UK UK- Eve Stratford, 21, Bunny @ Playboy Club, posed for mag. cover, later her mutilated & grotesquely staged body found @ home, London 18/03/75 *DNA*

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Joy Hewer has no thread on here. First time I have heard the 999 call, does not sound like he just committed a murder, sounds stoned as he's forgetting everything as soon as he's told. Sounds local with the accent, did he say axe instead of ask? That is often a West Indian Brit thing.

I can't see the enhanced security footage of the person going into or was it out of her flat?

Anyway I can't see how this is linked to the others considering she's nothing like anyone else and yes a lot of time has passed but surely if he liked young blondes and maybe jeans and maybe feet, not sure that would change except if in an easy opportunity. This lady was charitable and helped people.
Also previously no fires.

The teacher
Someone on another site claims there is a link between Eva and a lady who was murdered in Walthamstow (1995), her bf was a plumber.

A photo of Lynne Weedon's killer appeared in the Hounslow Chronicle, maybe we should look for that.
The other lady I know of, Christine Mcgovern, also doesn't have a thread on here and also seems very different from the other victims.

I can't help thinking this other case (With the plumber husband) was solved as Wikipedia lists all the unsolved / cold cases and I don't think I can think of another female in the Walthamstow area.

Edited for clarification
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The other lady I know of, Christine Mcgovern, also doesn't have a thread on here and also seems very different from the other victims.

I can't help thinking this other case was solved as Wikipedia lists all the unsolved / cold cases and I don't think I can think of another female in the Walthamstow area.

Her killer may have knelt on her back while strangling her.
Joy Hewer has no thread on here. First time I have heard the 999 call, does not sound like he just committed a murder, sounds stoned as he's forgetting everything as soon as he's told. Sounds local with the accent, did he say axe instead of ask? That is often a West Indian Brit thing.

I can't see the enhanced security footage of the person going into or was it out of her flat?

Anyway I can't see how this is linked to the others considering she's nothing like anyone else and yes a lot of time has passed but surely if he liked young blondes and maybe jeans and maybe feet, not sure that would change except if in an easy opportunity. This lady was charitable and helped people.
Also previously no fires.
Started new thread..
Her killer may have knelt on her back while strangling her.
I don't think we have had anyone strangled, our unknown killer here seems to like bludgeoning with a heavy object and slashing/stabbing. Thus I am hesitant with women strangled/choked. Not rigid on his M.O as there are differences between those we know, however usually killers stick to certain styles, styles of victim, styles of murder.

As previously stated also, IMO often if something appears easy then I think some people will veer off what they usually go for and take a chance. Also as this killer aged and wasn't as strong, maybe he wasn't as picky. Still this lady is completely different in many ways to our other ladies.
Started new thread..
Thank you
I don't think we have had anyone strangled, our unknown killer here seems to like bludgeoning with a heavy object and slashing/stabbing. Thus I am hesitant with women strangled/choked. Not rigid on his M.O as there are differences between those we know, however usually killers stick to certain styles, styles of victim, styles of murder.

As previously stated also, IMO often if something appears easy then I think some people will veer off what they usually go for and take a chance. Also as this killer aged and wasn't as strong, maybe he wasn't as picky. Still this lady is completely different in many ways to our other ladies.
Sometimes serials change it up. Bundy liked bludgeoning, but cut the throat of his last victim. Sutcliffe bludgeoned then stabbed most of his, but killed a few by ligature strangulation. I'm not saying for sure rule her in, but don't rule her out either.

Sometimes serials change it up. Bundy liked bludgeoning, but cut the throat of his last victim. Sutcliffe bludgeoned then stabbed most of his, but killed a few by ligature strangulation. I'm not saying for sure rule her in, but don't rule her out either.

Yep, I try not to be too rigid. It's just lots of things are different, not just the style of murder.

I've looked at unsolved cases in the decades surrounding the 1970s and there really are slim pickings for anything near to matching and yet there in the 1970s.
What about Jean Bradley (1993) and Penny Bell (1991)? They were stabbed to death.
What about Jean Bradley (1993) and Penny Bell (1991)? They were stabbed to death.
Jean Bradley is suspected as being murdered by Robert Napper, the photofit and description look and sound like to him. Napper is known for sudden blitz attacks and loves knives. The murderer was chased for quite a bit and had no trouble evading the person chasing him, you'll find a good reconstruction on Crimewatch and it was probably Prof Wilson made a programme where they argued the point quite well. I think they covered Penny Bell on there too but I can't recall what they thought. Some things seem like they're right but it's necessarily so.

All these ladies in the 1990s really seem off his type, but what do I know *shrug*
What about Jean Bradley (1993) and Penny Bell (1991)? They were stabbed to death.

It's really worth a watch. They made a new e-fit / identikit of the person stabbing Jean with the person who chased him and looked him face to face. Then compared it to other images made up of Napper when he was committing rapes and murders, it reminds me of the many images of Sutcliffe and the Golden state killer, what Prof Wilson does is what I have been doing, looking at the things they have in common.
Anyway I recommend watching the Crimewatch reconstruction also.
What about Jean Bradley (1993) and Penny Bell (1991)? They were stabbed to death.
I am reviewing Penny Bell as I need reminding of the details. I also see the police have done a review since I last looked at it.

There's a much older Crimewatch reconstruction that they sample here. I think one of the things considered was blackmail.
I am reviewing Penny Bell as I need reminding of the details. I also see the police have done a review since I last looked at it.

There's a much older Crimewatch reconstruction that they sample here. I think one of the things considered was blackmail.
Active Ws thread..
Had been thinking the same thing and meant to comment, glad you mentioned it.
Coincidentally in pic posted upthread by jojojaja, the street name is even LYNDhurst! imo

It's really worth a watch. They made a new e-fit / identikit of the person stabbing Jean with the person who chased him and looked him face to face. Then compared it to other images made up of Napper when he was committing rapes and murders, it reminds me of the many images of Sutcliffe and the Golden state killer, what Prof Wilson does is what I have been doing, looking at the things they have in common.
Anyway I recommend watching the Crimewatch reconstruction also.
I think whoever killed Penny was known to her. May even have been a contract killing.

Also our guy didn't do blitz attacks, he was sexually motivated and attempted rape when women were unconscious rather than just killing them. (Hmm that's a thought, he didn't appear to do that with Eve). The fact the guy not only stabbed her multiple times but then went round to the drivers side to stab her through the window sounds personal. Our murderer didn't even make sure Lynne was dead.
This also sounds too showy and public for him, daylight, having to exit covered in blood, possibly in a suit, driving around infront of witnesses with the victim. Our guy seemed much more cautious.
I'm reproducing this here as some people may be following this discussion of possible linked murders and not be looking at the individual threads of the ladies mentioned. I have posted a few pieces on the Sally Shepherd thread yesterday, ongoing, this one was of particular interest as in all the articles saying Sally visited friends in Essex before making the journey home, I was imagining far away, when it was close enough for it to be negligible to mention it was Essex not London (I think it's classed as Redbridge now and North East London, no longer Essex). It was Woodford, which is where Lynda Farrow was murdered and Woodford underground station where Sally caught the train home is only a few stops from Leytonstone Station (same line) where Eve Stratford exited on her short walk home, murdered not long after getting home.
Lynda Farrow, despite the proximity and similarities to Eve, should really be ruled out as recovered DNA from stored evidence would have matched up to anyone on file otherwise, it's just such a huge coincidence.
Sally's attack is very similar to Lynne Weedon's.
Like with many of these cases police alternate between some of the same theories as us, with Sally they have said they think someone followed her from the bus, also that they think someone or some people in passing car followed her (they go between a very strong individual or more than one person, because of the physicality of her attack). So this unknown part puts the police in the same position as us. This is why they try to find as many witnesses as possible to fill in the timeline and know what people were seen around her. The police were very disappointed with the lack of response.

I may be repeating some things, sorry.20230301_110057.jpg


The Daily Telegraph

London, Greater London, England. Monday, December 03, 1979

Wow, I have read so often that Sally left work at The New Vic, central London and went to visit friends in Essex, and for the first time I read hear that it was Woodford, and Woodford is where Lynda Farrow was murdered, it's a stone's throw from where Eve Stratford was murdered (who was murdered by the same person as Lynne Weedon, attacked and killed in a similar manner to Sally), Eve had caught the central line home from central London to Leytonstone Station which is only two stops from Woodford on the central line, which is the station Sally was escorted to by friends to catch a tube home. Sally exited on Tottenham Court Road to catch a bus to Peckham.

Also Sally was 5ft 6" according to this, the same height as Eve Stratford. (As well as also being blonde and attractive like the others we've linked).

In this it says police believe it may have been two men. In various press releases at the time I have searched, they usually write that police believe it is either someone very strong, or two men. In Lynne Weedon's case the police believed it was someone very strong. This is for the way the body of each young lady was moved around while unconscious and therefore a dead weight, plus in Sally's case the energetic furosity of the physical attack after rape.
I'm not sure if I am missing something here, but I don't know why there is no DNA as Sally was raped, even though all they did then was check bodily fluids for blood group, often exhibits were kept and could be retested as new techniques became available, so I don't understand where the DNA is.

I don't recall any witness reports of anyone following Sally from Woodford or onto or off the bus. The bus conductress mentioned people or a car she noticed in the area when Sally got off the bus, but not of anyone following Sally, it is an incredible coincidence.

Sally's clothes were left in the same arrangement as Lynne Weedon's, pants and jeans removed and upper clothing pulled up under the chin, exposing her breasts.
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Recently i have found that after creating a post and hitting the reply button, it works best to pause a second, then ''refresh' site by pressing ''watched threads'' at which time the post will then show up. Hope that makes sense
Recently i have found that after creating a post and hitting the reply button, it works best to pause a second, then ''refresh' site by pressing ''watched threads'' at which time the post will then show up. Hope that makes sense
I'll try that, took me ages to delete contents and wasn't sure whether I should report my own posts. Embarrassing.

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