UK - James Bulger, 2, abducted & murdered, Merseyside, 12 Feb 1993

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How is it that people can view photos of murder victims (Travis Alexander, Nicole Simpson etc.) on websites, but yet there is not one picture of these killers on the internet. Trust me, I've looked for photos of Venables and Thompson as adults. There is nothing there. Why are they soooooo protected. This guy is a danger to society. I want to know what he looks like in case he ever crosses my path. Not because I want to kill him, but I want to protect myself.
How is it that people can view photos of murder victims (Travis Alexander, Nicole Simpson etc.) on websites, but yet there is not one picture of these killers on the internet. Trust me, I've looked for photos of Venables and Thompson as adults. There is nothing there. Why are they soooooo protected. This guy is a danger to society. I want to know what he looks like in case he ever crosses my path. Not because I want to kill him, but I want to protect myself.

There was a court injunction granted by the High Court in 2001 preventing publication of anyone's picture with the claim that they are Jon Venables or Robert Thompson. This was granted after the police investigated death threats against them from various quarters and found them to be credible. The reason it was granted is to protect not only T and V from being murdered but also any other young man who could be mistaken for one of them, or falsely accused of being one of them.

The penalty for Contempt of Court in the UK is up to two years in prison and an unlimited fine. I suppose you're not finding pictures of random 31 year old men with the accusation that they are T or V because Dominic Grieve, the current Attorney General, has already prosecuted people for breaking it and has announced his intention to continue doing so if necessary.
There was a court injunction granted by the High Court in 2001 preventing publication of anyone's picture with the claim that they are Jon Venables or Robert Thompson. This was granted after the police investigated death threats against them from various quarters and found them to be credible. The reason it was granted is to protect not only T and V from being murdered but also any other young man who could be mistaken for one of them, or falsely accused of being one of them.
The penalty for Contempt of Court in the UK is up to two years in prison and an unlimited fine. I suppose you're not finding pictures of random 31 year old men with the accusation that they are T or V because Dominic Grieve, the current Attorney General, has already prosecuted people for breaking it and has announced his intention to continue doing so if necessary.

This makes sense.
I am sick to death of this and the people protecting him. Well not protecting him, but protecting themselves because his "rehabilitation" HASN'T WORKED and cost god knows how much of the tax payers money. He has already murdered a child, been released and sent back to prison for child *advertiser censored*. God only knows what else he has been up to that no one knows about. This guy is still a ticking time bomb. I think everyone knows what,eventually is going to happen. Then someone is going to have to be held responsible for his actions.

One of Jamie Bulger's killers was rehoused to a bail hostel just a few yards from a children's play ground, it has been claimed.

Jon Venables, 31, was released from prison in August this year with a fourth new identity after being hauled back to prison in 2010 for possessing child *advertiser censored*.

But now it's been claimed that authorities housed him in a bail hostel somewhere in the north of England, a short distance from a playground, to prepare him for life in the community.

The revelation provoked fury from Jamie Bulger's father.

this has made my blood boil!!!!
I don't believe for one second that Jon Venables was ever housed in a bail hostel. And nobody else who's been paying attention to the facts rather than the tabloid version would believe it either.

I think the Daily Mail has made enough profit off James Bulger's back really. Time for them to find another grieving family to exploit.
Another man sentenced for breaking the anonymity order. I notice the sentences are getting harsher too.....

A man who tweeted images purporting to be of James Bulger's killer Jon Venables as an adult has been given a 14-month suspended prison sentence.

The term, suspended for 15 months, was handed down at London's high court for a flagrant contempt of court on the part of 27-year-old security guard James Baines. Baines, who is from Liverpool and close to the Bulger family, will also have to pay £3,000 in costs.

Meanwhile in the phone hacking trial of Rebekah Brooks and Andy Coulson, it has emerged that the NoTW paid Glen Mulcaire thousands of pounds to try and track down Thompson and Venables after their release...

The News of the World private investigator Glenn Mulcaire was paid at least £13,500 to research the two schoolboy murderers of James Bulger the year they were to be released from prison, the Old Bailey heard.
UK police have brought prosecutions in several cases recently, where abuse has been tweeted at victims or their families, so I'm confident they'll find and charge this one.

It will be interesting to find out who it is - some of those tweets are disturbing. If the twitter's name is not released, I know what I will start to think.....
They never should have been named publically in the first place IMO. Juveniles as young as ten usually aren't named no matter what crime they've committed, and when the judge made an exception in this case it simply resulted in a campaign of demonisation by the tabloid press which placed their lives in danger. The tax payer then had to fork out for new identities to restore the anonymity which most juveniles already have.

It would have been better to have handled it the same way as the more recent case in Doncaster where the judge barred the press from naming the two children. They're both up for parole next year, and I bet if they get released you'll hear virtually nothing about it.

I don't agree. At 10, a child knows the difference between right and wrong. I would agree if there was an accident, but to brutally beat or torture a small child to death requires a level of depravity that, IMO, they won't grow out of. They are a danger to society and people should be warned as to their whereabouts.
I don't agree. At 10, a child knows the difference between right and wrong. I would agree if there was an accident, but to brutally beat or torture a small child to death requires a level of depravity that, IMO, they won't grow out of. They are a danger to society and people should be warned as to their whereabouts.

People have no way of knowing the whereabouts of the San Francisco crucifix killers who committed an equally brutal murder when they were children, nor the whereabouts of Mary Bell who committed two murders when she was a child. People will have no way of knowing the whereabouts of the Doncaster Two, who brutally beat and sexually assaulted two younger boys when they were ten and eleven themselves.

The same rules should apply to the Bulger killers as to other children who have committed similar crimes.
UK police have brought prosecutions in several cases recently, where abuse has been tweeted at victims or their families, so I'm confident they'll find and charge this one.

It will be interesting to find out who it is - some of those tweets are disturbing. If the twitter's name is not released, I know what I will start to think.....

Jon Venables is the subject of a Sexual Offenses Prevention Order which monitors his internet activity and bans access to social media. He could be recalled to prison for even browsing on twitter.

If Robert Thompson wanted to torment Denise Fergus he has a perfectly legal means to do so by suing News International for their stalking, phone hacking activities. When Ms Fergus was all over the tabloids saying how much pain it would cause her to see one of her son's killers being awarded compensation, Thompson responded by issuing a statement through his solicitor that he had no intention of suing. That doesn't sound to me like a man who wants to torment James's mother.

A man has been jailed for stalking the mother of the murdered toddler James Bulger.

Howard Wilson, 56, was jailed for 26 weeks by district judge Mark Hadfield, who also made him the subject of an indefinite restraining order that bars him from ever approaching Denise Fergus, her husband or her three sons.

Wilson, who appeared in the dock at Sefton magistrates court wearing a mauve tracksuit and trainers, smiled as the sentence was passed. He told the judge: “Thanks for giving me what I want.”
Jon Venables, one of the infamous killers of toddler James Bugler, is back in jail after being caught with child *advertiser censored*.

The 35-year-old was arrested last week after officials making a routine visit to his home discovered the 'sickening' images on his computer and alerted police...*advertiser censored*.html
I wonder how many chances they're going to give this guy before they finally lock him up for good.

I think that rough justice may be the only way this country will ever be safe from this beast.

Denise Bulger (now Fergus)

'If I'd turned right instead of left, I'd have saved his life': James Bulger's mother reveals her biggest regret as she relives every shattering moment of her son's murder for the first time 25 years on

Friday, February 12, 1993, a freezing cold winter’s day, started just like any other with no hint of what was to come.

This case is one of the most unfathomable atrocities ...ever.

I don't know how Denise has been able to endure, knowing what her poor baby boy went through at the hands of those two vile MFers - one of which has become, as an adult, a serial criminal pedophile *advertiser censored* offender.
He needs to be put away forever.

And for a little extra info, from a couple of months ago:
Yes, been complete torture for Denise, and it just carries on. I know Venables and Thompson were very young when they committed this crime but personally I don't think parole should even have been considered until they had reached their mid 30s at least and only if they showed real signs of rehabilitation. The sentence did not reflect the gravity of the crime. And there doesn't seem to be much evidence that people with psychopathic tendencies can be rehabilitated. I think Venables has had enough chances to regain a normal life and he has made choices that show he cannot be trusted, maybe not ever. He should return to custody for an extended period of time.

I wonder if you added up the resources that Thompson and Venables received and what help Jamie's family received what the tally would be. Pretty uneven I would be willing to bet. What I do hope is that these two boys and other children who show such sadistic violence are meticulously studied and documented and that this is eventually published. We need to know more about what goes wrong with them so perhaps we can intervene earlier and prevent these tragedies.

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