GUILTY UK - Helen Bailey, 51, Royston, 11 April 2016 #9

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So, it looks as if Flint is in headless chicken mode - running hither and thither and throwing all sorts of c*rp into the melting pot. A lot of which has been denied by IS, debunked by Strimmer or is just plainly untrue (Broadstairs sighting for example plus the 'spotted on afternoon of 11th in the rain').

My question, as a newbie, can the judge refute any of this ***** in his summing up? It scares me how much the jury might be taken in. Next thing Flint will be telling us that Helen did it herself and pulled the cess pit cover back in place over her and Boris. We have jokingly postulated that this could be part of the defence. Never in my wildest dreams did I think Flint could sink so low. Am so, so angry - there just might be a laptop whistling through a window here in sunny Hampshire soon!
I am not worried in the slightest cotton. This is completely and utterly laughable.

I feel exactly the same Tortoise. I am much more relaxed now I am listening to this utterly unbelievable rubbish. All it is doing is tightening the noose not loosening it imo.

[FONT=&quot][h=3]No electronic 'footprint' for Helen[/h]“There’s no electronic footprint for Helen shown in our timeline at all for 1,2,3,4,5 of April. “Nothing on April 9 or 10 either. “Is Helen’s deliberate poisoning just another guess by the prosecution? “If Helen was smothered, the instinct would be to struggle, to fight back.
“So when it was suggested to Stewart, it seemed to be put that Helen was at her desk, at her iPad on April 11, him not having the opportunity to kill on over the weekend, and that Monday morning he crept up behind her and smothered her with a pillow?”

[FONT=&quot][h=3]No proof pillow case was linked to death[/h]“Nobody had any idea when that pillowcase did get into the cess pit, nor how it got in there or where it come from. “Whether it was connected to Helen Bailey being placed in the cess pit at all.
“Jamie and Oliver did not report a pillowcase missing. Did the police ever bother to compare the pillowcase from the cess pit with any other pillow cases found in the Baldock Road house?
“You’ve heard no evidence at all that such an exercise be undertaken. Why could that pillowcase not have originated from anywhere else? Joe’s house, Nick’s house? There’s no proof it was linked to Helen’s death at all.”
Nah. Put it out of your mind. He is toast.




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This whole trial has very conveniently confirmed that IS asked his doctor for drugs he never took. Not in 2005, 2010 or 2016. This is how he stockpiled them. And he only managed to get them prescribed after the first doctor's mistake, based on his previous prescriptions.

[FONT=&quot][h=3]Nothing found to suggest a struggle - defence[/h]“There’s cushions galore in that house, why bring a pillow from upstairs to downstairs? “Where is that pillow, that the pillowcase matches? “He had to get rid of the duvet, because that apparently was used in the killing, but what happened to the murder weapon itself - a pillow?
“Is that still there in the house? Why did this pillow not go to the tip, as the duvet did? “Nothing has been found to suggest a struggle has occurred.
There were no marks on Helen’s body, no evidence of Helen clawing at Stewart’s face, no evidence of Stewart’s skin being found under her fingernails.”
Hair sample evidence

Dr Piper said: “With hair samples, Zopiclone takes four weeks to show. If ingested orally a drug is normally detected in the blood, then the liver, then the urine sample.
“If someone ingests Zopiclone, it will not be detectable in the majority of the population after a very short period of time - within the blood you’re normally talking within a number of days.
“However with the hair, the drug becomes embedded into the hair shaft. Every human head hair has a bulb with it’s own blood supply, and then the hair shaft. As the hair grows from the bulb any drugs in the body will be passing through the blood and will be incorporated into that hair shaft in small quantities. “That drug will stay in the hair shaft until it is cut off.”

Dr Piper said: “The body samples [from Helen’s body] were all analysed for drugs, each of them analysed for cannabis, cocaine, amphetamine - no drugs of this nature were found in these sample types.
“Each of these body samples were also analysed for prescription drugs - and Zopiclone was detected.
“In addition the chest cavity fluid was found to contain paracetamol. The level of this was low and negligible really - below the concentration you’d expect to have a therapeutic effect.
“With the zopiclone, it was barely detected in the muscle tissue sample [from Helen’s body] - it was a very low concentration. “The liver specimen detected a concentration found to be below a toxic level, to the point where it starts to have a negative effect on the body.”

Hair sample shows drug ingested on more than one occasion'
“Drug finds in hair have to be interpreted very carefully. What we can say is that if a drug is found over a given concentration, that it’s indicative or more than a single ingestion event, and that is what we have in this particular case.” The hair specimen was 35cm in length and analysed in four segments. This allowed us to concentrate on a timescale of early January 2016 through to early March 2016. “We have a three month time period here, so we can see if a drug has been administered over multiple occasions and what sort of time period. “The segment closest to the scalp had a significant concentration of Zopiclone present - as you move further away from the scalp the levels drop, but the drug was detected in all four segments of hair.”

Zopiclone ingested more than once during three-month period'
“There was a very small quantity of the drug in the scalp segment, but this was above the quantity of being a single one off event [of the drug being ingested].
“This piece of hair gives an indication that zopiclone has been ingested more than once during this three month time period.
“The findings would suggest that zopiclone has been ingested in more than one occasion, due to the concentration of the drug we detected.
“I cannot state or suggest quantities taken or dates taken other than this approximate [three month] time period.”

Cannot confirm whether drug was taken by Helen knowingly or not'
There are now questions from the defence.
Dr Piper admitted that he can’t confirm whether the drug was taken [by Helen] knowingly or not. Hair is assumed to grow at 1cm a month, that is the recognised average, jurors are told. Dr Piper has admitted that all his answers are based on the assumption that Helen Bailey died on April 11, 2016.
Earlier sample could be 'axial diffusion'
A very low level of Zopiclone was found in Helen’s hair from early December 2015 - but this could be due to ‘axial diffusion’, he added.
This 'defence' is laughable. I suppose he has to stand up and say SOMETHING...after all he wants to collect his hefty pay cheque at the end. Trying to keep a cool head here and trust in the strong prosecution case and the absolute absurdity of IS's Mickey Mouse stories...

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I can't even read this rubbish from flint. Such a load of pie

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i completely agree Snoop. It is literally making my blood boil and I feel ANGRY!!!!
I followed the Ross Harris case and I was convinced that he did it on purpose but I never thought that the jury would agree on guilty on all charges. That was such a surprise and the right verdict so now I believe in jurors intelligence and that they want to do a good job of getting it right....I am still nervous thought.

At least he's working for his money I spose.

[FONT=&quot][h=3]Helen 'active' not drugged[/h]“If Helen had been drugged, it doesn’t appear to have been taking much effect at the time the Crown say she was killed, shortly after 11am on April 11.
“On this morning Helen had been active on her computer from 8.16am until 9.28am. “She also made a call to the solicitors at 9.04am.
“Was she asleep? No. Drowsy? Under the knockout influence of Zopiclone? Unlikely, because the next thing we know is that Helen is out walking Boris.”

[FONT=&quot][h=3]Helen was looking at wedding planning site[/h]“Helen was clearly not drugged, falling over. “From 10.06am until 10.58am Helen is on the computer, not in bed, not passing out, collapsing, falling asleep.
“At 10.58am the last thing she’s looking at was the proposers thing on Twitter - a website relating to wedding planning. “Helen was still planning their wedding.
It’s not a website for how to leave your partner, how to get out of an abusive relationship.”
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