UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #17

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if he got a lift in the bin lorry he could still have ended up at the landfill, depending on what happened

But surely not via the bin lorry because the phone remained in BM and didn't ping anywhere else and presumably the tachograph shows where the bin lorry went after Mildenhall. If by another third party then how likely would it be they would 1, pick a landfill in another county that accepts BSE waste and 2, dispose of him in a precise 920 sq m area of BSE waste in a 200,000-400,000 sq m area landfill?

All assuming he is found there.
but how would that work, he would have to have been asleep in the bin until at least Monday, as far as I know the recycling bin was the only bin emptied over the weekend,

My guess is he died inside a bin. Asphixia, heart attack, pre existant condition, who knows. I think he was freezing because of sleeping 2hrs exposed in the streets in a cold night, drunk and confused. I belive this because it has happened in the past several times. He used his phone to check the inside of one bin and it fell off his hand. He then picked another bin to sleep in and died in there. The bin with his body in it was emptied on monday, maybe in the same landfill as his phone, or maybe it's contents were incinerated.
Was the 11kg weight actual or an average? Does anyone remember? I can't see that C could have been in a bin until Monday. If the 04.00 a.m. Saturday bin driver was not the regular one, has he been interviewed? Could there have been mistakes made? Could he have been missed at the waste transfer station and at the landfill? I find that all hard to believe but it is a possibility.

I do remember we ruled out the bin lorry some weeks ago now but cannot recall how we did that. Can anyone else ? Perhaps it was based on the sorting procedure that had been described which allowed us to rule that out then. Why has it now changed that family and police are focusing on landfill? I just can't get my head around it tbh.
I don't think he will be found at landfill and think if anything his mobile was in the bin lorry. I just feel like the scent of his body would have roused suspicion or been noticed if it wasn't until the Monday that the bin was collected. Decaying animals (and I presume humans?) have a very distinctive scent.
I wonder how many people end up in landfill undiscovered. I bet it happens more than we think.

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I wonder how many people end up in landfill undiscovered. I bet it happens more than we think.

Sent from my LG-H850 using Tapatalk

That's an awful thought. If the police are searching 8, 000 tonnes and I read today BSE have about 400 tons a day go to landfill, that is about 20 days worth so that would mean the police stopped the landfill dumping about 3 weeks after C went missing (about mid October) by my calculations
According to Purplepixii's timeline here on WS the weight was 11 Kgs of material from Greggs, which contained cardboard & paper.
I presume Greggs have a seperate bin for other non recyclable waste.
Haven't seen any mention of any other bin carts & weights of other bins though.
Was the 11kg weight actual or an average? Does anyone remember? I can't see that C could have been in a bin until Monday. If the 04.00 a.m. Saturday bin driver was not the regular one, has he been interviewed? Could there have been mistakes made? Could he have been missed at the waste transfer station and at the landfill? I find that all hard to believe but it is a possibility.

I do remember we ruled out the bin lorry some weeks ago now but cannot recall how we did that. Can anyone else ? Perhaps it was based on the sorting procedure that had been described which allowed us to rule that out then. Why has it now changed that family and police are focusing on landfill? I just can't get my head around it tbh.​

Last edited by Shiressleuth; Today at 11:12 PM.​

According to Purplepixii's timeline here on W S the weight was 11 Kgs of material from Greggs, which contained cardboard & paper.
I presume Greggs have a seperate bin for other non recyclable waste.
Haven't seen any mention of any other bin carts & weights of other bins though.
Was the 11kg weight actual or an average? Does anyone remember? I can't see that C could have been in a bin until Monday. If the 04.00 a.m. Saturday bin driver was not the regular one, has he been interviewed? Could there have been mistakes made? Could he have been missed at the waste transfer station and at the landfill? I find that all hard to believe but it is a possibility.

I do remember we ruled out the bin lorry some weeks ago now but cannot recall how we did that. Can anyone else ? Perhaps it was based on the sorting procedure that had been described which allowed us to rule that out then. Why has it now changed that family and police are focusing on landfill? I just can't get my head around it tbh.​
Last edited by Shiressleuth; Today at 11:12 PM.​

According to Purplepixii's timeline here on W S the weight was 11 Kgs of material from Greggs, which contained cardboard & paper.
I presume Greggs have a seperate bin for other non recyclable waste.
Haven't seen any mention of any other bin carts & weights of other bins though.
That's an awful thought. If the police are searching 8, 000 tonnes and I read today BSE have about 400 tons a day go to landfill, that is about 20 days worth so that would mean the police stopped the landfill dumping about 3 weeks after C went missing (about mid October) by my calculations

I read it as that they first have to move 8.000 tones to put in access roads I don't think they have ever said how many tones the actual search will be unless I'm wrong,
I read it as that they first have to move 8.000 tones to put in access roads I don't think they have ever said how many tones the actual search will be unless I'm wrong,

8 metres deep x 920 square metres equals 7,160 cubic metres which I rounded to 8,000 tonnes. This is the area given for the search I believe Scorpio.
Was the 11kg weight actual or an average? Does anyone remember? I can't see that C could have been in a bin until Monday. If the 04.00 a.m. Saturday bin driver was not the regular one, has he been interviewed? Could there have been mistakes made? Could he have been missed at the waste transfer station and at the landfill? I find that all hard to believe but it is a possibility.

I do remember we ruled out the bin lorry some weeks ago now but cannot recall how we did that. Can anyone else ? Perhaps it was based on the sorting procedure that had been described which allowed us to rule that out then. Why has it now changed that family and police are focusing on landfill? I just can't get my head around it tbh.
I believe that was the actual weight collected and it was about average for the collections from that bin over a period of time. The timings and route of the bin lorry of course, only loosely correlated with the phone going to BM. I am not sure if the time the BL arrived at BSE has been changed, but I understood it arrived at 4.20am and C's phone left the BSE mast at 4.19am and I assume that a short time after it did that, it was picked up by the BM mast. I think we worked out that he could not have gone in that bin lorry.

The focus now seems to be on a bin lorry that collected on the Monday that went to landfill. If, he was in that bin, then how? why? It was probably smelly and dirty and I really cannot see him, from what we know of him and how we have kind of got to know him a bit, getting in that bin voluntarily. It just does not add up. He is also trained on how to deal with being cold because of his job, so drunk or not, he would know what to do, and I really don't think he would ever get in such a bin.

I still keep to my theory that he went elsewhere.

ETA: From FC site: "We all know that corrie sent a photo via an app at 3.08…… however the FACT as I have now had confirmed by police, is the photo was RECEIVED at 3.08, I do not actually know the exact time it was sent.I have been told by police it was between 01.10 and 04.19 that his phone was on the mast but they do not know when it was sent." BBM
I find it odd that they don't seam to be in any great rush to search the landfill, could they be waiting on forensic results from one of the vehicles before they search the landfill,
His phone left the HS and went on to the BM mast and then it stayed within a 3 mile roughly radius for 3 hours until it's last ping or whatever.
That evidence alone doesn't suggest the phone left BM again. Is there something in BM is it where the bin lorries go, with waste later going to Milton landfill?
Internet says a car journey from BSE to BM would be about 20 mins - close to the suggested journey time of the pings between BSE and BM of 26-28 mins.
What did bin lorry do in BM or after going there, was it still in that area at 8? If it had been a direct trip from to Milton via BM it could be done in 44 mins car speed so if the phone was in the lorry the lorry had to still be in BM at 8am?
8 metres deep x 920 square metres equals 7,160 cubic metres which I rounded to 8,000 tonnes. This is the area given for the search I believe Scorpio.

That does make some sense to me but the wording from the press release doesn't indicate that is the case?

This preparatory work has started but this is going to take slightly longer as 8,000 tonnes of bulk material will have to be removed first to allow safe access to where the search needs to take place.

That reads to me they will move 8,000 tonnes to then access what they actually want to search through? It does seem like the search area is right in the middle of this landfill making it that much harder and time consuming to do.
I find it odd that they don't seam to be in any great rush to search the landfill, could they be waiting on forensic results from one of the vehicles before they search the landfill,
Do you think they really want to search it? IMO they would rather not and if they can get enough information or witnesses to say something else happened, then they may not have to search it. Either way, they still have to make preparations in case they do have to.
His phone left the HS and went on to the BM mast and then it stayed within a 3 mile roughly radius for 3 hours until it's last ping or whatever.
That evidence alone doesn't suggest the phone left BM again. Is there something in BM is it where the bin lorries go, with waste later going to Milton landfill?
Internet says a car journey from BSE to BM would be about 20 mins - close to the suggested journey time of the pings between BSE and BM of 26-28 mins.
What did bin lorry do in BM or after going there, was it still in that area at 8? If it had been a direct trip from to Milton via BM it could be done in 44 mins car speed so if the phone was in the lorry the lorry had to still be in BM at 8am?
That lorry went on to Mildenhall after BM. It is also possible that if C was in a car to BM, or at least his phone, it then could have been disposed of in a bin there and collected some time later, or it could still be there wherever it may be.
Do you think they really want to search it? IMO they would rather not and if they can get enough information or witnesses to say something else happened, then they may not have to search it. Either way, they still have to make preparations in case they do have to.

I think that they are waiting until they can completely rule out him leaving in a car as if he did leave in a car i can't see any easy way of him getting in the landfill,
I think that they are waiting until they can completely rule out him leaving in a car as if he did leave in a car i can't see any easy way of him getting in the landfill,
It's strange but a while back I had a feeling with the phone going to BM that if something bad had happened to him there or nearby, he could have been taken out of the county so he's not on the doorstep, so to speak. I'm not convinced that he is in the landfill there, but if he is, then he may have been 'collected' in household waste. I looked up what they accept at that landfill and it says this: "The waste that is delivered to Milton landfill site comprises of; transfer station waste, household waste, industrial and commercial and soils. The inputs to the site are predominately from transfer station which is delivered by road." If you want to read about it, you can find it here:
There is an interview in today's Sunday Mail newspaper (just got it on my iPad) with Corrie's dad Martin he says that his family has been torn apart and that he is estranged from his other sons.

On page 5 he explains Corrie was the life and soul of the party and a joy to be around. He says Corrie had a childish wild side that came out when he had had a drink and how he regrets not sitting Corrie down and explaining his limits. Nevertheless he says he is proud of him.

This article is mostly about the family problems but at the bottom it says there were two council bin collections from the horseshoe area on the Monday morning, before Corrie was reported missing. These lorries don't record the weight of the collections. Seeing as the collection on the Saturday morning was 11kg, Corrie can't have been in that load, but it remains an open question as to whether he could have been in one of those Monday morning collections.

I don't know if they are two separate collections by two lorries or by one lorry. I'm just paraphrasing the bit of the article that stood out to me as relevant to the current discussion.

The family side of the article is very sad. The only important thing to me is that Corrie loves them and they love him, the rest of it is their private business and isn't relevant to the case. I hope they will work things out, though. It adds insult to injury for a family to have a major breakdown at a time like this, though it happens in many families, I believe.
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