UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #21

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I don't believe they were involved at all. I just pondered whether the police were eliminating them. You can be involved from a distance, I suppose. I'm sure they have been eliminated from very early on anyway.

If this sighting is true and it seems to agree with the phone being in Mildenhall area, then C could have disappeared any time over the weekend and up until the Monday. This means a lot of people could have been involved in his disappearance. This also explains why the police pod was placed at Five ways in the early days of C's disappearance.
Have family or LE commented on this latest report?
Remember this :

Today the A1101 between the Fiveways roundabout at Barton Mills and Icklingham was closed for a brief time while officers carried out further searches along the road, and work has been carried out along the A11.

It was back at the beginning, early October..... was this is connection with the sighting by the delivery driver, I can't remember what prompted this highly reported search..
I'm a tad cynical about this sighting. How did this man know the exact time? How come no other motorist reported it? Someone running across a busy road is pretty unusual and noticeable. Why did this man wait so long before going to the papers and did he get paid for the story?

CM looked very drunk and unsteady in the last cctv footage of him yet we're to believe he was prancing around motorways an hour later, I don't buy it.
I'm a tad cynical about this sighting. How did this man know the exact time? How come no other motorist reported it? Someone running across a busy road is pretty unusual and noticeable. Why did this man wait so long before going to the papers and did he get paid for the story?

CM looked very drunk and unsteady in the last cctv footage of him yet we're to believe he was prancing around motorways an hour later, I don't buy it.

There was also a sighting in Brandon too? He could have met up with someone at Five ways or tried to get another lift to get further north closer to base. Why would the guy and his wife lie? He reported it to police at the time. The family wanted the police POD brought back to the town centre for some reason and I could never fathom that.
Remember this :

Today the A1101 between the Fiveways roundabout at Barton Mills and Icklingham was closed for a brief time while officers carried out further searches along the road, and work has been carried out along the A11.

It was back at the beginning, early October..... was this is connection with the sighting by the delivery driver, I can't remember what prompted this highly reported search..
At the time we thought they were looking for the phone or a body. It may have been prompted by this sighting. Makes me wonder what other sightings may not have been publicised . I definitely remember the police saying they believed C was in the Mildenhall area between 0430 and 0800 as that is what made me first notice this case - the Mildenhall connection. What friends did he have in the Mildenhall area or was he heading to the USAF base or McD for breakfast? Presumably this was investigated early on.
I'm a tad cynical about this sighting. How did this man know the exact time? How come no other motorist reported it? Someone running across a busy road is pretty unusual and noticeable. Why did this man wait so long before going to the papers and did he get paid for the story?
CM looked very drunk and unsteady in the last cctv footage of him yet we're to believe he was prancing around motorways an hour later, I don't buy it.

Don't forget that he was a soldier, a fit young man. He wasn't an average lad! And I hope this "new twist" is true. Then we can go back to idea about cruising going bad, which was my original guess before this bin theory.
So, a vehicle comes up from BSE using the A1101 to BM but can't easily stop at the roundabout by the Esso station so continues over the other side of it, heading for Mildenhall and as it comes off the roundabout there is a place to pull in. C gets out and there is a little pathway trodden through the grass verge and as he cannot see any traffic coming down the A11 because of the bend, he continues further along to where he can see and then crosses to the central reservation, adjusts his jeans and carries on to the other side directly to the Esso station in front of him, but goes down the side of the building. That sighting, the way it was told, fits perfectly with the route from BSE and the layout of the roads at the Fiveways roundabout and what the man says he saw C do. If C's phone is in the bin, then assuming the bin lorry took the same route which I think is highly likely, then it would coincide with it, but to say, as it has in at least two MSM sources, that there is no link to C with the sighting because the phone was still in BSE is rather daft IMO. Why base everything on the movements of the phone that may have been damaged and been thrown in the bin?
As I don't know the area, this is a good descriptive post for me. I believe this sighting as credible, due to the details they gave, which meant they were very close to him. The guy must have become frustrated, reading about the landfill search coming up with nothing, after all this time, and decided to go to the papers. I remember the family discounting other sightings, including one, in the early days, by a family, at a service station, en route to London.
Don't forget that he was a soldier, a fit young man. He wasn't an average lad! And I hope this "new twist" is true. Then we can go back to idea about cruising going bad, which was my original guess before this bin theory.
If he was such a fit young man unaffected by alcohol why would he fall asleep for hours in a doorway then? Sleeping in such conditions would make anyone hypothermic, I think it's far more likely that he got into a bin than somehow ended up on a motorway.

Also I would guess this sighting guys wife wasn't with actually him at the time considering he was delivering bread in the early hours. She just made a phone call for him.

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk
If he was such a fit young man unaffected by alcohol why would he fall asleep for hours in a doorway then? Sleeping in such conditions would make anyone hypothermic, I think it's far more likely that he got into a bin than somehow ended up on a motorway.

Also I would guess this sighting guys wife wasn't with actually him at the time considering he was delivering bread in the early hours. She just made a phone call for him.

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk
Why ever would you want to discount something so positive as this?
Why ever would you want to discount something so positive as this?
Because I'm being realistic. I have very little faith in alleged sightings of missing persons in general. The police already discounted this sighting. This guy could be an attention seeking whackjob for all we know.

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk
Why ever would you want to discount something so positive as this?

I have to agree, it seems rash to discount this. I've seen people post elsewhere about sightings and they thought the family seemed disinterested. Obviously they may be attention seekers but it does make you wonder how much info wasn't passed onto the police by the family when they were advertising their own phone numbers. Maybe sightings weren't passed on to police if the family thought they weren't relevant! This guy rang the police though and not the family so there may be a reason the police didn't act on the info.
If they couldn't provide a description at the time then maybe they have convinced themselves it was C after the fact? I do hope SP issue a proper statement explaining why this sighting wasn't considered credible.

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Because I'm being realistic. I have very little faith in alleged sightings of missing persons in general. The police already discounted this sighting. This guy could be an attention seeking whackjob for all we know.

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk
And his wife? He's a delivery driver and the police thought enough about it to search the area extensively and put the first police pod there. Then the family wanted the pod in the town centre. Why was that? Especially as there were no sightings in the town centre at all after 03.25. I just don't follow that. The phone and sighting indicated BM area. So lets go back to BSE. Does not make sense to me . However, then we knew nothing about the dogging connections so we didn't have the big picture.
And his wife? He's a delivery driver and the police thought enough about it to search the area extensively and put the first police pod there. Then the family wanted the pod in the town centre. Why was that? Especially as there were no sightings in the town centre at all after 03.25. I just don't follow that. The phone and sighting indicated BM area. So lets go back to BSE. Does not make sense to me . However, then we knew nothing about the dogging connections so we didn't have the big picture.
He does not say his wife saw CM, just that she also phoned the police. Why would his wife be driving around in a delivery van with him at 4am?

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk
I have to agree, it seems rash to discount this. I've seen people post elsewhere about sightings and they thought the family seemed disinterested. Obviously they may be attention seekers but it does make you wonder how much info wasn't passed onto the police by the family when they were advertising their own phone numbers. Maybe sightings weren't passed on to police if the family thought they weren't relevant! This guy rang the police though and not the family so there may be a reason the police didn't act on the info.
If they couldn't provide a description at the time then maybe they have convinced themselves it was C after the fact? I do hope SP issue a proper statement explaining why this sighting wasn't considered credible.

'A force spokesman said: “Police have the report, the time given was prior to Corrie’s phone leaving Bury St Edmunds. There was nothing to link this to Corrie.” '

Surely they wouldn't rule it out purely because of the phone? There must be more to it if they searched that area.
I'm a tad cynical about this sighting. How did this man know the exact time? How come no other motorist reported it? Someone running across a busy road is pretty unusual and noticeable. Why did this man wait so long before going to the papers and did he get paid for the story?

CM looked very drunk and unsteady in the last cctv footage of him yet we're to believe he was prancing around motorways an hour later, I don't buy it.

For me, the man knew the exact time, due to the hour of the sighting and the distinctive clothing and if you are an alert and cautious driver, as you say it is pretty unusual and noticeable. I would think the time it took to cross, wouldn't be that long, hence other motorists not seeing, or just not coming forward.

I never thought he was that drunk and unsteady on his feet, when he walked with purpose with his takeaway to the doorway and then got up after his sleep, he looked to me like anyone, getting up after a sleep in a doorway would, slight stumble/jog, bit rough and disorientated waking up.

For a guy who, we were told, had in the past, walked part of the way back to base, and thumbed lifts, it didn't make sense to me, that he would hop into a bin. For me if he was found in landfill it was foul play.

We went over the temps that evening on previous threads. Posters put up the temps and it was a very warm evening. The amount of food he ate, before he feel asleep, would in my view, have helped him, on what was, we were told, an unusually warm evening, for that time of year.
He does not say his wife saw CM, just that she also phoned the police. Why would his wife be driving around in a delivery van with him at 4am?

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk
Did I say his wife was driving around with him ? (she could have been)? He obviously mentioned it to her. "that looks like the guy I saw ". Also there would hardly be much traffic around at that time as we know.
As I don't know the area, this is a good descriptive post for me. I believe this sighting as credible, due to the details they gave, which meant they were very close to him. The guy must have become frustrated, reading about the landfill search coming up with nothing, after all this time, and decided to go to the papers. I remember the family discounting other sightings, including one, in the early days, by a family, at a service station, en route to London.
And a sighting in Portsmouth was not given much credence iirc.
I will be interested to hear the family comment about this.
I'm a tad cynical about this sighting. How did this man know the exact time? How come no other motorist reported it? Someone running across a busy road is pretty unusual and noticeable. Why did this man wait so long before going to the papers and did he get paid for the story?

CM looked very drunk and unsteady in the last cctv footage of him yet we're to believe he was prancing around motorways an hour later, I don't buy it.

Well I doubt it would have been busy at 4:30 am hours on a Saturday morning. Which is why the the driver noticed someone. As for knowing the time! simple he had the radio on or glanced at his clock in his van because it was unusual.

Why did this man take so long: Simple its human nature and self doubt about what he saw or heard, he thinks it's impossible to get out of the HS without being seen as reported in MSM for months on end but he knows what he saw. He doesn't want to look an idiot and worried what he he has seen is very different to what has been reported. He reported his sighting in the early days and now he thinks a more serious approach needs to be taken to what he saw.

If he was such a fit young man unaffected by alcohol why would he fall asleep for hours in a doorway then? Sleeping in such conditions would make anyone hypothermic, I think it's far more likely that he got into a bin than somehow ended up on a motorway.

Also I would guess this sighting guys wife wasn't with actually him at the time considering he was delivering bread in the early hours. She just made a phone call for him.

Sent from my F3311 using Tapatalk
First, he had had a bunch of grub and a sleep. We saw him at 03.25 and he was still able to jog and stop and change direction and look around more than an hour and a half after his last drink. Second, by 4.30 it was two and a half hours since his last drink. Third, it wasn't a motorway, just an A road. Fourth, he was near a dogging site and he liked dogging. Fifth, his phone went in that direction too maybe via the Rougham dogging area. Sixth, a sighting was reported. How much more would be needed to take something seriously? I am flabbergasted to say the least. MOO.
Well I doubt it would have been busy at 4:30 am hours on a Saturday morning. Which is why the the driver noticed someone. As for knowing the time! simple he had the radio on or glanced at his clock in his van because it was unusual.

Why did this man take so long: Simple its human nature and self doubt about what he saw or heard, he thinks it's impossible to get out of the HS without being seen as reported in MSM for months on end but he knows what he saw. He doesn't want to look an idiot and worried what he he has seen is very different to what has been reported. He reported his sighting in the early days and now he thinks a more serious approach needs to be taken to what he saw.

The paper may well have been sitting on this for some time and has waited for the end of the LF search perhaps. The Beyonce connection I know for a fact that paper held on to that info for at least five weeks. I think they would liaise with SP and family before releasing this as well IMO.
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