would just say she's here and she's safe. I want to cuddle her, but right now I'd accept that she's safe and well." Sarah's family originally believed Bernadette may have had additional clothing with her but have since found the missing items under her bed, so she would have been wearing all black with a denim jacket on. Sarah has also been left concerned that Bernadette is viewed as medium risk in the investigation and is begging that she is moved to high risk. She added: "I believe the police are doing their job, but as a parent I need more. I'm desperate for my daughter to be found. When will they up the risk to high instead of medium?"

Aug 13, 00:14am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of two of his children at the beach.

Aug 15 – ScW added a facebook post to say he graduated from Peterborough College.

Aug 24, Mon, 11:44am – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of himself and the baby

Aug 31, Mon, 3:38pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of SaW and children on a swing at the park.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with a photo of the baby. SaW commented at 4:20 pm saying “thanks for sending me these” and then an unhappy emoji to which ScW added the wow emoji and at 6:33pm said “sorry, I can send some later if you like X”, and then another saying “sorry doh!X”.

Aug 31, Mon, 3:39pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook back to photo of SaW and children at the park. At 6:38pm he tagged SaW to this post with a heart emoji. He also added the ‘care’ emoji to his own post.

Aug (late) - SaW’s TikTok videos resume? (according to a WS post)

Sep 3, Thu, 9:33am – ScW adds 4 photos to facebook – one of himself with the baby in the house, another of himself with his daughter in a restaurant (same occasion as photo posted Sep 5), SaW in restaurant and another of a child’s drawing to SaW depicting ScW proposing to SaW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:18pm – ScW updated his cover photo on facebook with an old photo of himself and BW.

Sep 5, Sat, 3:19pm – ScW updated his profile picture on facebook with a photo of SaW smiling in a restaurant. At 3:20pm SaW comments on the photo “If you’re gonna fill your Facebook with pics of me. Can u at least make sure I don’t look like ****”. There are additional back and forth comments about the photo.

Sep 7, Mon, 10:33pm - ScW posts a message on facebook tagging BW that police came for BW’s hairbrush and toothbrush tonight. Adds a photo of BW with baby sister sleeping on her and adds the care emoji.

Sep 8, Tues - PC Aspland visited CO'C. CO'C showed PC Aspland text messages he had received from BW's phone on July 18th. Police thought at this stage that BW did have her mobile phone with her. (source)

Sep 8, Tues - PC Aspland visited the home of ScW's parents.

Sep 9, Weds – (misreported as Sep 8th in early trial reports) PC Aspland went with PC Williams to speak to ScW at Century Square. It had been decided that ScW and SaW should be spoken to separately to establish details of BW's disappearance and in particular if BW had her phone on her when she went missing. SaW was out at the time. ScW was described by police as agitated in general, very run down, a man on edge and as though he was at breaking point. ScW said he had picked BW up, he wanted to go to McDonalds, but BW didn’t want to so they headed for home. “He wanted to confront BW over the allegations, so he pulled over to a grass verge to roll a cigarette. “He said he asked her why she had made the allegations. She said she did not want to talk about it - she got out of the car and walked away. “He said he tried to call her back but she disappeared down an alleyway. “He said he could not remember the exact location as he had a lot on his mind at the time. “He drew a map, with a windy road, grass verges, houses on the left hand side and an alleyway nearby but said he would not be able to locate the area on a map on PC Aspland's phone.” He was specifically asked if BW had her phone with her when he picked her up that morning. “He said he didn’t know, he didn’t see or hear one, but it may have been in her pocket or bra.”(source) After police left the house they were contacted by SaW who had heard they had left a notebook behind and ScW had taken pictures of it. PC Aspland returned to the house and ScW did not answer the door immediately. She asked to see his mobile phone and he didn't agree initially but when he did agree he went into the kitchen alone for a few seconds. Police followed him in there and saw him swiping across his screen. He said "‘there are just things on here that I don’t want people to see." PC Aspland took the phone and saw it was open on the deleted files screen, but there were no pictures of the notebook in the deleted files section or on the phone. (source)

Sep 9, Weds – ‘police spoke to SaW at CO'C’s address. SaW said she “didn’t believe the sexual allegations BW made against ScW, but blamed ScW for arguing with her on the way home causing BW to disappear” SaW also made allegations against ScW, saying that she thought he “used her thumb while she was asleep to access her phone so he could track her”. “She said he spied on her at (her new boyfriend) CO'C’s house and sent her pictures, so she knew he was there, and he messaged her repeatedly when she was at CO'C’s house until he got a reply.” SaW also told police 'ScW should have moved out after they split up but had not'. During court testimony from CO'C it was put to him that SaW had lied to CO'C that ScW was not moving out of the family home because he had a court order. (source)

Sep 10, Thurs4th Article in Peterborough Matters - "Peterborough teenager Bernadette Walker is now considered to be high risk after she was confirmed as missing almost eight weeks ago on July 18. Her mum Sarah Walker shared the news on social media, she wrote: "Please keep sharing. The police have now put Bernadette Walker as a high risk missing person due to the amount of time she has been missing. "Bernadette if you can see this, please let us know that you are safe. You can set up a new Facebook or Instagram darling and message us, that way you can let us know that you're safe without giving away your location."

Sep 10, Thurs, c.2:00pm - ScW was arrested on suspicion of sexual assault on a child and controlling and coercive behaviour. Police said ScW remained calm but made no comment to police. After an initial interview ScW was further arrested on suspicion of kidnap. (source)

Sep 11, Fri, am - No-body murder investigation declared. Car seized. Reports at the time of parents being taken for questioning at this time seem unlikely to be accurate now. ( original links link and link )

Sep 11, Fri - ScW was arrested on suspicion of murder, and he made no comment to all questions. His first interview of five was on the 11th at 12:24am. (source) and (source)

Sep 11, Fri, eve - DC Victoria Major visited SaW at the Century Square house to tell her that the investigation had been changed from a missing person investigation to a murder inquiry, and that ScW had been arrested. SaW started crying, and said a number of times that ‘it can’t be true.’ SaW then went to the toilet, and she could hear her vomiting. (source)

Sep 11, Fri - CO'C gave a statement to police. He had queried if the language used in the messages from BW was something BW would say. At that time SaW had not yet admitted to him that she sent messages from BW's phone after BW's disappearance. She admitted to him she sent messages and ScW sent one after her arrest. (source)

Sep 12, Sat, pm – A neighbour said "'I messaged her when the news came out about a suspect man being arrested and she said she had just come back from giving a statement to police." (link)

Sep 12, Sat, 5:45pm SaW was arrested on suspicion of murder. Trial reporting does not state whether the jury was told the nature of her arrest. She told police she had not done anything before she was taken away. In her police interviews she said she had been scared of ScW and ScW had told her to send messages from BW's phone. She said on the early morning of the 20th July she and ScW had gone for a drive, she fell asleep, awoke at the services to see ScW texting from BW's phone, she doesn't know where they drove to, she next woke up back in the carpark at home. She denied she was taking part in a cover story after BW went missing, and denied she had anything to do with BW's alleged murder. (source)

In her initital interview SaW told police that
she had received messages from BW after her disappearance, on the 18th and 19th. (source)

At a later stage in her interview/s SaW told police that :-

ScW was terrified of going to prison
ScW had twice put a pillow over a baby's face and put his hands around a boy's neck
ScW had threatened her, threatened to kill CO'C and slit the dog's throat
ScW made her send texts from BW's phone and delete messages that accused him of abusing BW
ScW had told her he was innocent and didn't touch BW and
she believed him at the time
SaW didn't know what happened in the car and just knew what happened afterwards, and ScW forced her to send some messages
SaW described BW's accusations as a text message saying ScW had for a while now been doing stuff to her, there was a camera in the bathroom and he'd been videoing her, touching her "and it gets worse"
SaW said
she didn't believe he could do that to his own children even though he's abused her
(When asked what she thought now) SaW said "
I think he might have hurt her now...I don't want her to be dead, I don't want to accept that."
(When asked why SaW had already come up with a story
before BW had even been gone for days) SaW said she was scared for the kids and they were going to get taken away and "I felt I couldn't get out of it, because I'd already sent those text messages. He brainwashed me. I'm sure at that point I still believed she'd ran off."

Sep 13, Sun – about 6am – SaW posted on facebook that she’s been told not to say anything else. Police used sniffer dog to search home and smashed the back window of the other car parked outside. (link)

Sep 13, Sun - 7:02pm - ScW's last police interview of five following his arrest. (source)

Sep 14, Mon - 1:48am - ScW charged with murder of BW. No mention of it being joint enterprise in the trial (see next entry). (source)

Sep 14, Mon – early hoursScW and SaW charged with joint enterprise murder. Police say "my team have made significant progress with this investigation in the last few days" (link)

Sep 14, Mon - Police started searching at Cowbit (link)

Sep 15, Tues, late morning - Police start searching three garages in Churchfield Rd, Walton (link) . Police found BW’s rucksack in a lock-up used by ScW.

"There were sanitary towels, a book for her overnight stay, spare clothes, headphones, make-up, a watch, a facemask and a notebook. A note written by BW was found in the notebook. Ms Wilding said it read: “Told my mum about dad and the abuse. She called me a liar and threatened to kill me if I told police.” The note continued:What kind of parent wouldn’t believe their daughter. Its fine, I’m going to pretend it is all OK until I leave home, then I will block them out of my life.” “If I was brave enough I probably would have already left or killed myself.” (link)

Nov 9 SaW’s charges reduced to perverting course of justice.
Just re-reading this from start to finish. A sterling piece of work. Thank you for doing that.

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