UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #18

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The only other companies I have heard of are Veolia and Viridor. I think the former does pick-ups and the latter manages waste transfer stations.

West Suffolk (which is a partnership between Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury District Councils) also offer a commercial service and there are a couple of their large bins in SBS as well.

I'd be very surprised if they went to Milton, but who knows.

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I am not totally convinced he did not walk out and have an accident on his way back to camp.....
However, I have to admit the most logical explanation would be the bin and the lorry. So was C being in the bin a result of his bad decision or of foul play. I am leaning towards his bad decision. I base that on statistics. the area has a low crime rate, especially low in homicide..more likely to be simple assaults, maybe a mugging, perhaps a more serious battery in some cases. I know its not unheard of, but he was not in an alley in NYC or even London. He was in BSE. If there was a "beat down" by a group even, they would more likely just leave him there, not place him in a bin.
I do think he was at least unconscious at the time the bin was collected. So a serious assault could cause that. I just think it is not likely. Accidents are usually a series of events, where even if just one thing had been different the accident would not have happened. I think C decided he would hop in the bin to wait for sun up. I think he might have done this before. This time he slipped climbing in, fell hard and knocked himself out, or perhaps even broke his neck. In either case, he did not hear the lorry. He was not so drunk, he would have slept through the lorry collecting. He might have also had a medical emergency, such as a seizure, again leaving him unconscious or compromising his airway. Now we have one more complication, why the bin reportedly weighed 33 lbs. I think it was more like 200 lbs.
I did a long post then lost it so I'll redo it in a shorter version then edit it.
SP have put in their updates that other constabularies have reviewed their procedures.
Thinking about this how did SP know to put a hold on the landfill? That was incredible foresight wasn't it?
In the early weeks they only knew about the recycling lorry which matched the phone pings and that lorry didn't go to landfill we were told but went to a sorting site and incinerator. So how would SP know to put a Cambs landfill site on hold? They had no evidence about general waste bins going to landfill on the Monday at that time did they? I think it is incredible if they did that without evidence.

Or someone was not so confident in the evidence they did have.

The bin that weighed 33 lbs was the HS recycling bin. If Corrie is found at the landfill and went there via "official" means then he must have been in a general waste bin located down SB, IMO.

The bin that weighed 33 lbs was the HS recycling bin. If Corrie is found at the landfill and went there via "official" means then he must have been in a general waste bin located down SB, IMO.

I don't think he was separated from his phone. I guess if its foul play then his phone could have been tossed into the bin next to the one he was in...but i think the phone was in his pocket. Unless there was a second lorry that morning, he went in the only truck in question. The one with the phone. IMO
I don't think he was separated from his phone. I guess if its foul play then his phone could have been tossed into the bin next to the one he was in...but i think the phone was in his pocket. Unless there was a second lorry that morning, he went in the only truck in question. The one with the phone. IMO

So you don't think he'll be found at the landfill then? The phone never pinged in Milton as far as we've been told (it was giving out signals until 08:00) and if it had then SP will have a lot to answer for.

I really do want it confirmed where that Biffa lorry dropped its load! (I have a possible location in mind).
So you don't think he'll be found at the landfill then? The phone never pinged in Milton as far as we've been told (it was giving out signals until 08:00) and if it had then SP will have a lot to answer for.

I really do want it confirmed where that Biffa lorry dropped its load! (I have a possible location in mind).

I think it is likely he is there. I didn't early on because the MSM, N and the limited info from police suggested it was impossible for him to be in the lorry. That only his phone could be. So maybe the phone travelled one day and C the next, not sure. I just think the simplest explanation is he was in the lorry at 4:20 am with his phone and the weight was wrong. I said this other day, what do the records say for all the bins. How much did that bin weigh the prior Sat morning p/u and the times before that? Do the people who use that bin think 33lbs makes sense? If the shops pay by weight could there be record tampering along the way? Who knows? The police are pretty much tight lipped and saying things like next logical step is totally holding back. It is not the next logical step, it was the first logical step if it was even possible he went to the landfill. I said before, politeness is a weakness in this case.
I think it is likely he is there. I didn't early on because the MSM, N and the limited info from police suggested it was impossible for him to be in the lorry. That only his phone could be. So maybe the phone travelled one day and C the next, not sure. I just think the simplest explanation is he was in the lorry at 4:20 am with his phone and the weight was wrong. I said this other day, what do the records say for all the bins. How much did that bin weigh the prior Sat morning p/u and the times before that? Do the people who use that bin think 33lbs makes sense? If the shops pay by weight could there be record tampering along the way? Who knows? The police are pretty much tight lipped and saying things like next logical step is totally holding back. It is not the next logical step, it was the first logical step if it was even possible he went to the landfill. I said before, politeness is a weakness in this case.

Only the one recycling bin was picked-up/emptied. The weight (all flattened cardboard and paper so very light!) was consistent over previous weeks we've been told. That bin lorry shouldn't have gone anywhere near a landfill with least on that Saturday morning and I'm not completely sure about this but the landfill isn't open on weekends.

I do agree the Police are being tight lipped but this is just how they do things in high profile cases with a lot of scrutiny. They won't give anything away in press statements.


I do agree with you in so much as Corrie got to that landfill via a bin lorry. Just not via the one that made the HS pick-up in the early hours of Saturday. There is a scenario where this could be the case but there hasn't been the slightest hint this could be the case.
I am not totally convinced he did not walk out and have an accident on his way back to camp.....
However, I have to admit the most logical explanation would be the bin and the lorry. So was C being in the bin a result of his bad decision or of foul play. I am leaning towards his bad decision. I base that on statistics. the area has a low crime rate, especially low in homicide..more likely to be simple assaults, maybe a mugging, perhaps a more serious battery in some cases. I know its not unheard of, but he was not in an alley in NYC or even London. He was in BSE. If there was a "beat down" by a group even, they would more likely just leave him there, not place him in a bin.
I do think he was at least unconscious at the time the bin was collected. So a serious assault could cause that. I just think it is not likely. Accidents are usually a series of events, where even if just one thing had been different the accident would not have happened. I think C decided he would hop in the bin to wait for sun up. I think he might have done this before. This time he slipped climbing in, fell hard and knocked himself out, or perhaps even broke his neck. In either case, he did not hear the lorry. He was not so drunk, he would have slept through the lorry collecting. He might have also had a medical emergency, such as a seizure, again leaving him unconscious or compromising his airway. Now we have one more complication, why the bin reportedly weighed 33 lbs. I think it was more like 200 lbs.
I am with you on your first sentence. With the rest I can see it happening but just cannot see how a person would be missed either at the sorting or transfer stage or at the landfill stage. Corrie would have been discovered I would have thought at one of those procedures. Unless he was purposely taken to the landfill, which would be criminal and not an accident.
.... we've been told. ...

We have recently been told that early on the police told the landfill not to use the area they were using that is the polite issue i have. When was this call made? why don't we know this? I guarantee you, if an American sheriff was looking for a missing person who was big news, and he called the local landfill and said, don't dump in a certain area until further notice, we would have breaking news all over the tv. That sheriff could not walk from his office to his car without a gaggle of reporters waiving microphones in the air demanding to know why. Helicopters would be flying over the dump and the owner of the landfill would be under siege for information. Yet here, nothing. How many landfills did they contact? what possible evidence are they relying on? Maybe they should send a search party to antarctica. I don't think they have searched there yet. The press should press these police to explain why 5 months later we are waiting on 8000 tons of garbage to be moved just so we can search a few hundred square feet of garbage in a landfill we were lead to believe was impossible for C to be there. If I paid taxes in Suffolk I would make sure some heads would roll. BUt instead the press allows them to release some puffery and faq's about how hard they worked and how many man hours they used, totally unchallenged.
Taking this a step further, there is a possibility that recycling is being taken to landfill without being sorted or transfered, with customers being charged for the recycling service but not actually getting it. That would not surprise me.
Taking this a step further, there is a possibility that recycling is being taken to landfill without being sorted or transfered, with customers being charged for the recycling service but not actually getting it. That would not surprise me.

excellent point. It could be the official paperwork took some digging into, no pun intended, to realize the books were cooked. it might have been cheaper to dump in the landfill than complete the recycling procedure. loads intended for sorting were taken to the landfill in the dark of night. very good point.

You got me thinking, and no I did not trip and fall. slight stumble. What if they found his body at the first depot and management decided to send it on to the landfill fearing civil or criminal charges...not intentional killing, just intentional hiding the body. maybe that is too farfetched.
We have recently been told that early on the police told the landfill not to use the area they were using that is the polite issue i have. When was this call made? why don't we know this? I guarantee you, if an American sheriff was looking for a missing person who was big news, and he called the local landfill and said, don't dump in a certain area until further notice, we would have breaking news all over the tv. That sheriff could not walk from his office to his car without a gaggle of reporters waiving microphones in the air demanding to know why. Helicopters would be flying over the dump and the owner of the landfill would be under siege for information. Yet here, nothing. How many landfills did they contact? what possible evidence are they relying on? Maybe they should send a search party to antarctica. I don't think they have searched there yet. The press should press these police to explain why 5 months later we are waiting on 8000 tons of garbage to be moved just so we can search a few hundred square feet of garbage in a landfill we were lead to believe was impossible for C to be there. If I paid taxes in Suffolk I would make sure some heads would roll. BUt instead the press allows them to release some puffery and faq's about how hard they worked and how many man hours they used, totally unchallenged.

I can't really explain why that call was made except to say it was an insurance policy/CYA scenario simply because of the bin lorry/phone pings. I guess things are done very differently in the US as that sounds like a total nightmare for LE and just isn't how things are done here. I'm sure the press have asked the why question even if off the record but I doubt SP would answer it.
I can't really explain why that call was made except to say it was an insurance policy/CYA scenario simply because of the bin lorry/phone pings. I guess things are done very differently in the US as that sounds like a total nightmare for LE and just isn't how things are done here. I'm sure the press have asked the why question even if off the record but I doubt SP would answer it.

Sheriff's are elected officials here at our county level. Police chiefs are associated with cities and are generally hired. I think it is more important to at least ask the question in front of cameras for all to see, than to necessarily get an answer. If men were only angels...
I can't really explain why that call was made except to say it was an insurance policy/CYA scenario simply because of the bin lorry/phone pings. I guess things are done very differently in the US as that sounds like a total nightmare for LE and just isn't how things are done here. I'm sure the press have asked the why question even if off the record but I doubt SP would answer it.
And of course then we had the D notice allegedly so media wouldn't touch it with a barge pole initially. There is something fishy about the whole case IMO.

Eta it is becoming obvious to me that that first bin must have headed to Milton after the Mildenhall call and possibly other stops in between as well. However, I don't believe C was with it but I think his phone must have been.
Taking this a step further, there is a possibility that recycling is being taken to landfill without being sorted or transfered, with customers being charged for the recycling service but not actually getting it. That would not surprise me.
In a sky tv interview UT said he knew where the lorry picked up and dropped off that morning. I originally thought malpractice but that interview cleared it up.
Taking this a step further, there is a possibility that recycling is being taken to landfill without being sorted or transfered, with customers being charged for the recycling service but not actually getting it. That would not surprise me.

I think that is certainly a possibility.

My main issue with any bin theory is how/why he was in a bin in the first place.
I think that is certainly a possibility.

My main issue with any bin theory is how/why he was in a bin in the first place.

There are only two possibilities. He got in himself or someone put him in. For me it is more difficult to wonder how he would be missed thereafter by binman/landfill staff in white jeans and a pink shirt.
In a sky tv interview UT said he knew where the lorry picked up and dropped off that morning. I originally thought malpractice but that interview cleared it up.
Exactly where did it pick up and drop off? Did UT tell us? And is there a link?
Exactly where did it pick up and drop off? Did UT tell us? And is there a link?

This is what Nicola says in the first Q&A:

So, the bin lorry goes through a few different process. First, it dumps off everything from the back and it’s then sorted into 2 piles. One for incineration and rest is to landfill or recycling. It’s then sorted and put into other piles. BIFFA and the police believe Corrie’s mobile could go through this process and not be seen, but a body is too large to go through without being seen going to landfill. Incineration is a different matter. The process is that the burners are 1100 degrees celsius because they try to protect the metals that go through. Bone cant be burnt at that temperature, it has to be 1600 degrees average so if Corrie ended up there the process is that anything left goes to a conveyer belt which is operated and sorted by hand so metals can be taken, I understand on paper it’s easy to explain that’s how it works and it shouldn't be case that he would go unnoticed, however we will be looking for more reassurance of how it physically happens. As a family we are not happy that the tip wasn't searched.
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