UK UK - Corrie McKeague, 23, Bury St Edmunds, 24 September 2016 #9

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Am glad it's not related, saw the headlines and posted immediately as I suspected the worst as it's a stone throw from away from bury St edmunds . It's back to the drawing board I guess ? Sorry for whoever or whatever has happened though. Hoping Corrie is safe somewhere still ? They say no news is good news

It may not be related but for all we know there could be a connection?
I think we need a local to check the area out to see if new cameras have been put up. I've looked on the October 2015 Google street view and given the place the car is parked I can't see how the car could be seen. It has a 6 foot brick wall on the side it was parked and a 8 foot+ hedge/bush the other where Waitrose car park is. The closest camera at all I can see is round the corner at the dentist and then the council camera outside Flex. Neither could see the car.

What I'm thinking is that someone somewhere mentioned Corrie wasn't actually seen by CCTV in the car but as he walked away from the car. So in that case how would anyone know he was drinking in the car?

I think it's a case of police putting this together on the fly? First the family tell the police Darroch was talking to Corrie on the phone while Corrie was in his quarters listening to music and drinking. But the police get the phone pings and that doesn't correlate, instead they find the pings for this phone conversation are in BSE. They have the car in Robert Roby Way, and later pick up Corrie on CCTV walking out of that street, so they piece it together that Corrie was sitting in the car having a drink while on the phone to Darroch? This is how the timeline morphed early on and instead of Corrie driving in at 11pm to BSE after talking to his brother and having a drink in quarters, turned into arriving in BSE at 10pm and drinking in the car while chatting to his brother on the phone.

The rest of the stuff in the interview on Victoria Derbyshire, I do not understand ...the part about talking to multiple friends and the bit about forwarding the photo.
Here's a question. If we have a difference between family website and police info does LE (police) take precedent? ( am thinking of the pings in this instance) and what about MSM. Is there a hierarchy at all? I would think it would be police then family website then MSM if there are discrepancies. We also at the moment have the issue with the vehicles where MSM is saying they've been discounted but noone else is saying that ATM.

IMO the police will lead and will call upon resources as they feel necessary (within budget constraints). When it gets to the stage of family intervention, offers of rewards, funding to include a private investigator,, I have no idea whatsoever where this will go and who will lead from now on. I just hope that this will have been pre-planned and there will be an agenda.
The term 'triangulation' is a misnomer. I believe only two masts are used to location the rough approximate location of a device. Intersecting roads with the third mast narrows it down further. Need an expert for that which I ain't. Just got slightly above average knowledge than the layman that's all.

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Actual triangulation requires 1 object to be triangulated - that makes one point of the triangle. Then you need two other points to complete the triangle. So in this case it would be two masts, not three.

The problem is that it only works if the other two points can get and keep direction and distance information. No direction/distance information = no geometric triangulation.

We'd need to look at the hard readouts on the mast(s) to know what information they carry, and we don't have that information. Technically, I don't think the mast needs to keep that kind of information, because the mast is just servicing phone calls between phones, it's not in and of itself a location pinpointing service...any capabilities in that regard are only a byproduct of its normal operation. But just like Midsummer, I am only a layperson using information I carry in my head to put all of this together, I am not an expert in this field.

The other thing is that we can get a weak kind of triangulation if there are two masts plus phone, and that creates the overlapping circles effect to narrow down position within the overlap of the two circles. (The terminology 'weak triangulation' is my own made up term, but I believe a mathematician would agree with me, even if they'd use different words.)
What I'm thinking is that someone somewhere mentioned Corrie wasn't actually seen by CCTV in the car but as he walked away from the car. So in that case how would anyone know he was drinking in the car?

I think it's a case of police putting this together on the fly? First the family tell the police Darroch was talking to Corrie on the phone while Corrie was in his quarters listening to music and drinking. But the police get the phone pings and that doesn't correlate, instead they find the pings for this phone conversation are in BSE. They have the car in Robert Roby Way, and later pick up Corrie on CCTV walking out of that street, so they piece it together that Corrie was sitting in the car having a drink while on the phone to Darroch? This is how the timeline morphed early on and instead of Corrie driving in at 11pm to BSE after talking to his brother and having a drink in quarters, turned into arriving in BSE at 10pm and drinking in the car while chatting to his brother on the phone.

The rest of the stuff in the interview on Victoria Derbyshire, I do not understand ...the part about talking to multiple friends and the bit about forwarding the photo.

It is what many people think, now you listen to it "in hindsight".

Is it "an friend" or "a friends". ?
It certainly was a fumble, regardless.

I don't like it when stories of great significance change. I always get the feeling that the wool is being pulled over my eyes.

But speculation is speculation.
And proof is for fine whisky and good Judges.

I don't believe the story of Corrie sitting on his own, on the phone to his brother and drinking vodka.

Hmm, well we know he parked on Boby way because that's where the car ended up (hadn't moved). I was under the impression the "drinking vodka in car" had come from Corrie's brother but don't quote me on that and I can't remember where I read that (here I thought). One thing is certain, main cctv system cam53 (flex) would not see Corrie in his car, in fact it looks like another cctv black-spot. cam07's location is a bit mysterious, not sure if it's in the Waitrose car park or king's road, but either way liklehood of seeing R.B.Way... slim to none) So unless Waitrose have CCTV installed more recently than the GE images, but as someone else said, even then there's a high bush and R.B.Way is several feet lower than the Waitrose land.

So basically whatever happened at Corrie's car, has come from witness testimony, maybe a dashcam at best (but unlikely I'm sure) or what people were "told" over the phone, surely? Someone mentioned students or sth saw him parked there? But they are not the ones that gave us the "was drinking information"? It'd surely be possible then, if Corrie told one of his phone contacts he was drinking in his car, that he might not have been in his car at all. It's not necessarily malicious to say "in car drinkin" when you've just walked out of it a minute ago, it's just easier to say...

But a breakdown of where the information about him in his car has come from, would be useful. Cos it surely can't be being derived from any CCTV footage.
I don't recall ever being told what kind of alcohol Corrie was drinking during the phone call with his brother?
Hmm, well we know he parked on Boby way because that's where the car ended up (hadn't moved). I was under the impression the "drinking vodka in car" had come from Corrie's brother but don't quote me on that and I can't remember where I read that (here I thought). One thing is certain, main cctv system cam53 (flex) would not see Corrie in his car, in fact it looks like another cctv black-spot. cam07's location is a bit mysterious, not sure if it's in the Waitrose car park or king's road, but either way liklehood of seeing R.B.Way... slim to none) So unless Waitrose have CCTV installed more recently than the GE images, but as someone else said, even then there's a high bush and R.B.Way is several feet lower than the Waitrose land.

So basically whatever happened at Corrie's car, has come from witness testimony, maybe a dashcam at best (but unlikely I'm sure) or what people were "told" over the phone. Someone mentioned students or sth saw him parked there? But they are not the ones that gave us the "was drinking information"? It'd surely be possible then, if Corrie told one of his phone contacts he was drinking in his car, that he might not have been in his car at all. It's not necessarily malicious to say "in car drinkin" when you've just walked out of it a minute ago, it's just easier to say...

But a breakdown of where the information about him in his car has come from, would be useful. Cos it surely can't be being derived from any CCTV footage.

It has mainly come from his mum's and brother's interviews.
It is pretty much "uncontested" that he parked in the Disabled Bay, drank and spoke to his brother.

Before leaving the vehicle, he also was a party to the picture which he later shared at 0308. Also uncontested.

This pic wasn't of he and his brother (no contest) and it wasn't sent to his brother.
It's content however, is unknown. But confirmed by Nicola, it is of Corrie and another friend, in London.
I don't recall ever being told what kind of alcohol Corrie was drinking during the phone call with his brother?

I suspect then, we drop the "vodka" comments and refer to it as just "alcohol" as nowhere is it stated, other than "drinking" (which was his brothers statement on the 3rd of October, and we assume he did not leave the Camp "drunk incharge")
IMO the police will lead and will call upon resources as they feel necessary (within budget constraints). When it gets to the stage of family intervention, offers of rewards, funding to include a private investigator,, I have no idea whatsoever where this will go and who will lead from now on. I just hope that this will have been pre-planned and there will be an agenda.

I'm sure either, although I heard a bit on the 5pm news on Thursday where Nicola said they had had a number of calls and one with a very strong lead that she has now passed over to the Police. Why not pass it on to her PI?
I'm sure either, although I heard a bit on the 5pm news on Thursday where Nicola said they had had a number of calls and one with a very strong lead that she has now passed over to the Police. Why not pass it on to her PI?

After 10 weeks and a large official appeal, and in only a few days a person calls with a strong lead (determined by a non police source).

Well, that is either the power of money (and a greedy "do gooder") or a bit of Public Relations for the providers of £30,000.
After 10 weeks and a large official appeal, and in only a few days a person calls with a strong lead (determined by a non police source).

Well, that is either the power of money (and a greedy "do gooder") or a bit of Public Relations for the providers of £30,000.

Very cynical Mr. King.... ;-)
After 10 weeks and a large official appeal, and in only a few days a person calls with a strong lead (determined by a non police source).

Well, that is either the power of money (and a greedy "do gooder") or a bit of Public Relations for the providers of £30,000.

Perhaps it's the 3rd party who kidnapped Corrie, who has been waiting all this time for the reward and is now putting steps in place to claim the vast reward.
I wish to suggest a theory based on the phone data from the police which placed corrie and his phone or just his phone in Mildenhall between 0430 and 0800 a.m. I will do it in short messages as I typed it all out in one only to find I had been logged out again so this is the first message.
O430 at the BM mast data would mean 0400 at the BSE mast data based on Midsummers map. So this puts corrie/phone approx 3 miles out of BSE at 0400 a.m. This would have to be in a vehicle I surmise. This is second message.
On the issue of the photograph I think it's clear from the Victoria Derbyshire interview that before Corrie went out for the evening he spoke to friend A and asked him to send a photo of the two of them (Corrie and friend A). Corrie then forwarded on this photo to friend B when he woke up at 3.08. Although Nicola doesn't say it IMO the obvious explanation is that the photo from friend A arrived whilst Corrie was asleep in the doorway.

To me Nicola has a Scottish way of expressing herself that means that sometimes what she's saying isn't always clear and can appear to mean the opposite of what she is actually saying.

That said I don't think the photo is relevant to Corrie's disappearance.

I know this interview is now a few weeks old but I'm surprised at Tony saying the Marham event was "a couple of weeks prior". This happened at the beginning of July and seems an odd mistake for him to make, it seems like he's trying to make a link that didn't exist, why would he do that?
For corrie and phone to be approx 3 miles out of BSE at 0400 and be seen on foot at 0325 he would have had to have got there in a vehicle which at the latest would have left probably SB at 3.45. This could not therefore have been the bin lorry IMO. This is third message.
On the issue of the photograph I think it's clear from the Victoria Derbyshire interview that before Corrie went out for the evening he spoke to friend A and asked him to send a photo of the two of them (Corrie and friend A). Corrie then forwarded on this photo to friend B when he woke up at 3.08. Although Nicola doesn't say it IMO the obvious explanation is that the photo from friend A arrived whilst Corrie was asleep in the doorway.

To me Nicola has a Scottish way of expressing herself that means that sometimes what she's saying isn't always clear and can appear to mean the opposite of what she is actually saying.

That said I don't think the photo is relevant to Corrie's disappearance.

I know this interview is now a few weeks old but I'm surprised at Tony saying the Marham event was "a couple of weeks prior". This happened at the beginning of July and seems an odd mistake for him to make, it seems like he's trying to make a link that didn't exist, why would he do that?

I agree the links are tenuous. The marham incident is laughed at on mil forums and the other "attempt" was just a suspicious person hanging about in a car. Plus Corrie was no where near base, so a completely different mo in my opinion
On the issue of the photograph I think it's clear from the Victoria Derbyshire interview that before Corrie went out for the evening he spoke to friend A and asked him to send a photo of the two of them (Corrie and friend A). Corrie then forwarded on this photo to friend B when he woke up at 3.08. Although Nicola doesn't say it IMO the obvious explanation is that the photo from friend A arrived whilst Corrie was asleep in the doorway.

To me Nicola has a Scottish way of expressing herself that means that sometimes what she's saying isn't always clear and can appear to mean the opposite of what she is actually saying.

That said I don't think the photo is relevant to Corrie's disappearance.

I know this interview is now a few weeks old but I'm surprised at Tony saying the Marham event was "a couple of weeks prior". This happened at the beginning of July and seems an odd mistake for him to make, it seems like he's trying to make a link that didn't exist, why would he do that?

Suzy, you are correct, to a point.

I trained in "this area".

Small break here.
Next time you sit at a dinner table, start moving the salt and pepper closer to the person sat opposite you.
A little a time. Use it and move it closer to them
But what "small stress" does to people.

So Nicola gets under pressure under that question.
Nicola isn't a liar. She will tell the truth. That's who she is.
And that is why she "fumbles" for answer.

The police and the family know what went on in that car. We don't.
And to be honest, it is not our business.
But when things get "public" (and I didn't go "Social Media" mad, this is what happens,

This case has spurted out so much "misinformation" it's crazy.
But I get why they are doing it.
They probably have to catch a killer.

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