GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #1

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Yes, I totally see what you're saying. I've been feeling the same way about the flimsy alibi and the time it took him to dial 999. I do keep leaning towards him and the police really aren't encouraging the public to look elsewhere. They're saying he's not a suspect, but at the same time, aren't asking the public if Jo was seen with anyone else either at the supermarket, at the booze shop, or at the flat.
Hi - I've just joined this forum :)
This case is intriguing.
I think the LE are on to the killer and carefully drip feeding info to guage the reaction of someone whilst building a case - jmo.
I find it interesting that in the CCTV footage of Miss Yeates buying the pizza at Tesco, there is a man standing nearby making a purchase - he has not been edited out to focus on her as I might have expected.
Later images of Jo's boyfriend show him in similar clothing - not the same but nonetheless I did a double take when I saw it.
I wonder if Greg Reardon's alibi will stand up to any sort of scrutiny at all....?
As for an opportunist killer - If she was killed inside the apartment, why would the killer risk taking the body away? Far better to just make a hasty exit...
As for abduction from the apartment - I think not.
The only person who would remove Jo Yeates PLUS a pizza/pizza box from that apartment would be someone who had handled it/shared it with her and that person would not have been a stranger.
The constant reference to the search of the CCTV footage of the Clifton Suspension Bridge to search for clues is baffling and a decoy methinks - there are more ways to reach the place where her body was found rather than via the bridge.
Interesting that The Sun are now saying there was a half drunk bottle of cider found at the apartment - true? Drunk by whom?

Hi - I've just joined this forum :)
This case is intriguing.
I think the LE are on to the killer and carefully drip feeding info to guage the reaction of someone whilst building a case - jmo.
I find it interesting that in the CCTV footage of Miss Yeates buying the pizza at Tesco, there is a man standing nearby making a purchase - he has not been edited out to focus on her as I might have expected.
Later images of Jo's boyfriend show him in similar clothing - not the same but nonetheless I did a double take when I saw it.
I wonder if Greg Reardon's alibi will stand up to any sort of scrutiny at all....?
As for an opportunist killer - If she was killed inside the apartment, why would the killer risk taking the body away? Far better to just make a hasty exit...
As for abduction from the apartment - I think not.
The only person who would remove Jo Yeates PLUS a pizza/pizza box from that apartment would be someone who had handled it/shared it with her and that person would not have been a stranger.
The constant reference to the search of the CCTV footage of the Clifton Suspension Bridge to search for clues is baffling and a decoy methinks - there are more ways to reach the place where her body was found rather than via the bridge.
Interesting that The Sun are now saying there was a half drunk bottle of cider found at the apartment - true? Drunk by whom?


I read in the Sun article that there were TWO bottles of cider in the flat, one of which was half finished... Of course,it's not known if Jo bought both of them for herself.

One thing I wonder about : If LE took the BF's laptop and phone to look at, and said it was "routine ", why didn't they also examine his car ? MOO

they havent really released enough info for me to make any real opinions.....I too suspect BF until I have reason to believe otherwise. He says he called & texted her over the weekend and she never replied which "wasnt unusual". I find that very unusual, esp over here with everyone glued to their mobile 24/7 I think if my hubs was away for the weekend and we didnt speak the whole weekend I found find that quite unusual indeed!

To the poster who'd asked: LE does indeed say people are not suspects when they truly are, it's to keep them talking/prevent them fleeing etc while the case is built. the fact the police have said he isnt a suspect yet they've still got his laptop and mobile phone makes me wonder....until I hear more evidence to the contrary. for example, the missing pizza...but we're only now hearing about the cider? was it present in the flat or not!?
Joanna Yeates was strangled, confirm police as they say boyfriend is 'witness and not a suspect' in murder investigation

Witness to what? The condition of the flat?
Guys, there's a twist. The landlord saw Jo leaving the flat at 9pm with two people. What on Earth?! Now I'm really baffled! I'm assuming the police have known this all along. What was the point in focussing on the coat, keys, and purse? Did she willingly leave without them? Or is this evidence that was dismissed early on but the media's decided to leak it because there's nothing new to report? I believe that happened over and over again with the McCanns...
I would like to hear more from the landlord about seeing Jo leave with two men.
I think I've read everything, but I may have missed this - Did they say if the autopsy revealed anything about her stomach contents. It would be interesting to find out if she ate any of the pizza or not. Or is this the type of info LE will keep to themselves?
Yup. Same here. It might not have been her at all. Sky's just found ott this bit of info and decided to release it. I'm assuming the police knew about it all along.
They didn't mention autopsy results except to say cause of death.
Apparently, the door was examined before but it will be taken to a lab for further examination.
I would like to hear more from the landlord about seeing Jo leave with two men.

Is it two men or two people? Hmm... Regardless, it's odd. Seems most killers do not go around in pairs. And it seems likely they may be the killers since these 2 people have not come forward. Could be a pair of guys she met (or 1 guy she met and he brought a friend along), one guy stayed and the other left, and then trouble happened.

I agree the boyfriend seems a bit sheepish, but it really doesn't seem likely he's the killer since the 2 mystery people haven't come forward (if they were her friends or companions and they went out for the night and left her safely at the end of the evening).
Just two people. Landlord apparently seemed a bit reluctant to speak to the media, and said that he had told the police. So, basically, this is news to us, but the police have known all along. Landlord reckons it was possibly Jo (he doesn't know), and that she left the flat with two people at 9pm. It doesn't make sense though. Either the sighting's already been dismissed, or there's more to it! There's still the problem that Jo left without keys, her coat, or her purse, and left the half drunk cider there but not the pizza or its wrappings.

I know the police are doing their job, and we're only getting bits and pieces because it's none of our business etc etc, but I can't help but be really intrigued by all this. Are other people finding themselves going round and round in circles?
Just watched the interview with the landlord. I think he's embarrassed - Sky's exaggerated his claims. He just saw three people. Doesn't know who they were. He reported it to the police, and says he doesn't want to discuss it with the media. Good for him. Sky's been a bit out of order I think.
Here's Daily Mail's take on the landlord's story et al.:

Murdered Joanna's landlord says he thinks he saw her leave flat with two people on night of her disappearance

Murder victim Joanna Yeates may have left her flat with two people on the night she disappeared, it was claimed today.
The landscape architect's landlord has told detectives he saw three people leaving her property on December 17.

Chris Jefferies, 65, spotted the trio shortly after 9pm – not long after Miss Yeates, 25, arrived home alone – as he parked his car in the street.

He reported the sighting to police and they confirmed they are examining the evidence.
Another resident from the same block who lives on the top floor, said: 'He saw people coming out after dark as he was parking his car.

Geoffrey Hardyman, 78, added: 'I don't think he was really paying any attention but just assumed they were from Joanna's flat.

'He didn't know if they were male or female. It was after about 9pm and he thought they must have been her with friends, or just friends of hers.'
Miss Yeates also bought two bottles of cider on the night of her vanishing - prompting speculation that at least one may have been for her killer.

Security images from the Bargain Booze store in Clifton show her buying the 330ml bottles for around £4 before heading home.

The bottles were found in her flat after she disappeared, one of which had been opened and half consumed.

more at link above

and the Guardian's:

Joanna Yeates could have left flat with two people
Sky News is saying just before 9pm. From that article, the landlord isn't sure if they came out of Joanna's flat. Thank you for posting that.
A few questions to be asked.

The b/f came home at 8pm? I think?, found his girlfriends keys, mobile phone, and coat.
Seeing that evidence he must then know she is locked out of the flat, she had’nt phoned him to say I m locked out, what time will you be home as I have got locked out, so alarm bells must be ringing, but he did’nt report her missing until 12 am, had he been ringing around friends before reporting her missing, had he rung her parents to see if she was staying there? or at friends, had she given anyone a spare key just in case she got locked out.

Why would J/Y go out without her keys?

She would go out with her parents if they had a spare key.
She would go out with her B/F as he would have keys.
She would go out with her landlord as he would have a spare key.
She would go out with a friend who kept a spare key.
Or she may have just forgotten her keys, but then she would be phoning to make arrangements to find a spare key to get back in.

The latest news that she left with two other people, there was no mention of a struggle, so did these people have a key, or did she have a gun pointed at her back?.
[FONT=&quot]Just some things to think about. [/FONT]
I think I would now be re-examining the statement of Joanna's friend to whom she spoke BEFORE going to the 2nd Supermarket that evening, Tesco, to buy the pizza. (I find the whole 2 supermarkets thing more than weird - why bother going to TWO when she could have bought her meal in the first one? She must have loved that kind of pizza a lot! - or maybe the content of a phonecall made her go get the pizza?) Perhaps she had arranged to meet her friend and another later on - hence 3 people leaving the apartment - that's if the landlord is correct - he seemed a little unsure and Sky were not letting his uncertainty get in the way of a good story.

I've seen the exact pizza in Tesco - I think it's rather large for one person to eat.

As for leaving the apartment without keys. No way would anyone do this in a city IMO, unless they were with someone who had keys to enable her to get back in later - or if 'taken' in which case the landlord would have seen a struggle.
Confused... I am....

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