UK - Hillsborough, Inquest into the deaths of 96 people at the FA Cup semi-final game, 1989 mistrial

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Summary of the medical issues around the day, and how events are now managed.

In any major disaster, adequate triage must be carried out, to identify those in urgent need of attention. This may have a marked effect on morbidity and mortality.

Sadly, it seems that triage at Hillsborough was non-existent.Or, rather, those able to adminster it were stuck outside.

Whose bright idea was it to cage fans up in the first place?
In any major disaster, adequate triage must be carried out, to identify those in urgent need of attention. This may have a marked effect on morbidity and mortality.

Sadly, it seems that triage at Hillsborough was non-existent.Or, rather, those able to adminster it were stuck outside.

Whose bright idea was it to cage fans up in the first place?

The issue was that back then the stand was divided into standing "pens" so to speak. Inadequate distribution of fans across the available pens resulted in fans at the front of (pen 3 I think, I need to confirm) getting crushed against the fencing designed to stop fans running onto the pitch. English football stadiums are no longer standing, however ridiculously only late last year fifa were considering allowing standing areas in stadiums again.

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Is this normal for a trial?

I can see that they worry with all the press coverage and the upsetting footage that it might bias the jury too much. But then if the footage is edited, will that later be thrown up as a reson to disregard the trial?
'The Cabinet Office has launched an investigation into claims that insults which were sent to the victims and families of the Hillsborough disaster were sent from government computers....text on the Wikipedia page of the disaster had been changed from computers within Whitehall...'

'Families' shock and anger over revisions including "Blame Liverpool fans" and "You'll never walk again" made from machines in departments including Treasury and Culture, Media and Sport....sickening revisions to the site began on the 20th anniversary of the 1989 tragedy..'
BBC Radio news just said that Labour shadow Health Minister Andy Burnham (who has been heavily involved in seekeing justice for victims) will be given access to all parts of the inquiry.

(Link to info about Burnham)

However, a Cabinet spokesman also said that it's going to be very difficult to trace who made those insults - because although they think 'only one or two' people are responsible, the Government servers are 'shared by thousands' and it was 'also five years ago'.

I am not inspired by confidence myself, that the UK Government doesn't seem to have the means to account for who is using its private networks and when. In fact, I'm not even sure that can be correct at all.

I'll post a link for the radio news as soon as it gets into print somewhere.

ETA: Here you go. Maybe the government should ask Oliver Duggan of the Liverpool Echo for help - they're the ones who traced the IP addresses from Wiki, back to Whitehall intranet servers. I am sure the Liverpool Echo would be only too happy to help.

For US posters - Whitehall is the heart of the UK Government.
Its been heartbreaking hearing the families but I'm so glad finally they have the mums a born and bread scouser and was devastated when this happened.she hates the 'sun' for what they screamed to be the mum nor us kids will ever look at let alone buy that rag
Tickets for Michael Nyman's Hillsborough Memorial symphony went on sale today. It takes place July 5th in Liverpool Cathedral. There is one in the morning just for families of victims, and another in the evening for members of the public, where tickets cost £10.

I've seen it a bit late though, so they're probably all gone by now.
A minister has promised the investigation into hateful posts from government computers 'will be rapid'........we'll see.

All 96 victim tributes/impact statements have been read now. I would like to cover them all but I think it will cause this discussion thread to grind to a halt. I'll see if I can open a separate thread where all the victims in this case, and their stories, can be covered.
Its been heartbreaking hearing the families but I'm so glad finally they have the mums a born and bread scouser and was devastated when this happened.she hates the 'sun' for what they screamed to be the mum nor us kids will ever look at let alone buy that rag

I remember the media coverage well, but I can't recall anyone who believed it (at least anyone who actually read the papers/watched TV.) Because at the same time as writing rubbish, they all ran pictures that showed fans being crushed, and other fans just trying to help them.

The only people who seemed to take those reports at face value were ministers who never had time to actually read or see them - they were just 'briefed' by people who had, and then made soundbite comments which they have all come to regret. In my opinion.
Yesterday, the jury was shown footage of a crush that happened in 1981 at Hillsborough, eight years before the 1989 tragedy where so many people were killed. It started in the same place - the Leppings Lane end.

In the 81 incident, during a Spurs and Wolves match, fans were allowed (and even helped by police) to climb over the barriers and sit on the pitch. Still, many people suffered injuries, including serious ones like broken arms.

You can see the ones who escaped onto the pitch in the pic.

Because of this, Hillsborough wasn't used for FA Cup finals again until 1987.

I'm not sure what, if any, improvements were made inbetween times. But I know one of the 1989 victims had been to the ground the previous year, I think? And when he heard the final was going to be held there said, 'Oh no,' because he'd been caught in a crush there then, too?

It was in one of the relative's testimonies that I posted.


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Frankly, I'm amazed no-one ever faced manslaughter charges over this disasterous debacle.

But I suppose I shouldn't say any more....
Senior fire safety officer (at the time) Ron Grimshaw, says everyonewas concerned that Hillsborough's safety cert was so out of date in 1989, though it was still 'valid'???

He says he was never informed there had been a 'crushing' incident in 1981, just that there was 'an incident'.

"...It was just the planning side of it that had gone awry....everytime I think they looked at it, something else happened."
Here is a picture -on the left - of the headlines the paper ran in 1989, when Newman was managing editor. The right hand side shows what the paper said 23 years later.....

ETA: There was never a single shred of evidence for ANY of the allegations the newspaper made on that day. Just the opposite, in fact. Fans tried their best to help each other, despite insurmountable obstacles.


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Here is a picture -on the left - of the headlines the paper ran in 1989, when Newman was managing editor. The right hand side shows what the paper said 23 years later.....

ETA: There was never a single shred of evidence for ANY of the allegations the newspaper made on that day. Just the opposite, in fact. Fans tried their best to help each other, despite insurmountable obstacles.

Was The Sun ever sued for printing all of these lies? TIA
Was The Sun ever sued for printing all of these lies? TIA

No. It never named anybody specifically so it would have been very hard. The paper was at its strongest then too - politicians were terrified of it.

But it did lose - financially, because many people stopped buying. More importantly, I believe trust in the publication was irreparably damaged and it is reaping the rewards of that now. Many staff of the publication are on trial now for phone hacking, but I think the downfall began long ago, with Hillsborough.

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