GUILTY UK - Joanna Yeates, 25, Clifton, Bristol, 17 Dec 2010 #11

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Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased UK - Joanna Yeates, Clifton, Bristol, 17 December 2010 - #3

UPDATED list of persons in discussion list:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - Found Deceased UK - Joanna Yeates Clifton, Bristol, 17 December 2010 - #11

Terrific discussion and sleuthing so far - an incredible amount of work has been done by a good many talented WSers. Welcome to those new to the case! Excellent links to information from media abound within the threads; familiarizing yourself with the case will enhance your understanding of the case discussion.












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Please post media articles, timelines, maps, here. No discussion here - only information.


Hoorah! Thanks Salem.

And, for the first time in weeks, Sky's look at tomorrow's newspapers produces no mention of new Yeates articles, though I'm sure there will be - just not splashed across the front page.

And greetings again to all the thread mainstays, and an encouragement to WS guests to sign on and favor us with your thoughts on the matter.
THE man accused of strangling Jo Yeates had never been arrested before, it was revealed yesterday.
VT was of “good character” in his native Holland and the UK.

Prosecutors at VT’s bail hearing successfully applied to remand him in custody pending his trial for the murder of 25-year-old landscape architec

But they did not suggest there was a risk of him offending or that he was a danger to the public.

Prosecutor Ann Reddrop told Bristol Crown Court: “To be fair to him he is a man of good character both in this country and, as I understand, in Holland.

“The grounds for applying for a remand in custody are failing to surrender and interfering with the course of justice.’’

VT’s lawyer Paul Cook did not make a bail application but is free to do so at a later date.

Mr Justice Treacy adjourned the case until a preliminary hearing on Monday and remanded VT in custody.
The Sun provided a bit of inessential - but interesting, if true - info today:

VT, 32, is furious that police seeking evidence have taken away his specs for forensic tests.

Officers gave him a replacement pair but the Dutchman complained they were poor quality and he could not see who was speaking to him at the hearing.

VT family spokesman PV said: "He was taken to court as almost a blind man."
The Sun (again):

Tabak jail switch over attack fears

Vincent Tabak had spent less than 24 hours in jail in Bristol before the 30-mile switch to Gloucester.

A source told The Sun: "It was decided to move him for his own good. There are a lot of local people in Bristol Prison and he could have been at risk because feelings locally are running high."

The switch took place after Tabak, 32, made his second court appearance in two days. Prosecutor Ann Reddrop formally applied for the bespectacled Dutchman to be remanded in custody by Bristol Crown Court. Lanky architectural engineer Tabak did not apply for bail. He looked pale and tired, and has not yet entered a plea.

a bit more at link above

Tabak Jail Switch Over Attack Fears

THE man accused of murdering Jo Yeates was moved to a different prison yesterday amid fears for his safety.

Vincent Tabak had spent less than 24 hours in jail in Bristol before the 30-mile switch to Gloucester.

A source told The Sun: "It was decided to move him for his own good. There are a lot of local people in Bristol Prison and he could have been at risk because feelings locally are running high."

Family of Jo Yeates murder accused Vincent Tabak to fly to Britain to see him in jail

he Tabak family&#8217;s spokesman, Paul Vermeij, said they want to make sure he is coping in jail. He said: &#8220;They haven&#8217;t decided who will go across as they are all professional people but they want to see him, of course.&#8221;

Tabak, from Eindhoven, was too terrified to leave his cell on his first night in prison, after a court appearance on Monday.

Any ideas why:

1. NUA did not request bail?

2. Why his GF did not show up in court twice for his appearances?

Jo Yeates murder: Vincent Tabak not bailed

"I shall not grant Mr Tabak bail as there has not been a bail application. Mr Tabak will be remanded into custody until the next hearing, which is the preliminary hearing on January 31.


Tabak&#8217;s girlfriend has said she will stand by him and swears that he is innocent.
Any ideas why:

1. Tabak did not request bail?

2. Why his GF did not shi=ow up in court twice for his appearances?

Interesting indeed VT did not apply for bail - perhaps because he would have no place to go - 44 Canynge Road being out, and friend EW's place certainly as well? I would assume he would not be allowed to leave the country if he were bailed.

As for GF, I'm almost convinced that the couple had broken up and she was coaxed back aboard as a team solidarity thing after VT's arrest.

As always, not sure of anything though!
Hoorah! Thanks Salem.

And, for the first time in weeks, Sky's look at tomorrow's newspapers produces no mention of new Yeates articles, though I'm sure there will be - just not splashed across the front page.

And greetings again to all the thread mainstays, and an encouragement to WS guests to sign on and favor us with your thoughts on the matter.

Oh Brilliant wfgodot, we got a new thread, and your right, its very quiet on the Western front, so we will wait for things to come....
And thanks to Salem too for all the hard work.:tyou::eek:fftobed:
I think at this point what I'm wondering most is when (if?) CJ will have his status as a suspect dropped.
Any ideas why:

1. Tabak did not request bail?

2. Why his GF did not show up in court twice for his appearances?

Hi Patticake

Re: the two questions above

I've been left to draw my own conclusions
As for GF, I'm almost convinced that the couple had broken up...

Her father and one of NUA's sisters have both stated they are still a couple. Do you really dispute that? ;)

Ukers, I am getting the impression that our NUA is not being defiled by the public or media over there. Isn't that unusual in a murder case?

Very odd for the Prosecutor to say: “To be fair to him he is a man of good character both in this country and, as I understand, in Holland."

How long till he gets a dream legal team from London to represent him, I wonder? I'm thinking his present solicitor will only be doing the preliminaries.

Anyhow, it's good to have a new thread. I admittedly had a bit of withdrawal today but got loads of work done.

As the case stands at this point in time it is mostly based on speculation, but something (we do not know what) seems not right about this prosecution. It could be the lack of DNA evidence. It could be the lack of a confession of guilt. It could be that the murder was not legally murder and is in fact manslaughter. There are just so many anomalies and what ifs.


He has particular expertise in sexual offences, having prosecuted and defended in rapes, sexual assaults, child *advertiser censored*, child abduction and internet grooming offences. In particular, he is very familiar with representing the interests of young, vulnerable and special-needs witnesses and defendants. Paul additionally conducts trials involving the supply of class A drugs, offences of violence and dishonesty, and is frequently instructed to prosecute multi-defendant cases. He also represents local authorities in applications seeking Public Interest Immunity in respect of Social Services files. He has been junior counsel in cases involving a range of offences.
Incidentally, as there have been a number of questions over the Yeates threads regarding the role of dogs in the search for JY (the last being, I think, if cadaver dogs would be able to hit on the scent of a frozen body), I would like to draw attention to a new WS thread started by sarx, a verified WS expert on the matter (and with help from the equally qualified Oriah, and others), as a resource for such questions:

K9 SAR Questions & Answers - Ask the Pros! - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community
Any ideas why:
1. NUA did not request bail?
2. Why his GF did not show up in court twice for his appearances?

I have been wondering exactly the same things. I also wonder why his glasses were taken as evidence?
Her father and one of NUA's sisters have both stated they are still a couple. Do you really dispute that? ;)

Anyhow, it's good to have a new thread. I admittedly had a bit of withdrawal today but got loads of work done.

I've little doubt they are now "a couple" but am wondering if there were not an interregnum in their "couplehood," so to speak. Perhaps? Also, as Patticake states above, it was a bit odd that gf was not in court.

Agreed heartily about withdrawal symptoms, not only in my case but I'm sure in the cases of many - and once again let me praise the thread for superb analysis and discourse, at their best of course when deployed in a crisp and friendly manner.
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