UK UK - Daniel Morgan, 37, Sydenham, London, 10 Mar 1987

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The independent panel investigating the Daniel Morgan scandal is refusing the home secretary’s demands to hand over its report before it can be published, as senior police sources say nothing in the case affects national security.

Priti Patel provoked fury on Tuesday by demanding the findings be handed over for review prior to publication, angering both the Morgan family and members of the panel conducting the inquiry.

Patel cited the need to consider national security and human rights obligations before making the report public.

But one source with close knowledge of the five Metropolitan police inquiries into the case and the documents involved, said: “There are no national security issues involved. There are national embarrassment issues.”

Daniel Morgan murder: panel refuses to hand over report

Good for them!
It shows the sheer arrogance of the current government that they thought they could see this report and delay it. The amount of cover ups and lies we get from them now just shows that they really feel they are above being held to account for anything and expect us all to accept that. I am glad the panel refused to give Priti Patel the report and hope we get the full story published.
Excellent that this case is having new light shed on it again. As far as I'm concerned Priti Patel can try to block it all she likes - all she accomplishes is to give it more publicity.

I know Peter Jukes, who is one half of the team behind the podcast. I'm pretty sure he's also behind the reference to the case in Line of Duty.

UNTOLD: The Daniel Morgan Murder

Priti Patel has been accused in parliament of seeking to block or redact an independent report into the murder of a private detective as part of a potential “cover up” to protect friends in Rupert Murdoch’s media empire.

Labour MP Chris Bryant, who secured an urgent question into the home secretary’s decision to vet the report into Daniel Morgan’s 1987 killing, said there were concerns that “people with very close friends in News International might want to delay or even prevent this publication”.

Priti Patel accused of ‘cover-up’ over Daniel Morgan investigation
On Friday, the panel confirmed the report would be published on 15 June, after an agreement was reached for a “small team” from the Home Office to be permitted to read the report in advance of publication.

The panel’s terms of reference included “police involvement in the murder; the role played by police corruption in protecting those responsible for the murder … and the failure to confront that corruption”.

It was also tasked with examining “the incidence of connections between private investigators, police officers and journalists at the former News of the World and other parts of the media, and alleged corruption involved in the linkages between them.”


They added: “We understand further that, in the unlikely event of the home secretary seeking to redact anything in the panel’s report, any such redaction will be highlighted on the face of the published report, and the redacted content will be shared with us.

“We hope that the home secretary does not seek to go behind that agreement, and we call on her to ensure that she co-operates with the panel to allow the publication of the report to proceed as announced without any further delay”.


It is understood the 15 June publication date is only provisional, and subject to officials from the Home Office completing checks in time.

Home Office agrees publication of Daniel Morgan murder report in June
We can confirm that the Daniel Morgan Independent Panel report will be published on Tuesday 15 June. (1/3)

Having been advised that publication complies with human rights and national security considerations, the Home Secretary will lay the unredacted report before Parliament. We have informed the Panel. (2/3)

Our sympathies remain with the family of Daniel Morgan who have waited more than 30 years, and an eight year independent inquiry, for this moment to arrive. (3/3)

Cressida Dick, the commissioner of the Metropolitan police, has been personally censured for hampering an inquiry into police corruption in the long-running Daniel Morgan murder case.

The report of an independent panel inquiring into his death in 1987 found that the Met was “institutionally corrupt” in its handling of the case and accused the force of placing concerns about its reputation above properly investigating. It said the Met misled the public and Morgan’s grieving family.

It said the Met delayed handing over vital documents, which then delayed the work of the panel, which was set up in 2013 but is only able to report now, eight years later.

Daniel Morgan murder: Met chief censured for hampering corruption inquiry
Wow. I cannot believe she was a part of a cover up. Well l can, but it never fails to surprise me how corrupt people in public office can be.

No mention of phone hacking and drugs in the headlines, will need to read the full report.
No mention of phone hacking and drugs in the headlines, will need to read the full report.

Interesting to see this tweet from Peter Jukes in regards to the phone hacking/journalist involvement -

"Awks for Piers Morgan from #DanielMorgan report . "In 2000, Metropolitan Police data revealed 273 instances in which journalists were provided with confidential police information [by Southern Investigations] 216 (79 per cent) involved various journalists from the Mirror Group"

Piers of course was an editor of the Mirror but his name does not appear in the report as far as I can see.

Having a quick scan of the report, interesting to see the family were not happy with the 1987 Crimewatch reconstruction. I rewatched it now and can see why. I am sure Daniel Morgan was no angel and may have enjoyed the danger in the work he did. However creating a scene here where he arrives at a home with police to take a young child away from her father while the commentary says "a lot of his work caused distress, but he seemed to relish the power it gave him", would not engender much sympathy from the viewers. As the report says his family were not consulted about the reconstruction at all.

The reconstruction starts here -
Sorry if I am repeating myself. Rees is the only person who could have murdered Morgan. They were the last contacts together in the pub, Rees parked out front (unusual?), Rees left first then went round the back and waited. And stuck a hatchet in Morgan as he walked out the back. Everything else has been incompetence and cover up from the MET. Rees then used the business to become a millionaire and Morgan's girlfriend became his girlfriend. So he gained massively. Come on, Father Brown would have had a conviction by now.
London Assembly have been holding an inquiry, due to finish any day now.
About time too! Justice has been kept away from Daniel’s family for far too long and the perpetrator(s), who are known, have continued to live their lives for the last 32 years. The Met Police have totally failed this man.
I don’t want to get or be all political but what is shameful is that quite rightly, Steven Lawrence was subjected to many enquiries too and Lord McPherson chaired an enquiry into his death where he accused the Police of incompetence on the basis of Steven being black and therefore it was endemic institutionalised racism.
I have some difficulty with that when compared to Daniel Morgan’s murder because he too was murdered , incidentally (it’s alleged) by other Police and former Police officers . The Met Police were incompetent in this enquiry and investigation too, as they were with Stevens , and yet this is not and never had been a high profile murder enquiry. Daniel was white . Its not always about racism although I accept that people in these minority communities do suffer, and on some occasions, depending on where they live, it’s disproportionate and some suffer tremendously and I think it’s absolutely disgusting and it’s something that should be addressed every single day.
However, sometimes we just have to say that the Met Police were incompetent in both of these investigations because they were just that , incompetent!!
#justice for Daniel Morgan
The met police are rotten from the top down. We have derek ridgewell fitting people up if crimes that never happened, this case, Lawrence (one of the accused was an informer), Damiola Taylor, Jean Charles de menzes (with the doctored photos to make him look darker skinned!) and then the two high profile cases this year too with the group chats, photo sharing and abduction/rapes.

a lot of unsafe cases by the met I can list. People in jail based on shoelaces or piles of old newspapers. Loads of custody deaths too.

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