GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #10

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Helen and Boris, your light fills the room. Your voice on News, photos of you and Boris. Boris and you together whilst he leaps for a titbit from your fingers.
Your light fills the room in your generosity towards your new partner and his Sons. Moving to Royston was such a huge shift of plan, but your heart took you there.
You allowed a whole arena within Hartwell Lodge - bless you in your light, when it was so much that you weren't used to but you accommodated.
You gave light to a weak man in giving him a status from nada to glory.
You light my heart in your words but I shall return to a darkened place tonight, reflecting on the deception you endured whilst choosing rings, a silent murderer standing beside you.
But Helen - you glitter in gold with your words and indeed your choice of future rings with a man you loved. I want to respect that love you felt. It is YOUR choice darling to make a happy future for you and others.
I am so sorry you did not really take some time away to separate love from any instinct. I can't believe, Helen you did not have doubts xx You are much too clever in emotional intelligence - or did you choose to ignore your deep instincts because you had found a degree of happiness that seemed impossible ever to hope for again xx Sleep tight Helen and Boris .. no need to answer such questions.
No, she wasn't a witness. I'm bothered mostly by her having a televised interview about the private thoughts one of her clients who is now deceased - does she not claim to offer any confidentiality or discretion?? And on top of that, she is saying that Helen would have noticed if anything was amiss, and that IS was considerate and loved dogs. She's speaking about a man who murdered his partner (ultimate act of inconsiderate behaviour) and killed his family dog! Clearly Helen didn't notice something was amiss unless there's some alternate version of events that she is referring to!

I've been catching up and handing out random thanks - but these apply to all of you here xxxx

The life coach / bereavement coach still makes me see red. How is it possible that she utterly lacks self awareness? Not one grain of those famous lessons learned or future warnings ... nothing.

If you do not have a clue, please stay out of the coaching business. Don't mess with people's lives. Simply admit that you were a friend of Helen's and not among the brightest of the pack.

This is what I wrote about it in thread #6. Shoulde anyone be in need of a life coach, or a marriage counsellor, I recommend mr Stuart Trimmer.

A similar thing happened to a friend of mine, though I always had my doubts and suspected that she used her therapist as an excuse. She was in the middle of a toxic divorce when her therapist - allegedly - encouraged her to contact the man who had been a lot of trouble in her marriage years before.
She still thought the world of him - and got into bigger problems with him than with the entire divorce.
It took her another therapist to tell her some home truths about her dream-turned-nightmare man.

IMHO the rule of thumb is not to start a new relationship too soon. That is the basic red flag and no therapist should ignore it. Meet people if you feel like it, but keep all things relationship out of it.

Nowadays hardly anyone goes into official mourning anymore, but such period, (including staying away from the internet) has certain merits.

Telling a vulnerable person who has just lost her husband that she stands to lose another man is bad counselling IMHO.
If IS had been The One, he would have allowed her time.

Prosecutor Trimmer has a better eye for red flags:


Trimmer: “You knew there was all sorts of advice given on those websites about how widowers meet people.”

Stewart: “Yes, anyone could go and have a look.”

Trimmer: “How would people take advantage in this situation?”

Stewart: “Widowers are very vulnerable at that time in their lives. They could be confused”

Trimmer: “Widowers with a lot of money, might they be a target?”

Stewart: “Yes. It is suggested people are to be careful and just get to know people.”

Trimmer: “When was it from your first conversation with Helen Bailey and when you were intimate with her?

Stewart: “A month or so.”

Trimmer: “Were you surprised it was so quick?”

Stewart: “No”.

Trimmer: “It wasn’t long before financial conversations were contemplated, moving house and so on.”

Stewart: “Yes”

Trimmer: “You tell us you never fell out with her at all, ever, and you always thought this would end in a wedding.”

Stewart: “Not when we first met.”

Trimmer: “You tell us it all went very well.”

Stewart: “Extremely well.”

BBM & Red

Again, IMHO, a counsellor should be aware of this too ~ but we do not know what was said, only what HB told.

Counsellor Shelley Whitehead appears blissfully unaware of all the red flags and Helen Bailey paid the highest price.

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